1961-08-31-03 |
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Länsi-Saksa johti 1. maaotteiupäivanä ' H e l s i n k i . — Länsi-Saksa nykäisi lauantaina stadionilla aloitetussa yleisurheiluottelussa Suomen Urheiluliiton joukkueesta 14 pisteen jphdon, joka jo kertoi vakuuttavasti kumpi tämän ottelun tulee voittamaan sitä sunnuntaina jatkettaessa. Sää o l i ensimmäisenä kilpailupäivänä ihanteellinen mutta tulostaso ei kohonnut erikoisemmaksi. Maksaneita .oli katsomossa 20,748. Päivän parhaista suomalaissaavutuksissa vastasivat Olavi Salonen ja K a r i Rahkamo. Salonen selvitti tiukan 1500 metrin kirikamppailun aj^alla 3.44,9 ja K a r i Rahkamo ponkaisi 3'loikkaa 16.07 joka riitti voittoon j a 15.73 hypänneen .Wische-meyerin" voittoon. Pentti Karvonen juoksi tyylikkäästi 3,000 m esteet j a kun vieraat osoi.tautuivat melko kesyiksi esteiden ylittäjiksi, hän voitti kilvan ajalla 8.56,8. Seiväshypyssä Risto Ankio v e i voiton tuloksella 440. Moukarissa Saksan Hans Fahels teki uuden ennätyksen 63.94 j a 400 m aidoissa Helmut Janz kukisti sei västi'Jussi Rintamäen saaden ajak-seen 50,8. Puolella peninkulmalla veivät saksalaiset kolmoisvoiton, kuten myös 100 metrilläkin. Pisteet ensimmäisen päivän jälkeen. 97.5— 81.5. 10-ottelussa Seppo Suutarilla 5 lajin jälkeen pisteitä 4038 j a Länsi- Saksan W i l l l Holldorfilla 39993. Persooal Observations From thf Suurjnhlat in So#ury Askel eteenpäin Moskova. — Igor Novikovin loistava tulos pakottaa suhtautumaan uudella tavalla ihmisen mahdollisuuksiin vaikeimmissa urheilulajeissa kuten nykyaikaisessa 5-otte-lussa, sanoi kansainvälisen liiton presidentti Sven Thofelt. — Moskovassa pidetyt MM^kilpai-lut, korosti Thofelt, merkitsivät as' kelta eteenpäin nykyaikaisen 5-ot-telun kehityksessä. Sven Thofelt arvostelee niitä, jotka yrittävät poistaa nykyaikaisen 5-ottelun olympialaisten ohjelmasta. Hänen mielestään vetoaminen siihen, että ratsastukseen valmentautuminen on kovin vaikeaa, on täysin perusteetonta. Nylcyaikainen S^ttelu on säilytetty vuoden 1964, Tokion Olympiakisojen ohjelmassa. Saksa löi N-Iiiton Prahan EM-soudus Praha. — Saksa j a Tshekkoslovakia selviytyivät jatkoon perä-miehellisten nelosten välieristä soudan EM-kilpailuissa Prahassa. Kahdeksikkojen alkuerissä Saks.i s a i p a r h a a n ajan voittaen erässään selvästi Neuvostoliiton. TULOKSET: Perämiehelliset neloset, välierä.: 1) Saksa 6.19,45. 2) Italia 6.29*53, 3) Tanska 6.35,06. — 2. erä: 1) Tshekkoslovakia 6,28,26, 2) Yhdys-vaUat 6.31,06, 3) Itävalta 6.40,26. Kahdeksikot, alkuerät: 1) Saksa 5.50,60, 2) Neuvostoliitto 5.56,56, 3) Jugoslavia 5.58,56: 1) Tshekkos^ 5.57,00, 2) Puola 6.01,44, 3) Romania 6.03,08, — 3. erä: 1) Italia 5.51,37, 2) Englanti 5.56.07, 3)- Ranska 5.58,10, ances meet for the first time i n a yea^ or years and there is more gabbing aijd salutations than danc-ing. It wasia: pleasure to converse vvithTSld friends of years pastrand really gäve pne a feeling that the yveekend would ber^ one of plea-sänt: festivities and- r i c h i n its ciil-tural presentätions with plenty pf excitement for the sports enthu-siasts. And when one arrived at the Alerts sports f i e l d e a r l y Saturday moining it \was - r e a d i l y evident that; the diehards from Sudbury and district häd done a tremen-- dpus ämount of work to prepare the track and field into such fine shäpBj which had been laying, a-rpund stagriarit for so many years. If it takes a fesiival such as this tp wake up the populaation, to rise to the occasion, then lets have more pf them. , You w i l l no dpubt have seen the resuits by now which were published previously. The humber of pärticipants was certainly down from pievipus yeais. Hpw to bols-ter the activities to involve more pepple as pärticipants is a prob-lem which shöuld be foremost ori the agenda of each participating club. However, a few of the resuits were quite good and we even had riew federation r e c o r d s i r i the bbys under 17 javelin throw and the open cia^s Swedish r e l a y . It was also evident that through the lack of training some athletes s ut fered and with them the specta-tors. This, of coUrse^ is soinething which the individuals themselves, t h e c l u b s and the Federation miist seriouslycorisider iri the future. W i l h the fast approaching elec-trical s t o r m e a r l y Saturday after-riopri, the öfticiäls were hard-jpresi sed to rush the events through, höwever a few had to be postponed until the next day. The storm also washed out the äfternoön concert, which was added to Sundays pro-gramme,, The eyenings dramatic prpduc-tion a'so had to be transferred frpiil the opcii air Työn Puisto to Ihe Fihnish Hall i n Sudbury. Sel-ddm has a production had as fuU a house as this one ---^and I meari jaardin perhPsuinnin ME-tulostaaa iull -r^. to see A . Hautamäki's 3,4 sekunnilla saaden nyt ajakseen 1 Erämaiden Orjat" under E . Suk- 2.33,6. Donna de Varon. USA, vas lasi toisesta ME-tulokscsta voitta- Toronto, -i- The observations to follow are personal opinions of the writer,. who has been, at times* labelled outspoken, but are' also shared by others.>with whom 1 have had the opportunity to dis-cuss them. Too often we read i n our national paper about the glowing and v^onderful performances of individuals involved in our cultural activities, and se^ms we have not yet learned to criticize and accept criticism i n the same way. It is not my intention to knock any person or person but it is high time we realized — and more ap-propriately thari; now — that the greatest of our cultural events, the annual Combined Song and Sports Festival, while improving i n spme ways, has not taken the stridco-forward which we have every right to expect and demand. This was the fifth combined festival and was now starting the circuit the second time around. Ha-ving been directly involved in each of them since 1957, naturally I would have pet beefs here and there, but w i l l try to be general i n my observations. But f o r those who were unable to be present this year I would like to briefly summarize the festival at Sudbury, and close with a few comments on improving it and otherwise. The festival started, as usual, with the welcoming dance, which seemed to atlract a larger turnout than seen at previous occasions.. This dance is where old acquaint- Editorial Naiset tehtailivat uintiennätyksiä BlackpooL — Kaksi maailman^ ja kaksi Euroopan, ennätystä saavuttivat naisuijattaret "Eurooppa"-^US-A uintimaaottelussa Blackpoolissa lauantaina, maaottelun päätöspäivänä. ottelun voitti USA 90 pisteellä englantilaishollantilaisen "Euroopan" joukkueen saadessa kokoon pisteitä 74. • USAn Becky Collins paransi 220 maila 440 jaardia sekauinnin ajalla 5.37,9, mikä on 2,3 sekunttia parempi kuin Sylvia Ruuskan nimissä oleva M E . Hollannin Judith de N i j s oli de Varonin jälkeen toisena 440 jaardin sekauinnissa j a aika 5,39,4 on uusi Euroopan ennätys. Toinen E E näki päivänvalon 120 jaardin vapaauinnissa jossa Hollannin A . Lasterie