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nwr WMmsc ' JäM lllfll fi ' " 1 Parents for peace How does one taik to a child about nuclear war? Most don't A new Toronto based organi-zatio- n Parents for Peace feel that it is a mistake True it is a big terrifying reality a possi-bilit- y most adults flnd difFicult to understand let alone to ex-pla- in to their children But Su-san Goldberg a research psychologist at Toronto Hos-pit- al for Sick Children main-tai-ns children are aware of the nuclear war danger vvithout their parents uttering a vvord They hear it discussed on TV and radio It is frightening for children but having their pa-rents teli them not to worry about it makes it even more frightening says Goldberg Children have a stake in having a world peacefull world around then to grow up in It is around them to grow up in It is necessary for them to be in-tellige-ntly aware and resolved to save the planet A big part of this is having parents who are actively vvorking for nuclear disarmament "This makes the diffe-renc- e" says Goldberg "from child feeling helpless about the situation which is beyond their control to the children viewing the vvorld as a place where their actions make a difference" Joe Vise a nuclear phy-sici- st and another Parents for Peace also maintains that pa rents have to provide a good role model if children are going to grow up feeling optimistie about their future instead of apathetic "Kids who were in-volv- ed in the huge peace march in Toronto made it into joyous occasion" said Vise "The children saw they weren't alone they weren't powerless" Parents for Peace have ta-k- en nuclear disarmament into the schools vvorking through the local school boards they have used speakers infor-mati- on kits films and pamph-les- s to make speaking about unspeakable easier Peace is justifiable topic to have on the agenda of parent-teach- er meetings in children-base- d community and library programs even in daycares Some Parents for Peace have even organized pot-luc-k dinners in their neighborhoods where parents and older children get together and discuss the issues Loftario Oct S VVinning numbers were 15 18 21 23 24 38 The bonus number was 35 Ali six regular numbers were worth $350799-8- 0 but the winning combina-tio- n was not selected Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $1482160 Amr fiTO rocfnlnr rminhprs unn $223420 Any four regular numbers won $4660 Anv three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 21 22 32 36 AU four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $34720 Lotto S49 Oct 8 Winning numbers were 13 23 37 43 48 49 The bonus number was 27 Ali six regular numbers won $55659620 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won J2 'J 1 1 Contact Parents Peace 531-81- 01 write Statiön Toronto On-tario M5S Congress Canadian Women Newsletter Peace much more than absence war Some people think peace vveapons thafs certainly The 1984 Budet Finnish Government proposed Fmks billion budget 1984 represents increase 137% current year's budget servicing excluded governmenfs principal objectives 1984 budget reduction unemployment considerable slowing-dow- n inflation further strengthening central government's fi-nan-cial position achieved curtailing growth ex-pendit- ure forecast Finland's domestic product increase unemployment inflation approximately Meamvhile current account deficit ex-pect- ed remain around ofGDP according comparison made OECD Finland's expressea per-centa- ge GDP market prices close inter-national average pro-vision- al figure 368% government expects overall levels percentage point disposable income households ex-pect- ed scales adjusted downwards reflect projected inflation GROWTH FIRST HALF-YEA- R Total industrial production Finland almost $36204130 regular numbers $292630 Any regular numbers $9770 Any three regular num-bers won$ Wintario Ocf winning number $100000 503258 first'5 digits $5000 4orlast4dig!tswon$100jfirst digits pnzes: $iuuuu uib 715865 $1000 05520 $100 order Win'fall Mystery Bonus 843083 ProvinciaB Oct winning number $500000 4351063 digits $50000 digits $1000 digits $100 digits digits ?Wf ' '' ' If ' l i ' I l r L " - i '"V Jf? Au 1 V A --J iftj-lJ- ä k ' ' A JS Cv! A „ih ClVulJ "fM for at: or PO Box 611 -- P- 2Y4 from of is of means no war and no and it It's part of it but The has a 844 for This an of on ±Q or i ito ir tne costs or tne state debt