1955-01-20-03 |
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mmmm STÄTJIJ MkSnne TBOÖS.' 5jla, lisätkää tali IpppuBuznma SD, j A' 3 6 . UfiätkSäf rä jnikä on tas.} olla "väkenuninj ir suoimaau ii5,| sl easlimnäistäl Idäii-Ikänne jal 'oa sanoo miten J •t as-k u, ssanne! UTTU estin emseea ka «ina aalioij ävästl.€ttäv^| » ja lämmittä-vu idos ämpäri CHATTEB i M H B l i i i n ^ Busy Season For Ski Enthusiasts alaisilla i?evan-1 m Pohjois-At-palaisen liiton sain ja täydel-uudfinalkalsilla aeija. Ei «le Sa;^an uu^ herättää .ka'.' ln,'j'cka kuten kseen Versall-an ainoastaan JO upseeria, ja en asevelvolll. aksassa aseis-' Hitlerinä oiiut aderla: ;enaseistamis> ninen; Ja sen enkisiin. soti-- a ^ kuoleman Ule ja varsin-msoille, niin lalUe. Kcska yolmien joh-samai mUi-alaiset mono- - kenraalit, on usl hyökkäys ä tleta. että ensimi ä3t ovat aina thin. larckin en-i Imperiumin iklkäyshenki-ransiaa vasan^ epätasai-nskan kansa, sivun histo-surasl hyok-ilaiq- preussi-usoltto kah-r Kka^ssdEsalai-i-f ^ saman Ih- 3n alheellis-snnen hyok-: n fcltleriläi-eet- -yaltansa . maita. laii-• Norjan,.otr apanrmlehir-ttl suunnallen maiden- . ettei tämä 'takeita el kukaan-rol: tteivat sak-mistaessaan la ' "itään .•»Ja matkan . Fos länteen, palalset po-laislln "ta- :aan todella , , että ijeljä; raisl pldät- ;ettuja saken turvalli-t osalllstui-t, nijnsuu-aata todel-: The interest i n cross country skiing lown byFOASF clubs inthe 6adbuiy itrictlast season is Again spparent lis season- Varlous training meets )onsored toy many of the clubs have 'en skiers a chance.to get back In ipe after taklng it easy oyer the unmer months. The fhst bUitäM [eet of the sea^n sponsored by Alerta ith the support of Speed:last Sa,tur<- ly af temoon at Työn Puisto fihöwecl lat not only have the boys faeen fainlng but that there might be some' )rises .from unexpected quarteis. t It has generallybeen conceded that' ie top level skiers who have within; 16 last few years come' to Cimada' •om Pinland are much advahced över le boys who have legmed the art 11^ [anada from the oldtimers, who id leu- daychalked up a remarkable re- )rd m thls arduos sport. • Neverthe- >, the interest creat^ by • these Dew ' >h-Canadlans has generaliy rais-f the quality of cross-cbuntry vaskiing at least: the Sudbury district. Much^ this has also.been due to the reor-' ation of crossrcountry skiing and; the Interest dlsplayed by last year'8 i tampion Arvo Ayräntö in coiulucting Dures for ali interested in th|s phase |f skung. Last Saturday the main event,\ the; ien's open 5 Jälometer event was won >y Vomia skler L.Baäska who*coveredJ jhe distance In 21.59. Runners up rere Karl Puiras. Speed, 23.04 and LHtti Ranta. Jehu; 23.41.; Karl .PaIo> iki, Speed: competing in the under tl class pulled the surprise x)f the day >y coverlng the same • coiurse in 22.14; )nly 15 säconds Ies than Baa6ka's time. f act ali the Under 21 competitors !howed fine results.; Second place 'ent to Don Puirtus. Speed, 23.03 whlle rehu's Eino Ladonlahti was a close third wlth a time of 23.07. These results indlcate that their «111 stiff competition between at least Jpeed and Jehu skiers at the PCASF lampionship • meet whichh ip being )nsored" by Speed; at: Whit6fish on 'ebuary 12 and 13.; The complete results of the Alerts meet can be found last Tuesday's paper and also the results of the Voima meet the f ollow-. ig day. SKI SDITS ntOVE WORTH7 ~ Thenenr look In ddtaig tras very evi-dent at last wedcend's meets as ali P O A ^ sldens viereattired Jn their new ski outfits. They daim t(iat vSe outfitB are vrtSl designed for cross-country skiing and to top it off they are smart lookbg outfits. llie ski comnoittee of the?FCASF has already received over 20 otders for these suits and more are'expected. Weil known locainnnish tailör L o i Kunnas has already supplied suits to thös^äcters who are active i n competitl<^<^d is now tryiag to catch up on orders ^ to ^upplythe occasional skiä^ and bbnch athletes with suits. Vnio knowä per-haps by the time of the FCASF ski meet, a majorlty of the audienceTwill even be decked out in the new • ätöre, 9F^ets alpngvtrith the nec^saty mea-surements as W€U as payment should be sent to Unto Penttinen, 3gat."Lawr renoe St., Sudbury. , COMING EVENTS Jehu has a^ two day 'event scheduled for this w^kend, JanuaTy7i2-23;j The competitlona wlll b^hi* saturday af temoon at 3.00 P ; M . when the inter-club 3x5 Sdlometer relay for the Ernest' Kallio trpphy T(ill guarantee^me stiff competition from severalclub^ The meet will: contlnue Saturday. nlght. only minus the skis at the Beaver Läke Hall, with a gay ski frolic, which Beaver Lake is noted for. Sunday \vill be a dlfflcult day for those: Äiers who will be entering in the main race; the open 20 kilometers. Other events included are the':'foilow-' ing: boys under 2110 km.; boys under 18 9 km; women's open 2 Oem:; girls under 16 l k m and.boys and girls under 12. Thls meet; has