paransi Ruotsin Jane Cederqvistin ennä'ystulosta 1,4 sekunnilla ja sai ajan 2.18,3. K I I T O S "Kimän kautta pyydän kiittää kaikkia asianomaisia siitä ikimuistettavasta syntymäpäiväjuhlasta j o n k a _ m i n u l l e järjestitte. Erikoisesti h a l u a n kiittää myös L i l j a T o r t t i l a a , Irenfe. T o r t t i l a a , E l v i Palmgrenia Ja S o f i a Luomaa merkkipäivä j u h l a n i , järjestämisestä. S a u l t Ste. M a r i e K i i t o s kaikesta vielä k e r r a n . JOHN SEPPI, yli-ikäinen Ontario KIITOS Ottakaa vastaan parhaimmat kiitokseni k a i k k i te. ystävät j a omaiset, jotka n i i n suurilukuisina yllättäen saavuitte C S J : n Port A r t h u r i n osaston haalille lauantaina, elokuun 19 pnä 1961, j u h l i maan merkkipäivääni, täyttäessäni 70 vuotta. . . * K i i t o s tilaisuuden järjestäjille, i l l a n touhukkaille emännille j a k a i k i l l e , jotka Illan n i i n suurenmoiseksi muodostitte. Kaunis j ä i muisto kukkasin koristetusta kahvipöydästä runsaine antimineen j a tutuista, iloisi.sta kasvoista ympärilläni. Myös kiitos suuresta rahalahjasta, j o n k a sain tilaisuudessa vastaanottaa. • Ystävyyden osoituksenne lämmittää eloni ehtoopuolta. Kiittäen, ......... ILMI SYRJÄ^- '76 Ont a r i o -St r e e t P o r t A r t h u r , Qn t . Matka- ja matkatavaravakmtttksia Turvatkaa kesäloma- j a huvimatkanne mahdolliselta tapaturma- j a onnettomuusrsattumalta, h a n k k i m a l l a i t sellenne M A T K A V A K U U T U K S E N , Joka on k o v i n halpa. Vakuutusturva on voimassa matkustaessanne autolla; lentokoneella, j u n a l l a , l a i v a l l a , l i n j a - tai p i r s s i a u t o l l a ! Ottakaa matkavakuutus k u n lähdette m a t k a l l e! VAPAUS TRAVEL AGENCY L u p a k i r j a l l a toimiva m a t k a - Ja m a t k a t a v a r a vakuutusasiamies PUHEUN OS 4-4264 100 ELM ST. WEST StJDBURY. ONT, si's direction. During the performance, the big dance got under way at the neighbouring Ukianian Hali and on the plays cqmpletion, transferred to the more spacious Finnish H a l l , and space was certainly nee-ded. Sunday morning, following the rains of the previoius night, the track and f i e ld were i n the slop-piest condition i m a g i n a b l e . l t is to the credit and determination of athletes and officials alike that we were able to run off some semblance of a track meet. Crow-ded with a few of the previous days events, still some very good resuits were recorded, especially in the relays, which are always the most exciting of events of any track meet. The crowds started to stream into the park and by the time the afternoon festival march and pro-gramme started, it was estimated that a crowd in the neighbour-hood of 3,000 was i n attendance. Temporary benches had to be i n - stalled i n front of t h e stands. The choir committee did an ex-cellent job i n reiarranging their programme, considering the wash-out of Saturdays numbers. The Hymanders, E l v i and Jack, without the benefit of the evening mass gym rehearsal, which has been the norm, got the festival march go-ing lQ_ the delight "of the over-flowing crowd. This has always been a high point in_any of our festivals. Very warm greetings were brought tö the audience by mayor B. Edgar of Sudbury, who re-marked he had conversed with se-veral people i n the stands who worc pupils of his i n the years gone by: T o this writer it was an honour indeed to meet the mayor and I AvOuld like to thank h im for his k i n d personal remarks. In the festival speech B. Eklund spoke on the urgent and timely subject on the togetherness with ali peoples of the finnish extrac-tion, to j o in forces for a united front to bring this cultural heri-tage of ours to a l i peoples and by starting to: work towards that goal now we could be one voice by the time this wonderful land of ours celebrates its lOOth birthday. Three cheers! ! - A highlight of the programme -was the presentation of the team Lab our American and Canadian big business and government recognized the might of the working class when,they set aside the first Monday in September to honour the working man. The workers wanted May Day as their officialholiday, but government decided to offset the historically radical association of that celebrated day when they assigned September for Labour Day. But that was ali right — the soli-darity of the working class proved too potent to ignore, and the workers won a paid holiday. Truly the dignity and strength of labour does merit a day to celebrate its achievements. Without its labour force this great land of ours would have remained a v^rilderness whose natural resources'would have remained untapped. From the first farmerj Louis He-bert, brought from France by CKamplain, to the present-day miners, steel workers, fishermen and tradesmen, the working man has played a significant role in creating the wealth of Canada. There is a militant history connected with the workers' struggle for recognition as human beings. Their only asset has always been their ability to work and produce wealth for their employers, and they have had to fight for the right to work under favourable conditions for a living wage; Battles for the eight-hour day, equal pay for equal work, safety measures and other legislation for the protection and benefit of the working man wer.e won through the^trade. union movement v^hich united the workers and made' them aware of their strength. Ali workers should celebrate this Labour Day, cognizant of their rightful place in the economic scheme. The day will come when the workers of Canada willshare not only in the drud^ery but in the profits of their labour; they will share in the fruitful planning of an economy.geared to peace and fuU employment when work will assume the dignity and reap the rewards that it rightfully deserves. trophy and' the individual trbphies to the outstanding individual ath-lete. The team compiling the most points this year was Beaver Lake "Jehu"i and the same club's Tauno Ssaari was judged the best ath-lete in two categories as deter-mined by the poinsystem. Con-grals Tauno, and may his fine example be an inspiration to others who have aspirations of attending the same heights. The afternoon programme con-cluded with a couple. of flashing folk dances, and of course, each of the choirs presented an abbre-viated group of songs, which un-fortunately was not heard by part of the audience sitting at the ends of the grandstand, whether i t was poor acoustics or the wind blowing in the wrong direction, it certainly has to be remedied i n the future. A bit of a breather was wel-comed after the programme until the exodus to the Empire Theatre for the final, the evening concert. In the neigbourhood of at housand people sat i n the airiconditioned theatre to enjoy a cultural programme, rich in entertaining numbers. .. Then of course came the mid-night dance — - and a l i the fare-well parties barbecues, saunas, discussions etc. along with some just plain old get-tögethers. Those