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2006 EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES OFFICERS — President— Marilyn Wattenbarger No. of Meetings 10 No. of Active Members 9 Life Branch Members 3 Ave. Attendance 8.3 No. Perfect Art. 3 Ave. No. Visitors .9 No. of donated hours 2,094 Book of Remembrance Honoree Vice- President— Faye Nicholson Secretary— Marion Brown Treasurer— Kathleen Lawrence Directors— Doris Warke Isabelle Beck Millie Munro Sunshine— Kathleen Lawrence Historian— Marion Brown Vera Jennette Pierce Educational Conveners - Branch Level Agricultural and Environment Education Handicraft Health Home Economics & Social Services International Affairs Faye Nicholson Ella Sawyer Doris Warke/ Teressa Greening Isabelle Beck Kathleen Lawrence Marion Brown MEMBERS: Isabelle Beck ( G), Marion Brown ( R), Lillie Clutton ( R), Teressa Greening ( B), Faye Nicholson ( T.), Ella Sawyer ( J.), Doris Warke ( J.), Marilyn Wattenbarger ( L) Branch Life Members: Kathleen Lawrence, Millie Munro, Vera Pierce ( E.) THEME: PINE LAKE W. I. CELBRATES 50 YEARS ALBERTA HOSTS FWIC CONVENTION IN RED DEER SPEAKERS and their TOPICS: Rave St. Denvs and Irene Joseph— Social Services— Shining Mountains Living Community Services of Red Deer. Supports the homeless in all segments of society. Doris Warke— Engaged all members in making heart shaped pot pourri sachets from paper doilies. Marion Brown— International Affairs— Central Alberta Rotary Clubs deliver 280 wheel chairs to the Philippines. Faye Nicholson— Agriculture and Environment— Agriculture must preserve our " natural capital" midst the hustle of the oil boom. Priscilla Riemer— Samaritan's Purse Christmas Boxes delivered to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Doris Warke— Handicraft— Displayed festive decorations and each member made an angel and a Rudolph Christmas decoration . AWI Newsletter— Information on Finland with emphasis on Turku, the oldest city in Finland. MINUTE REPORT TOPICS: Neuroblastoma Cancer Cells, Engineers without Borders, Kimako, Changing times in Agriculture, Wild Flower seeds make contain Noxious Weed Seeds. BRANCH Fund Raisers: Coffee Party, Stocking Fund, Catering to Funerals BRANCH AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AWI Membership Dues: $ 25.00/ member ( PLWI members pay $ 5.00) Thought for the Month sets tone for each meeting Fun Time - the responsibility or the hostess Secret Sisters names drawn for remembering birthdays and anniversaries Stocking Project continues with one dime for Jan., two for Feb., etc and allocated to the three levels of Women's Institutes— AWI, FWIC., ACWW
Object Description
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Title | Pine Lake History, 2000-December 31, 2007 |
Subject | AWI; Pine Lake Branch |
Description | Branch History |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811090 |
Date | 2007 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 168 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | 2006 EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES OFFICERS — President— Marilyn Wattenbarger No. of Meetings 10 No. of Active Members 9 Life Branch Members 3 Ave. Attendance 8.3 No. Perfect Art. 3 Ave. No. Visitors .9 No. of donated hours 2,094 Book of Remembrance Honoree Vice- President— Faye Nicholson Secretary— Marion Brown Treasurer— Kathleen Lawrence Directors— Doris Warke Isabelle Beck Millie Munro Sunshine— Kathleen Lawrence Historian— Marion Brown Vera Jennette Pierce Educational Conveners - Branch Level Agricultural and Environment Education Handicraft Health Home Economics & Social Services International Affairs Faye Nicholson Ella Sawyer Doris Warke/ Teressa Greening Isabelle Beck Kathleen Lawrence Marion Brown MEMBERS: Isabelle Beck ( G), Marion Brown ( R), Lillie Clutton ( R), Teressa Greening ( B), Faye Nicholson ( T.), Ella Sawyer ( J.), Doris Warke ( J.), Marilyn Wattenbarger ( L) Branch Life Members: Kathleen Lawrence, Millie Munro, Vera Pierce ( E.) THEME: PINE LAKE W. I. CELBRATES 50 YEARS ALBERTA HOSTS FWIC CONVENTION IN RED DEER SPEAKERS and their TOPICS: Rave St. Denvs and Irene Joseph— Social Services— Shining Mountains Living Community Services of Red Deer. Supports the homeless in all segments of society. Doris Warke— Engaged all members in making heart shaped pot pourri sachets from paper doilies. Marion Brown— International Affairs— Central Alberta Rotary Clubs deliver 280 wheel chairs to the Philippines. Faye Nicholson— Agriculture and Environment— Agriculture must preserve our " natural capital" midst the hustle of the oil boom. Priscilla Riemer— Samaritan's Purse Christmas Boxes delivered to Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Doris Warke— Handicraft— Displayed festive decorations and each member made an angel and a Rudolph Christmas decoration . AWI Newsletter— Information on Finland with emphasis on Turku, the oldest city in Finland. MINUTE REPORT TOPICS: Neuroblastoma Cancer Cells, Engineers without Borders, Kimako, Changing times in Agriculture, Wild Flower seeds make contain Noxious Weed Seeds. BRANCH Fund Raisers: Coffee Party, Stocking Fund, Catering to Funerals BRANCH AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES AWI Membership Dues: $ 25.00/ member ( PLWI members pay $ 5.00) Thought for the Month sets tone for each meeting Fun Time - the responsibility or the hostess Secret Sisters names drawn for remembering birthdays and anniversaries Stocking Project continues with one dime for Jan., two for Feb., etc and allocated to the three levels of Women's Institutes— AWI, FWIC., ACWW |
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