are The for as set out in the draft bill are the of a in the rate of and a of the own to be by It is that gross will by 3 per cent next year will fall to 5% and the rate oi slow to 6% the is to at 2% Last year to a by the total tax re- - venue as a of at was to the with a of In 1984 the tax to rise by half a but at the same time the real of is to rise by 1% if tax are to the 6% rate IN in rose by 2% Any five won four won 10 13 The for was The or last 5 won first 3 or last 3 won $10 — — -7- 900 $50 — 1 2 3 3 4 9 in any $10 - 966 -- 75 — 14 The for was Last 6 won last 5 won last 4 won last 3 won $25 last 2 won $10 '" l! A ~'u rf JSS #1 g in 'v'iAi ÄAr-i:- ' &fr n & -- mmMm peace is also no öne having to go to tfcd''huÄgry? group"homes being set up where they can best serve their residents vvithout any hassles out senior citizens getting the best of care because they certainly deserve it and having the whole world acc-essib- le by wheelchair Peace is children being able to play on the streets and in the parks without having to be suspicious of every stranger Peace is all-encompas-sing Who can be against it? Diane Savard Toronto (Toronto Starletterssept 12-8- 3) and Prospects during the first six months of 1983 S alora pioneerS two-wa- y cable TV Salora Scandinavia's lar-ge-st manufacturer of colour television sets is to supply the city of Tampere with Europe's first extensive two-wa- y cable television system serving some 22000 homes The highly-advanc- ed system will not only enable vievvers to place instant orders for programmes but can also be used for arm-cha- ir shopping opinion-pollin- g and a wide variety of other ac-tivit- ies Salora is also in the fore-fro- nt of the development of equipment for the reception of TV satellite transmissions and has already commenced deli-- venes to switzenana ana portugai Diamonds in the sky Finnair the Finnish natio-nal airline jointly owned by the Finnish State and private in-vest- ors celebrates its diamond jubilee this year The sixth oldest operating airline in fhe world_ _Finnair has - y its origins in the airline com-pany Aero Oy set up on 1 November 1923 by Bruno Lucander Flight operations began in March 1924using a AUNIITA UKtflA UKKAKIMPPUJA QKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa kukkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä I Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury ' ' - p i n i f r i ' J - w ' -- - "# m '?? ' " ' &&! h vi W)i '-- _ f 4V poods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden valmistaja Torontossa 1 33 Laird Dr Toronto 1 7 Ont Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mummo kaikkia laatuja tuoretta lihaa lihajalosteita säilykkeitä juustoja Icipaa ym ruokatavaraa suoiaan tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljettu Tnstai 86 Keskiviikko gf Torstai gfr Perjantai g-- y Lauantai 8_2 ALUMIINIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Kih: 421 1572 For a Consideration Maureen Reagan the 42-year-- old daughter of the US President has decided to try her hand at boosting the popularity of the in-cumb- ent of the White House among American women voters She plans to campaign for her father at women's meetings But Maureen Reagan does not intend to do this free gratis and for nothing Ac-cording to the magazine Der Spiegel (West Ger-many) she has signed a contract with the leadership of the Republican party which will pay her for her services joka was not kottaiset the Finnair foreign latest list jäsenet Tokyo making Finnair the only airline fly non-sto- p from Western to Japan The airline also operates the densest domestic networks in world in relation to lation levels with desti nations announced results the year 198283 show profit Fmks writings-of- f Fmks 1139 million rose by 16% to Fmks 2264 billion and total 3290100 passengers were carried - increase over the preceding year Frank R Block RO ja OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin erry centre huone Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv — 9 Pnh 869-29- 20 B 'CIITI 4 IODT V 1 ? iTi' 1 fiNuuMii r wv( ) „ fä$ iMmt L- i- t " J n -- - tilaisuudet r j s -- it:c --k -- " TORONTO ! Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CSJ:n Toronton osaston jäsenkokous pidetään Finn-- Centerissä sunnuntaina raskuun päivä iltapäivällä Sunnuntaina marraskuun 13 p kello iltapäivällä To-ronton osaston järjestämä tilai-suus jossa Irma Milnes (Laak-so) kertoo kokemuksistaan Maailman Rauhanliiton konfe-renssista jossa hän oli yhtenä edustajana Canadasta Kahvi-tarjoilu Tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina marrask 27 p kello iltapäivällä on Toi-men Naistenkerhon vuotuiset joulumyyjäiset kahviaiset Lahjoituksia otetaan kiitolli-suudella vastaan CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-13- 23 280 Queen St Toronto Ontario SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla Sävel harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-- set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös kin tervetulleita! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lilla 316 Bav St ioka kim- - kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen 130 Voimisteluharjoitukset en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviik-ko klo ja lauluharjoituk-set klo CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous 130 Bingo kello kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-Junker- s F-1- 3 seaplane and it lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta until the 1930s that Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-land-ba-sed machines began to harjoitukset- - ja ajan-b- e used Strong growth began vietetilaisuudet Jubilee Centre after war and today (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-fli- es to 37 major cities: tai alkaen kello 10 ap The addition to the of Uudet tervetuloa international destinations is kerhomme toimintaan! to Europe one of the popu- - 21 Recently for fiscal a of 372 million after Turnover a of an of 1 % Roger Young 0J 673-070- 5 216 klo 11 ap lp mar- - 13 1 1 ja Tulkaa CANADA W kuoron kello ip 1 1 ap 12 ip 1 kello 1 i ä i I"1
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, October 24, 1983 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-10-24 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000375 |
Title | 000477 |
OCR text | nwr WMmsc ' JäM lllfll fi ' " 1 Parents for peace How does one taik to a child about nuclear war? Most don't A new Toronto based organi-zatio- n Parents for Peace feel that it is a mistake True it is a big terrifying reality a possi-bilit- y most adults flnd difFicult to understand let alone to ex-pla- in to their children But Su-san Goldberg a research psychologist at Toronto Hos-pit- al for Sick Children main-tai-ns children are aware of the nuclear war danger vvithout their parents uttering a vvord They hear it discussed on TV and radio It is frightening for children but having their pa-rents teli them not to worry about it makes it even more frightening says Goldberg Children have a stake in having a world peacefull world around then to grow up in It is around them to grow up in It is necessary for them to be in-tellige-ntly aware and resolved to save the planet A big part of this is having parents who are actively vvorking for nuclear disarmament "This makes the diffe-renc- e" says Goldberg "from child feeling helpless about the situation which is beyond their control to the children viewing the vvorld as a place where their actions make a difference" Joe Vise a nuclear phy-sici- st and another Parents for Peace also maintains that pa rents have to provide a good role model if children are going to grow up feeling optimistie about their future instead of apathetic "Kids who were in-volv- ed in the huge peace march in Toronto made it into joyous occasion" said Vise "The children saw they weren't alone they weren't powerless" Parents for Peace have ta-k- en nuclear disarmament into the schools vvorking through the local school boards they have used speakers infor-mati- on kits films and pamph-les- s to make speaking about unspeakable easier Peace is justifiable topic to have on the agenda of parent-teach- er meetings in children-base- d community and library programs even in daycares Some Parents for Peace have even organized pot-luc-k dinners in their neighborhoods where parents and older children get together and discuss the issues Loftario Oct S VVinning numbers were 15 18 21 23 24 38 The bonus number was 35 Ali six regular numbers were worth $350799-8- 0 but the winning combina-tio- n was not selected Any five of six regular numbers plus the bonus number won $1482160 Amr fiTO rocfnlnr rminhprs unn $223420 Any four regular numbers won $4660 Anv three regular numbers won $5 Early bird numbers were 21 22 32 36 AU four numbers on a