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50 A L B E R T A W O M E N ' S I N S T I T U T ES receive letters from correspondents in A u s t r a l i a , New Zealand. A f r i c a , India, Scotland. Ireland. Wales, England, from London and the counties, from Glasgow. Edinburgh, Dublin, from unpronounceable places in Wales, from Calcutta, Melbourne, Ladysmith. You never know where your return letter may come from. These letters arc often accompanied by picture- postcards and snapshots, by papers or the " Home and Country Magazine," or other interesting tokens of the work and aims of Women's Institutes. One correspondent received seeds of some native wild flower in A u s t r a l i a . What an interesting experiment it w i l l be to try g r o w i n g that plant here. And how often when one of these letters is being read in your Institute, you will see the eyes of some member shining w i t h joy as she tells you " that was my home !" Has your Institute become a L i n k of E m p i r e ? If not, I beg of you do not delay to send in your letter to the Hon. Secretary " L i n k s of Empire," B r i t i s h Empire Union, 180 P i c c a d i l l y , London. A n d I am confident that eventually our wide- flung " Links of E m p i r e" w i l l bring us i n satisfactory nunrbers just the kind of people we desire to make up the citizenship of our beloved Canada. Let our Immigration Agents henceforth be: A n honorable and undefiled reputation that Canada is a land where the pictured prosperity w i l l be fulfilled, or in other words, where every citizen may feel that he shall be able to make a living. Where newcomers arc welcomed w i t h k i n d l y interest and assistance. Where there are no lonely women's hearts, friendless and unvisited, in some out of the way place away from everybody, because wherever there is an Institute there w i l l be k i n d l y greetings. Where our numberless " L i n k s of E m p i r e " may work their silent magic in drawing together more closely all B r i t i s h people ( whether they are B r i t i sh by birth or by adoption), in cementing the bonds of union w i t h i n our wide Empire, and, by their letters of greeting and good will, in securing to all nations the strongest assurance possible of the preservation of world peace, because the heart and spirit of womanhood the world over are behind them. Mrs. Faulkner of Sylvan Lake reports Program outlines were sent to a ll 16 Institutes in her Constituency. A l l branches have V i s i t i n g Committees appointed. Splendid papers have been given. Roll Call answered by name of some noteworthy immigrant. Mrs. Burkholder. Bowden, reports: Interesting papers on Immigration. Discussion from the three points as suggested in Outline. Mrs. Hirst. Aldcrsyde, reports: A l l newcomers are invited to Institute meetings Held weekly entertainments as a means of entertaining a number of men employed ill a gravel pit in the district. A miscellaneous shower was given for a member whose husband was t a k i n g up a homestead. Through Links of Empire, helping to make arrangements and getting advice for a new settler coming from England. And although, as Mrs. H i r st says.." This is a very settled part and there are few n ew settlers coming," yet I think they have managed to do quite a lot.
Object Description
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Title | 1931 - Annual Convention |
Subject | Convention; Report; AWI |
Description | Report of the Seventeenth Annual Convention held May 19 to 22, 1931 |
Language | en |
Format | application/pdf |
Type | text |
Source | Alberta Women's Institutes |
Identifier | awi0811100 |
Date | 1931 |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Title | Page 52 |
Format | application/pdf |
Source | AWI Collection |
Collection | Alberta Women's Institutes - Collective Memory |
Repository | AU Digital Library |
Copyright | For Private Study and Research Use Only |
Transcript | 50 A L B E R T A W O M E N ' S I N S T I T U T ES receive letters from correspondents in A u s t r a l i a , New Zealand. A f r i c a , India, Scotland. Ireland. Wales, England, from London and the counties, from Glasgow. Edinburgh, Dublin, from unpronounceable places in Wales, from Calcutta, Melbourne, Ladysmith. You never know where your return letter may come from. These letters arc often accompanied by picture- postcards and snapshots, by papers or the " Home and Country Magazine," or other interesting tokens of the work and aims of Women's Institutes. One correspondent received seeds of some native wild flower in A u s t r a l i a . What an interesting experiment it w i l l be to try g r o w i n g that plant here. And how often when one of these letters is being read in your Institute, you will see the eyes of some member shining w i t h joy as she tells you " that was my home !" Has your Institute become a L i n k of E m p i r e ? If not, I beg of you do not delay to send in your letter to the Hon. Secretary " L i n k s of Empire," B r i t i s h Empire Union, 180 P i c c a d i l l y , London. A n d I am confident that eventually our wide- flung " Links of E m p i r e" w i l l bring us i n satisfactory nunrbers just the kind of people we desire to make up the citizenship of our beloved Canada. Let our Immigration Agents henceforth be: A n honorable and undefiled reputation that Canada is a land where the pictured prosperity w i l l be fulfilled, or in other words, where every citizen may feel that he shall be able to make a living. Where newcomers arc welcomed w i t h k i n d l y interest and assistance. Where there are no lonely women's hearts, friendless and unvisited, in some out of the way place away from everybody, because wherever there is an Institute there w i l l be k i n d l y greetings. Where our numberless " L i n k s of E m p i r e " may work their silent magic in drawing together more closely all B r i t i s h people ( whether they are B r i t i sh by birth or by adoption), in cementing the bonds of union w i t h i n our wide Empire, and, by their letters of greeting and good will, in securing to all nations the strongest assurance possible of the preservation of world peace, because the heart and spirit of womanhood the world over are behind them. Mrs. Faulkner of Sylvan Lake reports Program outlines were sent to a ll 16 Institutes in her Constituency. A l l branches have V i s i t i n g Committees appointed. Splendid papers have been given. Roll Call answered by name of some noteworthy immigrant. Mrs. Burkholder. Bowden, reports: Interesting papers on Immigration. Discussion from the three points as suggested in Outline. Mrs. Hirst. Aldcrsyde, reports: A l l newcomers are invited to Institute meetings Held weekly entertainments as a means of entertaining a number of men employed ill a gravel pit in the district. A miscellaneous shower was given for a member whose husband was t a k i n g up a homestead. Through Links of Empire, helping to make arrangements and getting advice for a new settler coming from England. And although, as Mrs. H i r st says.." This is a very settled part and there are few n ew settlers coming," yet I think they have managed to do quite a lot. |
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