the offIclal sanctlon of the Northern Ontario Ski Zone and ali skiers are invited to partlclpate. • only three, iveeks away, so now is the time to make sure ali skiers are train- Ing for the rugged 'events'and-di^ should: also. be:pIaiming7how^many skiers they «111 be sending. The icom-plet& program, of events has been pub- Ushed several times in thls paper. One of the events, ivhlch perhaps should bementloned is the^w«nien's 4x1 km. relay: This event has not been contested for a number of years because of the lack of women väkiers.' It is to ibe hoped that at least two clubs willbeable to enterteams.this year. Beaver Lake mostlikely «111 be entermg a team, so • lefs see that they do not. get the champlonshlp un-challenged. CASA BACDiGi^ CAiEtbs ^: W Northern Ontario i t is ncm »ecesar^ that ali competitors entering sanction-: ed, competitiohs have, a Canadian An^ateur Skl^Association nacfaig Card. These cards«an beobtained-through either Mr. Bob Ryan, 14 Park St. Cop-per Cllff, or Mr. C. B. Cryderman, 46 Wood St., Kirkland I ^ e . ^ The senior cardscost $2.00;and'Junior cards: for those :«ho.^were:'under 18 prior to Jan. 1, 1955,xthe charge,is 50 cents. Skiers planning to compf^ this season -should apply for ttieir cards Inuriledlately, as thehr\ei)|td[es cannot be acc^ted unless' they have a card. FCASF CHAMPIONSHIP MEET The next Important meet will be the invitation meet sponsored bylSpeäd, at .«ihiclh . the : iPCASP 'championships «111 bedecided for the year.-It'Wlll also be a t «o day affalr «Ith a « l d e pro-gramthat «111 attract skiers-from dls-tant ipoints' in Ontario.. This meet is Ward Awärds For Truly Outstandiiig Events GYM CLASSES CONMNUE ISUCCCSSFUL CONCERT STAGEb AT LAKEHEAD mainitussa "tältä koh-zekommu- .-ubversalvi-itärkeäm- 'puolueet-ivostolliton »lon' pro-hän (mr.. ie'lsto kes-isa niiden sherrat 'ja 5Vät "vää-n ylläole-ole enää n nuuskl- Hooverln aiheen jo a, Ja niin laukseiBa-suraajain" V, — ja se .tä siihen ilstetaan- L ulkoml- ^yytettUn, n "fcöm-i hän el lisilniäls-m noitani-parempi ilmlalset ista sen-aan ka- . i,«vahti- , Pori Arthur; — For aH you people «ho «ere unable to attend fl6ku'ä programme, namely the Varlety Show, on simday aftemoon. Januuy 9th, I «111 try; to -put on paper the highlights I observed. iAs I «as in •the xnrogramme myself; I.'can onlg^ teli you «hat I sa« from backstage and about the comments; I : have heard from the people in the au-dience. Wihen Paavo Voutilainen flrst meur tioned that our programme diould be in the aftemoon, « e ali thougpht that « e «ould ihave toipeiform to empty «alls. Our reaaon «as of course that most people :;at ithe: are not famillar «ith'aftemoon pro-grammes. ;Ho«ever, afAsr givlng i t a second tbought, we ali agreed to hav-ing the programme In the aftemoon and ito our surprise every seat i n ithe hali «as occupled. (First I £ibouId mentlon < «that the gym practices and the programme generally «oiild not have been so suc-cessful «Ithout our fello«. gynmasts from: North Branch Elo . and Dog River Tigers, « h o particöJated so «11- lingly. The girls and hoys, from iDog River flrst performed a march, followed by group gymnastlcs and pyramlds. They also did some tumbllng.lt «as very Interesting to «atch these boys and gilrs • perfonn so «eli, especially as there «ere •«evcral girls «ho «ere only about flx years of age. Paavo stu-e has not «asted hls time tead>- ing these youngsters. The members of Elo and Isku dld a mass gymnastlcs. routine to music and the girls dld another routine also to music «Hile the boy» performed on the parallel bars. ;v. As I presume you ali; have Ibeaxd of (he Old: saylng;that the bcst Is always left to the last, 1 must mentlon the best psrfonnianceof the af-temooii. Our young A i l i Kaarela (fu-ture member of I^ku, altboos^ she is from Kaministlquia) «as the star of the show «ith her serie» on th^ Parallel bars and hcr acrobatlc routine with Paavo. She ^snre dld her movemento ' *Ilö> .gtace and', goqd fornu jKeei> i i p ibe gbbd. «oik Alllf'; X>urin$'jntennlsaä<ni X'happened ta peek «bimi^'.ibe,cartata8 «ad »ott-ced semal pre^us Uka loembe» i s their place «asion taie stage and not In the audience. AS « e are continu-ing parctices J>n Tuesday evenlng and Sunday moming. 1 am bpping^ ithat these oertain Individuals' «111 'find tlme to Join us. It Is not too late tostart now. IX you can%^:Come on Sunday moming. come at'least on Tuesday evenlng. !Every -one of us can: find itimeto^ come to gym for a few lunirs eveiy «eek. if ~we really want to, I f you find that you !bave to go and see that girl friend or boy Irlend every evening, «ihy not bring faim or her akmg too. The doors are open to everyone. Hopii^f to. see you at practlcet — P . N. By BOB WA1tD Thls being the time >of year «hen everyone gets uito the act of plcking the outstandittg events in the year gcne by, we xeokoned'that It w^s time td dust off. the Ward Awards fcr presentation. Now « e will admit jthat thos matter of namuig folk and even-ta: of, a year •is more overdoine than a cheap steak m a beanery; but most of: the ?'ex-perts" mlssed out on what we con-sldered lo be the. really outstandlng ovents. ° ^. !