ticket purchased by Wednesday won $34720 Lotto S49 Oct 8 Winning numbers were 13 23 37 43 48 49 The bonus number was 27 Ali six regular numbers won $55659620 Any five of the six regular numbers plus the bonus number won J2 'J 1 1 Contact Parents Peace 531-81- 01 write Statiön Toronto On-tario M5S Congress Canadian Women Newsletter Peace much more than absence war Some people think peace vveapons thafs certainly The 1984 Budet Finnish Government proposed Fmks billion budget 1984 represents increase 137% current year's budget servicing excluded governmenfs principal objectives 1984 budget reduction unemployment considerable slowing-dow- n inflation further strengthening central government's fi-nan-cial position achieved curtailing growth ex-pendit- ure forecast Finland's domestic product increase unemployment inflation approximately Meamvhile current account deficit ex-pect- ed remain around ofGDP according comparison made OECD Finland's expressea per-centa- ge GDP market prices close inter-national average pro-vision- al figure 368% government expects overall levels percentage point disposable income households ex-pect- ed scales adjusted downwards reflect projected inflation GROWTH FIRST HALF-YEA- R Total industrial production Finland almost $36204130 regular numbers $292630 Any regular numbers $9770 Any three regular num-bers won$ Wintario Ocf winning number $100000 503258 first'5 digits $5000 4orlast4dig!tswon$100jfirst digits pnzes: $iuuuu uib 715865 $1000 05520 $100 order Win'fall Mystery Bonus 843083 ProvinciaB Oct winning number $500000 4351063 digits $50000 digits $1000 digits $100 digits digits ?Wf ' '' ' If ' l i ' I l r L " - i '"V Jf? Au 1 V A --J iftj-lJ- ä k ' ' A JS Cv! A „ih ClVulJ "fM for at: or PO Box 611 -- P- 2Y4 from of is of means no war and no and it It's part of it but The has a 844 for This an of on ±Q or i ito ir tne costs or tne state debt are The for as set out in the draft bill are the of a in the rate of and a of the own to be by It is that gross will by 3 per cent next year will fall to 5% and the rate oi slow to 6% the is to at 2% Last year to a by the total tax re- - venue as a of at was to the with a of In 1984 the tax to rise by half a but at the same time the real of is to rise by 1% if tax are to the 6% rate IN in rose by 2% Any five won four won 10 13 The for was The or last 5 won first 3 or last 3 won $10 — — -7- 900 $50 — 1 2 3 3 4 9 in any $10 - 966 -- 75 — 14 The for was Last 6 won last 5 won last 4 won last 3 won $25 last 2 won $10 '" l! A ~'u rf JSS #1 g in 'v'iAi ÄAr-i:- ' &fr n & -- mmMm peace is also no öne having to go to tfcd''huÄgry? group"homes being set up where they can best serve their residents vvithout any hassles out senior citizens getting the best of care because they certainly deserve it and having the whole world acc-essib- le by wheelchair Peace is children being able to play on the streets and in the parks without having to be suspicious of every stranger Peace is all-encompas-sing Who can be against it? Diane Savard Toronto (Toronto Starletterssept 12-8- 3) and Prospects during the first six months of 1983 S alora pioneerS two-wa- y cable TV Salora Scandinavia's lar-ge-st manufacturer of colour television sets is to supply the city of Tampere with Europe's first extensive two-wa- y cable television system serving some 22000 homes The highly-advanc- ed system will not only enable vievvers to place instant orders for programmes but can also be used for arm-cha- ir shopping opinion-pollin- g and a wide variety of other ac-tivit- ies Salora is also in the fore-fro- nt of the development of equipment for the reception of TV satellite transmissions and has already commenced deli-- venes to switzenana ana portugai Diamonds in the sky Finnair the Finnish natio-nal airline jointly owned by the Finnish State and private in-vest- ors celebrates its diamond jubilee this year The sixth oldest operating airline in fhe world_ _Finnair has - y its origins in the airline com-pany Aero Oy set up on 1 November 1923 by Bruno Lucander Flight operations began in March 1924using a AUNIITA UKtflA UKKAKIMPPUJA QKKALAITTEITA Poiketkaa hakemassa kukkakalenterinne FLOVVER SERVICE Puhelin 673-959- 1 252 Regent St S Hazel kadun kulm 22 Durham St N SUDBURY LOUGHEED HAUTAUSTOIMISTO Hautaukset 100 mailin säteellä I Sudburysta toimitetaan ilman lisämaksua PUHELIN 673-959- 1 252 Regent St South Hazel kadun kulm Sudbury ' ' - p i n i f r i ' J - w ' -- - "# m '?? ' " ' &&! h vi W)i '-- _ f 4V poods & Imports Suomalaisten lihajalosteiden valmistaja Torontossa 1 33 Laird Dr Toronto 1 7 Ont Puhelin 425-045- 0 Mummo kaikkia laatuja tuoretta lihaa lihajalosteita säilykkeitä juustoja Icipaa ym ruokatavaraa suoiaan tehtaalta Aukioloajat Maanantaina suljettu Tnstai 86 Keskiviikko gf Torstai gfr Perjantai g-- y Lauantai 8_2 ALUMIINIMIESTEN HUOMIOON Halutaan ostaa aluminium si-di- ng scarp (romua) paivan kor-keimpiin hintoihin Rehellinen punnitus HOUSE OF METALS 45 Commercial Rd Toronto 1 7 Leaside Kolme korttelia etelään Eglin-tonis- ta itaan Laird Drivesta Kih: 421 1572 For a Consideration Maureen Reagan the 42-year-- old daughter of the US President has decided to try her hand at boosting the popularity of the in-cumb- ent of the White House among American women voters She plans to campaign for her father at women's meetings But Maureen Reagan does not intend to do this free gratis and for nothing Ac-cording to the magazine Der Spiegel (West Ger-many) she has signed a contract with the leadership of the Republican party which will pay her for her services joka was not kottaiset the Finnair foreign latest list jäsenet Tokyo making Finnair the only airline fly non-sto- p from Western to Japan The airline also operates the densest domestic networks in world in relation to lation levels with desti nations announced results the year 198283 show profit Fmks writings-of- f Fmks 1139 million rose by 16% to Fmks 2264 billion and total 3290100 passengers were carried - increase over the preceding year Frank R Block RO ja OPTOMETRISTIT Puh konttori 674-40- 14 kotiin erry centre huone Toisessa kerroksessa SUDBURY Ontario Vastaanotto ESPANOLASSA Keskiv — 9 Pnh 869-29- 20 B 'CIITI 4 IODT V 1 ? iTi' 1 fiNuuMii r wv( ) „ fä$ iMmt L- i- t " J n -- - tilaisuudet r j s -- it:c --k -- " TORONTO ! Finn Centre 465-898- 1 Ikinuortenkerhon toiminta-paikka Finn-Cent- re on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstaiaamuna Tervetuloa ren-toutumaan! Juodaan kahvia ja pelataan bingoa CSJ:n Toronton osaston jäsenkokous pidetään Finn-- Centerissä sunnuntaina raskuun päivä iltapäivällä Sunnuntaina marraskuun 13 p kello iltapäivällä To-ronton osaston järjestämä tilai-suus jossa Irma Milnes (Laak-so) kertoo kokemuksistaan Maailman Rauhanliiton konfe-renssista jossa hän oli yhtenä edustajana Canadasta Kahvi-tarjoilu Tervetuloa! Sunnuntaina marrask 27 p kello iltapäivällä on Toi-men Naistenkerhon vuotuiset joulumyyjäiset kahviaiset Lahjoituksia otetaan kiitolli-suudella vastaan CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm ja sunnuntaisin klo 2 pm seuran huoneustossa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja ajoissa — rajoi-tettu tila! NL-SEUR-A 977-581- 9 CANADA NL-SEUR- AN mat-katoimisto: CANSOV 596-13- 23 280 Queen St Toronto Ontario SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla Sävel harjoitukset torstaisin Aika aina määritel-lään tilanteitten mukaan Enti-- set mukaan ja uudet ovat myös kin tervetulleita! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lilla 316 Bav St ioka kim- - kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen 130 Voimisteluharjoitukset en-simmäinen ja kolmas keskiviik-ko klo ja lauluharjoituk-set klo CSJ:n osaston kokoukset joka kuukauden toinen lauantai kello 130 WANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisenä maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 3 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 BEAVER LAKE Bingo kuukauden ensim-mäinen sunnuntai kokous 130 Bingo kello kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-Junker- s F-1- 3 seaplane and it lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta until the 1930s that Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-land-ba-sed machines began to harjoitukset- - ja ajan-b- e used Strong growth began vietetilaisuudet Jubilee Centre after war and today (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-fli- es to 37 major cities: tai alkaen kello 10 ap The addition to the of Uudet tervetuloa international destinations is kerhomme toimintaan! to Europe one of the popu- - 21 Recently for fiscal a of 372 million after Turnover a of an of 1 % Roger Young 0J 673-070- 5 216 klo 11 ap lp mar- - 13 1 1 ja Tulkaa CANADA W kuoron kello ip 1 1 ap 12 ip 1 kello 1 i ä i I"1 |
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