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£f?3t" ' v r--jn m Mtij fi I -- „ H jn v ' l' :' ' 'M ' ►' fi'' Iata A ° ""' a TVJt 3iT v irJ-- U i ' 1 "A U1U OdlllUU Äh erä of culture came to an uJj end recently with the-sal- e of the Sampo Hall inV:Websters Corners The Finnish Örganization of Vancouver turned over the keys of the factlity last month to Priya and Alex Kucher mark-in- g the end of 68 years of service to the community under the umbrella of the Finnish people Last week local members of the Finnish Örganization joined together to reminisce about the many good times had at the hali by both young and old Uno Söderholm of Maple Ridge a man who dedicated much time to the maintenance and operation of the hali after 1940 shared the story of the hall's life with The Gazette In 1905 he said the first Finnish settlers arrived in Westers Corners from Sointula led by Matti Kurikka who had obtained a shingle bolt contract there Money was scarce in those days but the Finnish people remained light-heart- ed creat-m- g their ovvn entertainment Culture has always played an important role in the lifestyle of the Finnish people and in Websters Corners there was great evidence of this Söder-holm commented In early days a variety of cultural activities were staged in the large cooperative dining room of the Sampola Farm When the farm was later divid-e- d among the settlers one acre was reserved for a community hali The need for a community gathering place became more and necessary as the Finnish population increased at the Corners and in 1915 after three years of planning and fund raising construction of the hali got underway It was built entirely by volunteer labour vvith men women and children doing their part and in 1916 the Finnish people proudly held the official opening ceremonies The hali soon became a vital part of life and asourceofmuch happiness not only for the Finns but ali who lived in the area Loftano fViay 12 Winning numbm vveie 1 7 18 21 35 38 The honus nurn-be- r vas 25 Ali mx i rgulai nimi-nen vvon 878681040 A ny fivo o! the six regular numbors piihs the bonus number vvon $23051 -- 30 Any live regulai number vvon S 143560 Any lour regular numbers vvon $31 40 Anv thuv regular numbers vvon S5 Karlv bird numbers vvere 3 8 2tf M) Ali four numbers on a tn ket purchased by VVednosday wim $8170 Bonus Jackpot number s vvere 2 16 30 34 3b 38 Ali m numbers won $500000 Lotto 649 May 12 VVinning number vvere 0 16 19 20 25 43 The boniu num-ber vvas 40 Ali six regular num-bers vvere vvorth $1617856 00 but the vvinning combmation vvas not selected ny five oi the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $20373000 Any live leukn numbers vvon $359520 Anv four regular numbers vvon $8980 Any three regular num-bers vvon $10 1 2 ifr MAlii rnun Thp nrä m t " p t 'ftiir Hwmwi wam h bm m nw ww - ww m 'r - "W w" r-- w w - r rVWW m m a m L V : i iiri Jt i 'i-- r i _ i w jr v rt 'i ii1 ji n VV "' V -- t u M -- v(r " ' ji" Mii- T i The" English-speakin- g people came toerijoythe cntertainmcrt even though they could not understand the language It vvas the stage for many community events — there were concerts plays folk danc-in- g bazaars basket and flower socials and sports activities such as wrestling and gymnasucs It was the site of many summer picnics there vvere church gatherings held there funerals and vveddings It even served temporarily as a classroom And every Saturday night regardless of what entertain-ment was staged dancing al-wa- ys follovved Most of the music in the early days was provided by Kalle Kukkola and Rachel Juntunen Söderholm mentioned the children always came to the hali vvith their parents The younger ones would sleep vvhile the older children would join in the dancing Intermission at the hali vvas a tradition It vvas a time for people to go into the kitchen vvhere they vvere served coffee and pulla a Finnish Coffee Bread The hali