1956-03-15-03 |
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Six PJays Enfered h Yoiifh Drama Feslival ^ ;Easter weekend and the Drama ftstival of the Finish Organization is . »pidfy drawing neared. A glance a;t the calender will iadicate that there »re/only two weeks left to go In •«hich to get ali entiies into perfect diape. „ . 'Sudbury has again been chosen as the 8ite for thls annoal festival and of course the weIcome mat will be out for . performers ^ and spectaton alike. ,Six plays have been entered thls year j ^ t h . one brand new newcomer In the gpoup — Cobalt Drama is .: by. no toeans a new thing. in Cobalt. ' ^ r i many years the finnish popula- : t i o n i n : Cobalt was eztremely activp b u t i n more recent yeais as the F i h - - ulsh population moved away ia search of jobs, activities. dled down to a : veiy ,low-ebb.^ are veiy pleased -to ;hear that the younger, generatlon in Cobalt has mustered up the i n - tcrgst andenergy to produce a play to enter in the festival. It has pro-mlse of activities again picking up i n Cobalt. 'Port Arthur is again to be repre-sented at the festival, and that toö is a^notable achievement when the long journey is taken into consideration. Two y6ars:ago the Port Arthur group aoiade its debut at the-Toronto' festival and put on a creditafole perfor-inancä.: WeIcome back agahi! ' Toronto is agalh entered wlthtwö plays and we can be asgured that öie Toronto folk will live up to their repntation on the stage. ' ;TtoeJh6st town; Sudbury. will be en-teringTtwo other plays and the em-phasls has beenpTaced on presenting plays vithslzablecasts as there are no <travelllng .expenses to overcome. Howev*r,' finding enough young peö-^ pl6 has been somewhat of a task that was -not' easy-: to overcome.- Butre-hearsals are finally In full swing. . Aleris and Echo Ne^KiTI Wind Up The Ski Season Only two cross-country mcets are left on the cuirent skiing Schedule, although Judging from the quantity of snow that has fallen in the last few;weeks ski conditions will remaln excellent until the middle of May. ^ Alerts members: have been busy: • iaying out their track at Työn Puisto for.-theinvitationmeet the club is «pOnsorlng.Sunday, March 18. The events will get underway at 1 o'clock i n rjUbe aftemoon and there will be. events for most classes. ; ;3kler8 claim that this year the snow conditions are excellent for. a good track aroimd Trout Lake, so a big ttimout is'expected. r The final meet is the Echo spon-sored' meet at Rouhd Lake the -fol- Iowing weekend and it is expected that several carloads of Sudbury dis-trict: stders .will participate in this meet. After that the skis will be racked away and thoughts will retum to track : and. field and other summer fiports. GENEROV8 A generous tipper at a resort hotel found a new w4iter serving him at br^kfast one moming ; and . said: f!Where*s my regular waiter, that boy caUed Lew?''' ' The new. waiter replied, "Sotrs air, Lew 'Won't be:serving:you any more. I won you in a crap game last night." 50 Y E i ^ A Greeting to Yritys Xext vre^^k the Finnish cc<mmunity in Toronto fvill be c^lebrating a spscial occasion — the SOthanniversaiy of t i e Yritys Athletic Qut^^ . The commemoration of tiiis important iiistoric XKcasiott^ vrill BOt beUmited to Toronto alone, for the name and t^e adiievements « f the Yritys Athl-*tic Club are known throughout th|s expansive land of oursine\'ery Finnish commanity. Yes; ali Finnish-Canadiaris are. . proud of tbe traditions and achJevements-of Yritys. And evetyone will be marking this historic occasion. Tiie event of course bearssfjccial significanc* to the people of Toronto vehere thousands of people throughout the:yearsiutve been associated with the broad program of activities that has hejnxarried out. Fifty years is a long time for any organization^to function con-tinuously and especially one that has been founded and m^tained by; iouni^ant vvorkers and their families. Yritys is probablyth^secondf oldest organization of Finntsh-Canadians to c::lebrate such a long pe-i riod of continuous activities. Only the Toronto branch of the Finnish^ Organization of Canada can lay a claim to being older.by a few years. It is also interesting to note that Yritys is one of the oldest work-ing dass i)rganizations in Canada. Itwas founded at the turo of the ceptury at a time whjn the vrorking class movement was coming in^^^ its own. Yes,_ beiiv^ it or not, such unions as the Automobile AVock^; ers and the Mine-Mill were Tion?