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For the developing countries the outflow of scientists engineers doctors surgeons and other skilled people - often educated at great expense - implies a significant loss of human capital and consequently a substantial diminution of their technological capability As it is the technologically backward poorer countries which pass a lot of their technological assets each year to the richer countries this phenomenon has been termed a "reverse" transfer of technology The causes of the "brain drain" as it is popularly called have been described as being a combination of "push" (inside) and "puli" (outside) factors The outflovv of trained personnel to developed capitahst countries has reached massive proportions during the last twenty years It has been estimated that betvveen 1961 and 1972 around 400000 skilled people migrated from developing countries to industrialized developed countries Economic recession in the developed countries has not changed this picture despite the slackening rate of economic growth the admission of skilled people in the United States - by far the largest country of immigration - increased substantially during the 1970s in comparison with the period 1961-19- 70: out of 250000 skilled persons migrating to the USA during 1974-19- 79 as many as 190000 or 75 per cent vvere from developing countries This migration has in fact occurred while developing countries have made substantial efforts to increase skill formation in their own countries shown by the fact that in 1980 more than 25 per cent of university students in the world were in developing countries What this represents is a fundamental contradiction in the contemporary migration system in the sense that at a crucial time when developing countries are focusing their efforts on the mobilization $2& Q M By Carolyn Hoskins VVhether "blonds have more fun" may be debatable but blonds definitely have more skin cancer — seven times more than black-haire- d persons a recent study has found The Iarge study just com-plet- ed examines over 1000 res-iden- ts of Canada's four West-ern provinces RP Gallagher of the Cancer Control Agency of BC and Dr JM EKvood of the University of Not-tingham England and their co-work- ers sought to define the nsk factors for this rapidly increasing form of cancer The researchers found that blond-haire- d persons werc seven times more prone to me-lanoma (skin cancer) than black-haire- d people The risk decreased proportionately as hair color darkened In other words people with interme-diat- e hair color had a risk of skin cancer midway between the risks for blonds and black-haire- d individuals Each subject who vvas a recently diagnosed victim of malignant melanoma was matched for age sex and pro-vin- ce of residence with a Con-trol subject chosen from the general population Patients and controls were interviewed in their homes by trained examiners using a standardized questionnaire Information was obtained about physical appearance 12 y ir't V -- if (V PriJ V-- a Ifjinjft II 1 I t M rw Vl-M- l A Few Facts Brain and deployment of their resources in order to break the vicious circle of their poverty and underdevelopment many of the most qualified of their labour force leave their own countries to contribute instead to the expansion of national output and wealth in the industrialized countries Because the last ones have more advanced economic systems and greater resources at their disposal they are in a strong position to exercise the puli In the past as well as in the present they have encouraged this flow Due to the growing dimensions of this problem the United Nations' Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been actively involved in the brain drain since 1972 - studying the causes magnitudes composition and direction of the skilled flows as well as their policy implications A crucial step in coming to grips with it is agreement on the feasibility of measuring human resource flows an Intergovernmental Group of Experts met in Geneva in September 1982 but no final agreement could be reached on the terms of reference for the subsequent meeting In December 1982 the UNO General Assembly requested UNCTAD in a resolution to "formulate recommendations on policies and concrete measures with a view to mitigating the adverse consequences for the developing countries of the reverse transfer of technology" For another meeting of experts in Geneva from August 29 to September 7 1983 the UNCTAD secretariat prepared a study entitled: "Towards an integrated approach to international skill exchange: proposals for policy and action on reverse transfer of technology" The study quotes a number of resolutions and concedes that "the consensus reached so far has not succeeded in evolving in an explicit and comprehensive way recommendations for action at the international level" In a places of residence occupation