1952-04-24-03 |
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° Kaanaana KAAN ^ tyhjät aisai '«Ilen vasta;, °"lta oa t? '• •Pistin kat. se kuona 'iisannutkaja. I HAUSKAA VAPPUA toivottaa ArtShoeSfore Harold Mayzel, liikkeenhoitaja Hienoja jalkineita koko perheelle Puhelin WA- 5581 530 Queen Street West Toronto Ontario j tJ H L A T E B V E H D Y 8 ! GLOBE PAIHT & WALLPAPEB CO. Papeivitsfjsi -> Maaleja Puhelin WA. 7303 . 559 Queen St. W.. Toronto, OnU maisten estti. itykseUe. Joki n pelon tafa. omautU, etii »märtää, etii .vaan että ji. nisten fayriii. •voiset tavaa, stoliitto tulee >ssä,: tUlisival maan Britaa. Jn tilannetta, ston jäsenet, lu-esti yllätei- •ä he näkjiät ungissa. -Iit Upoissa jotki 3ta tavaraa ja y:öskin täynnä näytti olevaj ttäSovletsb.- ui Moäcovaja teili mitä lm /Cmian presi-! yntjTnän 500- n juhialstun-: luri konsertti'l-^l; a ja venäläis* ettiin vastaa' et.myös.Ie- .inäkissä. Ere. Achabadissa, kaupungeissa, kii-jastcssa a icLn muistolle in ensknniä> inehlstoa, jo- . Vincin aika' KEVÄTTERVEHDYS! Credit Jmellers • Bulova kelloja o Expertti kellojen korjausta. AVATKAA V E L K A T I U / 48 tunnin palvelu . Puhelin WA. 1458 186 Queen St. West Toronto OnCprlo HAUSKAA VAPPUA TOIVOO Sfeaiii Batbs EM. 4-9997 137 Bevcrley Street Toronto , Ontario i S tl nähtäväni iustaiteeseen" 1 vanlia rans' elta 1651. Si-tämän suU' ä ja. työsti, ista "Maitoc- Litta". 'Tals-ä" Cioconda". stössa on ai- Leonardo da ja Jceksijänä. jäljennökset inpanokirjas-Ävjä lintuja .samoin pii* 1 "lampun'si-i il, I IKAN maitten Väli- , pistein 51- a Kööpenia- ,rapunpäiwä lymällä siioin ennystä täm. tämän maaB' ysvaltain loista canad»» 3sua tallit» taisin kansan jloksi—paoistaan, jotki eet vapput"' inf coita sitä, et-ilaiset työlii-lä arvoa rap-iielenosoitos-ion asia-Yb-isten kanssa t. nito räMfl . vasta äsket-jistunune o-e järjestettäviin rauhan, isoikeudenja en puolesU-inen ölidaarisaus-iJ5Uudcn" nB-jmalaissiirto-tisiaan Ja summaan parien aatteileo cksiniit4»»« a itaellennp* aeet-Äifl- HAUSKAA VAPPUA TOIVOTTAA . QUEEN WEST FURNITUEECpMPiM«Y 587 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ontario ' #ahelUi V/AMVt —Lilkkeeinme STOtnn» StaauiillMI» r ^ H U O N E K A L U J A Suuri valikoima Ja varasto Quala Ja k&ytettyjä talous-Ja konttorlluUustoja' Kuten: Ompelukoneita, helloja, söhvUV mattoja, sähkövällneitä, pianoja, yjn..- ; j n . , Me lähetämme^tavaroita ulos kaupungista Toronto. — We y-oung people are good! Thexe is no doubt about it in OUT own minds at least But qulte regulaiily we see the old foQcs d a things Uiat we have to tip our hat to, and then at least cnomentarily we realize that they too are pretty good. Here in Toronto this f act « a s de-monstrated last Sunday night at the concert the "Ahertaja" cultural com-petiUon group put on. In the ijiased opinion of this writer (who at the last monent became an. — "Ahertaja") It was a mastenpiece of organiz-ation that the young ipeople can draw many lessons froin for future woirk. It should be pointed out inunediately that the vomig people were involved in the preparations and were abo Weil represented on the program but nevertheless the maintask of plan-ning and organizing had been car-ried out by the older generation. One: of the «nost striking aspects of the program vias the abundance of group numbers vhich