• For boss of the year. we glve you J . Sjjueeziun: iNosiree iMcBudcs. Thls Is ithe boss « h o said 'no" more often than any other boss during 1954. By aotual -count he said "no" on over 6 milhon occasions. When asked if he had any comment on. his abihty tp say " n o " ali the time his answer vras "no." •In the sporting ivorld most selec-tcrs have nsröed: Roger.: Bannister and John Landy for .the feat of their f eet, m tlie iriile run. We glve yoti the photographer «ho must have Tun in front of them ali the «ay to take the picturss. Jlnd this iinnamed and luisxing hero did it backvards. For the tiulckest change of * the year we plck the big shots at Canadian National Exhibition who «anted no part of Marilyn Bell In the swim —weren't going to pay her a dane — then were going to pay her only half of the money — then acted at the fInish as if .the «hole thlng had been their idea. Saccess story of the. year belongs to K . .Moneyworth Peehead Vander-morgan XIV. iDue to hls father's money, hls father-in-aaw's.dough, hla connections and 2ns abillty to shoot a game of golf Jn the low 80's he «as promoted f rom 15th to 8th Vlce Pre-sident In his fathsr'& finn. Most unpopular lorm of the year by far «as the oae displayedby Hon; Douglas Habbot. Although portrayed by govemment as being a.::*stream-linedlorm,' the OD tax-form «as the form voted as the one that taxpajrers «ould ieaai like to shai-e .the 'end of a chesterfleld «ith, Biggest red sean» of the year «as the one «hen most citizehs^ trled to balance their budgets after Christ-mas. Eleven out ^ of .10 - Canadian wccr'iers report they're scaxed they will be m -the ^'red" for a good chunk In 1955. Spy stoty of the year. An FBI agent called aAother FBI agent a ccumnunrst; The one . labelled got ^vlcted by: hls landlord and labused by neighbors.. It^sapparently getting sö bad In USA that J , Edgar Woofer has 'iQies, spylng on spies spying on sples. Gxeatest swindle of the; year was letting the ITSA taSce over Canadafs St. I.a«rence Sea«ay. Never to&s so litble ononey bought so much from so fe« pollticlans against the «Ishes of so many Canadlans. EJvent -of: the year in Parliament «as -that Sllent John Fencesltter broke hin record of never. speaking onseon any Questlon durlng 18 terms in parliament. John «as distlnctly heaffd to say "hrrrummph" durlng one debato. 'When asked later if.he «as for or agln' the matter he lapsed into sUence agaln. A CANABmS BECALLS A Day In Warsaw Torstaina, tammik 20^ p. ~ Thursday. Jän.. 2a, 1955' y.\rSiv&$fM In a more serious vein we'.ve often thought that «hen a«ards of; any year are handed out they alvaysrgo to the «rong people. In oiu: <vinion ali of the a«ards of thls and ev«ry year should go to «orklng people of ali countries «ho make all things' possicble. And be-r cause of the f act Uiat « e are a kanadian and irather partlal to our o«n people « e think that «hen credits are handed out they should go to the oirdinary men and «omen «ho pio neered in thls country and builf it «Ith .their muscle and brain — «ho have built and contlnue to bulld every useful thlng. Although many "experts" mlssed out on picking Marilyn Bell for her eplc s«hn, ^«e tiilnk «hat 4hi8 Uttle ' .ThefoUovinrarUelelsvtUten by one of oarcontribaU»« vho in 1953 partlclpated In the VI tVorld YoDth FesUval in BncbaRst, in the ^esUval. the Canadian Vij «Megstlon liad an apporituiily to Foland, «liere the V World Touth FesUval «iU be heU thls Bunmett. Aa the Finnish Organl- ; rxation anJ .. Piirni^J^:; 4> Amatcnr Sports Federation pian . to send a deiegate to the fesUval ; thls summer the tople «UI be ot interest to onr readen. •Thls Js Old .Warsa«", Jan, our guide «as explalnhig to us. as « e found ourselves. in avsquäre «hloh had just been completcd three months ago. Yes, built only three months ago but rebuiltiexactly as it had orlginally been «hen f kst erected hl the I4th century. It seemed llke fioinething out of a hlstory boök — an apothecary'a sign of a snake a^und a goblet and other anclent iSimibols, a sun dlal, nanrov Windows. narrow buttdings: attached to one another, cobblestoned streets. The only. thlngs: that brought us back to OUT tlmes «ere -the .beautiful pastel shades virhich the Wansawltes had palnted these buildhigS and the people, themselvea, dressed In the, clothes of the 20tih century. amazed us «as that «hy had this !'01d Warsaw'! sguare been rebuilt; As if i-eading our ithoughts, J a n told us that the people \6o' Icvedv the «dd square «hich had, been completely destroyed by the Nazls; as- nearly all of Warsaw: «as, that nöthing «ould do but they must rebulld it; Such a lorve of culture, .the peopIe'£ culture «aa evldent everywhere. '* A new