recreation and vacation habits medical history and ethnic background Color of skin hair and eyes amount of childhood and ado-lesce- nt frcckhng as well as sen-sitivi- ty to sunburn and tanning 3231 were determined for ?ach subject Allhough frequent sunburn-in- g and poor tanning are linked to an increased incidence of skin cancer the researchers feel the risk is tied to light skin pig-mentati- on: the lighter the skin the more hkely repeated sun-burn is to trigger cancer People with light skin color (assessed on the upper inner arm) have two and one half times the skin cancer nsk of pepple with darker skin the researchers report Eye color seemed not to be significant Subjects who had heavy NEW TIMES Nine years ago the heads of 33 European states the USA and Canada affixed their signatures to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operati- on in Eu-rope and solemnly pledged themselves to make detente a confinuous and viable process The Helsinki Conference has resulted in a broadening of bileteral and multilateral contacts and Interstate consulta-tion- s in the development of mutually profitable co-operat- ion in various fields The Soviet Union and other socialisl countries continue to prove by practical deeds thei adherence to the principles laid down by the Conlerence Had the Western states taken the same approach the world would not havo been on the brink' of a thermonuclear catastrophe and detente would have made steady progress in Europe This was pointed out at the Moscow conference of repre-sentativ- es of the Soviet publie sponsored by the Soviet Commirfee for European Security and Co-operati-on to mark the nlnth anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act The main jource of danger lies in the West s attempts to solve inter-national disputes not af the negotiating table but by force number of developing countries policies have been implemented te mitigate the negative impact of the brain drain and have fallen into three categories: (1) regulatory or restrictive (2) incentive and (3) de-linki- ng or self-relia-nt policies In addition to other problems and complications it is not easy for governments to win publie approval for such an approach especially on foreign education On the whole the report concludes national policies by developing countries cannot be expected to succeed in solving the problem The study also summanzes the suggestions and openly says that "so far however the developed countries have not accepted any of these proposals" In slogans we can mention "Payments schemes for the exchange of skills" "Establishment of norms and standards for skill exchange" and especially interesting from the journalists' point of view "Schemes for collection of information and monitoring" - concerning the lack of adequate and systematic information on the composition and magnitude of skill flows and on national policies and measures dealing with the problem Establishing a better system of information exchange based on effective collection and dissemination of the relevant data is therefore an important component of an integrated program The experts recommended that they would convene again before the 5th session of the UNCTAD Committee on Transfer of Technology - to be held towards the end of 1984 - to continue their discussion on how such an internationally agreed set of definitions could be established and how to improve the data base and information on quantitative and qualitative aspects of reverse transfer of technology and the dissemination of such information (Based on UNCTAD Bulletin) 33-8- 4 freckles in childhood asJ a le-lescen-ce were twice as ! kcl io develop cancerous skin loion People from Eastern oi Southern Europe with ctarKer skin color seemed Ieast mis-ceptib- lc to skin cancer in con-tra- st to those of English oi lgin The ethnic group with the higli-es- t incidence of melanoma are the Celts (Irish or Scottin) The researchers pian tuture Studies to explore the relatiun-shi- p of melanoma to ocxupj-tion- al factors drugs and diei The research was suppoued by the National Cancei Insii- - Lpttario Aug 25 Winning numbers were 7 11 16 27 30 31 The bonus num-ber was 21 AH six regular num-bers vvere worth $30827610 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $28654-9- 0 Any five regular numbers won $110680 Any four regular numbers won $2710 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 4 8 13 38 AH four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $11570 Lotto SS9 Aug 2S VVinning numbers vvere 5 11 12 16 24 28 The bonus num-ber vvas 34 Ali six regular num- bers won $116601520 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $11012360 Any five regular numbers vvon $94620 Any four regular numbers vvon -- $3410 Any three regular numbers vvon $10 The vvinning numbers for $1 million vvere 2722806 2043587 1584056 1401944 last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $5000 