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s £)' „ " Axj!¥'i Wvf't-?WtA-4 -- "jrtlf VJ-T- V 4? ft(Y' Jvi'f-- - 5f{~ JM " $! I 70th Anniversary Finnish Organization Finnish immigrants came to Canada in small numbers prior to 1880 Since then many have made Canada their home They numbered 15497 by 1911 43885 by 1931 and 59346 by 1961 One of the major orga-nizatio- ns active in the Finnish community was the Finnish or-ganization of Canada Faced with the grim realities of life in a new and sometimes hostile land the in 'sisu' (courage fortitude inner strength) compelled him to assert his mastery over his destiny Se-ven- ty years is a long time in the short recorded history of our country In fact it is over 23 of the time since Canadian Con-federation We are extremely proudofthe fact that the FOC has vveathered the trials and tribulations of the past seven decades and at the same time made a modest social and cultural contribution to the greater Canadian community Our community is made up of pioneers vvorkers farmers and middle-clas- s people professio-nal- s and small shop-keepe- rs We people of Finnish origin have an old saying: 'Maasta se pienikin ponnistaa' — Iiterally translated: 'Even the smallest pushes forth from the soh" We believe this applies to our Ms Kääntykää silloin ystävien paasta taman voikean ajan ylitse Tällaisina aikoina me ymmärrämme INTERCITY venerable old organization An idealistic attempt to found a Utopian Socialist So-ciety was made at what became known as Sointula — Haven of Harmony— on Malcolm Is-la- nd eighty years ago in 1901 The Finnish vvorkers and in-tellect-uals established the 'Ka-levan Kansa' Colonization company on the principles of common ownershipof property A fev years later another attempt was made at Vebsters Corners —calling themselves 'Sammon Takojat' loosely translated— forgers of the vvilderness Both attempts later failed The Sointula effort did establish Canada's first Finnish language press 'Aina (Time) and various books and pamph-let- s Local societies Islands of Finnish culture vere establish-ed vvherever there vvere con-centratio- ns of Finns Among the earliest locales were To-ronto Nanaimo BC Port Arthur Ontario Copper Cliff and Vancouver The cultural center haali (hali) was always built first where dances vvedd-ing- s funerals dramas vvere staged orchestras & choirs rehearsed gymnastic clubs performed— a Finnish motto being 'A healthy mind in a healthy body' The hali became Menestystä ja onnea juhlivalle kulttuurijärjestölle! Kun Kaikki tuntuu tyhjältä me välitämme Kun oku rakkaistanne poistuu iäisyyteen menetystä seuraa usein epätoivon tunne aKL£B'JS!!E EVEREST FUNERAL CHAPEL It!?! puoleen loilta saatte voimaa Thunder Bay Ontario ALAN G GARDINER JW (BILL) ELLIOTT ALLAN J NIEMI 299 VVAVERLEY STREET THUNDER BAY ONTARIO TELEPHONE: (807) 344-112- 1 "A Caring Service" Tervehdimme CSJ:n jäseniä ja kannattajia arvokkaana juhlavuotena! SssasEEtä- - kivi-- muiögstsas-j- a imnsmu3 tesös&a INTERCITY SHOPPING PLAZA PUHELIN 345-14- 17 ILTAISIN 623-37- 21 of the of Canada the major center of the Finnish community social political as well as cultural and intellectual life In 1901 the Finnish Society of Toronto also circulated a handwritten nevvspaper or 'nyrkki-leht- i' called Toivo (Ho-pe) Already back in 1 92 1 there vvere 50 functioning branches vvhen there vvere only 21000 Finnish-Canadia- ns in Canada In the years to come it reached its' zenith vvith 80 local branc-hes and 96 halls over a dozen sports fields including tracks and even three cemetaries The only existing hali in BC is Sampo Hall There are several in Ontario Our nevvspaper Va-paus (Liberty) novv Viikkosa-nomat —(Weekly News) has consistently defended the rights of Canada's vvorking people since it's inception in 1917 For 12 of those years Vapaus vvas a a daily paper Also published vvas the literary vveekly paper 'Liekki' (Flame) for over 30 years Perhaps the greatest cultu-ral-linguis- tic contribution vvas the staging of over 3500 plays 1234 and 5 act and even full length Opperettas in the Fin-nish and English languages but mainly in Finnish Over 100 of these plays vvere vvritten by Finnish-Canadia- ns Aku Päi-viö one of our most prolific authors vvrote 1 1 books and even a full length opperetta 'Aika' (Time) Added to this cultural activity vvas the orga-nization of numerous sports clubs vvhich varied from gymnastic teams track and field vvrestling soft-ba- ll to lacrosse teams vvhich operated from the halls and facilities vvhich they provided From its' inception the FOC has taken the position that they vvished to be a full part of the Canadian vvorking-clas- s movement This vvas clcarly ex-press- ed back in 1905 by A W Mquist vvhen he