club members who were chosen as delegates to the Annual Federation meeting still had a hard day ahead and i t is hoped they were able to iron out some of the mäjor problems that were en-countered at this festival. : Here now follow a fevv beefs, suggestions and opinions that may perhaps help us improve our festival next year tolbe held at the Lakehead^ The first dissapointment came when the meet was h a l f an hour late i n getting started; this coupled with a bit _ of conf usion among the officials. At times it seemed as though there were too many but again at other times we sure could have used more. Most dissappoint-ing was the lack of new blood and younger officials participating ac-tively. This is a question that must be considered seriously. W e must be prepared wiht new i n - terested and qualified personel, because the simple fact is, we°äre not going to have the Uunos, E i nes, Franks, Elvis, etc, around forever doing these jobs. These are the people on whose shoulders have fallen the tasks of getting the job done, but the younger generalien must take up the slack — and this is where to start, work-ing hand i n hand with the veter-ans.. Together we can learn a lot and the resuits will be more sa-tisfying for a l i concerned. Someoi^ has to take the re-sponsibility and seems at least i n one of the following two instances it is the organizers and officials. i n the girls under 16 start of the 60-metre dash, inadvertantly and inexcusably, the start had been set 'at the SGonetre mark. Naturally, itappeared a record had been broken and so it was loudly boom-ed to the joyous audiece — and the winher of the race. Fortu-nately, or unfortunately, the error was discovered shortly afterwards but by this time it was too late and Tm sure the young lady's heart was ready to break, as i t certainly was no easy p i l l to swal- Iow. The cold facts were again broadcast explaining the error, but how w i l l this console a young g i i l in her early teens who, through no fault of her own, was led to believe she had broken a record, and then lost i t . The weaker sex, as they have been called so many times, must really be a hardy lot, because gain in the wonien's 4x100 metre relay, the winning team, later disqualified, was composed of girls who had come nearly a thousand miles to compete. However, this particular team was composed of girls from two separate Federation clubs and aplparently the rules say this is not according to Hoyle;. each team must be composed of members from one club. However, this situation should not have happened, the officials should have caught it in time, or perhaps even more correctly, the club captain responsible should have known this. But here again we come to another point. — How about the captains? Don't the rules also say each club must choose one person to represent his or her club? This was not so at this meet — at least so far as the majority of the clubs were concerned, for instance, one could observe any number of athletes harrassihg officials a l i throuh the meet. To prevent conf usion and to make the officials thankless job easier, this is one of the most urgent problems that must be remedied i f we are to keep harmony between officials and athletes and have a better show for the paying cuslomers, They do pay to come and see us perform you know.. Granled we always have a few chronic beefers each year but l e fs try a liltle cooperation. It is still the officials, and especially the chief judge, who see to i t that the meet is properly run - r the athletes participate and do their (Continued on page 4) HEDARMYIN TORONTO Toronto. —• Rave reviews i n the Western Canadian press preceded the Red Army Chorus performances in Toronto — but they did not rave enough! Such verve- and dis-cipline, such artistry and beauty defy adequate description. Seeing is believing, but even then it i s hard to believe that a Russian could orhit i n space ,with-out the help of Vostok II. In the Soldiers' Dance, "Stopover', a young dancer actually cartwheeled i n mid-air with a red accordion f u l l spread to colour his path a-round the floor. This number wafe a fantastic display of agility and pbysical fitness; the 22 dancers ieaped and whu-led and stepped and posed — and astounded the audience. Wtihout even one sheet of music, the chorus of 86 singers and the hand o£ 30 musicians sang and played through a t w o M u r performance of such virtuosity that e-very number was something never heard before. One number of merit featured Beliaev, a tenor with an unbelievable range i n the Russian folk son, K a l i n k a . Another featured the balalaika that Feok-tistov played with an astonishing left handed pluck. A Caandian folk song, Vive Ia Canadienne was sung beautifuUy i n flawless French. And never has O' Canada nor God Save the Queen been sung as the Chorus rendered them — beautifuUy and reverently. After this martial display I am a l i for war -— a cultural war!. If our Canadian soldiers could display half the energy and fitness that were so obvious i n these robust Russians, then. perhaps we also could produce an A r m y Chorus that would truly reflect our Canadian way of life, as the Russian soldiers. must reflect theirs. So lefs vote for more cultural exchanges — both ways —• and maybe the future army role w i l l be to wage peace.—^ I L K A . Soolaisilla syömätatkoot Saarijärvellä Sault ste. Marie. — Nyt siitä on vierähtänyt v i i k k o . k u n oltiin siellä Majavajärvellä aluejuhlissa ja siellähän o l i k i n ' oikein kauniit juhlat. Ohjelma oli hyvää ja hyvin järjestettyä, joista virkailijat ovat j o an taneet raporttinsa, joten kaikki jo sen,tietää. Ohjelma oli korkeatasoista niin laulut j a muut ohjelmanumerot sekä urheilukilpailut. Kaikki sujui kitkattomasti j a tempasi yleisön ehdottomasti mukaansa. Sen huomasi siitä kuinka yleisö aplodeerasi j a millä yleisö ilmaisi mielensä ohjelman suorituksiin nähden. Sattuihan sitä vielä suotuisa i l makin, joten kaikki meni hyvin. Noista juhlista jäi hyvät muistot. Meillä soolaisilla oli omat juhlamme tuolla meidän Saarijärvellä. Sielläkin kaikki meni oikein suunnitelmien mukaan. Syömistä oli ja olipa syömämiehiäkin aika paljon. Kaikille riitti sapuskaa j a pa' LEO'S B/A SERVICE Kiinnostetaan kalkenmalUsla antoja. B/A antorenkaita Ja viUIndti P u h e l h i 4-8231 Cumberland j a M u n r o k a t . k u l m . Port A r t h u r Ontario RAKENNUSKAUSI ALKANUT! MeUtä saatte kaikenlaisi» rakennmtarpeita. THUNDER BAY LUMBER CO. (FORT WILUAM) LTD. HENKILÖKUNNAN OMISTAMA HENKILÖKUNNAN JOHTAMA "Kuuluisa palvelustaan" P u h . S-7469 516 Simpson Str Fort William Kaikkea rautakauppa-alaan kuuluvaa tavaraa t A N G l L A -HARDWiyiB L m PUHELIN DI 4-3508 215 Van Norman St. ( E n t i n e n Canadian T i re Ck>rporationin liikerakennus) - Port Arthur. Ontario Torstaina, elok. 31 p. — ^ u r s d a y , Aug. 31,1961 Sivu 3; MOSCOW GREETS COSMONAUT TITOV Milloin hyvänsä tarvitsette ruokatavaraa, IDiaa