also served as the local library for some time — vvith close to 400 books and Grampa Skytte as librarian In the late 0's activities slovved down at the hali and it was ordered closed for a short period duringthe Second World War Söderholm said the local mounties tipped off that thejiall might be an arsenal for the Reds broke in ransacking it as they searched for weapons When they left finding none they padlocked the doors leav-in- g the Finnish people without their hali for a time Activities resumed after this but on a much leduced scale asaresultofa decrease in the local Finnish population A decision vvas made to sell the hali Söderholm said but when they received only one offer for $ 1 500 it was decided instead to keep it It was used mostly for a picnic area and rented out for other community events after that VVintario IViay 17 'Iho vinnir£ nuttilici te S20000D vvjs A7l)i4t Ml m riigihtton $25000 ihnlnslöoi laM 5 riigits v on $5000 the lirst 4 ( i 'last 4 digitö vvon $'00 the firsi 3 or list 3 digits w $10 Winning numb(M's ior $100000 uere H030'i) C 181903 C J':i834 Otlrei prie-$1000- 0 — 8224"'' 623376 $1 000 — 48822 S 1U0 - 5412 S50 — 1 1 4 5 7 y ) mv oruer S 10 — 651 M tv Bonus — 50M570 Pot o' GoBd r?1ay 17 The w jijuiv number I or 100000 m uniil vjs lö(iM(l $50UU0 m yuhi 78416 Ior 825-O0- U in Rind 926448 ior MHOOO in eold 535185 Bonus numbers ior cars vvei" 4(n8l H iU2 482033 668546 Provincial May £S 'I he vvmiTric numh1 f i i Sö0000l) vvas 521001)3 Thv IrA 6 digits u n n $50 000 'a st i (iieiUs vvon SI 100 kiM 4 il iu-- uoii $100 lasi { hpis u ijsi2dinits vvon Sln branchfcof the Einnisn Organizationlater sold UKK Ilöll WJ U1C V dlltUUVCi bränch and it vvas festored to today's condition But vvith little specific use for the hali by the örganization itdpf ' hptime for it to leave the hands ot the Finnish people hi i arrived Sampo Hall vvas the last of the Finnish Halls in Western Canada At one time there vvere 70 active Halls across the coun-try novv only fevv remain in the east The local Finnish people are thankful for the legacy of this community hali and happy that after 68 years in their care the hali vvill continue to serve the community as a daycare and for other social activities Plans for the official closing of the Sampo Hall as a Finnish center are in the vvorks for sometime this summer vvhen a plaque vvill be placed at the site to commemorate the historic significance of this landmark MN (The Gazette) Eulogy by Jim Tester for Kolaii (1908-1984- ) at his funeral service in Sudbury on May 14 1984 It is alvvays difficult to say goodbye to an old friendes-peciall- y vvhen it is for the last time I met Lauri Kolari for the first time 46 years ago The occasion vvas his vvedding re-cepti- on at the Finnish Hall in Timmins He and his lovely young bride vvere radiantly happy The crovvded hali of vvell-vvishe- rs vvere happy for them Both vvere loved by everyone and it seemed like the perfect match it proved to be Lauri had manyjobs dunng his vvorking life He earned his bread and the odd rose by the svveat of his brovv He had been a miner truck driver construc-tion and maintenance vvorker and a stationary engineer As a vvorking man he left his mark as a builder A hard-vvorki- ng car-pent- er by trade many a home in Northern and Southern Ontario is mute testimony to his skill as a dedicated craftsman He vvas a builder among people as vvell Ali his life he dedicated himself to positive so-cial activity mostly in and around the Finnish Hall No matter vvhere he lived in Beaver Lake Timmins St Cathannes or Sudbury - he sang in choirs acted in plays and participated in athletic activities When he retired from the vvorld of vvork he became an enthusiastic leader among the Finnish Se-nior Citizens of Sudbury I knevv Lauri Kolari best as an athlete He vvas a product of that almost legendary sporting club "Jehu" in Beaver Lake Its members as true amateur