judging from H A U S K A A V A P P UA toivottaa Wilcox Steam Baths and ShoWers South Road (Lake Ave.) WiIcox Lake,>Ontatio < V Ä P P U T E R V E H D Y K S E N M E kansojen vapauden, veljeyden ^^^^^^^^^ j^^^^^ WHITEFISH, ONTAlilO J. Passin perhe Katri ja Fred La^Ine Jack Laine Tyyne ja Matti Tolmonen Ja . • lapset Väinö Pelto VUhart. LyyU Ja KaUe Ruismäki . Aura ja Niilo OJanporft • Elden Ojanperä Aino ja Hemml Lanuni Oscar Herrala Sytelät Anna ja Elalle Palo Lizzie Laine Sandra ja F. Kuusisto Hanna ja Eila Nyysölä Aini Ja Eino HIU Paul HiU Mr. ja Mrs. A. Lahti Vieno ja Tauno Keränen Viivi ja M, Lindala Sulo Mäki ' •Geo. M i U • Walter ja Aino Fanny Ja Otto Ktats Lind» Ja X. HkrsOä Albett Jassna Attth Vainikainen Ja i l tl Ralph Hopeavuori Elvi Jä Bob XiuJaneD Ja lapset BlB Oja ; • Ilozta Nojonen EUeen. Evelyxi. Ebde Ja Hemy Reijo. Keitti ja Karl Kainula Mr Ja M*8. y . Ylinen Aino Kiu^Pinen "". iyiyra Jafiino Kllpinea Leäipi Ja j;Rlekko ^ Tyyne. MftkÄ ja Kane . ,;paiomäii Anna Ja i ^ T l Kivi - - Sylvia Ja Yrjö JA pojät- Annl Ja A. SetftU VERMIUON RIVER, ONT. Martha Kinnunen: Paul Kinmmen Mary ja Otto Setälä Ja äitt Tuomaalat J Tuomaala V. Lampinen Olga Ja H. Elimen Tryne ja T. Rauhanen senja Ja Vie Jutila Erkki IPenttlnen Aino Ja Lauri Kooki Vnno Penttinen Aino Ja A. Kivinen PENAGE TROUT LAKE, ONT. Hilma Ja Enrio Wuori Ellen ja N. Linden Elin ja Gust Salminen S. ja j . Laine A. Ahonen Tekla ja A. KSarUinen B. Saiberv Greta ja Nestor Luoto Mandi Salmi Anna ja vnho Potila - Tauno Aliooea TERVEHDYS kaikille rauhan-puolustajille tänä ° Minnie Johnson -Vilho Ja Minda Katainen Atma Vesa Ja pojat Bertha ja Uuno Söderholm Ja perhe Jenny Ja Emil Raunio Anita. Ida Ja J . Turunen ; Armi ja Arvo Skytte • Emilia ja Oscar Salmi Wm. Ja Violet Ojaniemi Ja lapset Lyydia Pesonen ja Kalevi Eva ja Wm. Jaakkola Alma ja Armas Skytte Anni Puska Mrs. W. Knuuttila Hilja ja Wm, Ranta AI Ja Toini Webster ja lapset Hilda Kukkola Ja Donna Pora, Rachel ja August Juntunen. Haney Emma ja Albert Palttila. Albion Oscar Pesonen ; Alvlna Siikanen Alice Ja Kusti Eskola, 2802 Murray St., Port Moody H. Ja S. Lanki ja pojat Ida Klaar Hilma ja Atu Marttinen Sylvi Ja Sam Saari ja pojat Laila ja Tauno Pusim Ja perhe XTrho Tynjälä Lyyli, Douglas ja Jetmifer-Anne. Ladysmith Anni Tynjälä V. Kesti Onni Jokela Mr. Ja mrs. Aug. Hilland Eila, Ada Ja Walter Rauma Websters Comers British Columbia the prcsentation had been irell plan-ned and rehearsed. In our; organiz-ations ve have always emphaslzed the knportance of group partlcipation and the point should be oonstantly re-emphasized^Preparation of group nxunbers requires a lot of work but the aresults are well vorth the effort. Another thlng -that requires. men-tion is the selectton of numbers. In this partknilar case the central theme of the program wa8 that -very import-ant themc of peace and happlness whlch is not ahvays consldered v i th the full serioosness that it trarrants. In fnany of the program numbers the terrible destniction and insanit^y of wars as a meansof solving problems was vivldly portrayed whUe on the other hand a u n y i}umbers reminded Us of the happlness and enjoymcnt that a peaceful and secure li/e has to offer. It is weU our efforts to lend our support to this grcet struggle that ali people with a wlll to Ihre and enjoy the best