«xistent in -^ose days vrith only a sniall fractiott of workers belonging to unions; Also political activities wcre in their embryonic stage.- * : The Yritys has a proud tradition in supporting the organizational aspirations of the working people of Canada as weJl as providrng posri sibilities for participation in sports.' Especially in tlie earlier days: when tjie question of unemplftyment, poor wages and job discrimina-f i tion was a daily matter, the m-jmbeership of Yritys adopted a cons-cious policy of vvorking hand'in hand with those organizations of, the vvorking people, wfaich strived to improve the • lot -of the vvorking man. Today the membership of Yritys can look back at many achie-vements'that have been brought about by this unit^d effort and be proud o f the fact that they have had a hand in attaining them. Jn more recent years, as the trade union movement^d political activitifes of the workingp:»ple have stabilized, Yritys has devoted itself primarly to sports and cultural activities. Although it must not beforgottenthatthroughout its long history the club has devoted most of its energies to these two fields. " The character of the cFub has also changed a greatdeal in these fifty years. '•. Although in its earlier days Yritys^ was not cohsidered' • as an organization of yoiithj the actrve anembership T)articipatit)g in' ^ r t s was nevertheless the yÖuth; In more recent years. as genera-;* Uon after•generationhaSigrown^upthrough Yritys it has taken onflrore^^^ and more-the character of a'youth organization of the generation. Today this development has advanced to ;^the point Tvhere English is the language of the activo membership and the broken Finnish spoken today by the membership could ^robably -be compar-ed to the broken English of the founders of Yritys. The activities of the dUb have also und^rgone a similar change;- In the early days vvrestling and gyajinastics were the two main forms of activities with some track and field thrown in. In the past few, years hockey has probably be^n the activity that has aroused the greatest amount of interest, while gymnastics has continued to flourish among thevromen and girls vrithonly ahandfulof men and boys takingpari. More erophasis has also been placed on cultural activities. The Yritys fmembership has also workjd hand in hand with the Toronto branch of the Finnish Organization of Canada in building and marntaining both the Don Hall and«Tarmola, where club activi-tiesare centered. Throughthis dose co-operation the Finnish people of Toronto have b^en able to overcome what'attimes has seemed to be an insurmountatlefinancialproblem; the building of a fine :hall and summer camp which is Jbeyond a doubt the finest one built by Fin-nish- Canadians. Looking into the future one can only come to the conclusion that dubs*£tichäs Yritys will more and more be calbd upon to carry on the fine traditions built upby the Finnish-Canadian in thisjand of ours; The younger generation as exemplified by Yritys has already accepted the challeng3, and working dosely with other organizations dedicated to advancing the cultural and sports standards as well as the living standards of the Canadian people, will continue to carry on these traditions. ' Hats öff to those forward thinking early immigrantswhower3 instrumental in forming this club which today is celebrating its 50th anniversary. Itisnatural that most of these early founders have since f alien by the wayside, but two of them are still in tb> actrve ranksojf YritySj despite the ^^ears that have piled up on their shoulders: In dof-fing oui- hats to Carl Lehto and Enoch iLöppönen we pay tribute to ali • thos3 who have made Yritys what it^ IS today. 