sports gloried in physical ex-cellen- ce and friendly com-petiti- on They vvere generous in victory alvvays giving great credit to their adversaries They vvere gracious in defeat by praising the efforts of those vvho had vvon The records of the Finnish-Canadia- n Amateur Sports Fe-deration show that Lauri vvas an ERltAISET „ -- TILAISUUDET TORONTO Lailll Finn Centre 465-89- 81 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Lauluharjoitukset kel-lo 10 ja voimisteluharjoitukset kello 1 1 Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm seuran huo-neustos- sa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip active sportsman for most of his life As a youngster he vvas not only outstanding in track and field he vvas also a good gymast As he grevv older he encouraged the younger gene- - ration to participate He vvas a good coach One could say the amateur sportsman's ethic vvas his vvay of life Modest quiet and unassuming he vvas an all-rou- nd good guy In ali the years I had knovvn him he never said anything nasty about anyone to me The last lime I savv Laurie vvas over a year ago He vvas lying in bed his vvasted body motionless but his eyes vvere bright and alert He loved life and vvas struggling to the end to be part of it His mind vvas clear his thinking lucid and informed Some individualistic thin-ke- rs have concluded that life is a journey betvveen tvvo eternities I don't agree To me life iis more a run Not an ordinary foot-rac- e vvith each competitor struggling tovvard the finish line but a relay race in vvhich each team member takes a turn carrying the baton - then passes it on to the next runner Life is a relay race that never ends It goes on eternally as one generation succeeds the next The youngsters one has knovvn coached and encourag-ed become the runners of the future Each in turn To Lauri Kolari vve pay the ultimate compliment that can be given a sportsman: you have done your best Your run has oeen outstanding vvith good time excellent form and the baton vvell passed Your per-forman- ce will no be readily Ikinuorten ivöimisteluharlM-t''- 1 joitukset joka ' keskiviikko äl-- '' Käen Keiioil ap: Lauiunarjoi-- tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset- - ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset vuoroviikoin torstai-iltaisi- n klo 7 ja päivisin klo 1 kunnes toisin päätetään V7ANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisena maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihaialosleiden valmistaia lommossa 1 Land Di Toionlo I 7 Onl Puhelin 425 0450 MmniL k ukki i li iIliii tuniL'ii1 llllll llllllllnslutl sllKkkcitl UUstiil Icipll Mli IlloktllVlllI muu iiii IlIhuiIii Aukioloaiit Ma m muina suljettu Tiistai s 6 keskiviikko s d Toistai s 6 Peijantai s 7 L auanlai s 4 KAIKENLAISTA PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA Sahko- - ja putkitus- - tarpeita — maalia kohtuullisin hinnoin RICHARD LAKE LUMBER & Builders Supply Ltd PUHELIN 522-153- 1 Posti: Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury Maantie 69 etelään Richard Lake forgotten Novv rest - easily and The räin poured down on Edmonton Tvvo locals vvho had been bragging to a visitor about "sunny Alberta" sat in embarrassment until one finally said "Boy vve sure do get some terrible vveather from Toronto don't vve?" i ' u%i 'Ä if
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Viikkosanomat, May 28, 1984 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finland -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Finland; Finnish Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1984-05-28 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | VikkoD7000405 |
Title | 000847 |