that life has to offer are canying out In eivery part of the "World. We can help by Integrating the theme of peace into programs that we prepare. And that is not difficult for evety-thing that is creative and enJoyable already in itself speaks for peace and life. The more thought onc gLvcs to suob achievements, the morc danger there is to arrlve at the conclusion that maybe there are a lot of things wc can leam from the old foBcs. per-haps we should ask them for their advice and suggestlons more f reguent-ly. The oUt foUcs mlght even be a littlc better then we are. — K K , Ali good things comc to an cnd so did our gyni and Iccture courses. Oiu- closing concert was lieki on Aprli 6th — <which was (as you have read from prevlous articles) a huge success. We put on a four hour showing-of-gymnastics, tumbllng, dances. songs. musical selections. etc; Rlght iiow L want to tliank Paavo and Karl, on behalf of «nyself nnd ttie rcst of the club members: PaaA'o, for U»c wond©rful gym dasses (wc rcally dld enjoy thcm vcry much dcsplte tlie odd groans tind (moan.s now and then> — and — Karl. for hls intcrcst-ing locturcs. from which we Icarned a lot. and got a better out-look on the past. present and future hap-penlngs. Tliank you both, once again! Now that tliese courses are ovcr that does not mean that the club's activitics have dicd down too — NO SSBSBXSZ — quite the opposite. This coming Sunday. April 20lh, the girls wtll be taklng part. in the concert, and of coursc on Aprll 27th, the nite of the "DYINAMO SPRINQ OONCBRT". evray member wlll be taklng an activc part (from tiny Karen Mäntylä — to big Allan Kon-ka>. After ali these concerts — we have othcr tasks ahead of us (PLiEASE! — was that a sigh I heard?) First, we have the mass and compctitlon gym movcments to Icam for the comins Lllttojuhlas. This includcs the boys as Tvell as the girls. Sccond-ly, I have heard such rumors, that a track is going to bc made at Island Lake this summer, and possibly a ball field — so remcmber— be ready HebinU. €ometihtng n«w is happening to the Olympics. But in reality it Is old for the ancient Olymplcs had It as its theme and the founder of the modera dympics beUeved in It. BIgbt along skie the games of -vorM athlctes a youth festival will takeplace that vrtll bc devoted to peace and friendshlp —• the original basls of these games. Called by the !Finnish Festival Com-mlttee. a youth <£amp will be situated at the beautiful peninsula town of Jollas, nvhich is ^Ithin reach of the capital. - Over ten thousand iPiiuis. as well as d o s e to 2.000 young men and wom«n from o t ^ countries wlll be taUng part. It wiU be open to ali athletes and cultural groups deslrous of protnottng peace and, friendshlp. It will bc conductcd In the spirlt of Uie World Youth F&stivai hcld in Berlin ,last summer. ' ' ' •At this camp. youth of many lands wjli,get _ acquainted wlth the dances and' songs of' other countries and coaipete wlth each other In various sports. They wlll toe performed -In a large natural amphitheatre out-of-doors during the long hours or the summer evenings whcn the sun sets late. It Is cxpcctcd that many Olymplc competitors will bc visitmg the camp and partlctpating In its actlvltles.. This action will help restore the Olympics to itu original purposes — peace and friendshlp. — Mirjam