said: 'We Finns did not have to be here long before vve savv that the English-speakin- g Canadians vvere not too friendly to immi-grants arriving in Canada They asserted that vve had come to seducc the employers cut down vvages of the other vvorkers This was not so We therefore vvanted from the very beginning to show that we wanted to be part of the Canadian Socialist movement Born in those stor-m- y formative struggles our organization and it's forerun-ner- s left an indelible mark on the Socialist Party of Canada the Social-Democrat- ic party of Canada the independent la-bour party the one big union and the workers party of Ca-nada (Later the Communist party) The FOC vvas a significant part of these early movements as the majority of members in the Socialist party in the 20's and 30's were Fin-nish immigrants In 1923 the organization vvas fully constituted as an SSjflPI S j&v#3!S$g f{#g f & Menestystä ja onnea juhlivalle ' I I kulttuurijärjestölle! I I toivottaa f OAWSON'S I kemiallinen pesula ! x lf D NOPEA PALVELU — PYSÄKÖINTI ASIAKKAILLE f f D KORJAUKSIA O KOTIINKULJETUS ! i t f "Siisti asu on arvokasta pääomaa" ) £ I I 229 Camelot St Thunder Bay Ontario I Tervehdimme juhlivaa CSJ:ta 314 Bay independent cultural-educatio-n- al organization Shedding their political affiliations by no means meant that they were or ever vvould be indifferent to the vvorking-clas- s movement The record shows that through the years the organization has unstintingly supported popular causes such as for unemploy-me- nt insurance benefits old-ag- e pensions and starting pensions at 65 medicare plans workmens compensation be-nefits shorter work-day- s and work-wee- ks higher vvages and improved working conditions against child-labo- ur and many important social reforms We can be proud that our halls and many individual members played an important role in pioneering work of the trade union movement of Ca-nada in the woodworkers uni-o- ns of both Eastern and Western Canada The Miners unions in Ontario and British Columbia the carpenters union particularly in Northern Onta-rio Going back to the news-pap- er 'Aika' in Sointula with its' demise there vvere no Fin-nish language newspaper's in Canda except in Nanaimo until the appearance of 'Työkansa' (Vorking Folk) about 1907 This vvas published by the Fin-nish Publishing Co of Port Art-hur Ontario It later failed until 'Vapaus' (Liberty) vvas founded in 1917 published in Sudbury Indeed Vapaus became so successful that it published se-veral periodicals and books This led to the incorporation of Vapaus Publishing Co Ltd in 1935 Atits'peakofpopularity in the 1 930's it vvas published as a daily for 12 years Also published in 1935 vvas the literary vveekly paper 'Liekki' (Flame) for over 30 years Many of the books published vvere political others vvere pub-lished for their literary merit or informative value such as a Finnish edition of Stephen Leacock's Sunshine Sketches and translations of statutes and other documents In its heyday Vapaus Publishing Company did job-printi- ng operated a juhlavuotenaan (1911-198- 1) H I© siraiiiif St Thunder Bay Ontario 70-vuo- tis onnittelumme CSJ:lle! iAASTOI Suomalainen miesten vaatetusliike Puhelin 345-501- 2 294 Bay St Thunder Bay Ontario travel agency and money-exchan- ge maintained a book and stationery store in Sudbury established branches in Port Arthur Toronto Montreal and elsewhere Vapaus along with the FOC provided expertise and assistance to various Fin-nish co-operati- ves In 1947 Vapaus & Liekki were replaced by 'Viikkosanomat' a weekly publication which is still pub-lished The paper has consis-tently defended the rights of Canada's working people since its' founding in 1917 Throughout its' existence the FOC encouraged and co-ordina- ted the cultural activities of its' locals It sponsored play-vvriti- ng and drama compet-ition- s sports and musical fes-tiva- ls vvorks of history poetry and other literature They vvere also a vehicle for the expression of a unique Finnish Canadian culture and a training ground for many talented people vvho enriched Canada's multicultu-ra- l society When the World vvas threa-tene- d vvith the rise of fascism in the 1930's our organization along with the vast majority of Canadians rallied for the de-fenseofallth-atvve heldnearand dear to us Over 1 00 boys from our organization and around the halls volunteered into the ranks of the Mackenzie-Papinea- u Battalion to fight the genesis of the fascist axis This struggle to defend the elected democratic government of Spain was an act of heroism vvhich is only now being recognized by the general
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, October 26, 1981 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1981-10-26 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000278 |
