For Conveners & Executive •
W. I Convene
The Gray Nun Regional Centre was the
home for approximately fifty members of the
Alberta Women's Institute Executive,
Directors and the Constituency Conveners
from January 20th - 23rd inclusive. The
Workshop was an extensive study of the
factions that will enable our members to do
their best in their communities. Norma
Farquharson, the keynote speaker gave a
seminar on ' Communicating Assertively' to
all those convenors and anyone who joined
for the afternoon. Aileen Kritzinger, an
A. W. I, member, gave an enlightening class
on ' Writing a Resolution'. This also included
the parlimentary procedure in presenting
resolutions. Shirley Myers, Head of Home
Economics Branch, Alberta Agriculture,
A Workshop
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told the ladies of how their department can
always be of assistance in their branch
meetings, handicraft judging and as an
information bureau. ' Effective Speaking' by
Sharon Bazant of St. Albert was a highlight.
It does not matter when we speak, but it
taught us how to always be ready to meet the
challenge. The Provincial Education
Conveners of the A. W. I. presented their goals
and accomplisments in a panel.
These workshops are held once a year for
the executive and conveners, but their
expenses were paid through a grant from the
Wild Rose Foundation this time.