tai miesten vaatetusta, ostakaa ne osuuskaupastanne International Co-Op Stores Ltd. 176 s. Algpma Sjtreot .Port Arthur, Ontario Moscow. — Around the world in 80 minutes. That is a l i i t takes now-a-days. And the w o r ld has a new globe circling cosmonaut, U . S.S.R. Citizen, major Gherman Ste-panovich Titov, who at 26 years of age has already gone around the World 17 times. On the way to the beach on Sunday morning Aug. 6, the subwäy -hummed with taik abouf the new space venture. A t the-beach, people lather^d around. a loudspea-ker to listen to radio reports of the flight and also a relay of major Titov speaking from the space craft. Obviously everyone was proud and happy. The radio continued to give regular reports a l i day and later Sunday evening the Moscow radio station cued "Govareet Mockva — Radio Kosmos" (Moscow speaking — Ra-diQ Cosraos). During the period, while the Sputnik with major Titov was circling the earth, not once could you hear any doubts about the even-tual success of the flight.. The Soviet people E X P E C T their roc-kets to work, This was an interes-ting contrast to this writers ex-perience while in Florida during a U.S. "moon shot". The people there. conditioned by many fail-ures," d i d not really expect success — and the attempt did fail. The excitement in Moscow reached a new high when i t was announced that major Titov had landed, i n the same general area as Gagarin. Pravda (if you could get o n e ) — c a r r i e d the f u l l story; —- the exchange of greetings — and the reactions around the;. World. The Soviet Union displayed to the W o r l d it's lead i n space and rocket science. This writer commented, i n his awkward Rus-, sian, to an aquaintance "Another great Soviet success". The friend agreed, but^added "also a great success for a l i mankind". This second globe curcling flight is even more impressive when you. consider that the Soviet Union announced it at the beginning of; the flight, fuUy confident of it's success'. And this space flight, coming. on top of a most impressive a ir show, an almost fantastic display. of Soviet Naval Might, and then, perhaps the most significant, the new third programme of the CP-'. SU which calls for free rent, free public transportation 3% times i n - crease in real wages and many otheer benefits to be achieved in the coming twenty years, shows to the W o r l d that i n 44 years, starting from n o t h i n g , the Soviet Union has risen to be the most poi^er-ful nation i n the worId, and i n / d o i n g so has provided the benefits of a good life and real free-dom to it's citizens. Remember — they are still going ahead. — USKO. l a t l i i n tyytyväisinä varttomaan ensi sunnuntaita. Silloin taas menemme sinne kaikin j a kehoitan niitä, jotka eivät siellä ole ennen olleet, tulemaan viettämään virkistävä päivä raittiissa ilmassa ja' hauskassa seurapelien hyörinässä. K a i k k i ovat tervetulleita. Vähän sitten niistä tämän perukan kalamiesten hyvästä kalansaaliista. Minulla itselläni on sattunut vain kohtalaisia saaliita ettei niiden kiskomisessa ole terveyteni joutunut koetukselle. Olen kuullut, että joidenkin hartioita jomottaa Vellamon hirmujen kiskomisen takia. Taitaa tulla päänvaivaa mihin liika-saaliin panisi. Silläkin, alalla tuppaa tulemaan kilpailun takia liikatuotantoa kun ei markkinoita löydy näillä ympäristöillä, kuten olen kuullut kerrottavan; Mutta on ss kumminkin hyvä, että tuota arvo^ kasta ravinnon lisää saa vapaasti pyytää. Lisäksi nuo kalareissut p i ristää j a anavat vaihtelua vanhemmillekin ihmisille jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Sen olen tullut huomaamaan. Jos jätän tällä kerralla. tä^ hän j a toiste lisää.— P i i r t i S-nen. Joseph P. Thompson (1957) LTD. HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 132 Carlton St, Toronto, Ontario (Ainoa osoitteemme) ALEX COLLINS. Johtaja WA. 1-3971 — WA; 1-1793 nns6 öfl"aa flö ö"fl"ff"ö"ö"(r«Tnnnr«Tnf L I M I T E D "'Kukkasovitelmamtne x erikoisalamme" P u h e l i n H U . 5-2918 695 B A Y V I E W A V E N UB (lÄhellä EgUntonla.) T Q R O N T O , O N T . jmJXP ft_BJI ft P Q 0 J) o o o o o o o o Ql Viking Meat & Sausage Co. Spomalaisten llliajalostelden v a l m i s t a j a Torontossa 10 W U l i s o n S q . EM. 3-7616 (1 kulma etelään Dundas- Spadina kulmasta) Myymme k a i k k i a laatuja tuoretta l i h a a , lihajalosteita, säilykkeitä, juustoja, leipää y.m. ruokatavaraa suoraan tehtaalta. A v o i n n a m a a nantaista keskiviikkoon 8 ap.—^ •p., torstaina j a p e r j a n t a i n a 8 ap. —7.30 ip., l a u a n t a i n a 8 ap.—2 l p . ALA VALITA ^ ANNA MANKISEN VALITTAA Jos olet talon osto tai myyntiaikeissa s o i ta M B . R. HETNO HO. 1 - l lU UNO ÄUNKIN REALTOR 392 DANFORTH A V E . TORONTO, ONTARIO Toronto Real E s t a t e B o a r d l n Jäsen W. C. MCLAUGHLIN LTD., Realtors 360 B L O O R ST. E . — T O R O N TO (Toronton R e a l Estate B o a r d i n jäsen) . 36 vuoden kokemus kiinteimistöjen ostossa, myynnissä tai vnokraaml-sessa. Olemme a i n a valmis Teitä palvelemaan. Soittakaa: LAURI A. LATVA K o u t t o r i : WA. 4-1146 Kotiin: HU. 1-0474 V A L T U U T E T T U V A L A N O T T A JA SUOMALAINEN LEIPOMO Valmistaa r u o k a - j a kahvileipää, korppuja, leivonnaisia y j n . leipomoalan tuotteita. [ ERIKOISKAKKUJA TILAUKSESTA PARKWAY BAKERS Ake Saarinen, k o n d i i t t o r i 290 Queen St. W. Puhelin EM 3^7676 TöroniQ2-B, Oni. piiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii luiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii Suomen edesmenneen presidentin J. K. PAASIKIVEN muistelmat TOIMINTANI MOSKOVASSA JA SUOMESSA 1939-41 . _ Yhtenä osana, kangaskansissa, yhteensä 438 isokokoista sivua Hinta sid. $6.50 Tämän kaksiosaisen teoksen ensimmäisessä osassa käsitellään t a l v i sodan aikaa Ja tapahtumia. Toisessa osassa "jatkosodan" aatto-, tapahtumia. "Tämä teos, j o t a suosittelemme lämpimästi osastojen j a senrojen sekä yksityisten kansalaisten k i r j a s t o i h i n , . p o i k k e a a jyrkästi a i k a i semmin luliemistamme "mnistclmlstat' siinä, että k i r j o i t t a j a e s i i n tyy asiallisesU vakaamnksen miehenä nilssäldn tapauksissa, missä h i s t o r i a on osoittanut hänen olleen väärässi — t a i tulee n i i n osoittamaan. Tämän teolesen suurimpana anrona on se, että toisin k u in esimerldksi pääasiassa omaa minäänsä nostavat T a n n e r i n muistelmat. Paasikiven muistelmat avaavat ns. sunrelle yleisölle " k o konaan atisia näköaloja" näistä raskaista sotavuosist» j a e n nm k a i k k e a siitä, miten ne o l i s i v a t olleet vältettävissä.*^ — Ylläoleva o n l a i n a u s Vapauden päätoimittaja W m . E k l u n d i n lausunnosta, joka J u l k a i s t i i n L i e k i n taide- Ja k u l t tuuriosastossa tammikuun 10 pnä 1959, koskien yllämsd-n i t t u a teosta. T i l a t k a a osoitteella: Vapaus Publishing Co. Ltd. P . O . B O X 69 S U D B U R . Y . O N T A R IO