Title | 000427 |
OCR text | s £)' „ " Axj!¥'i Wvf't-?WtA-4 -- "jrtlf VJ-T- V 4? ft(Y' Jvi'f-- - 5f{~ JM " $! I 70th Anniversary Finnish Organization Finnish immigrants came to Canada in small numbers prior to 1880 Since then many have made Canada their home They numbered 15497 by 1911 43885 by 1931 and 59346 by 1961 One of the major orga-nizatio- ns active in the Finnish community was the Finnish or-ganization of Canada Faced with the grim realities of life in a new and sometimes hostile land the in 'sisu' (courage fortitude inner strength) compelled him to assert his mastery over his destiny Se-ven- ty years is a long time in the short recorded history of our country In fact it is over 23 of the time since Canadian Con-federation We are extremely proudofthe fact that the FOC has vveathered the trials and tribulations of the past seven decades and at the same time made a modest social and cultural contribution to the greater Canadian community Our community is made up of pioneers vvorkers farmers and middle-clas- s people professio-nal- s and small shop-keepe- rs We people of Finnish origin have an old saying: 'Maasta se pienikin ponnistaa' — Iiterally translated: 'Even the smallest pushes forth from the soh" We believe this applies to our Ms Kääntykää silloin ystävien paasta taman voikean ajan ylitse Tällaisina aikoina me ymmärrämme INTERCITY venerable old organization An idealistic attempt to found a Utopian Socialist So-ciety was made at what became known as Sointula — Haven of Harmony— on Malcolm Is-la- nd eighty years ago in 1901 The Finnish vvorkers and in-tellect-uals established the 'Ka-levan Kansa' Colonization company on the principles of common ownershipof property A fev years later another attempt was made at Vebsters Corners —calling themselves 'Sammon Takojat' loosely translated— forgers of the vvilderness Both attempts later failed The Sointula effort did establish Canada's first Finnish language press 'Aina (Time) and various books and pamph-let- s Local societies Islands of Finnish culture vere establish-ed vvherever there vvere con-centratio- ns of Finns Among the earliest locales were To-ronto Nanaimo BC Port Arthur Ontario Copper Cliff and Vancouver The cultural center haali (hali) was always built first where dances vvedd-ing- s funerals dramas vvere staged orchestras & choirs rehearsed gymnastic clubs performed— a Finnish motto being 'A healthy mind in a healthy body' The hali became Menestystä ja onnea juhlivalle kulttuurijärjestölle! Kun Kaikki tuntuu tyhjältä me välitämme Kun oku rakkaistanne poistuu iäisyyteen menetystä seuraa usein epätoivon tunne aKL£B'JS!!E EVEREST FUNERAL CHAPEL It!?! puoleen loilta saatte voimaa Thunder Bay Ontario ALAN G GARDINER JW (BILL) ELLIOTT ALLAN J NIEMI 299 VVAVERLEY STREET THUNDER BAY ONTARIO TELEPHONE: (807) 344-112- 1 "A Caring Service" Tervehdimme CSJ:n jäseniä ja kannattajia arvokkaana juhlavuotena! SssasEEtä- - kivi-- muiögstsas-j- a imnsmu3 tesös&a INTERCITY SHOPPING PLAZA PUHELIN 345-14- 17 ILTAISIN 623-37- 21 of the of Canada the major center of the Finnish community social political as well as cultural and intellectual life In 1901 the Finnish Society of Toronto also circulated a handwritten nevvspaper or 'nyrkki-leht- i' called Toivo (Ho-pe) Already back in 1 92 1 there vvere 50 functioning branches vvhen there vvere only 21000 Finnish-Canadia- ns in Canada In the years to come it reached its' zenith vvith 80 local branc-hes and 96 halls over a dozen sports fields including tracks and even three cemetaries The only existing hali in BC is Sampo Hall There are several in Ontario Our nevvspaper Va-paus (Liberty) novv Viikkosa-nomat —(Weekly News) has consistently defended the rights of Canada's vvorking people since it's inception in 1917 For 12 of those years Vapaus vvas a a daily paper Also published vvas the literary vveekly paper 'Liekki' (Flame) for over 30 years Perhaps the greatest cultu-ral-linguis- tic contribution vvas the staging of over 3500 plays 1234 and 5 act and even full length Opperettas in the Fin-nish and English languages but mainly in Finnish Over 100 of these plays vvere vvritten by Finnish-Canadia- ns Aku Päi-viö one of our most prolific authors vvrote 1 1 books and even a full length opperetta 'Aika' (Time) Added to this cultural activity vvas the orga-nization of numerous sports clubs vvhich varied from gymnastic teams track and field vvrestling soft-ba- ll to lacrosse teams vvhich operated from the halls and facilities vvhich they provided From its' inception the FOC has taken the position that they vvished to be a full part of the Canadian vvorking-clas- s movement This vvas