Vegreville Woman
Honored For Work
VEGREVILLE — A fitting climax
to her experience as a vice-president
of the Associated Country
Women of the World, was the
surprise received by Mrs. E. E.
Morton in the form of a Coronation
Medal, forwarded through
diplomatic channels from Ottawa
by command of Her Majesty,
Queen Elizabeth II, the citation
stating " To be worn in commemoration
of the Coronation."
Mrs. Morton modestly admitted
many happy years of association
with the work of the Woxr. ens
Institute, of which organization
she is a past national president,
and expressed her regret at having
to sever the tie of vice- president
of the Associated Country
Women of the World, at a convention
held in Toronto l a st
month, relinquishing the nomination
for a second term as Canadian
Recalling recent memorable experiences'
in Ontario. Mrs. Morton
stated that she was happy to accept
the honor, not for anything
that she had done personally, but
rather " as a symbol of acknowledgement
for the splendid work
1 done through the years by the- w; o-
! men of Canada."