Tuomainen. :\ : Toronto. — Yes, another one of those Prlday n i i ^ t dances Is s<diedu-led to take place at the Don Hall this weekcnd. This time under the spon-sorship of thie <!boir8 and band. Judging Iron» the intercst that has devek>ped around these Prlday n i ^t hops It wIU be wisc for everybody to get thelr tlckete well In advance and bMldes advance sale tlckets are only €0c wtoUe at the door they wm be 75c. Most people are already familiarwith tbe f ine music of eillke liUcas' Örche^ tra and this wlll probabty be thie last occaslim i n vhlcih they wlll t}e at the hali untll n » t Xall, BO dont miss out on it. . iNot only that. but for sunday, April 27th, the choirs and band have pre-pared their annual sprlng concert. Oltroughout the oourse of ttie Winter we have been awarc of the work these bodles have been dolng, now we will have an opportunity to en Joy this m>eclal concert ttiey have prepared. (Rumour has it that the program wlli Include other ntunbers in addltion to in Toronto VAPPUTERVEHDYKSEMME KAIKILLE TOVEREILLE M YSTÄVILLE! MR. JA MRS. K. LEHTINEN MR. JA MRS. T. KOLPPANEN Ramsey, C.P.R. ., Ontario Toronto. — AU Winter long this sectlpn has carrled mcntlon of the youth courses that ha/ve alreadv been held In iflve differcnt places. Äow it is Toronto's turn. The carly sprlng has alwäys been a busy time around the Don Hall and this sprlng is no exception. This factor plus a number of öther technicalities has prievented the courses from gctting undenvay. (However, some of the dlfflculties have been solved and by the time this ar-tlcle is in print the first session will have been held äs It is schedulcd for Wednesday of this wcek. The second cducatiönal session wlll be on Satur-day aftemoon. •Next Week should a Iso sce the gyqi get underway probably on Tuesday and Tbursday nlghts, Some changcs may have to be made regarding nights avallableat the Hall and if so particl-pants wlll be notifled In advance, There Is älso a possibility that some as.rccts of the courses wlll bc varricd out at Tarmola. The main thlng that ia nc-cded now I» a host of partlclpants r:aht from the start so things wlll be aale to get Into full 8wing rlght from the start, Ali enqulrles about ar-rangemcnts should be directcd to the coitfse commlttce members. — K K . the' choir and band performances. Why we evcn heard there Is goIng to bc some vlsitlng talcnt from othcr cultural groups ln"the city.. . V e l i alJ be there at 4:00 PM. On The Li^htcr Side CLEAB ENOUGH •"I want to be procra-stlnatcd at the next comw." sald the passcnger to the bus conductor. "You want to t>e what7" demanded the conductor/ *Don't losc your tcmper, I had to look In the dictlonary myself b«- fore I found out that 'procr^stlnate* means 'put off," to lend a hclplng hand (trudc, shovel, ctc). Last but not loast, tho ratsing of funds for our trip to Port Arthur this smnmer. Weil be needlng a lot of that grecn stuff if <we are going there via the T . C i A , Serlously. though — if you have any Idea to help raisc some easy money, please dont keep It In the deep daric secret. Somcthing for the boys — as of now y o u have a ncsw gym instructor nonc othcr than our vlceH>resldent. WaJtor '(Wally) Niskanen. So there Is no excusc now. for not practlslng twlcc a Week rcgularly. Bcforc slgning off just a UtUe re-minder of our time table: 6.30 PJMr-7.30 PiM. Llttle Boys 7.30 P : M ^ PJM. Oirls and Boys warmlng up cxercises \ . 