Opera House «as In con-strudUon. Upon vlewihg it, Jan proudly told tis i t «85 to be the biggest in Europe — it «ould, hold 2,500 people. Outside the Opera House. I paused to*gaze at a sight I had never.seenbefore. . A soulptor «as busily at «ork on a etatue. It made me/reallze luiw muoh these- .people did love their aott, even though they «ere engaged in sudh a huge project asrebuilding an entlre clty^; they «ere not foigettlng the beautifica-tlon of It for everyone to cnjoy, . It must be a : tremendoua task: to reäbulld a city as big as Toronto and even thoiigh.it «as eight years since th^-tnd' of the «ar. some of the rulns «ere still standlng.' iWhen our guide caught my gasps at seelng a f e« 6uch bulldings, he «ald that thls «as 1 Dothing. « e should have asen «hat it «as llke before, Hundreda of bulldings are In the process of comitrucitlon. Blodks: upon.blocks of apartments haive been erected. Churches that had been completely destroyed are being rebuilt and others Canadian girl gave a tremendous lif t to the Canadian people by proving concluslvely that «e. as a people, don^thave to play "poor «ouslns" to any people anywhere. Canadlans, « e tfiouldTemind ourselves, are pretty capable people. And «Ithin -the framework of the Canadian people. « e In UE, can be justiy proud of the lole xmlon. played last year. The members, executlve stcwards, commlttees again helped to glve a lead on many of the mighty questlons confrontlng, the «orklng people. And although the Commercial press and the ."experts" «111 never concede the con-structifve and far-reachlng role -that ordlnary people play in the echeme of *hlngs,'«e tfp our hat to «11 of you, «ho are i n truth, the sait of the earth, — UE News. y; JinXtet^rgas (tefth «eU- Soond «Uer won ihe aneet ehaiavia^^ the Hontindlle M « iBMimdlcm-^Xp^ last «eekend, .To sectt» thetfti^ lie von» fici idalom; se^id fn^^ iMrfh 4aiiriil^ en«i^40tmt«y-and placcd i^t^ tn of the Sadbttry Ntefcel Utitiesiimaon Indmt^^AnminM'^^ iKrth the ienloi; and J i ^ ^ Ma'0MMilMx*U,vlMt9AmemiaktUwivaai>rs^ Tt^eMertttfgbtlMjtti^Mbnlbtrltta Flying Saucer Mystery Solved In Finland It was just another flylng saucer report. thls time frcm Alavleföa In the "Pohjanmaa" area of Finland.. A mysterlous llght had appearcd ono nlght and had movcd acrosa the Kky In a peculiar manner.. "The light pheno-Toenon desccAdcd at Karjulanj)erä and travelled about 400 mete» acTOSs an open flcld," a reliable cy6-witness reported. "Vfhen It J^cachcd the- edge of the fleld It moved upward and^oarcd above the tree untll it dtsappeared Into the wood8." There were several eye-«Unessefli and all «ere . consldcrcd : reli&hl^ pecple. There «as no rcal rcason to duubt their story and It seemod as if their experlence «as to join the long list of mysterioui flying eauccr storleo, But.tiien someone rJanemhered the muichlevous XeppikorpI ;boyr« —^ and their pct crcw. The boys had tied a flasbUght to ,the 1>lnl'a back and turned it Jccee fcr a nlght fifght «hlcb; caused: all the conunotlon in Ala/vleska. But £ome of the people ttf Alavieska v i i i harerfnoUilng of thls «q^Ianatlon and are stiU Mrtaln itaat tiie mys-terioua light matked the oc^utve of a Ti8itor''£nom Ma»; and is taklng -asveraj years to con* struct. All the «orkers, mäterials and .equlpmen fhat are-required in the' constructlon of .this; buildlng :^ are comlng from the Soviet Union. Thgj, «orkers,:before (they >began: «crk on the House of Culture erected livhig quarters for thomselves -and, theU; families for; the time .they «ere to be In Warsaw and «hen the vHouse of Culture is completed, these apartments. too, «111 belong to thecltlzena of Warsaw, Thla House of Culture «111 house numerous thcatres,v<^ra hoiises, fmovles, .offlces' ;Of^ :c^ groups, youth.. groups,; spörts. educa-r tlonal centree and one: of - the bulM-' ings is to be for Scientific research. This prcGect «as Jufift as much thei centre of attention in the evening as it «as. in"daylight,, As « e «ere driv-ing towardsvthe statlon to catch our tcaln, « e could see it all Iit up — the huge cranes even had llghts, and «e leamed that oonstructlon;\ya8 gblng on twenty-four iHours va day.^ ^ told us^that it was to be completed by the summer ^^f 1955 and that perhaps -the 5tih World Youth Festival 'might be in War8aw and then they could rftare thls beautiful House of Culture with youth from ^all over the World. ' \ Thls summer Warsawwlllbe host to the Sth World Youth Festival and «Ith <Uii5 in mind. ,1 «antod to glve you a gllmpsc of Warsaw to cntlce you to spend a ^ glorlous two «ceks there, — VL. Finland faciesÄ New Coffee Crisis ^ Coffee imbihsrs of Finland are in danger of-ocming to bIowa over theUr cups these days. AttracUng even repaired. even one that m>«. «iUi the new plahs, seemed to be right in the centce of the etneU was' being restored to Ita past , beauty. We passed aew modem «tores and' eveiy ^, ^ . second .one seemed to be