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, August 31, 1961 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1961-08-31 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus610831 |
Title | 1961-08-31-03 |
OCR text | Länsi-Saksa johti 1. maaotteiupäivanä ' H e l s i n k i . — Länsi-Saksa nykäisi lauantaina stadionilla aloitetussa yleisurheiluottelussa Suomen Urheiluliiton joukkueesta 14 pisteen jphdon, joka jo kertoi vakuuttavasti kumpi tämän ottelun tulee voittamaan sitä sunnuntaina jatkettaessa. Sää o l i ensimmäisenä kilpailupäivänä ihanteellinen mutta tulostaso ei kohonnut erikoisemmaksi. Maksaneita .oli katsomossa 20,748. Päivän parhaista suomalaissaavutuksissa vastasivat Olavi Salonen ja K a r i Rahkamo. Salonen selvitti tiukan 1500 metrin kirikamppailun aj^alla 3.44,9 ja K a r i Rahkamo ponkaisi 3'loikkaa 16.07 joka riitti voittoon j a 15.73 hypänneen .Wische-meyerin" voittoon. Pentti Karvonen juoksi tyylikkäästi 3,000 m esteet j a kun vieraat osoi.tautuivat melko kesyiksi esteiden ylittäjiksi, hän voitti kilvan ajalla 8.56,8. Seiväshypyssä Risto Ankio v e i voiton tuloksella 440. Moukarissa Saksan Hans Fahels teki uuden ennätyksen 63.94 j a 400 m aidoissa Helmut Janz kukisti sei västi'Jussi Rintamäen saaden ajak-seen 50,8. Puolella peninkulmalla veivät saksalaiset kolmoisvoiton, kuten myös 100 metrilläkin. Pisteet ensimmäisen päivän jälkeen. 97.5— 81.5. 10-ottelussa Seppo Suutarilla 5 lajin jälkeen pisteitä 4038 j a Länsi- Saksan W i l l l Holldorfilla 39993. Persooal Observations From thf Suurjnhlat in So#ury Askel eteenpäin Moskova. — Igor Novikovin loistava tulos pakottaa suhtautumaan uudella tavalla ihmisen mahdollisuuksiin vaikeimmissa urheilulajeissa kuten nykyaikaisessa 5-otte-lussa, sanoi kansainvälisen liiton presidentti Sven Thofelt. — Moskovassa pidetyt MM^kilpai-lut, korosti Thofelt, merkitsivät as' kelta eteenpäin nykyaikaisen 5-ot-telun kehityksessä. Sven Thofelt arvostelee niitä, jotka yrittävät poistaa nykyaikaisen 5-ottelun olympialaisten ohjelmasta. Hänen mielestään vetoaminen siihen, että ratsastukseen valmentautuminen on kovin vaikeaa, on täysin perusteetonta. Nylcyaikainen S^ttelu on säilytetty vuoden 1964, Tokion Olympiakisojen ohjelmassa. Saksa löi N-Iiiton Prahan EM-soudus Praha. — Saksa j a Tshekkoslovakia selviytyivät jatkoon perä-miehellisten nelosten välieristä soudan EM-kilpailuissa Prahassa. Kahdeksikkojen alkuerissä Saks.i s a i p a r h a a n ajan voittaen erässään selvästi Neuvostoliiton. TULOKSET: Perämiehelliset neloset, välierä.: 1) Saksa 6.19,45. 2) Italia 6.29*53, 3) Tanska 6.35,06. — 2. erä: 1) Tshekkoslovakia 6,28,26, 2) Yhdys-vaUat 6.31,06, 3) Itävalta 6.40,26. Kahdeksikot, alkuerät: 1) Saksa 5.50,60, 2) Neuvostoliitto 5.56,56, 3) Jugoslavia 5.58,56: 1) Tshekkos^ 5.57,00, 2) Puola 6.01,44, 3) Romania 6.03,08, — 3. erä: 1) Italia 5.51,37, 2) Englanti 5.56.07, 3)- Ranska 5.58,10, ances meet for the first time i n a yea^ or years and there is more gabbing aijd salutations than danc-ing. It wasia: pleasure to converse vvithTSld friends of years pastrand really gäve pne a feeling that the yveekend would ber^ one of plea-sänt: festivities and- r i c h i n its ciil-tural presentätions with plenty pf excitement for the sports enthu-siasts. And when one arrived at the Alerts sports f i e l d e a r l y Saturday moining it \was - r e a d i l y evident that; the diehards from Sudbury and district häd done a tremen-- dpus ämount of work to prepare the track and field into such fine shäpBj which had been laying, a-rpund stagriarit for so many years. If it takes a fesiival such as this tp wake up the populaation, to rise to the occasion, then lets have more pf them. , You w i l l no dpubt have seen the resuits by now which were published previously. The humber of pärticipants was certainly down from pievipus yeais. Hpw to bols-ter the activities to involve more pepple as pärticipants is a prob-lem which shöuld be foremost ori the agenda of each participating club. However, a few of the resuits were quite good and we even had riew federation r e c o r d s i r i the bbys under 17 javelin throw and the open cia^s Swedish r e l a y . It was also evident that through the lack of training some athletes s ut fered and with them the specta-tors. This, of coUrse^ is soinething which the individuals themselves, t h e c l u b s and the Federation miist seriouslycorisider iri the future. W i l h the fast approaching elec-trical s t o r m e a r l y Saturday after-riopri, the öfticiäls were hard-jpresi sed to rush the events through, höwever a few had to be postponed until the next day. The storm also washed out the äfternoön concert, which was added to Sundays pro-gramme,, The eyenings dramatic prpduc-tion a'so had to be transferred frpiil the opcii air Työn Puisto to Ihe Fihnish Hall i n Sudbury. Sel-ddm has a production had as fuU a house as this one ---^and I meari jaardin perhPsuinnin ME-tulostaaa iull -r^. to see A . Hautamäki's 3,4 sekunnilla saaden nyt ajakseen 1 Erämaiden Orjat" under E . Suk- 2.33,6. Donna de Varon. USA, vas lasi toisesta ME-tulokscsta voitta- Toronto, -i- The observations to follow are personal opinions of the writer,. who has been, at times* labelled outspoken, but are' also shared by others.>with whom 1 have had the opportunity to dis-cuss them. Too often we read i n our national paper about the glowing and v^onderful performances of individuals involved in our cultural activities, and se^ms we have not yet learned to criticize and accept criticism i n the same way. It is not my intention to knock any person or person but it is high time we realized — and more ap-propriately thari; now — that the greatest of our cultural events, the annual Combined Song and Sports Festival, while improving i n spme ways, has not taken the stridco-forward which we have every right to expect and demand. This was the fifth combined festival and was now starting the circuit the second time around. Ha-ving been directly involved in each of them since 1957, naturally I would have pet beefs here and there, but w i l l try to be general i n my observations. But f o r those who were unable to be present this year I would like to briefly summarize the festival at Sudbury, and close with a few comments on improving it and otherwise. The festival started, as usual, with the welcoming dance, which seemed to atlract a larger turnout than seen at previous occasions.. This dance is where old acquaint- Editorial Naiset tehtailivat uintiennätyksiä BlackpooL — Kaksi maailman^ ja kaksi Euroopan, ennätystä saavuttivat naisuijattaret "Eurooppa"-^US-A uintimaaottelussa Blackpoolissa lauantaina, maaottelun päätöspäivänä. ottelun voitti USA 90 pisteellä englantilaishollantilaisen "Euroopan" joukkueen saadessa kokoon pisteitä 74. • USAn Becky Collins paransi 220 maila 440 jaardia sekauinnin ajalla 5.37,9, mikä on 2,3 sekunttia parempi kuin Sylvia Ruuskan nimissä oleva M E . Hollannin Judith de N i j s oli de Varonin jälkeen toisena 440 jaardin sekauinnissa j a aika 5,39,4 on uusi Euroopan ennätys. Toinen