OCR text | £f?3t" ' v r--jn m Mtij fi I -- „ H jn v ' l' :' ' 'M ' ►' fi'' Iata A ° ""' a TVJt 3iT v irJ-- U i ' 1 "A U1U OdlllUU Äh erä of culture came to an uJj end recently with the-sal- e of the Sampo Hall inV:Websters Corners The Finnish Örganization of Vancouver turned over the keys of the factlity last month to Priya and Alex Kucher mark-in- g the end of 68 years of service to the community under the umbrella of the Finnish people Last week local members of the Finnish Örganization joined together to reminisce about the many good times had at the hali by both young and old Uno Söderholm of Maple Ridge a man who dedicated much time to the maintenance and operation of the hali after 1940 shared the story of the hall's life with The Gazette In 1905 he said the first Finnish settlers arrived in Westers Corners from Sointula led by Matti Kurikka who had obtained a shingle bolt contract there Money was scarce in those days but the Finnish people remained light-heart- ed creat-m- g their ovvn entertainment Culture has always played an important role in the lifestyle of the Finnish people and in Websters Corners there was great evidence of this Söder-holm commented In early days a variety of cultural activities were staged in the large cooperative dining room of the Sampola Farm When the farm was later divid-e- d among the settlers one acre was reserved for a community hali The need for a community gathering place became more and necessary as the Finnish population increased at the Corners and in 1915 after three years of planning and fund raising construction of the hali got underway It was built entirely by volunteer labour vvith men women and children doing their part and in 1916 the Finnish people proudly held the official opening ceremonies The hali soon became a vital part of life and asourceofmuch happiness not only for the Finns but ali who lived in the area Loftano fViay 12 Winning numbm vveie 1 7 18 21 35 38 The honus nurn-be- r vas 25 Ali mx i rgulai nimi-nen vvon 878681040 A ny fivo o! the six regular numbors piihs the bonus number vvon $23051 -- 30 Any live regulai number vvon S 143560 Any lour regular numbers vvon $31 40 Anv thuv regular numbers vvon S5 Karlv bird numbers vvere 3 8 2tf M) Ali four numbers on a tn ket purchased by VVednosday wim $8170 Bonus Jackpot number s vvere 2 16 30 34 3b 38 Ali m numbers won $500000 Lotto 649 May 12 VVinning number vvere 0 16 19 20 25 43 The boniu num-ber vvas 40 Ali six regular num-bers vvere vvorth $1617856 00 but the vvinning combmation vvas not selected ny five oi the six regular numbers plus the bonus number vvon $20373000 Any live leukn numbers vvon $359520 Anv four regular numbers vvon $8980 Any three regular num-bers vvon $10 1 2 ifr MAlii rnun Thp nrä m t " p t 'ftiir Hwmwi wam h bm m nw ww - ww m 'r - "W w" r-- w w - r rVWW m m a m L V : i iiri Jt i 'i-- r i _ i w jr v rt 'i ii1 ji n VV "' V -- t u M -- v(r " ' ji" Mii- T i The" English-speakin- g people came toerijoythe cntertainmcrt even though they could not understand the language It vvas the stage for many community events — there were concerts plays folk danc-in- g bazaars basket and flower socials and sports activities such as wrestling and gymnasucs It was the site of many summer picnics there vvere church gatherings held there funerals and vveddings It even served temporarily as a classroom And every Saturday night regardless of what entertain-ment was staged dancing al-wa- ys follovved Most of the music in the early days was provided by Kalle Kukkola and Rachel Juntunen Söderholm mentioned the children always came to the hali vvith their parents The younger ones would sleep vvhile the older children would join in the dancing Intermission at the hali vvas a tradition It vvas a time for people to go into the kitchen vvhere they vvere served coffee and pulla a Finnish Coffee Bread The hali also served as the local library for some time — vvith close to 400 books and Grampa Skytte as librarian In the late 0's activities slovved down at the hali and it was ordered closed for a short period duringthe Second World War Söderholm said the local mounties tipped off that