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T W E N T Y - F I R S T PROVINCIAL CONVENTION 7 MINUTES OF THE TWENTY- FIRST CONVENTION OF THE ALBERTA WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Following: a meeting- of the Council, Conveners of Standing- Committees and Constituency Conveners, some three hundred and fifty delegates and visitors, representing Women's Institutes from Hines Creek to Milk River, assembled in the main dining room of the Macdonald Hotel, Edmonton, for the formal opening of the twenty- first Provincial Convention, on Tuesday, October 10th, 1939. Mrs. Wm. Stewart, President, and Mrs. M . L . Thompson, Vice- President, were the presiding officers. The session opened promptly at 1: 30 p. m. with the singing of " 0 Canada," followed by the Invocation and Creed led by Mrs. W. H . Fleming, of Alliance, who was the first Vice- President of the Provincial Organization. After expressing thankfulness that our Provincial President had been spared from her terrible experiences on the Athenia, Mi's. Thompson introduced Mrs. Wm. Stewart who welcomed the delegates, extended greetings and best wishes for a successful Convention and also expressed her gratefulness for being spared to meet with us. This was a happy beginning to a very happy Convention. His Worship Mayor F r y brought greetings from the City of Edmonton and congratulated the women on their punctuality. He told of the many places of interest in Edmonton, and invited the delegates to especially try to visit the two new stores, the finest in the west. A very sincere welcome and hearty greetings from the Edmonton Women's Institute were brought by the President, Mrs. A . H. Rogers, who also presented the Convention with a large basket of beautiful flowers from the local Branch. She expressed the hope that the Convention would be crowned with a full measure of success. Mrs. J . P. Ferguson, Trochu, Past President of the Alberta Women's Institutes, i n bringing greetings, stated that the work of our organization during her term of office, was that of building- up after a depression, but that now we were meeting under different conditions. She voiced the thought that the World War could not have been won without the Women's Institutes and that the best service that we can give during this war is to build up the back lines, SO' that the morale in the front lines may not waver. In bringing greetings from the kindred Provincial Organization of the I. O. D. E., Mrs. R. C. Marshall, President, first expressed gratefulness for Mrs. Stewart's safe return to Alberta. She told of the wonderful patriotic work done by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and of the number of boys and girls who have won scholarships awarded by her organization. Mrs. Scott, of Kinsella, replied very fittingly to these addresses of welcome. The following were appointed by the President to serve on the Resolution Committee: Mrs. C. Lynch Staunton, Lundbreck; Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Scollard, and Miss Vera Walker, Thorhild. On the Nomination Committee, the following were appointed: Mrs. T . McGarry, Drumheller; Mrs. B. Silverthorne, Bindloss, and Mrs. W. J.
Object Description
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Title | 1939 - Convention Report |
Subject | Convention; Report; AWI |
Description | Report of the Twenty-first Provincial Convention - 1939 |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811102 |
Date | 1939 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 9 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | T W E N T Y - F I R S T PROVINCIAL CONVENTION 7 MINUTES OF THE TWENTY- FIRST CONVENTION OF THE ALBERTA WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Following: a meeting- of the Council, Conveners of Standing- Committees and Constituency Conveners, some three hundred and fifty delegates and visitors, representing Women's Institutes from Hines Creek to Milk River, assembled in the main dining room of the Macdonald Hotel, Edmonton, for the formal opening of the twenty- first Provincial Convention, on Tuesday, October 10th, 1939. Mrs. Wm. Stewart, President, and Mrs. M . L . Thompson, Vice- President, were the presiding officers. The session opened promptly at 1: 30 p. m. with the singing of " 0 Canada," followed by the Invocation and Creed led by Mrs. W. H . Fleming, of Alliance, who was the first Vice- President of the Provincial Organization. After expressing thankfulness that our Provincial President had been spared from her terrible experiences on the Athenia, Mi's. Thompson introduced Mrs. Wm. Stewart who welcomed the delegates, extended greetings and best wishes for a successful Convention and also expressed her gratefulness for being spared to meet with us. This was a happy beginning to a very happy Convention. His Worship Mayor F r y brought greetings from the City of Edmonton and congratulated the women on their punctuality. He told of the many places of interest in Edmonton, and invited the delegates to especially try to visit the two new stores, the finest in the west. A very sincere welcome and hearty greetings from the Edmonton Women's Institute were brought by the President, Mrs. A . H. Rogers, who also presented the Convention with a large basket of beautiful flowers from the local Branch. She expressed the hope that the Convention would be crowned with a full measure of success. Mrs. J . P. Ferguson, Trochu, Past President of the Alberta Women's Institutes, i n bringing greetings, stated that the work of our organization during her term of office, was that of building- up after a depression, but that now we were meeting under different conditions. She voiced the thought that the World War could not have been won without the Women's Institutes and that the best service that we can give during this war is to build up the back lines, SO' that the morale in the front lines may not waver. In bringing greetings from the kindred Provincial Organization of the I. O. D. E., Mrs. R. C. Marshall, President, first expressed gratefulness for Mrs. Stewart's safe return to Alberta. She told of the wonderful patriotic work done by the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire and of the number of boys and girls who have won scholarships awarded by her organization. Mrs. Scott, of Kinsella, replied very fittingly to these addresses of welcome. The following were appointed by the President to serve on the Resolution Committee: Mrs. C. Lynch Staunton, Lundbreck; Mrs. Wm. MacDonald, Scollard, and Miss Vera Walker, Thorhild. On the Nomination Committee, the following were appointed: Mrs. T . McGarry, Drumheller; Mrs. B. Silverthorne, Bindloss, and Mrs. W. J. |
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