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MR5. W. S. MELLIS Mabel G. Fleming was born i n Manitoba on May 25, 1893. Shortly after she was born the family moved to Great F a l l s, Montana, where they l i v e d u n t i l she was twelve. Returning to Canada they bought a farm near Lacombe. After completing her education, she taught at Lacombe, at Rocky Mountain House where she was the f i r s t teacher, and at Rimbey where she taught the f i r s t High School class. On January 15, 1919, she married S i n c l a i r M e l l i s , a f a r mer l i v i n g three miles north of town. They have three childrent Mary Grinde, the eldest, has six children and l i v e s on a farm six miles north of the M e l l i s farm. The second g i r l passed away i n 1936 ( Margaret). The only son, Thomas, i s married and farms the home farm ( has two children). Mrs. M e l l i s has a comfortable suite i n the large modern farm home. The Wooddale Women's Institute was organized i n the Wood-dale School i n May 1929 and Mrs. M e l l i s joined at the second meeting. She has attended over three hundred meetings and dozens of conferences and conventions. She has held most of the offices on the l o c a l l e v e l and has convened several constituency programs. Her interest has never flagged and she i s at present the President of wooddale W. I. branch. Mrs. M e l l i s has always been very active i n the Rimbey community. She was President of the Rimbey A g r i c u l t u r a l Society f or several years; is an ardent church worker and i s keenly interested i n the IT. P. P. program. She played a large part i n the establishment of the Rimbey Public Library. An effective public speaker, she i s an authority on the history of Rimbey. In recognition of her work i n the Women's I n s t i t u t e , and i n the l i f e of the community, her fellow Institute members of the Wood-dale W. I. presented her with a L i f e Membership on June 10, 1952.
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Transcript | MR5. W. S. MELLIS Mabel G. Fleming was born i n Manitoba on May 25, 1893. Shortly after she was born the family moved to Great F a l l s, Montana, where they l i v e d u n t i l she was twelve. Returning to Canada they bought a farm near Lacombe. After completing her education, she taught at Lacombe, at Rocky Mountain House where she was the f i r s t teacher, and at Rimbey where she taught the f i r s t High School class. On January 15, 1919, she married S i n c l a i r M e l l i s , a f a r mer l i v i n g three miles north of town. They have three childrent Mary Grinde, the eldest, has six children and l i v e s on a farm six miles north of the M e l l i s farm. The second g i r l passed away i n 1936 ( Margaret). The only son, Thomas, i s married and farms the home farm ( has two children). Mrs. M e l l i s has a comfortable suite i n the large modern farm home. The Wooddale Women's Institute was organized i n the Wood-dale School i n May 1929 and Mrs. M e l l i s joined at the second meeting. She has attended over three hundred meetings and dozens of conferences and conventions. She has held most of the offices on the l o c a l l e v e l and has convened several constituency programs. Her interest has never flagged and she i s at present the President of wooddale W. I. branch. Mrs. M e l l i s has always been very active i n the Rimbey community. She was President of the Rimbey A g r i c u l t u r a l Society f or several years; is an ardent church worker and i s keenly interested i n the IT. P. P. program. She played a large part i n the establishment of the Rimbey Public Library. An effective public speaker, she i s an authority on the history of Rimbey. In recognition of her work i n the Women's I n s t i t u t e , and i n the l i f e of the community, her fellow Institute members of the Wood-dale W. I. presented her with a L i f e Membership on June 10, 1952. |
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