E E näki päivänvalon 120 jaardin vapaauinnissa jossa Hollannin A . Lasterie paransi Ruotsin Jane Cederqvistin ennä'ystulosta 1,4 sekunnilla ja sai ajan 2.18,3. K I I T O S "Kimän kautta pyydän kiittää kaikkia asianomaisia siitä ikimuistettavasta syntymäpäiväjuhlasta j o n k a _ m i n u l l e järjestitte. Erikoisesti h a l u a n kiittää myös L i l j a T o r t t i l a a , Irenfe. T o r t t i l a a , E l v i Palmgrenia Ja S o f i a Luomaa merkkipäivä j u h l a n i , järjestämisestä. S a u l t Ste. M a r i e K i i t o s kaikesta vielä k e r r a n . JOHN SEPPI, yli-ikäinen Ontario KIITOS Ottakaa vastaan parhaimmat kiitokseni k a i k k i te. ystävät j a omaiset, jotka n i i n suurilukuisina yllättäen saavuitte C S J : n Port A r t h u r i n osaston haalille lauantaina, elokuun 19 pnä 1961, j u h l i maan merkkipäivääni, täyttäessäni 70 vuotta. . . * K i i t o s tilaisuuden järjestäjille, i l l a n touhukkaille emännille j a k a i k i l l e , jotka Illan n i i n suurenmoiseksi muodostitte. Kaunis j ä i muisto kukkasin koristetusta kahvipöydästä runsaine antimineen j a tutuista, iloisi.sta kasvoista ympärilläni. Myös kiitos suuresta rahalahjasta, j o n k a sain tilaisuudessa vastaanottaa. • Ystävyyden osoituksenne lämmittää eloni ehtoopuolta. Kiittäen, ......... ILMI SYRJÄ^- '76 Ont a r i o -St r e e t P o r t A r t h u r , Qn t . Matka- ja matkatavaravakmtttksia Turvatkaa kesäloma- j a huvimatkanne mahdolliselta tapaturma- j a onnettomuusrsattumalta, h a n k k i m a l l a i t sellenne M A T K A V A K U U T U K S E N , Joka on k o v i n halpa. Vakuutusturva on voimassa matkustaessanne autolla; lentokoneella, j u n a l l a , l a i v a l l a , l i n j a - tai p i r s s i a u t o l l a ! Ottakaa matkavakuutus k u n lähdette m a t k a l l e! VAPAUS TRAVEL AGENCY L u p a k i r j a l l a toimiva m a t k a - Ja m a t k a t a v a r a vakuutusasiamies PUHEUN OS 4-4264 100 ELM ST. WEST StJDBURY. ONT, si's direction. During the performance, the big dance got under way at the neighbouring Ukianian Hali and on the plays cqmpletion, transferred to the more spacious Finnish H a l l , and space was certainly nee-ded. Sunday morning, following the rains of the previoius night, the track and f i e ld were i n the slop-piest condition i m a g i n a b l e . l t is to the credit and determination of athletes and officials alike that we were able to run off some semblance of a track meet. Crow-ded with a few of the previous days events, still some very good resuits were recorded, especially in the relays, which are always the most exciting of events of any track meet. The crowds started to stream into the park and by the time the afternoon festival march and pro-gramme started, it was estimated that a crowd in the neighbour-hood of 3,000 was i n attendance. Temporary benches had to be i n - stalled i n front of t h e stands. The choir committee did an ex-cellent job i n reiarranging their programme, considering the wash-out of Saturdays numbers. The Hymanders, E l v i and Jack, without the benefit of the evening mass gym rehearsal, which has been the norm, got the festival march go-ing lQ_ the delight "of the over-flowing crowd. This has always been a high point in_any of our festivals. Very warm greetings were brought tö the audience by mayor B. Edgar of Sudbury, who re-marked he had conversed with se-veral people i n the stands who worc pupils of his i n the years gone by: T o this writer it was an honour indeed to meet the mayor and I AvOuld like to thank h im for his k i n d personal remarks. In the festival speech B. Eklund spoke on the urgent and timely subject on the togetherness with ali peoples of the finnish extrac-tion, to j o in forces for a united front to bring this cultural heri-tage of ours to a l i peoples and by starting to: work towards that goal now we could be one voice by the time this wonderful land of ours celebrates its lOOth birthday. Three cheers! ! - A highlight of the programme -was the presentation of the team Lab our American and Canadian big business and government recognized the might of the working class when,they set aside the first Monday in September to honour the working man. The workers wanted May Day as their officialholiday, but government decided to offset the historically radical association of that celebrated day when they assigned September for Labour Day. But that was ali right — the soli-darity of the working class proved too potent to ignore, and the workers won a paid holiday. Truly the dignity and strength of labour does merit a day to celebrate its achievements. Without its labour force this great land of ours would have remained a v^rilderness whose natural resources'would have remained untapped. From the first farmerj Louis He-bert, brought from France by CKamplain, to the present-day miners, steel workers, fishermen and tradesmen, the working man has played a significant role in creating the wealth of Canada. There is a militant history connected with the workers' struggle for recognition as human beings. Their only asset has always been their ability to work and produce wealth for their employers, and they have had to fight for the right to work under favourable conditions for a living wage; Battles for the eight-hour day, equal pay for equal work, safety measures and other legislation for the protection and benefit of the working man wer.e won through the^trade. union movement v^hich united the workers and made' them aware of their strength. Ali workers should celebrate this Labour Day, cognizant of their rightful place in the economic scheme. The day will come when the workers of Canada willshare not only in the drud^ery but in the profits of their labour; they will share in the fruitful planning of an economy.geared to peace and fuU employment when work will assume the dignity and reap the rewards that it rightfully deserves. trophy and' the individual trbphies to the outstanding individual ath-lete. The team compiling the most points this year was Beaver Lake "Jehu"i and the same club's Tauno Ssaari was judged the best ath-lete in two categories as deter-mined by the poinsystem. Con-grals Tauno, and may his fine example be an inspiration to others who have aspirations of attending the same heights. The afternoon programme con-cluded with a couple. of flashing folk dances, and of course, each of the choirs presented an abbre-viated group of songs, which un-fortunately was not heard by part of the audience sitting at the ends of the grandstand, whether i t was poor acoustics or the wind blowing in the wrong direction, it certainly has to be remedied i n the future. A bit of a breather was wel-comed after the programme until the exodus to the Empire Theatre for the final, the evening concert. In the neigbourhood of at housand people sat i n the airiconditioned theatre to enjoy a cultural programme, rich in entertaining numbers. .. Then of course came the mid-night dance — - and a l i the fare-well parties