6ifni R^earsat Planned During Drama Festival The Liittojuhla committee of the Alerts A.C. has. suggested that fdl centres participating I n , ! ^ Youth Drama Fötival make efforts to have someone to the jToiiji coming to Sudbury to participate in: a:massgym rehearsal : As was earlier announced,the mäss gym program has been prepared bjr £Ivi and Jack Hymander. who »ni be on hand to show the eorrect .way of interpreting the instruetions. Almost every year different centr^ have interpreted the program in a different way and it has been diffi-; cult to get eveiTthlpg cleared up before the t>erfonnance at the Uitto»! Juhlas. ;. I t :would therefore help.matt^rs .a gteatdealif such a rehearsal could b^ held. It might also be added th»t the mass gym^program. includes;'a wand driU for mön which is done-to' the- same music as the "mass ' ^ nu Boys aiPb welcome tb, use this oppor-f: tunity to leam the movements; - iINTARIO YOUTH W i U . CELEBRATE A T J4AIVELT Itoonto. — Wednesday eieolng; l ^ c h 7. rcprejenlstii-es of progres-w «ivc youth organizations met at £3 Ctnlste Street in Toronto to draft plans lor the Thlrd Ontario Youth ftetival for a Greater Canada. ' : The meetlng adopted plans for a youth festival at Camp Kaivelt, near .Srampton, Ontario on Satorday and JSuhday, June 30 and J u y 1, 1956. ' ' I n a n^ort presented on beihalf of the Festival Majnägement Committee, Ben SheJc llsted some of the positive achievements of provincial youth fes-tiva^ s. (The Management Committee ha4 been establisbed for the Second Ontano youtai Festival). Mr. Shek stated that in 1955; there wereslx provincial youth - festivals.. They helped spark interest among youth lu:the positive achievements of Ca-; nadians. strengthened the unity of various sectlons of Canadian youth and' helped bulld the organizations which particlpated by developing activities 'tThese feslivals." .continued Mr, Shek. "are linked tothegreat World yout^ festlvals.*' As an example, he -pointed to the fact; that/two Pollsh young people had attendcd :7ast yeafs festival in Ontario as fraternal dele-gates of the Polläh World Youth Pes- 'tival Committee. Plans adopted by the meeting i n - clude a concert on iSaturady evening June 30, in honoir of Canada*a blrth-day. cultural competitions for song groups and dance groups, an essay contest and a.painting contest. A aew foaiure of the «poit» program is a «vimmingioMt;!^^ be a track and fleld meet and team competitions for softhan. «oUeyball and tnsketba*!. Casual «aines such as ping-^pong; lioffieshoes «lul mn»- tionai swimining «in also t» Indu»' ded.' ^ % • Other fesUval htgSiUgbts a » a wiener roast for Saturday night after the concert and a dance Sunday eveniniT» At the Wednesday meeting, committee chainnen - were: säected for financea' (Steve:. Endlcott, National federation of Labour Youtta)|pubU-city (Stan linkovioai; Edltor, Xaiam-pion>; cultural (BiU Ceegledl, Birn-garian- Canadian youth group). The Management Committee v^intlude ali these people, plus Anitar Horrlck from the Finnish youth. A spor^ Committee. under the leaderShip of A member of the United JewiShl^- ples Order Youth Division .wiU be set up shortly. Sen Shek elected manag. ing-secretary of the StotivalCommit^ tee. . , During dlscussion; it wa8 proposed to have a hoe»down, pf Canadian square dancing in ;tihe Festival program. Another suggestion «as that a regional conference be held in 6ou them Ontario, to alUntr groups outside Toronto to have a hand in «orkb ing out the program. A dclegation of slx attended the meeting from the Rtissian Youth Club of London, Ontario.. Stan Llnkovioh was chairman of .the meeting. F B I G I D I V E A T O E R B P T WAIWVI W E L C 0 ME The Youth pf Finland Have M a ny AchievemVnts to Their Credit THE IVEaXIOME MAT IS OUT