8 P M . — Girls gym 8 PJM, — Boys gjm Wc cxpect a full tiuti out eveiy gym nite, from now until Liitto- Julilas.—Dolores. Vapputervehdys! o BLAIRMOBE. ALTA. Hanna Ja MatU Järvi sun Mackle Jack Suorsa Aku Väinö o NEW WESTMIN8TEB. B. C. Hilda ja Antti Haka, 623 Ewen Ave., Ann. John 'Ja Kathryne NykoI, Weibsters Comers Sylvia, Kaario >Ja (Kathryne Lund, 348 Hospltal St., Jeanette Ja Frank Ovlngton. 348 Ho£a>ltal S t . Tllda Ja IBmU Yla. lai (Brald St., FJsa Ja Antti Karjala, 191 Byrne Road. So. (BuiTislby Alma ja Jaok Oja. 312 Nootka St., Katri ja Ted Skytte. 301-8th Ave. E . Er&a Rorva, 1706 OoluMbia Dr.. Bertha Ja Ted Sjöblom. mi4 River Rd.. Sylvia; <LaUi^. yelma Ja Peter Rapo, 923 Ceidax 6t.i •'. ^ ,,' , Hemy Ja Akna lalui,\ i i ; , ! • 441 Rousseau St.. ' ' < " Maiy Ja Peter-NremeiÄ.- • • " " ' * 281 Byrne Rkl.. So. Bttmaliy Aino Ja Kosti Palm. 249*8th A v e . E . O LADYSMITH. B . C . Ensio Mfilkinen Martha Ja Leonard Juola Eino ja Vfctor AKon Anna (Ja Dan Sarlund . Olga Ja Mätti Klonola Aina Ja lUrho Lähde Amalia Kotila ja George Liisi 'ja Paul Parta Eini Ja Vie Niemi Hikna Leaf' Sandra iSbnila Elli, Alex. MlUa Ja Lilja Muhola Abna Mäki Hulda Nelson Sofia Luhtala Mr. ja Mrs. Hugo Rutti Mamlc Ja Frank Tuomi Ida EilkkUä Wilma Ja Ed. O FORT ES8INGTON. B.C. ^ Lily, Kelly Ja Yvonne Pehkonen T Y Y N E Ja AARNE HAUTANEN Arthur Palo Charlie Kinos, Infantry 1, Tranquille Eva Snellman Elina Ja Sylvi Hakala W, Danlelson, Port Edwar(U H. KOSSILA W. NIEMI Laina Ja Ben Korhonen Ja perhe H. Bakkila H. 8TAIN Marie Snellman • SALMON ABM. B.C. Mary Ja Walter Mäki Ja Violet Mary Ja Mike Soon Ja pojat John Huhtala Ja pojat Elllc Mäki Ja tytöt Wendla Ja Nick Ruotsala Mary Ja Oscar Korpi Henry Ola Lempi ja Frank Kuusisto Sanna Mäki Ja Matti Dagmar Ja Victor Lehto K. Lehto • NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. Evclyn, Antti. Marie j a Patricia Tapio Annie Tapio Ja John. • GOLDEN, B. C. Mrs. 3. X . Hautala Ja bCaUl Mr. Ja Mrs. Lindgren Ja S M Mr. ]a M » . H. Salomaa Ja Arvo Ella Ja Eino Somero Mr. Jorma MikScola Mr. Jani Nikula • PRINCE GEORGE, B. C. Aini Ja V. Andelin, Box 894 Väinö UusiteOo E. Koski Emil Karjala Emil Maokie kaikille unionistisenliikkeen kannattajille ja ystäville toivottua MILL & SMELTER WORKERS UNION LOCAL 598 VIRKAILIJAT JA JÄSENISTÖ Kiitos kaikille avustajille union järjestämistyön johdosta rrnVSHDYKSSMMS ASIÄKKAILLSMME JA TUTfÄVILLSMMS irewiriS isiting Co. LORNE STREET, SUDBURY TERVEHDYKSEMME Kokeilkaa meidän maukasta DSLUXE JÄÄTELÖÄ LIMITED PUHELIN 3-7212 176 Minto Streot SudlnuY t lv'.: n 1 s 'h
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, April 24, 1952 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1952-04-24 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus520424 |
Title | 1952-04-24-03 |
OCR text |
° Kaanaana
^ tyhjät aisai
'«Ilen vasta;,
°"lta oa
'• •Pistin kat.
se kuona
Harold Mayzel, liikkeenhoitaja
Hienoja jalkineita
koko perheelle
Puhelin WA- 5581
530 Queen Street West
Toronto Ontario
j tJ H L A T E B V E H D Y 8 !
Papeivitsfjsi -> Maaleja
Puhelin WA. 7303 .
559 Queen St. W.. Toronto, OnU
maisten estti.
itykseUe. Joki
n pelon tafa.
omautU, etii
»märtää, etii
.vaan että ji.
nisten fayriii.