last 4 digits vvon $500 last 3 digits vvon $100 last 2 digits vvon $10 Winning num- bers for $100000 vvere 806B152 403A639 662B886 676A235 136B619 Winfario Aug 30 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas A184028 AU six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: D086171 B550363 C707145 Other prizes: $10000 — 209449 702988 $1000 — 82343 $100 — 0894 $50 — 4 4 7 8 8 8 in any order $10 — 320 VVhVfall — 70 Mystery Bonus — 509213 Pot o' Gold Aug 30 The vvinning number for $125000 vvas 858549 Winning numbers for $10000 vvere: 414437 687521 392104 797996 677524 221799 406675 Provincial Aug 31 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 3377097 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 tute of Canada Health and VVelfare Canada and the Alberta Heritage Trust Fund (Canadian Science New) of arms and in its quest for military superiority Far from strengthening European security Lev Tolkunov chairman of the committee pointed out each new mlssile and each new nuclear warhead undermines it More and more West Europeans are now coming to realize this Is there a way out of the situation? Yes indeed there is The conference participants poinited to the need to stop the further deployment of American medium-rang- e nuclear missiles in Western Europe to remove them from our con-tine- nt If every nuclear power pledged itself—as the Soviet Union has already done— not to be the first to use nuclear weapons that would go a long way towards preventing a nuclear war A reduction in military spending the freeing of Europe from chemica! weapons the establishment of nu-clear-f- ree zones on the continent he prevention of the spread of the arms race to outer space—ali that would con-tribute to the strengthening of peace and security The' Soviet Union has clear-c-ut constructive proposals on ali these problems which might make the return to' European detente a realistic proposition v The Soviet publie is an active participant in Ihe world and European anti-w- ar movement "We call on theEu-ropea- n peace-lovin- g publie on ali people of göod wJIIn the address adopted at the meeting says "to takestill more vigorous and purposeful action to avert the threaf of a-n- u- Iv VC?"v H ZHOtKVfifi nli
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, September 10, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-09-10 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000418 |
Title | 001002 |
OCR text | For the developing countries the outflow of scientists engineers doctors surgeons and other skilled people - often educated at great expense - implies a significant loss of human capital and consequently a substantial diminution of their technological capability As it is the technologically backward poorer countries which pass a lot of their technological assets each year to the richer countries this phenomenon has been termed a "reverse" transfer of technology The causes of the "brain drain" as it is popularly called have been described as being a combination of "push" (inside) and "puli" (outside) factors The outflovv of trained personnel to developed capitahst countries has reached massive proportions during the last twenty years It has been estimated that betvveen 1961 and 1972 around 400000 skilled people migrated from developing countries to industrialized developed countries Economic recession in the developed countries has not changed this picture despite the slackening rate of economic growth the admission of skilled people in the United States - by far the largest country of immigration - increased substantially during the 1970s in comparison with the period 1961-19- 70: out of 250000 skilled persons migrating to the USA during 1974-19- 79 as many as 190000 or 75 per cent vvere from developing countries This migration has in fact occurred while developing countries have made substantial efforts to increase skill formation in their own countries shown by the fact that in 1980 more than 25 per cent of university students in the world were in developing countries What this represents is a fundamental contradiction in the contemporary migration system in the sense that at a crucial time when developing countries are focusing their efforts on the mobilization $2& Q M By Carolyn Hoskins VVhether "blonds have more fun" may be debatable but blonds definitely have more skin cancer — seven times more than black-haire- d persons a recent study has found The Iarge study just com-plet- ed examines over 1000 res-iden- ts of Canada's four West-ern provinces RP Gallagher of the Cancer Control Agency of BC and Dr JM EKvood of the University of Not-tingham England and their co-work- ers sought to define the nsk factors for this rapidly increasing form of cancer The researchers found that blond-haire- d persons werc seven times more prone to me-lanoma (skin cancer) than black-haire- d people The risk decreased proportionately as hair