Toronto is Celebrating Toronto. — Oldtimers say that it iakes -Spring Pever" to get activities ' xolling to some parts of Ontario. Ihls time theh- predictions are very wTong iwfaen i t comes to Southern ^ Ontario, ' Ttoonto to he etact. AU kfnds of fo:k « t e folk;-yoimg.folk, and (hrmp!) middle age folk have been commuting to Don 'Hall th^e past f ew months paktog prcparaäons for the "Yritys klUi Anxiiversary^ celebrations taking plaee Mäit& 23rd, äod 2Sth. It is u n - donbtedly the most talked about af- 4 jair of the year. Maybe you'aiaven't read mudi to Club Vtms, trat the grapevines. have sure been acttve, E^cryone to TO Is up to their ears to «oik, «bitih is begtontog to glve re-siäts. A Special SOth Annivefsary*i8- Afeoe of Vapans is being published.^Adäu •'g.<yHffT-<M»ff been coming to from as far aa Ptoland Itself. The thihg to do these days when you see; an Old-thners approäch is nm f or cover. For years very little has been talked about the päst history of *'Yrit5^butsudw denly personal cxperiences are being reläted at every opportunity. Maies U5 under 30 feel mighty toexperiencr ed- Priday nigiit March 23rd the "aya^; jaistanssi" are lietog held, and we are expecting to see many out-of-tcwncrs there. Sunday is the day for the Grand Concert. The programme consists of dance, «mg, music recite.. tions. and gymnastfcs. A "juhlaruno" has been writtenby«XeonardHjortb espedally for the occasion. Tliere isn't any doubt, a great deal of ihterest has arisen fromthe Con- .cert ^Fi»ter ahowing three women> gyxnhastic groups on the progtannne. T l * young people have a <r«ry humo-; rotis "kylän juoru''sto teli you about We are just mentiontog.a few. of :jthc numbers as an appetlzerfor your cu- 'riosity. You're not the kind of ^a guy 'wlu) likes to get thtogs second tiand are you?' Naw!, The t h i i ^ to do is to' hop into that.old jalcpyof yours and hföd for TO yourse'1 and Joto to the celebrations! f Any öelegates to the recent tajakokous'! can vouch for Toronto. Hotels ehey^ are reputed to^ entertato guests;with'tlie almöst invisible.type of bed fellowÄ, During : the ^ past. ,6eaii&n'young people to Toronto have taken a-veiy-active part^ to. dramatic activities at the Don Hall. Last fall audiences were llteraUy thrilled « i th '^Mnstal^ Manja"^ Since 4hen't3iere have'been yonng people to'iust; about eveiy play presented this season. Ttoehrpartfcl- :. • By-'STEVE' ENDICOTT. Toronto.'— Last month. t had; the opportunity to visit Hdsinki to at-^ tend the . executive meettog •, of ^ the World Federation of Democratic Youth. Together «ith 'youth leadeai from over 40 countries «e^discussed how to ^ strengthen- • cooperation r and frie|idship between the youth of the World to the toterests pf peace and a better future. Many, constructive " proposals for cooperation were made. / Undoubtedly orie; of' the things:«hlcÄ;will :be of gtieafinterest tp aU Canadian yovng people is the proposal tq.hold the next World Youth Flestlval to Afoscow to the summer of 19^7 and conciurent' with it the Third Interpational Friendly Sports Meet, These events are open to ali youog people and their organizations to participate: to ac-cordtog to their own« toterests and program. The young people of Finland are also deeply toterested' to this coming Festival and several: thousands'^'of them are preparing to 'go.' The ' ^ c ^ l - dent -of Finland; shdwed his interest to the work of the WFbY by toJdUng adelegation from theexeeutive meeting to his residence for an totervieW; Dtu-ing my brief five day- vtsit; in Helsinki -I; leamed' many v interesttog things about .the tliriving Finnish, youth movement whlch may be' of toterest to ^ the readers of Vapaus. ^ The 65 youth organieäUonsöf Fto-land are tmited to one 'Finnish You^h Cotmcil some of whä5e leaders'are elected members of Parliament.: This powerful group: of youth organizations has-somesplendid.achievements to its Credit. In 19^ there w|is a Joint campalgn against unemployment and as a result there ]& now a govemment sponsored - trades-tratotog program for unemployed youth. At the present time there is a campaigti against "gangster culture" äs they call it; They have fought corfupt films and magfizines, de-man^ dlng government action to stop! thehr importation;. As <a result some; of the pornographlc magazines got lilgher taxes imposed upon them, others'were warned and some banned. Theyfeel this is one Important way; to'fight against juveniledellnquency. . 