clcarly ex-press- ed back in 1905 by A W Mquist vvhen he said: 'We Finns did not have to be here long before vve savv that the English-speakin- g Canadians vvere not too friendly to immi-grants arriving in Canada They asserted that vve had come to seducc the employers cut down vvages of the other vvorkers This was not so We therefore vvanted from the very beginning to show that we wanted to be part of the Canadian Socialist movement Born in those stor-m- y formative struggles our organization and it's forerun-ner- s left an indelible mark on the Socialist Party of Canada the Social-Democrat- ic party of Canada the independent la-bour party the one big union and the workers party of Ca-nada (Later the Communist party) The FOC vvas a significant part of these early movements as the majority of members in the Socialist party in the 20's and 30's were Fin-nish immigrants In 1923 the organization vvas fully constituted as an SSjflPI S j&v#3!S$g f{#g f & Menestystä ja onnea juhlivalle ' I I kulttuurijärjestölle! I I toivottaa f OAWSON'S I kemiallinen pesula ! x lf D NOPEA PALVELU — PYSÄKÖINTI ASIAKKAILLE f f D KORJAUKSIA O KOTIINKULJETUS ! i t f "Siisti asu on arvokasta pääomaa" ) £ I I 229 Camelot St Thunder Bay Ontario I Tervehdimme juhlivaa CSJ:ta 314 Bay independent cultural-educatio-n- al organization Shedding their political affiliations by no means meant that they were or ever vvould be indifferent to the vvorking-clas- s movement The record shows that through the years the organization has unstintingly supported popular causes such as for unemploy-me- nt insurance benefits old-ag- e pensions and starting pensions at 65 medicare plans workmens compensation be-nefits shorter work-day- s and work-wee- ks higher vvages and improved working conditions against child-labo- ur and many important social reforms We can be proud that our halls and many individual members played an important role in pioneering work of the trade union movement of Ca-nada in the woodworkers uni-o- ns of both Eastern and Western Canada The Miners unions in Ontario and British Columbia the carpenters union particularly in Northern Onta-rio Going back to the news-pap- er 'Aika' in Sointula with its' demise there vvere no Fin-nish language newspaper's in Canda except in Nanaimo until the appearance of 'Työkansa' (Vorking Folk) about 1907 This vvas published by the Fin-nish Publishing Co of Port Art-hur Ontario It later failed until 'Vapaus' (Liberty) vvas founded in 1917 published in Sudbury Indeed Vapaus became so successful that it published se-veral periodicals and books This led to the incorporation of Vapaus Publishing Co Ltd in 1935 Atits'peakofpopularity in the 1 930's it vvas published as a daily for 12 years Also published in 1935 vvas the literary vveekly paper 'Liekki' (Flame) for over 30 years Many of the books published vvere political others vvere pub-lished for their literary merit or informative value such as a Finnish edition of Stephen Leacock's Sunshine Sketches and translations of statutes and other documents In its heyday Vapaus Publishing Company did job-printi- ng operated a juhlavuotenaan (1911-198- 1) H I© siraiiiif St Thunder Bay Ontario 70-vuo- tis onnittelumme CSJ:lle! iAASTOI Suomalainen miesten vaatetusliike Puhelin 345-501- 2 294 Bay St Thunder Bay Ontario travel agency and money-exchan- ge maintained a book and stationery store in Sudbury established branches in Port Arthur Toronto Montreal and elsewhere Vapaus along with the FOC provided expertise and assistance to various Fin-nish co-operati- ves In 1947 Vapaus & Liekki were replaced by 'Viikkosanomat' a weekly publication which is still pub-lished The paper has consis-tently defended the rights of Canada's working people since its' founding in 1917 Throughout its' existence the FOC encouraged and co-ordina- ted the cultural activities of its' locals It sponsored play-vvriti- ng and drama compet-ition- s sports and musical fes-tiva- ls vvorks of history poetry and other literature They vvere also a vehicle for the expression of a unique Finnish Canadian culture and a training ground for many talented people vvho enriched Canada's multicultu-ra- l society When the World vvas threa-tene- d vvith the rise of fascism in the 1930's our organization along with the vast majority of Canadians rallied for the de-fenseofallth-atvve heldnearand dear to us Over 1 00 boys from our organization and around the halls volunteered into the ranks of the Mackenzie-Papinea- u Battalion to fight the genesis of the fascist axis This struggle to defend the elected democratic government of Spain was an act of heroism vvhich is only now being recognized by the general |
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