color darkened In other words people with interme-diat- e hair color had a risk of skin cancer midway between the risks for blonds and black-haire- d individuals Each subject who vvas a recently diagnosed victim of malignant melanoma was matched for age sex and pro-vin- ce of residence with a Con-trol subject chosen from the general population Patients and controls were interviewed in their homes by trained examiners using a standardized questionnaire Information was obtained about physical appearance 12 y ir't V -- if (V PriJ V-- a Ifjinjft II 1 I t M rw Vl-M- l A Few Facts Brain and deployment of their resources in order to break the vicious circle of their poverty and underdevelopment many of the most qualified of their labour force leave their own countries to contribute instead to the expansion of national output and wealth in the industrialized countries Because the last ones have more advanced economic systems and greater resources at their disposal they are in a strong position to exercise the puli In the past as well as in the present they have encouraged this flow Due to the growing dimensions of this problem the United Nations' Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been actively involved in the brain drain since 1972 - studying the causes magnitudes composition and direction of the skilled flows as well as their policy implications A crucial step in coming to grips with it is agreement on the feasibility of measuring human resource flows an Intergovernmental Group of Experts met in Geneva in September 1982 but no final agreement could be reached on the terms of reference for the subsequent meeting In December 1982 the UNO General Assembly requested UNCTAD in a resolution to "formulate recommendations on policies and concrete measures with a view to mitigating the adverse consequences for the developing countries of the reverse transfer of technology" For another meeting of experts in Geneva from August 29 to September 7 1983 the UNCTAD secretariat prepared a study entitled: "Towards an integrated approach to international skill exchange: proposals for policy and action on reverse transfer of technology" The study quotes a number of resolutions and concedes that "the consensus reached so far has not succeeded in evolving in an explicit and comprehensive way recommendations for action at the international level" In a places of residence occupation recreation and vacation habits medical history and ethnic background Color of skin hair and eyes amount of childhood and ado-lesce- nt frcckhng as well as sen-sitivi- ty to sunburn and tanning 3231 were determined for ?ach subject Allhough frequent sunburn-in- g and poor tanning are linked to an increased incidence of skin cancer the researchers feel the risk is tied to light skin pig-mentati- on: the lighter the skin the more hkely repeated sun-burn is to trigger cancer People with light skin color (assessed on the upper inner arm) have two and one half times the skin cancer nsk of pepple with darker skin the researchers report Eye color seemed not to be significant Subjects who had heavy NEW TIMES Nine years ago the heads of 33 European states the USA and Canada affixed their signatures to the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operati- on in Eu-rope and solemnly pledged themselves to make detente a confinuous and viable process The Helsinki Conference has resulted in a broadening of bileteral and multilateral contacts and Interstate consulta-tion- s in the development of mutually profitable co-operat- ion in various fields The Soviet Union and other socialisl countries continue to prove by practical deeds thei adherence to the principles laid down by the Conlerence Had the Western states taken the same approach the world would not havo been on the brink' of a thermonuclear catastrophe and detente would have made steady progress in Europe This was pointed out at the Moscow conference of repre-sentativ- es of the Soviet publie sponsored by the Soviet Commirfee for European Security and Co-operati-on to mark the nlnth anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act The main jource of danger lies in the West s attempts to solve inter-national disputes not af the negotiating table but by force number of developing countries policies have been implemented te mitigate the negative impact of the brain drain and have fallen into three categories: (1) regulatory or restrictive (2) incentive and (3) de-linki- ng or self-relia-nt policies In addition to other problems and complications it is not easy for governments to win publie approval for such an approach especially on foreign education On the whole the report concludes national policies by developing countries cannot be expected to succeed in solving the problem The study also summanzes the suggestions and openly says that "so far however the developed countries have not accepted any of these proposals" In