a bo£(Icl°*°*^ attention than the laet govem; store. : The sales cleiks i n shop, fnom «hlch « e made a punhase. were .faappy and smiling — and my smiles.ahnost tumed to teats «hen the girl handed me the bag' «Ith "Poätoj" — (Peace) «rlUen a l l over i t niis («xnied tb express the aspi-' ratlons of all theso people «ho - lived through the last «ar. Peaoe, that Is v«hat the people want^^^^m^ anything else. And it is i n thls city i n re-birth «here one can leel so strongly the faith In peaoe. These people are not rebuilding their coun^ try to have it shattered again. - ^; . Whlle eatlng our diimer in one bf the hotels,^ a large delegatlon of ;Rumanlan youth.took their^^atsat a tahle beslde <us, V These;^ Jan eaid «ere athleten partlclpating in a sporis event. Socn, another delegatlon came in, They «ere Ohinese artlsts «ho «ere tourlng Poland. Ho«' «onderful. I thought, if « e could have suohvexchanges InrouTrCQUntryv Although all of Warsaw" Is a mag-hlfIcent slght. the bulldings being so new and whito. one part of i t really fitands out In n ^ mind. It Is the House of Culture, a great modem palace, «hlch the Soviet Union is bulldlngas a gift to the people of Poland, It Is a tremendous pröject ment crisis is a oontroversy. over whether one should drlhk coffee «Ith or.«ltbouti cream, Leading the "whlte" foices Is Erik Haaok» Secretary of Finland''a Gastro-nomlcal Society,; «ho says that coffee «ith^ cream not only tastes better, but Ia much healthler. Hls )ViewB might have gonc almost unnotleed; if he had not nrcntuxed, to, etatc that drlnklng coffee "blaok" Is merely an affecticn, among «omen «ho thlnik that black coffee hjelps make them beautiful.^ £te also addcd that effe; mlnato mendriok it black.. -ihis^ brought a howl of protest from thosc who insist that cream in coffeo givcs them a tummy ache and iMr. Haack'5 «01^.a pain- in 'the nedc. Now both sldes aro'^dragglng h^ every döctor. pA>fessor and dletl-clan «ho has over tasted coffee to Qupport their ivievs, ; Pröf. Osmo Turpeinen, one oC the "experts" dragged Into the contro-i versy, pooh-poohed Mr. Haaok's In-slstence that cream lessens the effcot of caffelnQ in the coffee but admitted that it helped dUute varlous bitter substances «hlch trrltate the sto-mach. , V Km KarJalaUl-Suonialalsm \'*^*p^}krr''-/^J PettosStoin uulisrakeiiiiufesi^ aasia, samoin on alettu ral^^xätttTfaer^^^^^.^ ^topiil|;§at?!^|t^^ valmistamaan vuosittain ^Itaitptingin^yy^'^^ Ja maaseudun - rakemuistöltjl irartenf^T 13,000 kuutiometriä 'raiitalietoi»l08&i;: kymmeniätuhansia "- kuutlonusb;f»J&'t M , kuonaiilUft Ja.erilaisia «cltotteitiii^^^v^r.tl taan; suuden' ministeriön ^ alaista^ paäuiläi'« > ^ lutehdasta. Samoin rtäteaxttkdad ixuh-, \\ J i tanto-psuuskuntlen toista huonekalu*''^ •> tehdasta. Jossa on aloIletttt'iaIiwett-"";/^^ «Petroskoihin rakennetaan^*' inya$''f Yfi mbljeria, Uhakonibinaättla,' "«mpetä-^jltH^;'*! ja tolkootehdasta ym. tuotantoIaltok-V4';'^^?,| sia. Tönä.vuonna om«l|nistwnu\;i3,-: LANSI-SAKSAN ASEIS^.'; "But, really." he trled to say sooth- Ingly, "it'8 4ust matter of taste." But nelthcr rilde «as «iUing to let i t go at that. and the battle of «hether coffee should:be:drunk «ith or, «ith-, out cream is stlll raging unabatcd. Drama Festival Includes Wn1ing. Competition Plans for the thlrdannual drama festival of the Finnish Organl^ation of Canada «ere recently announccd; The plans and rules for the festival ccmpetltions are the same as at the two prcvlous festlvalri and: circulars have gonc out to all group» who are Interested In the festival. •Thls year epedal emphasls haa been placed on the «ritlng of playff and to cncourage it a spcclal trophy^ has been provldcd for competition in thls fleld, Bowev€r, the rules of competition provlde that the trophy wlll not. neccasarlly be prescntcd for any play «rltten.but that to receive the trophy a play mttst 'have the necerj',aiy artlistic qualltl^. .The dc-tislon of the adjudicators 16 final on this as well as other aspects of the festival, f t is taken for granted that plays «rltten must also be performed at the festival before they v/lli be iudged. The tei^Aval «111 be hcld i n Sudbury thls year over the Easter «eekcnd. There Is only a Uttle over,twomontt!S to eo, m time fihould not be lost m selectlng a play and the east to en-curc 'a good presentation «hen the tlme comes. The last festival «howcd conslderable improvcment over the firet teztlvil ättd there Is every rea,' «on to cxpect that thls year** festival wlU be one ^f the highlights of ciil-tural activlties among Finnlsh-Can-adiaax Mefsätyöläisten klubissa . Noin 200 Tshalnan asutuksiin met-sätyöläistä • saapui .klubiinsa katsomaan' tasavallan «venäläisen draiamar: teatterin uutta " näytäntöä "J^epo-päivä". Klubin hallinto kutsuu usein asutukseen Ka tiialais-&uomalalnm;di'aa-r. mateatterln. nukketeatterin ja venäläisen dramateatterin näyttcUjölbi, Asutuksen työtätekevät ovat miltei samaan: alkaam pääkaupungin: nräes-ton kanssa Saaneet nähdä näytelmät •T^jubov Jarovaja". "Platon Kretshet", T»crheen 6tini", Uittojoella" Ja useita mutta;'—- - /Tshalnan klubi on Suojun-Viltanan m«tsäteollIsumIaltoksen. kulttuurlelä-^ män kerifus.