barbecues, saunas, discussions etc. along with some just plain old get-tögethers. Those club members who were chosen as delegates to the Annual Federation meeting still had a hard day ahead and i t is hoped they were able to iron out some of the mäjor problems that were en-countered at this festival. : Here now follow a fevv beefs, suggestions and opinions that may perhaps help us improve our festival next year tolbe held at the Lakehead^ The first dissapointment came when the meet was h a l f an hour late i n getting started; this coupled with a bit _ of conf usion among the officials. At times it seemed as though there were too many but again at other times we sure could have used more. Most dissappoint-ing was the lack of new blood and younger officials participating ac-tively. This is a question that must be considered seriously. W e must be prepared wiht new i n - terested and qualified personel, because the simple fact is, we°äre not going to have the Uunos, E i nes, Franks, Elvis, etc, around forever doing these jobs. These are the people on whose shoulders have fallen the tasks of getting the job done, but the younger generalien must take up the slack — and this is where to start, work-ing hand i n hand with the veter-ans.. Together we can learn a lot and the resuits will be more sa-tisfying for a l i concerned. Someoi^ has to take the re-sponsibility and seems at least i n one of the following two instances it is the organizers and officials. i n the girls under 16 start of the 60-metre dash, inadvertantly and inexcusably, the start had been set 'at the SGonetre mark. Naturally, itappeared a record had been broken and so it was loudly boom-ed to the joyous audiece — and the winher of the race. Fortu-nately, or unfortunately, the error was discovered shortly afterwards but by this time it was too late and Tm sure the young lady's heart was ready to break, as i t certainly was no easy p i l l to swal- Iow. The cold facts were again broadcast explaining the error, but how w i l l this console a young g i i l in her early teens who, through no fault of her own, was led to believe she had broken a record, and then lost i t . The weaker sex, as they have been called so many times, must really be a hardy lot, because gain in the wonien's 4x100 metre relay, the winning team, later disqualified, was composed of girls who had come nearly a thousand miles to compete. However, this particular team was composed of girls from two separate Federation clubs and aplparently the rules say this is not according to Hoyle;. each team must be composed of members from one club. However, this situation should not have happened, the officials should have caught it in time, or perhaps even more correctly, the club captain responsible should have known this. But here again we come to another point. — How about the captains? Don't the rules also say each club must choose one person to represent his or her club? This was not so at this meet — at least so far as the majority of the clubs were concerned, for instance, one could observe any number of athletes harrassihg officials a l i throuh the meet. To prevent conf usion and to make the officials thankless job easier, this is one of the most urgent problems that must be remedied i f we are to keep harmony between officials and athletes and have a better show for the paying cuslomers, They do pay to come and see us perform you know.. Granled we always have a few chronic beefers each year but l e fs try a liltle cooperation. It is still the officials, and especially the chief judge, who see to i t that the meet is properly run - r the athletes participate and do their (Continued on page 4) HEDARMYIN TORONTO Toronto. —• Rave reviews i n the Western Canadian press preceded the Red Army Chorus performances in Toronto — but they did not rave enough! Such verve- and dis-cipline, such artistry and beauty defy adequate description. Seeing is believing, but even then it i s hard to believe that a Russian could orhit i n space ,with-out the help of Vostok II. In the Soldiers' Dance, "Stopover', a young dancer actually cartwheeled i n mid-air with a red accordion f u l l spread to colour his path a-round the floor. This number wafe a fantastic display of agility and pbysical fitness; the 22 dancers ieaped and whu-led and stepped and posed — and astounded the audience. Wtihout even one sheet of music, the chorus of 86 singers and the hand o£ 30 musicians sang and played through a t w o M u r performance of such virtuosity that e-very number was something never heard before. One number of merit featured Beliaev, a tenor with an unbelievable range i n the Russian folk son, K a l i n k a . Another featured the balalaika that Feok-tistov played with an astonishing left handed pluck. A Caandian folk song, Vive Ia Canadienne was sung beautifuUy i n flawless French. And never has O' Canada nor God Save the Queen been sung as the Chorus rendered them — beautifuUy and reverently. After this martial display I am a l i for war -— a cultural war!. If our Canadian soldiers could display half the energy and fitness that were so obvious i n these robust Russians, then. perhaps we also could produce an A r m y Chorus that would truly reflect our Canadian way of life, as the Russian soldiers. must reflect theirs. So lefs vote for more cultural exchanges — both ways —• and maybe the future army role w i l l be to wage peace.—^ I L K A . Soolaisilla syömätatkoot Saarijärvellä Sault ste. Marie. — Nyt siitä on vierähtänyt v i i k k o . k u n oltiin siellä Majavajärvellä aluejuhlissa ja siellähän o l i k i n ' oikein kauniit juhlat. Ohjelma oli hyvää ja hyvin järjestettyä, joista virkailijat ovat j o an taneet raporttinsa, joten kaikki jo sen,tietää. Ohjelma oli korkeatasoista niin laulut j a muut ohjelmanumerot sekä urheilukilpailut. Kaikki sujui kitkattomasti j a tempasi yleisön ehdottomasti mukaansa. Sen huomasi siitä kuinka yleisö aplodeerasi j a millä yleisö ilmaisi mielensä ohjelman suorituksiin nähden. Sattuihan sitä vielä suotuisa i l makin, joten kaikki meni hyvin. Noista juhlista jäi hyvät muistot. Meillä soolaisilla oli omat juhlamme tuolla meidän Saarijärvellä. Sielläkin kaikki meni oikein suunnitelmien mukaan. Syömistä oli ja olipa syömämiehiäkin aika paljon. Kaikille riitti sapuskaa j a pa' LEO'S B/A SERVICE Kiinnostetaan kalkenmalUsla antoja. B/A antorenkaita Ja viUIndti P u h e l h i 4-8231 Cumberland j a M u n r o k a t . k u l m . Port A r t h u r Ontario RAKENNUSKAUSI ALKANUT! MeUtä saatte kaikenlaisi» rakennmtarpeita. THUNDER BAY LUMBER CO. (FORT WILUAM) LTD. HENKILÖKUNNAN OMISTAMA HENKILÖKUNNAN JOHTAMA "Kuuluisa palvelustaan" P u h . S-7469 516 Simpson Str Fort William Kaikkea rautakauppa-alaan kuuluvaa tavaraa t A N G l L A -HARDWiyiB L m PUHELIN DI 4-3508 215 Van Norman St. ( E n t i n e n Canadian T i re Ck>rporationin liikerakennus) - Port Arthur. Ontario Torstaina, elok. 31 p. — ^ u r s d a y , Aug. 31,1961 Sivu 3; MOSCOW