•voiset tavaa,
stoliitto tulee
>ssä,: tUlisival
maan Britaa.
Jn tilannetta,
ston jäsenet,
lu-esti yllätei-
•ä he näkjiät
ungissa. -Iit
Upoissa jotki
3ta tavaraa ja
y:öskin täynnä
näytti olevaj
ui Moäcovaja
teili mitä lm
/Cmian presi-!
yntjTnän 500-
n juhialstun-:
luri konsertti'l-^l;
a ja venäläis*
ettiin vastaa'
.inäkissä. Ere.
kii-jastcssa a
icLn muistolle
in ensknniä>
inehlstoa, jo-
. Vincin aika'
Credit Jmellers
• Bulova kelloja
o Expertti kellojen
48 tunnin palvelu
. Puhelin WA. 1458
186 Queen St. West
Toronto OnCprlo
Sfeaiii Batbs
EM. 4-9997
137 Bevcrley Street
Toronto , Ontario
tl nähtäväni
1 vanlia rans'
elta 1651. Si-tämän
ä ja. työsti,
ista "Maitoc-
Litta". 'Tals-ä"
stössa on ai-
Leonardo da
ja Jceksijänä.
.samoin pii*
1 "lampun'si-i
maitten Väli-
, pistein 51-
a Kööpenia-
lymällä siioin
ennystä täm.
tämän maaB'
ysvaltain loista
3sua tallit»
taisin kansan
eet vapput"'
coita sitä, et-ilaiset
arvoa rap-iielenosoitos-ion
t. nito räMfl
. vasta äsket-jistunune
en puolesU-inen
Ja summaan
a itaellennp*
587 Queen St. W. Toronto, Ontario ' #ahelUi V/AMVt
—Lilkkeeinme STOtnn» StaauiillMI» r ^
Suuri valikoima Ja varasto Quala Ja k&ytettyjä
talous-Ja konttorlluUustoja'
Kuten: Ompelukoneita, helloja, söhvUV mattoja,
sähkövällneitä, pianoja, yjn..- ; j n . ,
Me lähetämme^tavaroita ulos kaupungista
Toronto. — We y-oung people are
good! Thexe is no doubt about it
in OUT own minds at least But
qulte regulaiily we see the old foQcs
d a things Uiat we have to tip our
hat to, and then at least cnomentarily
we realize that they too are pretty
Here in Toronto this f act « a s de-monstrated
last Sunday night at the
concert the "Ahertaja" cultural com-petiUon
group put on. In the ijiased
opinion of this writer (who at the
last monent became an. — "Ahertaja")
It was a mastenpiece of organiz-ation
that the young ipeople can draw
many lessons froin for future woirk.
It should be pointed out inunediately
that the vomig people were involved
in the preparations and were abo
Weil represented on the program but
nevertheless the maintask of plan-ning
and organizing had been car-ried
out by the older generation.
One: of the «nost striking aspects
of the program vias the abundance
of group numbers vhich judging from
Wilcox Steam Baths and ShoWers
South Road (Lake Ave.) WiIcox Lake,>Ontatio <
kansojen vapauden, veljeyden
^^^^^^^^^ j^^^^^
J. Passin perhe
Katri ja Fred La^Ine
Jack Laine
Tyyne ja Matti Tolmonen Ja
. • lapset
Väinö Pelto
VUhart. LyyU Ja KaUe
Ruismäki .
Aura ja Niilo OJanporft •
Elden Ojanperä
Aino ja Hemml Lanuni
Oscar Herrala
Anna ja Elalle Palo
Lizzie Laine
Sandra ja F. Kuusisto
Hanna ja Eila Nyysölä
Aini Ja Eino HIU
Paul HiU
Mr. ja Mrs. A. Lahti
Vieno ja Tauno Keränen
Viivi ja M, Lindala
Sulo Mäki '
•Geo. M i U •
Walter ja Aino
Fanny Ja Otto Ktats
Lind» Ja X. HkrsOä
Albett Jassna
Attth Vainikainen Ja i l tl
Ralph Hopeavuori
Elvi Jä Bob XiuJaneD Ja lapset
BlB Oja ; •
Ilozta Nojonen
EUeen. Evelyxi. Ebde Ja Hemy
Reijo. Keitti ja Karl Kainula
Mr Ja M*8. y . Ylinen
Aino Kiu^Pinen "".