-- Kymmeniä metsätyö- Iäisiä osaUlstuu taidekerhojen toimintaan ja tonvlcrkeaterlln. Paikkakunnan opettajan'Ohjauksella .toimiva näytehnäkerho ? harjoittelee par-: haillaan / näytelmää • metsätyölälsten elämästä, , Klubin yhteydessä toimii myöskin kuoro. ' Klubissa Järj«6tetään säilnndlllscsti esitelmä- ja ri2lostustllaLsutlksia, (Jatkoa a. «vttiÄk)' ^ . Usen turvollisuiicfn, Koska «e rAUcai»V^^ aal tiyGiylsten kansainvälisten'jsubtei<>i.> don tärkeimmän'OngelmanSak*''' ~J\ san'yhdistämlskysymykseni ' ^^ui, VAAKA UHKAA SKANOINilVIAA ,p"' - SuunniteUhat PohJol3>Atlanto): 4lti i,-^ ton'aseellisten nnolmlen «otllflia^ohdon ^^^1 yhdistämisestä* mikä edeUyt^», Iän- f;; sisaksalalsten' divisioonien sUoltta^. mistä Skandinavian maiden a l u ^ v ' muodostavat vakavan tvaaran näiden^ ;v/ maiden kansalliselle \i4i{qiumattb« h s muudelle. Pariisin fiöspimusten^jnu-^t.^'^^, kalsestl kaiklsti^sotayoinilen /djoltiäo-^^ \ nlsta £;utoopa<S8a^iiuoIehtU,yliiMtilä«-',^ t Johta NATO fitrategfansa mfjkäbMstl.;;,,^'' , Näin ollen saksalaisten sotaJotddpO'/, jen* sijoittaminen Tänfikan Ja Nörjanf ^ alueille voi tapahtua ilman näiden; ^' maiden parlamenttien., sttostumus^.^ ' LehtlUcdoIsta köy ilint, ett& Jo nyt'~ '^l Pohjols-Allantln lUton sotUasJohdottj f C tieten laaditaan'kenraali HoIzingerin| ''^ johdolla suunnitelma aänafsakHfttftlgen-aianeljan eräiden joukkoyhdisiclmlea';^.'^ sijoittamisesta Tanskan Juutlnmäalle^' ' Ja kaiklUe muille otrateäldesti tör4 ^ kcUIo saariUe. PohJol3-Atlantin i i i - , V ton sotilasjohto, pitää huoita (ifltft,| - ^ttä liittotasavallan armeijan Jath- (oon tulee useita sellaisia* entis^', VtTchrmachtln upseereita, jotka toisen ^ maailmansodan aikana palveltvs^ niissä Jot^o-otsaatolSBa».Jotka' aUe-;-'' hittlvät Tanakan, Ja näin oUen*oiyat 'SM hyvin teista. ^^MM 8)aikallisi8ta olosuh-; Samoin tulee' tapahttmiaan' niyöal - Schweitzcr SO-vuotias Farllsl. — Eräs nykyajan huurlm-ipla miehiä, ^^obalin palkinnon saaja tri Albert Sch«eltzcr täytti perjantaina, marrasik; 14 pnä 80 vuctta; Hän MettI syntymäpäivänsä sairaalass£ian Lambqfrencssa Ranskan: Ekvatoriaall- Afrikai«a, Ranskan radiosfix oh erlkoijjohjel-ma hänen kunnlafcseen. Muuan ranskalainen kustantaja-julkaisee hfänclle omistetun kirjan ja Strassburgin yll-oplstos.< fa, ml53ä' Schveltzer opiskeli, järjestettiin Juhlatllakrjus hänen kunniakseen. Norjassa. Kuten, norjalaiset «ano- . ,: malehdet tiedblttlivat, NATOrn 'ylt? I päällikkö kenraaU Gfuenther Umolttr ' i sanomalehtikonferenssiasa ' Oslossa t., kuluvan vuoden marraskuussa, «ttft, "vaikkakaan fcyöymys 6J*saIaisten\' > joukkojen sijoittamisesta Norjan alu-^S*,. cclle el ole tässä valheessa ajankoh-'' täinen, voi kuitenkin syntyä tilanne,^ -\ jolloin tämä'kysymys on käsiteltävä' - uudelleen". . , - Länsi-Saksan uudcUeenaselstamls-' ~ -J politiikka, <jota USA:n halUtseral^ , J piirit noudattavat, herättää" luonnoi- / C lL'i^tl levottomuutta Euroopan Jcaik» ^ kien maiden edistykseUislssä pll^ls-^' ^ sä. Ranskan, Länsi-Saksan, Englan*' nin, Italian, bendux-maltten ja^ ' ' Skandinaviani kansat nousevat fParil-/' Jif'' sln sopimusten ratifiointia vastaan. •; \ Kalkiern, Euroopan maissa pidetyt s^rat/tuhannet kokoukset osolttamfr,, f että kansat käsittävät heitä uhkaavan ' ^ vaaran ja haluavat taistella olkettde»» ' taan rauhanomaiseen elämään. «Kaik^ kl vilpittömät rauhan ystävät terveh- '^"K tivät UoUa Euroopan maiden MSos^-,-. korvan neuvottehijen Julkilausumaa^'^ / : jonka tarkoitus on kollektUvlaentttt-. valllsuuajänjestelmän avulla ,taat^ rauha Euroopassa. — ^SIB. ' ^ ^. ' i m PLAIN WA6TE As two; fllcs «crc enjoying a pro-mcnade on the cciling one said: "Arcn't thcjse human thlng» sllly?" ;'How do you mean?r' asked the other. •^ell," eald the firtt, "th<qr apcnd a lot of money buildlng a beautiful celj- Ing llke thls then theygo and walk on the floor." > TOE S V P E B B A C E • ' ' •>:.'',.::';••':• ••''^:'':' >.-.'.'>:^'^;i^'./.H'-';:'::?<- SO/XK)XXX>:Anierieans nofir livlng in the U . 