'jBeing a Canadian I'supposed that the^dixnate of Finland would hold no.SUrprises for me. What a mlstake. .When we got off : the plahe from Amsterdam at. '*wo o'clock in the morningitwas about 30 degrees be-lo* izero at- Helsinki airport not; the^^Ai^^cbld of the priilrles > but damp cold as* to Toronto or Montreal. However, the frigid weather was 'more<than made up for th? warmth of our hosts; On the very f Irst day they took us for a tour around Helsinki, -down by the harbour wherd the ice-break^ rs were churnlng away; through; the parliament buildings and up to the top of the wind-8wept tower: to the Olympic Stadium. : O n this tower we took plctures and liad a beautiful view of the city and countryside for miles around. One evening the Finnish Democratic Youth organization sponsored a concert and dance in honour of the WPDY. I have never seen so' mäay numbers taeked into ;öne';W'ohd6rfui evening. Of course .the concert be gan at 7 o'cl'ock Instead t>f at JB or 8^0 as in Canada, .Sutevei^ tiheh, there was an instrumental trio of iaö. dem music a male quairtet dolng sar<^ castlc ^ake-offs,' boys and girls musi: cal skit group8,^gymnastlcsi'a.;one act play. speeches of «elcome and tfhen a dance' «Ith several hundred IPltmish youth tektog part. The FtoniSh ^ d l o was toterested to leam that tihere «as a Oanadian in town; SO along «ith a' young num from-SenegafYAfricä) 'I,;«as intte-vlewed on k ilews of the day program. The announcer had two ques tions for me: «hai are the mato pro blems of Canadian youth and secondr ly ihe wanted to know if I knew and had any co-t^eratlon «lth( iPtonisb- Canadlan young people. : On this last question I told them of the Ftonlsh- Canadian Amateur Sports Federation about your annual sports meet and ?how various organizations liave co-operated together to oi«anizing the Provtocial Youth <Festlvala for a Qreatcr Canada. They «ere.very tor terested to hear that one of the club9 Yritys, is ceiebrattog its SOth Anniversary this March. A BUSY SKI SEASON IS DRAVVING TO A CLOSE pation to p^ays has proven their own artJsiic abilities and that;;Uie5e can further be developed tmder pätient directorEfhip^ Certainly to. most, ^ the greatest dlfficulty has beeti the tm-derstanding of the Fmnish text itself. They have found plenty of hard «orktovolved but on:ttie other hand a great deal of satisfaction is enjoyed from these ef forts. Sometimes criti-cism is a little hard to take> and yet it should be kx^iped upo^ as a Jaixe guide to improvements. imien "Onnl-^as being east there was a>great deal^ of controversy as to «hether the leadlng roles «ould be given to three young people^ Sirkka Saima, the directorundertooka'great task to casitog Irma Laakso asv^Leila, Eila Horn as Lilli, and CEeor^Kau-to as Ragnar, "Onni" Is a Ibfidöayer «hote young wife Leila is a doctor's (iaughter. She faces ttmsy ~01fficul- Ues to adjusttog to a poor maa'sf^ay of life. Her fonner fiancec with~hls bigh rank and sodal padtioii is a ipreat temptatton.' UUi her ^ster, is a,i«ry ^»iled young «omanrf«ho,.is sotocwhat'«urpnscd to ftod «orking people quite human: and the rple of a brickl8yer's wlffe most Intrigulag. How Leila manages to BAve^itetjaxfii; lems and adjust hettiU --^ / makeat a vety interesting March ISth. ' aftemoon.. comes ISeaver Lake. — The skiing season is agato rapidly drawtog to a close. As u.sual to the sudbury distrlct, sonje very: good competitions have been seen. «The-most Imporfiint meet of course «as the Dominion champion-ship meet. Clarence fiervo'd who competed