iyiyra Jafiino Kllpinea
Leäipi Ja j;Rlekko ^
Tyyne. MftkÄ ja Kane
. ,;paiomäii
Anna Ja i ^ T l Kivi - -
Sylvia Ja Yrjö JA pojät-
Annl Ja A. SetftU
Martha Kinnunen:
Paul Kinmmen
Mary ja Otto
Setälä Ja äitt
J Tuomaala
V. Lampinen
Olga Ja H. Elimen
Tryne ja T. Rauhanen
senja Ja Vie Jutila
Erkki IPenttlnen
Aino Ja Lauri Kooki
Vnno Penttinen
Aino Ja A. Kivinen
Hilma Ja Enrio Wuori
Ellen ja N. Linden
Elin ja Gust Salminen
S. ja j . Laine
A. Ahonen
Tekla ja A. KSarUinen
B. Saiberv
Greta ja Nestor Luoto
Mandi Salmi
Anna ja vnho Potila -
Tauno Aliooea
kaikille rauhan-puolustajille
° Minnie Johnson
-Vilho Ja Minda Katainen
Atma Vesa Ja pojat
Bertha ja Uuno Söderholm Ja
Jenny Ja Emil Raunio
Anita. Ida Ja J . Turunen ;
Armi ja Arvo Skytte •
Emilia ja Oscar Salmi
Wm. Ja Violet Ojaniemi Ja
Lyydia Pesonen ja Kalevi
Eva ja Wm. Jaakkola
Alma ja Armas Skytte
Anni Puska
Mrs. W. Knuuttila
Hilja ja Wm, Ranta
AI Ja Toini Webster ja lapset
Hilda Kukkola Ja Donna
Pora, Rachel ja August
Juntunen. Haney
Emma ja Albert Palttila.
Oscar Pesonen ;
Alvlna Siikanen
Alice Ja Kusti Eskola,
2802 Murray St., Port Moody
H. Ja S. Lanki ja pojat
Ida Klaar
Hilma ja Atu Marttinen
Sylvi Ja Sam Saari ja pojat
Laila ja Tauno Pusim Ja perhe
XTrho Tynjälä
Lyyli, Douglas ja
Jetmifer-Anne. Ladysmith
Anni Tynjälä
V. Kesti
Onni Jokela
Mr. Ja mrs. Aug. Hilland
Eila, Ada Ja Walter Rauma
Websters Comers
British Columbia
the prcsentation had been irell plan-ned
and rehearsed. In our; organiz-ations
ve have always emphaslzed
the knportance of group partlcipation
and the point should be oonstantly
re-emphasized^Preparation of group
nxunbers requires a lot of work but
the aresults are well vorth the effort.
Another thlng -that requires. men-tion
is the selectton of numbers. In
this partknilar case the central theme
of the program wa8 that -very import-ant
themc of peace and happlness
whlch is not ahvays consldered v i th
the full serioosness that it trarrants.
In fnany of the program numbers the
terrible destniction and insanit^y of
wars as a meansof solving problems
was vivldly portrayed whUe on the
other hand a u n y i}umbers reminded
Us of the happlness and enjoymcnt
that a peaceful and secure li/e has to
offer. It is weU our efforts
to lend our support to this grcet
struggle that ali people with a wlll
to Ihre and enjoy the best that
life has to offer are canying out In
eivery part of the "World. We can
help by Integrating the theme of
peace into programs that we prepare.
And that is not difficult for evety-thing
that is creative and enJoyable
already in itself speaks for peace
and life.
The more thought onc gLvcs to
suob achievements, the morc danger
there is to arrlve at the conclusion
that maybe there are a lot of things
wc can leam from the old foBcs. per-haps
we should ask them for their
advice and suggestlons more f reguent-ly.
The oUt foUcs mlght even be a
littlc better then we are. — K K ,
Ali good things comc to an cnd
so did our gyni and Iccture courses.
Oiu- closing concert was lieki on Aprli
6th — |
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