6. Ilunked out of ecbool. ^^:'^::!5:rV;-Ä-:;/;/j;:i:::-^^ Syvällä surulla Ja kaipauksella'ilmoitan, että rakas mieheni Ja ^ poikalmme byvi isä. JALMAR WALDEMAR SAARI (SAARISTO) kuoli äkkiä h»kakuun 28 p:nä täällä Sudbury^sa pitkäaikaisen sydän- .vian murtamana, Jalmari oli syntynyt syyskuun 7 pnä 1005 Honka- ' Joella, Torun Ja'Purin läänlsKä, muuttaen sleKä plencnE vaahem-:: pfensa mukana IffoJoelle, missä vietti lapsuutensa Ja naomotensa:' päivät. lläJi tuli Canadaan v. 1937 Ja mlml avioliiton Montrealissa Mary TuuUn kanssa 1931^ josta avioliitosta heillä on luksi poikaa, Bobert Ja Donald. Jalmari saatettiin haudan lepoon marraskuun 1 pnä Park*^ Läwn. hautäusmaalian Budburyssa, omaisten Ja suuren toveri^Ja ystävä- v: Joukon «aattamana. Lähinnä suremaan jäin minä^ hänen vaimonsa Mary, kaksi poikaa, Robert Ja Donald täällä sekä kaksi veljeä Ja kaksi siskoa Suomeas»; Ja laaja foverl-Ja ystäväpiiri täällä. Ne kauniit muistot ml Sinulta Jäi, cl koskaan ne häivy mlclestäln : pois. Ne cl haihdu el kuole. * ne kukkivat vaan ikuisesti, . Sinua aina muistaen. Vaimosi Mary. Mc mulstammc| sinua kaivaten, nfc muistamme hymyäs hyvää.v Elit kaikkesi antaen^ uhraten,' uncs olkoon kaunista syvää: Poikasi Robert Ja Donald, K I I T O S - Sydämelliset kiitoksemme kalkille hyville ystäville Ja tovereille osoittamastanne myötätunnosta: meitä icohtaan raskaan' surumme ^^4''^ hetkellä^ . , . ,1, Erikoisesti kiitämme kaikkia ystäviä Ja tovereita niistä kauniista-kukkalaitteista ja seppeleistä, jolta niin runsaasti lähetitte Jafanarln i|i muistolle. Kiitos ihanista kukista ja ^seppeleistä Sudburyn osas-^L tolle; Samlan osastolle, v,-Ja u.-seuraAlertBllIe,.CobaUtn:osastolle; Vapaus kustannusyhtiölle, Port Arthurin osastoUe, Sudbutyn-osatH''.^'^ ton näytelmäseuralle, Beaver Laken osastoOe, v>Ja u.-seura Jehulle»!^v;^ Beaver Laken NalstenkeihoUe, Long I^ken osastolle, Sointulan 088»^' tolle ja CSJ:n Toimeenpanevalle komiteaUe.KlIitos lukuisista o^^i^ki^^ ottooähkösanomista ja -korteista, Jotka kaikki olivat suurena :Jobdui'«4i;<:?. tukscna meille, " ' • ' ' / Sydämelliset kiitokset Edwin Sukselle kauniista mulstosanolstäi^f^f:, Jalmarin muistolle ja Aino Pirskasclle Osanottokorttlenja -sähkösa^-^^i:^^^ nomlen esittelystä. - ^ ,.'".*f;: Erikoiset kiitokset naisille,'Jotka huolchUvat hautaJälskahvitarJoiH; lustaFinnlsh-haalllla, Kiitos kantajille. , ' ^, Vielä kerran kUtos kaikille. Jotka tavalla tai toisella .oUtte 8pun%t^: ~ mf m « 1
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, January 20, 1955 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1955-01-20 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus550120 |
Title | 1955-01-20-03 |
OCR text |
MkSnne TBOÖS.'
5jla, lisätkää tali
IpppuBuznma SD, j
A' 3 6 . UfiätkSäf
rä jnikä on tas.}
olla "väkenuninj
ir suoimaau ii5,|
sl easlimnäistäl
Idäii-Ikänne jal
'oa sanoo miten J
•t as-k u, ssanne!
estin emseea
ka «ina aalioij
» ja lämmittä-vu
idos ämpäri
i M H B l i i i n ^
Busy Season For Ski Enthusiasts
alaisilla i?evan-1
m Pohjois-At-palaisen
sain ja täydel-uudfinalkalsilla
aeija. Ei «le
Sa;^an uu^
herättää .ka'.'
ln,'j'cka kuten
kseen Versall-an
JO upseeria, ja
en asevelvolll.
aksassa aseis-'
Hitlerinä oiiut
ninen; Ja sen
enkisiin. soti--
a ^ kuoleman
Ule ja varsin-msoille,
lalUe. Kcska
yolmien joh-samai
mono- -
kenraalit, on
usl hyökkäys
ä tleta.
että ensimi
ä3t ovat aina
larckin en-i
sivun histo-surasl
^ saman Ih-
3n alheellis-snnen
n fcltleriläi-eet-
. maita. laii-•
. ettei tämä
'takeita el
tteivat sak-mistaessaan
la ' "itään
.•»Ja matkan .
Fos länteen,
palalset po-laislln
:aan todella ,
, että ijeljä;
raisl pldät-
;ettuja saken
The interest i n cross country skiing
lown byFOASF clubs inthe 6adbuiy
itrictlast season is Again spparent
lis season- Varlous training meets
)onsored toy many of the clubs have
'en skiers a chance.to get back In
ipe after taklng it easy oyer the
unmer months. The fhst bUitäM
[eet of the sea^n sponsored by Alerta
ith the support of Speed:last Sa,tur<-
ly af temoon at Työn Puisto fihöwecl
lat not only have the boys faeen
fainlng but that there might be some'
)rises .from unexpected quarteis. t
It has generallybeen conceded that'
ie top level skiers who have within;
16 last few years come' to Cimada'
•om Pinland are much advahced över
le boys who have legmed the art 11^
[anada from the oldtimers, who id
leu- daychalked up a remarkable re-
)rd m thls arduos sport. • Neverthe-
>, the interest creat^ by • these Dew
' >h-Canadlans has generaliy rais-f
the quality of cross-cbuntry vaskiing
at least: the Sudbury district. Much^
this has also.been due to the reor-'
ation of crossrcountry skiing and;
the Interest dlsplayed by last year'8 i
tampion Arvo Ayräntö in coiulucting
Dures for ali interested in th|s phase
|f skung.
Last Saturday the main event,\ the;
ien's open 5 Jälometer event was won
>y Vomia skler L.Baäska who*coveredJ
jhe distance In 21.59. Runners up
rere Karl Puiras. Speed, 23.04 and
LHtti Ranta. Jehu; 23.41.; Karl .PaIo>
iki, Speed: competing in the under
tl class pulled the surprise x)f the day
>y coverlng the same • coiurse in 22.14;
)nly 15 säconds Ies than Baa6ka's time.
f act ali the Under 21 competitors
!howed fine results.; Second place
'ent to Don Puirtus. Speed, 23.03 whlle
rehu's Eino Ladonlahti was a close
third wlth a time of 23.07.
These results indlcate that their «111
stiff competition between at least
Jpeed and Jehu skiers at the PCASF
lampionship • meet whichh ip being
)nsored" by Speed; at: Whit6fish on
'ebuary 12 and 13.; The complete results
of the Alerts meet can be found
last Tuesday's paper and also the
results of the Voima meet the f ollow-.
ig day.