very creditabiy in ali three cross-country events at the. Winter Olymplcs at Cortina, Italy, Succcss-fuUy defended-hls 15 km. championr ship, but; was forced to drop out of the 30 km. race after coverlng 25 km. Arvo iiyräntö went strongly on to finish edging out North Bays Elmer Ypyä to the Ia«t few kllometres. Wide8pread interest was also fo-casseed to the U, S. Junior champion-ships, where Canadian repregenta-tion was «eak in ali events but thö cross-country; Bob Gray two-time Canadian junior champ came through to wm this event, Karl Krats, elnewy 16 year old Jehu Siiicr placed a creditable 8th, <;on-sldering an unfavourab'e 7th start-ing position. Gray, tay some myster-ious (Shuffllng of starting numbers, had ä^: liastp^iSLce starting position in a field of some 50 skiers, which was qujt€ an advantagc after a heavy snoTvfali/the nfght Ijefore the race. Howevcr,.Nbotfa these boys are due for plenty:of credlt for taeJng selectcd to representtheJr country in international cömpetitlon, Karl Krats, is tmdoubtedly the flrst F. C. A . ' S ; F. skier to represent Canada in international cömpetitlon. Anol*er, s^ meet of Wide interest, especiallyiamongtlie Fsnnish popu-lation «as the F> C, A. 3, F. champ-ionship meet at tiie Lakehead. ; Very fine cömpetitlon was seen ia eome classes,;: In some claases such as the ladies,' .girls. .and under 18 c'asses, there «ere iew entrles. - Elmer Ypyä of the Laurentian Bkl Club North Bay. «on both 10 and 20 km. men's events «Ith a good margto but because he does not belong to an F, C, A. S. F. club, «as Inellglble to competefor thechamplonshlpmedals or the handsome trophy donated by the bushworkerB of Port Arthur. ThJs fine trophy «as «on this year by 6peed's Karl Palom&ki"' for his f toe performancc in the 20*km; event. It seems to be tlbe hopeof evcryone concerned, inciuding yours truly, to see Ypyä competing for this fine trophy, as «eli as champlonship medals in the years to come. The races «ere run off on a some- «hat easy cross-country^ course on Port Arttiur's Mount Baldy «Ith good «eather conditions prcvalling. The meet «as «eli' oiyanlzed and «as started off * n both days «Ith the playing of 0'Canada over the P. A. systera, «hich also added an air of importance. I woukl like to take the libertr to exlend very sincere thanks on iMihalf of myself and the members of the Sudbury distrlct cluhs for the fine hospitality tiiat «as extended-us during our stay at the Lakehead. — JehuitCy— W1NG£D BICHE8 "Rlches," said the teacher as lie «as reading to his dass, '^take; tmto Uiemsdves «ings ' and .fly avay. What kind of riches does the «riter mean?" Blank looks met his gaze, "Surely someone dtn ans«er a question like thät Yoa, 'Btovm, «bat kind of riches auliiut «riter mean?" Brown hesitated for a moment, and thcn plunged, "Ostrlches slr?^' JiiklekkoUa on nosl orheilDala. Jota on YrliykseaA harrastetta vastSknttVla^; B»vitosl.nattasiitft:haollraatto Yrityksen canadalalseenurheilmm hyvällä menestyiudlä. Seoran JookkneVonlllstitn.- riUtonSIIIsaiU Toronton ja&klekkoyhdistyksen JärJestämUn ottdolhla |a .on usein idUbnyt loppuotteluihin. Kuvassamme < Yrityksen reippaita poiki» n. «vuottasltteq. . , :'^,\ LINJA-AUTOLLA LIITTOJUHLAAN Ton»nto. ~ No. mittts erikoista tuossa sitten on? Onhan niin menty mon- U kertaa; Mutta minii nyt muistelen äitfi, aikaa,'kun teimme'sen matkan linja-autolla ensimmäisen kerran ja matkan pftäm&ar&näo^iBeavcr Lake. V. 1038 keväällä cräässt^ Yrityksen kokouksessa pääteUlto, että ei nyt mennftkftän millään peukaokyydillä eikä kuorma-fautoilla: Olkea kulkuneuvo se olla pitää, Johon voidaan kunnolla sijoittaa se <;uuri voimistelijoiden Ja urheiltjold») Joukko, Joka silloin tototija harjoitteli haolUa. . : Kun otimme selvää hlnnastarnito heikkohermolscnunat; pyörtyivät, mutta päätäs .oli päätös eikä niitä nlto vain peruta. Komitea valittiin maUtan rahoittamista varten, sillä rahastonhoitajan sanojen mukaan seuran pussi oli melkein tyhjä. Rahoituskomiteaan siis valituin Ville. Henry