thejiall might be an arsenal for the Reds broke in ransacking it as they searched for weapons When they left finding none they padlocked the doors leav-in- g the Finnish people without their hali for a time Activities resumed after this but on a much leduced scale asaresultofa decrease in the local Finnish population A decision vvas made to sell the hali Söderholm said but when they received only one offer for $ 1 500 it was decided instead to keep it It was used mostly for a picnic area and rented out for other community events after that VVintario IViay 17 'Iho vinnir£ nuttilici te S20000D vvjs A7l)i4t Ml m riigihtton $25000 ihnlnslöoi laM 5 riigits v on $5000 the lirst 4 ( i 'last 4 digitö vvon $'00 the firsi 3 or list 3 digits w $10 Winning numb(M's ior $100000 uere H030'i) C 181903 C J':i834 Otlrei prie-$1000- 0 — 8224"'' 623376 $1 000 — 48822 S 1U0 - 5412 S50 — 1 1 4 5 7 y ) mv oruer S 10 — 651 M tv Bonus — 50M570 Pot o' GoBd r?1ay 17 The w jijuiv number I or 100000 m uniil vjs lö(iM(l $50UU0 m yuhi 78416 Ior 825-O0- U in Rind 926448 ior MHOOO in eold 535185 Bonus numbers ior cars vvei" 4(n8l H iU2 482033 668546 Provincial May £S 'I he vvmiTric numh1 f i i Sö0000l) vvas 521001)3 Thv IrA 6 digits u n n $50 000 'a st i (iieiUs vvon SI 100 kiM 4 il iu-- uoii $100 lasi { hpis u ijsi2dinits vvon Sln branchfcof the Einnisn Organizationlater sold UKK Ilöll WJ U1C V dlltUUVCi bränch and it vvas festored to today's condition But vvith little specific use for the hali by the örganization itdpf ' hptime for it to leave the hands ot the Finnish people hi i arrived Sampo Hall vvas the last of the Finnish Halls in Western Canada At one time there vvere 70 active Halls across the coun-try novv only fevv remain in the east The local Finnish people are thankful for the legacy of this community hali and happy that after 68 years in their care the hali vvill continue to serve the community as a daycare and for other social activities Plans for the official closing of the Sampo Hall as a Finnish center are in the vvorks for sometime this summer vvhen a plaque vvill be placed at the site to commemorate the historic significance of this landmark MN (The Gazette) Eulogy by Jim Tester for Kolaii (1908-1984- ) at his funeral service in Sudbury on May 14 1984 It is alvvays difficult to say goodbye to an old friendes-peciall- y vvhen it is for the last time I met Lauri Kolari for the first time 46 years ago The occasion vvas his vvedding re-cepti- on at the Finnish Hall in Timmins He and his lovely young bride vvere radiantly happy The crovvded hali of vvell-vvishe- rs vvere happy for them Both vvere loved by everyone and it seemed like the perfect match it proved to be Lauri had manyjobs dunng his vvorking life He earned his bread and the odd rose by the svveat of his brovv He had been a miner truck driver construc-tion and maintenance vvorker and a stationary engineer As a vvorking man he left his mark as a builder A hard-vvorki- ng car-pent- er by trade many a home in Northern and Southern Ontario is mute testimony to his skill as a dedicated craftsman He vvas a builder among people as vvell Ali his life he dedicated himself to positive so-cial activity mostly in and around the Finnish Hall No matter vvhere he lived in Beaver Lake Timmins St Cathannes or Sudbury - he sang in choirs acted in plays and participated in athletic activities When he retired from the vvorld of vvork he became an enthusiastic leader among the Finnish Se-nior Citizens of Sudbury I knevv Lauri Kolari best as an athlete He vvas a product of that almost legendary sporting club "Jehu" in Beaver Lake Its members as true amateur sports gloried in physical ex-cellen- ce and friendly com-petiti- on They vvere generous in victory alvvays giving great credit to their adversaries They vvere gracious in defeat by praising the efforts of those vvho had vvon The records of the Finnish-Canadia- n Amateur Sports