GREETS COSMONAUT TITOV Milloin hyvänsä tarvitsette ruokatavaraa, IDiaa tai miesten vaatetusta, ostakaa ne osuuskaupastanne International Co-Op Stores Ltd. 176 s. Algpma Sjtreot .Port Arthur, Ontario Moscow. — Around the world in 80 minutes. That is a l i i t takes now-a-days. And the w o r ld has a new globe circling cosmonaut, U . S.S.R. Citizen, major Gherman Ste-panovich Titov, who at 26 years of age has already gone around the World 17 times. On the way to the beach on Sunday morning Aug. 6, the subwäy -hummed with taik abouf the new space venture. A t the-beach, people lather^d around. a loudspea-ker to listen to radio reports of the flight and also a relay of major Titov speaking from the space craft. Obviously everyone was proud and happy. The radio continued to give regular reports a l i day and later Sunday evening the Moscow radio station cued "Govareet Mockva — Radio Kosmos" (Moscow speaking — Ra-diQ Cosraos). During the period, while the Sputnik with major Titov was circling the earth, not once could you hear any doubts about the even-tual success of the flight.. The Soviet people E X P E C T their roc-kets to work, This was an interes-ting contrast to this writers ex-perience while in Florida during a U.S. "moon shot". The people there. conditioned by many fail-ures," d i d not really expect success — and the attempt did fail. The excitement in Moscow reached a new high when i t was announced that major Titov had landed, i n the same general area as Gagarin. Pravda (if you could get o n e ) — c a r r i e d the f u l l story; —- the exchange of greetings — and the reactions around the;. World. The Soviet Union displayed to the W o r l d it's lead i n space and rocket science. This writer commented, i n his awkward Rus-, sian, to an aquaintance "Another great Soviet success". The friend agreed, but^added "also a great success for a l i mankind". This second globe curcling flight is even more impressive when you. consider that the Soviet Union announced it at the beginning of; the flight, fuUy confident of it's success'. And this space flight, coming. on top of a most impressive a ir show, an almost fantastic display. of Soviet Naval Might, and then, perhaps the most significant, the new third programme of the CP-'. SU which calls for free rent, free public transportation 3% times i n - crease in real wages and many otheer benefits to be achieved in the coming twenty years, shows to the W o r l d that i n 44 years, starting from n o t h i n g , the Soviet Union has risen to be the most poi^er-ful nation i n the worId, and i n / d o i n g so has provided the benefits of a good life and real free-dom to it's citizens. Remember — they are still going ahead. — USKO. l a t l i i n tyytyväisinä varttomaan ensi sunnuntaita. Silloin taas menemme sinne kaikin j a kehoitan niitä, jotka eivät siellä ole ennen olleet, tulemaan viettämään virkistävä päivä raittiissa ilmassa ja' hauskassa seurapelien hyörinässä. K a i k k i ovat tervetulleita. Vähän sitten niistä tämän perukan kalamiesten hyvästä kalansaaliista. Minulla itselläni on sattunut vain kohtalaisia saaliita ettei niiden kiskomisessa ole terveyteni joutunut koetukselle. Olen kuullut, että joidenkin hartioita jomottaa Vellamon hirmujen kiskomisen takia. Taitaa tulla päänvaivaa mihin liika-saaliin panisi. Silläkin, alalla tuppaa tulemaan kilpailun takia liikatuotantoa kun ei markkinoita löydy näillä ympäristöillä, kuten olen kuullut kerrottavan; Mutta on ss kumminkin hyvä, että tuota arvo^ kasta ravinnon lisää saa vapaasti pyytää. Lisäksi nuo kalareissut p i ristää j a anavat vaihtelua vanhemmillekin ihmisille jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Sen olen tullut huomaamaan. Jos jätän tällä kerralla. tä^ hän j a toiste lisää.— P i i r t i S-nen. Joseph P. Thompson (1957) LTD. HAUTAUSTOIMISTO 132 Carlton St, Toronto, Ontario (Ainoa osoitteemme) ALEX COLLINS. Johtaja WA. 1-3971 — WA; 1-1793 nns6 öfl"aa flö ö"fl"ff"ö"ö"(r«Tnnnr«Tnf L I M I T E D "'Kukkasovitelmamtne x erikoisalamme" P u h e l i n H U . 5-2918 695 B A Y V I E W A V E N UB (lÄhellä EgUntonla.) T Q R O N T O , O N T . jmJXP ft_BJI ft P Q 0 J) o o o o o o o o Ql Viking Meat & Sausage Co. Spomalaisten llliajalostelden v a l m i s t a j a Torontossa 10 W U l i s o n S q . EM. 3-7616 (1 kulma etelään Dundas- Spadina kulmasta) Myymme k a i k k i a laatuja tuoretta l i h a a , lihajalosteita, säilykkeitä, juustoja, leipää y.m. ruokatavaraa suoraan tehtaalta. A v o i n n a m a a nantaista keskiviikkoon 8 ap.—^ •p., torstaina j a p e r j a n t a i n a 8 ap. —7.30 ip., l a u a n t a i n a 8 ap.—2 l p . ALA VALITA ^ ANNA MANKISEN VALITTAA Jos olet talon osto tai myyntiaikeissa s o i ta M B . R. HETNO HO. 1 - l lU UNO ÄUNKIN REALTOR 392 DANFORTH A V E . TORONTO, ONTARIO Toronto Real E s t a t e B o a r d l n Jäsen W. C. MCLAUGHLIN LTD., Realtors 360 B L O O R ST. E . — T O R O N TO (Toronton R e a l Estate B o a r d i n jäsen) . 36 vuoden kokemus kiinteimistöjen ostossa, myynnissä tai vnokraaml-sessa. Olemme a i n a valmis Teitä palvelemaan. Soittakaa: LAURI A. LATVA K o u t t o r i : WA. 4-1146 Kotiin: HU. 1-0474 V A L T U U T E T T U V A L A N O T T A JA SUOMALAINEN LEIPOMO Valmistaa r u o k a - j a kahvileipää, korppuja, leivonnaisia y j n . leipomoalan tuotteita. [ ERIKOISKAKKUJA TILAUKSESTA PARKWAY BAKERS Ake Saarinen, k o n d i i t t o r i 290 Queen St. W. Puhelin EM 3^7676 TöroniQ2-B, Oni. piiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii luiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiii Suomen edesmenneen presidentin J. K. PAASIKIVEN muistelmat TOIMINTANI MOSKOVASSA JA SUOMESSA 1939-41 . _ Yhtenä osana, kangaskansissa, yhteensä 438 isokokoista sivua Hinta sid. $6.50 Tämän kaksiosaisen teoksen ensimmäisessä osassa käsitellään t a l v i sodan aikaa Ja tapahtumia. Toisessa osassa "jatkosodan" aatto-, tapahtumia. "Tämä teos, j o t a suosittelemme lämpimästi osastojen j a senrojen sekä yksityisten kansalaisten k i r j a s t o i h i n , . p o i k k e a a jyrkästi a i k a i semmin luliemistamme "mnistclmlstat' siinä, että k i r j o i t t a j a e s i i n tyy asiallisesU vakaamnksen miehenä nilssäldn tapauksissa, missä h i s t o r i a on osoittanut hänen olleen väärässi — t a i tulee n i i n osoittamaan. Tämän teolesen suurimpana anrona on se, että toisin k u in esimerldksi pääasiassa omaa minäänsä nostavat T a n n e r i n muistelmat. Paasikiven muistelmat avaavat ns. sunrelle yleisölle " k o konaan atisia näköaloja" näistä raskaista sotavuosist» j a e n nm k a i k k e a siitä, miten ne o l i s i v a t olleet vältettävissä.*^ — Ylläoleva o n l a i n a u s Vapauden päätoimittaja W m . E k l u n d i n lausunnosta, joka J u l k a i s t i i n L i e k i n taide- Ja k u l t tuuriosastossa tammikuun 10 pnä 1959, koskien yllämsd-n i t t u a teosta. T i l a t k a a osoitteella: Vapaus Publishing Co. Ltd. P . O . B O X 69 S U D B U R . Y . O N T A R IO |
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