~ Thenenr look In ddtaig tras very evi-dent
at last wedcend's meets as ali
P O A ^ sldens viereattired Jn their
new ski outfits. They daim t(iat vSe
outfitB are vrtSl designed for cross-country
skiing and to top it off they
are smart lookbg outfits. llie ski
comnoittee of the?FCASF has already
received over 20 otders for these suits
and more are'expected. Weil known
locainnnish tailör L o i Kunnas has
already supplied suits to thös^äcters
who are active i n competitl<^<^d is
now tryiag to catch up on orders ^ to
^upplythe occasional skiä^ and bbnch
athletes with suits. Vnio knowä per-haps
by the time of the FCASF ski
meet, a majorlty of the audienceTwill
even be decked out in the new • ätöre,
9F^ets alpngvtrith the nec^saty mea-surements
as W€U as payment should
be sent to Unto Penttinen, 3gat."Lawr
renoe St., Sudbury. ,
Jehu has a^ two day 'event scheduled
for this w^kend, JanuaTy7i2-23;j The
competitlona wlll b^hi* saturday
af temoon at 3.00 P ; M . when the inter-club
3x5 Sdlometer relay for the Ernest'
Kallio trpphy T(ill guarantee^me stiff
competition from severalclub^ The
meet will: contlnue Saturday. nlght.
only minus the skis at the Beaver
Läke Hall, with a gay ski frolic, which
Beaver Lake is noted for.
Sunday \vill be a dlfflcult day for
those: Äiers who will be entering in
the main race; the open 20 kilometers.
Other events included are the':'foilow-'
ing: boys under 2110 km.; boys under
18 9 km; women's open 2 Oem:; girls
under 16 l k m and.boys and girls under
Thls meet; has the offIclal sanctlon
of the Northern Ontario Ski Zone and
ali skiers are invited to partlclpate. •
only three, iveeks away, so now is the
time to make sure ali skiers are train-
Ing for the rugged 'events'and-di^
should: also. be:pIaiming7how^many
skiers they «111 be sending. The icom-plet&
program, of events has been pub-
Ushed several times in thls paper.
One of the events, ivhlch perhaps
should bementloned is the^w«nien's
4x1 km. relay: This event has not
been contested for a number of years
because of the lack of women väkiers.'
It is to ibe hoped that at least two
clubs willbeable to enterteams.this
year. Beaver Lake mostlikely «111
be entermg a team, so • lefs see that
they do not. get the champlonshlp un-challenged.
^: W
Northern Ontario i t is ncm »ecesar^
that ali competitors entering sanction-:
ed, competitiohs have, a Canadian
An^ateur Skl^Association nacfaig Card.
These cards«an beobtained-through
either Mr. Bob Ryan, 14 Park St. Cop-per
Cllff, or Mr. C. B. Cryderman, 46
Wood St., Kirkland I ^ e . ^
The senior cardscost $2.00;and'Junior
cards: for those :«ho.^were:'under
18 prior to Jan. 1, 1955,xthe charge,is
50 cents. Skiers planning to compf^
this season -should apply for ttieir
cards Inuriledlately, as thehr\ei)|td[es
cannot be acc^ted unless' they have
a card.
The next Important meet will be the
invitation meet sponsored bylSpeäd, at
.«ihiclh . the : iPCASP 'championships
«111 bedecided for the year.-It'Wlll also
be a t «o day affalr «Ith a « l d e pro-gramthat
«111 attract skiers-from dls-tant
ipoints' in Ontario.. This meet is
Ward Awärds For Truly
Outstandiiig Events
"tältä koh-zekommu-
»lon' pro-hän
ie'lsto kes-isa
sherrat 'ja
5Vät "vää-n
n nuuskl-
aiheen jo
a, Ja niin
— ja se
.tä siihen
L ulkoml-
n "fcöm-i
hän el
ista sen-aan
. i,«vahti- ,
Pori Arthur; — For aH you people
«ho «ere unable to attend fl6ku'ä
programme, namely the Varlety
Show, on simday aftemoon. Januuy
9th, I «111 try; to -put on paper the
highlights I observed. iAs I «as in
•the xnrogramme myself; I.'can onlg^
teli you «hat I sa« from backstage
and about the comments; I : have
heard from the people in the au-dience.
Wihen Paavo Voutilainen flrst meur
tioned that our programme diould
be in the aftemoon, « e ali thougpht
that « e «ould ihave toipeiform to
empty «alls. Our reaaon «as of course
that most people :;at ithe:
are not famillar «ith'aftemoon pro-grammes.
;Ho«ever, afAsr givlng i t a
second tbought, we ali agreed to hav-ing
the programme In the aftemoon
and ito our surprise every seat i n ithe
hali «as occupled.
(First I £ibouId mentlon < «that the
gym practices and the programme
generally «oiild not have been so suc-cessful
«Ithout our fello«. gynmasts
from: North Branch Elo . and Dog
River Tigers, « h o particöJated so «11-
The girls and hoys, from iDog River
flrst performed a march, followed by
group gymnastlcs and pyramlds. They
also did some tumbllng.lt «as very
Interesting to «atch these boys and
gilrs • perfonn so «eli, especially as
there «ere •«evcral girls «ho «ere
only about flx years of age. Paavo
stu-e has not «asted hls time tead>-
ing these youngsters.
The members of Elo and Isku dld
a mass gymnastlcs. routine to music
and the girls dld another routine
also to music «Hile the boy» performed
on the parallel bars. ;v.
As I presume you ali; have Ibeaxd
of (he Old: saylng;that the bcst Is
always left to the last, 1 must mentlon
the best psrfonnianceof the af-temooii.
Our young A i l i Kaarela (fu-ture
member of I^ku, altboos^ she
is from Kaministlquia) «as the star
of the show «ith her serie» on th^
Parallel bars and hcr acrobatlc routine
with Paavo. She ^snre dld her
movemento ' *Ilö> .gtace and', goqd
fornu jKeei> i i p ibe gbbd. «oik Alllf';
X>urin$'jntennlsaä |
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