slogans we can mention "Payments schemes for the exchange of skills" "Establishment of norms and standards for skill exchange" and especially interesting from the journalists' point of view "Schemes for collection of information and monitoring" - concerning the lack of adequate and systematic information on the composition and magnitude of skill flows and on national policies and measures dealing with the problem Establishing a better system of information exchange based on effective collection and dissemination of the relevant data is therefore an important component of an integrated program The experts recommended that they would convene again before the 5th session of the UNCTAD Committee on Transfer of Technology - to be held towards the end of 1984 - to continue their discussion on how such an internationally agreed set of definitions could be established and how to improve the data base and information on quantitative and qualitative aspects of reverse transfer of technology and the dissemination of such information (Based on UNCTAD Bulletin) 33-8- 4 freckles in childhood asJ a le-lescen-ce were twice as ! kcl io develop cancerous skin loion People from Eastern oi Southern Europe with ctarKer skin color seemed Ieast mis-ceptib- lc to skin cancer in con-tra- st to those of English oi lgin The ethnic group with the higli-es- t incidence of melanoma are the Celts (Irish or Scottin) The researchers pian tuture Studies to explore the relatiun-shi- p of melanoma to ocxupj-tion- al factors drugs and diei The research was suppoued by the National Cancei Insii- - Lpttario Aug 25 Winning numbers were 7 11 16 27 30 31 The bonus num-ber was 21 AH six regular num-bers vvere worth $30827610 but the winning combination was not selected Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $28654-9- 0 Any five regular numbers won $110680 Any four regular numbers won $2710 Any three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers vvere 4 8 13 38 AH four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $11570 Lotto SS9 Aug 2S VVinning numbers vvere 5 11 12 16 24 28 The bonus num-ber vvas 34 Ali six regular num- bers won $116601520 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $11012360 Any five regular numbers vvon $94620 Any four regular numbers vvon -- $3410 Any three regular numbers vvon $10 The vvinning numbers for $1 million vvere 2722806 2043587 1584056 1401944 last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $5000 last 4 digits vvon $500 last 3 digits vvon $100 last 2 digits vvon $10 Winning num- bers for $100000 vvere 806B152 403A639 662B886 676A235 136B619 Winfario Aug 30 The vvinning number for $200000 vvas A184028 AU six digits vvon $25000 the first 5 or last 5 digits vvon $5000 the first 4 or last 4 digits vvon $100 the first 3 or last 3 digits vvon $10 VVinning numbers for $100000 vvere: D086171 B550363 C707145 Other prizes: $10000 — 209449 702988 $1000 — 82343 $100 — 0894 $50 — 4 4 7 8 8 8 in any order $10 — 320 VVhVfall — 70 Mystery Bonus — 509213 Pot o' Gold Aug 30 The vvinning number for $125000 vvas 858549 Winning numbers for $10000 vvere: 414437 687521 392104 797996 677524 221799 406675 Provincial Aug 31 The vvinning number for $500000 vvas 3377097 The last 6 digits vvon $50000 last 5 digits vvon $1000 last 4 digits vvon $100 last 3 digits vvon $25 last 2 digits vvon $10 tute of Canada Health and VVelfare Canada and the Alberta Heritage Trust Fund (Canadian Science New) of arms and in its quest for military superiority Far from strengthening European security Lev Tolkunov chairman of the committee pointed out each new mlssile and each new nuclear warhead undermines it More and more West Europeans are now coming to realize this Is there a way out of the situation? Yes indeed there is The conference participants poinited to the need to stop the further deployment of American medium-rang- e nuclear missiles in Western Europe to remove them from our con-tine- nt If every nuclear power pledged itself—as the Soviet Union has already done— not to be the first to use nuclear weapons that would go a long way towards preventing a nuclear war A reduction in military spending the freeing of Europe from chemica! weapons the establishment of nu-clear-f- ree zones on the continent he prevention of the spread of the arms race to outer space—ali that would con-tribute to the strengthening of peace and security The' Soviet Union has clear-c-ut constructive proposals on ali these problems which might make the return to' European detente a realistic proposition v The Soviet publie is an active participant in Ihe world and European anti-w- ar movement "We call on theEu-ropea- n peace-lovin- g publie on ali people of göod wJIIn the address adopted at the meeting says "to takestill more vigorous and purposeful action to avert the threaf of a-n- u- Iv VC?"v H ZHOtKVfifi nli |
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