Fe-deration show that Lauri vvas an ERltAISET „ -- TILAISUUDET TORONTO Lailll Finn Centre 465-89- 81 Ikinuorten kerhon toiminta-paikka Finn Centre 217 Dan-fort- h Ave on avoinna kello 10 jälkeen jokaisen viikon torstai-aamuna Lauluharjoitukset kel-lo 10 ja voimisteluharjoitukset kello 1 1 Tervetuloa rentoutu-maan juodaan kahvia ja pela-taan bingoa! CANADA-NL-SEUR- A jär-jestää filmitilaisuuksia perjan-taisin klo 8 pm seuran huo-neustos- sa 280 Queen St W Toronto Elokuvat ovat joko englan-ninkielisiä tai -- tekstillä varus-tettuja Tulkaa ajoissa — ra-joitettu tila! THUNDER BAY Ikinuorten kokoukset haa-lill- a 316 Bay St joka kuu-kauden ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko alkaen kello 130 ip active sportsman for most of his life As a youngster he vvas not only outstanding in track and field he vvas also a good gymast As he grevv older he encouraged the younger gene- - ration to participate He vvas a good coach One could say the amateur sportsman's ethic vvas his vvay of life Modest quiet and unassuming he vvas an all-rou- nd good guy In ali the years I had knovvn him he never said anything nasty about anyone to me The last lime I savv Laurie vvas over a year ago He vvas lying in bed his vvasted body motionless but his eyes vvere bright and alert He loved life and vvas struggling to the end to be part of it His mind vvas clear his thinking lucid and informed Some individualistic thin-ke- rs have concluded that life is a journey betvveen tvvo eternities I don't agree To me life iis more a run Not an ordinary foot-rac- e vvith each competitor struggling tovvard the finish line but a relay race in vvhich each team member takes a turn carrying the baton - then passes it on to the next runner Life is a relay race that never ends It goes on eternally as one generation succeeds the next The youngsters one has knovvn coached and encourag-ed become the runners of the future Each in turn To Lauri Kolari vve pay the ultimate compliment that can be given a sportsman: you have done your best Your run has oeen outstanding vvith good time excellent form and the baton vvell passed Your per-forman- ce will no be readily Ikinuorten ivöimisteluharlM-t''- 1 joitukset joka ' keskiviikko äl-- '' Käen Keiioil ap: Lauiunarjoi-- tukset ensimmäinen ja kolmas keskiviikko kello 12 kunnes toisin määrätään Järjestön kuukausikokous toinen lauantai kuukaudesta alkaen kello 1 iltapäivällä SUDBURY CSJ:n Sudburyn osaston kuukausikokoukset pidetään ukrainalaisella Jubilee haalilla joka kuukauden toisena maa-nantaina kello 1 1 aamupäiväl-lä ellei asiasta toisin ilmoiteta Sudburyn Seurakerhon vii-kottaiset harjoitukset- - ja ajan-vietetilaisuu- det Jubilee Centre (entinen Finnish haali) joka tiis-tai alkaen kello 10 ap Uudet jäsenet tervetuloa kerhomme toimintaan! Sävel kuoron harjoitukset vuoroviikoin torstai-iltaisi- n klo 7 ja päivisin klo 1 kunnes toisin päätetään V7ANUP CSJ:n Wanupin osaston No 9:n kokoukset ovat kuu-kauden ensimmäisena maanan-taina Osaston osoite: RR 3 Site 13 Box 6 Sudbury Ontario P3E 4N1 Viking Foods & Imports Suomalaisten lihaialosleiden valmistaia lommossa 1 Land Di Toionlo I 7 Onl Puhelin 425 0450 MmniL k ukki i li iIliii tuniL'ii1 llllll llllllllnslutl sllKkkcitl UUstiil Icipll Mli IlloktllVlllI muu iiii IlIhuiIii Aukioloaiit Ma m muina suljettu Tiistai s 6 keskiviikko s d Toistai s 6 Peijantai s 7 L auanlai s 4 KAIKENLAISTA PUUTAVARAA JA RAKENNUSTARPEITA Sahko- - ja putkitus- - tarpeita — maalia kohtuullisin hinnoin RICHARD LAKE LUMBER & Builders Supply Ltd PUHELIN 522-153- 1 Posti: Site 8 R R 3 Sudbury Maantie 69 etelään Richard Lake forgotten Novv rest - easily and The räin poured down on Edmonton Tvvo locals vvho had been bragging to a visitor about "sunny Alberta" sat in embarrassment until one finally said "Boy vve sure do get some terrible vveather from Toronto don't vve?" i ' u%i 'Ä if |
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