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Alberta Women's Institutes District One Zella Pimm, Director District Three Gloria Coates, Director W doing. e held two very well supported Constituency Conferences. Each had one branch with all its members in attendance. I was very pleased to see this as this is how members get a closer feeling for what we are The Alberta Convention followed closely and was once again a success. A great group of women give their time to improve life for others and also receive fellowship for themselves. Business, reports, entertainment and fellowship were shared. During the business we learned that our President Phyllis Kosik cannot complete her term of office due to ill health. In support of her decision the Council all moved up to complete the term of office. Proper elections will be held in 2008 as previously planned. Entertainment and fellowship cheered us on to do what had to be done for those less fortunate. Kelly Buelow, cowboy poet from Mirror recited his cowboy poet stories. These were so interesting and the lady who recited her poem were a great challenge to us all. District Two and their leader Olga Brown sang us a fun song. The hotel fed us well and gave us great accommodations. Since our convention in Camrose eleven women from Alberta attended the ACWW Conference in Turku, Finland. I was pleased to be able to attend once more and meet with women from all over the world. Hearing their stories of need is sad but a great way to understand all is not well for everyone. Now it is September and the beginning of a new term for all WI Branches. I hope your gardens, crops and summer achievements have been great. Can we all now look at the needs of others and pull our communities together. The high price of gas will be a concern for many. Is there a way for us to intervene? We must go to work, get to school, the store and the doctor. Is there no mode but the horse to get us where we need to go? What can we do to change this? Members we have to overcome many challenges, and this is just one more. Please send me your ideas. wi M Glendale WI Cancer Drive Florence Oberhofer, Janet Kelly Coordinators H o p e t o n Louder, President of the Bearspaw Lion's Club presents a cheque to Janet Kelly towards the Glendale WI Cancer Drive 2007. The total amount collected this year was $8,908! Congratulations Glendale on a job well done! wi a n y interesting events have taken place since my last report. Ridgewood Women's Institute held their 60 t h Anniversary on March 24, 2007. There was a nice display of artifacts and the entertainment was great. On March 31, 2007 I had my District Workshop. The speakers were awesome. I a t t e n d e d t h e Wi l d Rose Constituency Conference in Cremona and also the Yellowhead East Constituency Conference in Mannville in April. Stettler and Ohaton Constituencies joined together for their conference in Camrose and Ma-Me-O Wetaskiwin also had their Constituencies Conference in April. All events had great speakers and entertainment. Angus Ridge celebrated their 90th Anniversary in May at the Wetaskiwin District Museum. What an appropriate venue to hold this event. A Council Meeting was held on May 13 & 14 during the Alberta Women's Institutes Convention. The Convention followed and I would like to thank the branches that sent a total of 104 items for the tin can raffle draw! A profit of $580.00 was made. Pennies for Friendship raised $257.73. The wishing well raffle brought in $41.45wi 4
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Title | Page 4 |
Language | en |
Transcript | Alberta Women's Institutes District One Zella Pimm, Director District Three Gloria Coates, Director W doing. e held two very well supported Constituency Conferences. Each had one branch with all its members in attendance. I was very pleased to see this as this is how members get a closer feeling for what we are The Alberta Convention followed closely and was once again a success. A great group of women give their time to improve life for others and also receive fellowship for themselves. Business, reports, entertainment and fellowship were shared. During the business we learned that our President Phyllis Kosik cannot complete her term of office due to ill health. In support of her decision the Council all moved up to complete the term of office. Proper elections will be held in 2008 as previously planned. Entertainment and fellowship cheered us on to do what had to be done for those less fortunate. Kelly Buelow, cowboy poet from Mirror recited his cowboy poet stories. These were so interesting and the lady who recited her poem were a great challenge to us all. District Two and their leader Olga Brown sang us a fun song. The hotel fed us well and gave us great accommodations. Since our convention in Camrose eleven women from Alberta attended the ACWW Conference in Turku, Finland. I was pleased to be able to attend once more and meet with women from all over the world. Hearing their stories of need is sad but a great way to understand all is not well for everyone. Now it is September and the beginning of a new term for all WI Branches. I hope your gardens, crops and summer achievements have been great. Can we all now look at the needs of others and pull our communities together. The high price of gas will be a concern for many. Is there a way for us to intervene? We must go to work, get to school, the store and the doctor. Is there no mode but the horse to get us where we need to go? What can we do to change this? Members we have to overcome many challenges, and this is just one more. Please send me your ideas. wi M Glendale WI Cancer Drive Florence Oberhofer, Janet Kelly Coordinators H o p e t o n Louder, President of the Bearspaw Lion's Club presents a cheque to Janet Kelly towards the Glendale WI Cancer Drive 2007. The total amount collected this year was $8,908! Congratulations Glendale on a job well done! wi a n y interesting events have taken place since my last report. Ridgewood Women's Institute held their 60 t h Anniversary on March 24, 2007. There was a nice display of artifacts and the entertainment was great. On March 31, 2007 I had my District Workshop. The speakers were awesome. I a t t e n d e d t h e Wi l d Rose Constituency Conference in Cremona and also the Yellowhead East Constituency Conference in Mannville in April. Stettler and Ohaton Constituencies joined together for their conference in Camrose and Ma-Me-O Wetaskiwin also had their Constituencies Conference in April. All events had great speakers and entertainment. Angus Ridge celebrated their 90th Anniversary in May at the Wetaskiwin District Museum. What an appropriate venue to hold this event. A Council Meeting was held on May 13 & 14 during the Alberta Women's Institutes Convention. The Convention followed and I would like to thank the branches that sent a total of 104 items for the tin can raffle draw! A profit of $580.00 was made. Pennies for Friendship raised $257.73. The wishing well raffle brought in $41.45wi 4 |
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