Ja minä. «uuri urakka oli edessä, mutta pojat-sanoivat, että aiä sinä. likka, sure, kyUä näin suurassa kauputiglsstC rahaa löytyy. Meidän, ttlydjV'«aln'keksiä jffiiao, miten me soamihe slM tarvittavan määrän.' '/No, miten? Minä olto aivan ymmällä, että inistä päästä' eitä .pitäisi aloittaa. Ville tuumasi, että Jostakin llUUteestäeqammc lahjaksi vaikka esi merkiksi radion, Jonka sitten' arvomme kansalaistemme' keskuudessa Ja nlto lähd^ine • liikkeelle etsimään' sitä radlo^. ' . ^ ' Monen liikkeen ovon avasimme Ja samoin suljimme, mutta et yain kukaan meille sitä lahjoittanut. Pldlm-^ me? kokouksia, Ville teki clidotviksla, Henry kannatti Ja minä Ittih kiinni. Jtf ölto uudemman kerran lähdlmmo matkaan. Nyt kcräjslmmc pIcnemiJä tavaroita, mitä vain, Ja siinä onnls tulmmekln niin hyvin'cttjl: saimme pystyyn arpajaiset, Joissa oli 12 voittoa Ja 2.000 arpaiul Jotka kalkki myytiin; Loput rahat Wräslmme, tai kerjäsimme melkein kalkilta vastantu-lijollta Ja vähitellen sc kassa karttui, niin että pääsimme kutopääslmmckin matkalle sUIä Unja-autölla, Hyvät oli. vat liittojuhlaa ja hauskaa oIl% ka4- kil'a. Kyllä siellä oU Becaver Laken emännät lujilla, kun oli niin paljon kansaa Ja kaikki aina iiälkälslä. Slel- Jä se "mojakkapata*; kiehui päivät pitkät Ja aina vain piti lisätä perunaa^ Ja vettä. Kotimatkalla ajuri pysähtyi Sud-buryssa ravintolan eteen ja V sanoi, että nyt minä menen syömään vaikka kananpaistin(, kun .olen elänyt vato"mullfgan" syönnillä kolme päl-väÄ. Niin saavuimme kotiin,; JUttöJuhlat oli pidetty Ja kaikki oli tyytyväisiä saavutuksiin, - seuraavana' kesänä oli Juhlat Järjestetty Tlmminsiin. Taas oli CdC89ä sama matkakysymys, mutta paljon kalliimpi. No,Vnhän arvaa, että V i l le, Henry Ja' min^- taas valittiin sa-tnaan hommaan, koska kuulemma meillä oli siihen kokemusta.: Siihen aikaan piti ottaa tehtävä vastaan, kun ehdotettito,^Joten el siinä ollut muuta keinoa kuin;taas ar<aa siiun-nitella hyökkäystä. Pojfia oJi jo suunnitelma valmiina ja niin lähdimme liikkeelle. Teimme..matkoja jDlonen moniin kaupungin IlikcIiiiT toksiin> Ja aina halusimme päästä presidentin puhille. Useinkin kontto-rlneitoset yrittivät meidät pysäyttää, mutta pojat osasivat puhua niin, eitä. perille pääbimme. i i mm m m Tavallisesti Ville aina aloitat.astan selostamalla Yrityksen ioUntotaa-nvuy.^ rison keskuudessa Ja %un- Ville 'yV^ syl, nlto Henry Jatkoi. lSto& bun^dn \; M'^v^J mukana kuuntelemassa, sUlä P*Ja> ^ 1 ' sanoivat että onnistumme parezntoin > ,vc''|^''' kun on tyttöväkeämatkassa.'Nlin?^tÄ» - ' >| l i lahjoituksia, suuremplaja iilenein^ plä.' <Mtousta- tuntui, tolstoaan„<e(tj|" ne herrat maksoivat mcUle v»9s^',^ : seen meistä eroon.'Ja nitositfir ktoi-r*'" f ;| paniaa Jatkettiin päiyastä teiseen'. ' ^ koko kesän, tehtiin pienempiä,Äirpä^^... , jäisiäkin 4a käännetUto monen'jiUe-' nen taskut, tyhjiksi. J a nlto sitft vulxk 4 ' mentiin kohieasti linjo-autolta kultk-pcrukaUe, vaikka siellä oli siihen .af- t ; kaan tietkin niin huonossa kuonossa» ' ' että muutamien' siltojen s y l i ' ffiettt||^- fiä täytyi tyhjeiitätl bussi Ja.JcttvelUU v Joukkoa oU paljon, nuoriso>uloi ko<-. ^ ko matkan. Kilp^lut olivat kir^lt(L Muutan, kun sUloto^Hunnakon AJk;^. - le huusimme ja hurrasimme»^ .Olen tämän Jälkeen ollut m i ^ n a ' ' moheasa Mlttojahlakomlteassa J& nftb*. \ nyt monet lUttoJuhlatr' touitaynftto&:'^ kaksi ovat säilyneet ,mul^^ls8ani,par* , ' haltcn. Mutta nllnhäif sitft sanotaan; ^ ^ että k(m Ihminen Sranhence^ ioiinnub- ^; ruusälkoja 'siroto/mlclellftän -Äauls-i,: telee, ~ Helen. ^ - Port AHhuriii MM mä Fort Arthur. ~ Kllpollut lyhenevät ' > '| loppuaan,'^mutt)i ennen sitä'oh kui'— - T_ § tcnkJn vielä monta koitosta nlln^IS'*/ ^- X;f • kurclUÄ kuin puslturcnakln. ;i olisi, luvallista pistää noki«wnWts- J ^ J,i kurien osioihin, mutta ajattelin Icii- r ^ tenkin sanoa, tässä, että iskurien Juh: ' i la on Jo aivan ovella; sillä kuulema- ; \ \ nl mukaan sen pitäisi olla ttiaoUi-' "^"^ kuun 18 -pnÄ. Lienevätkö Xskttrlt„lti, sekään muistaneet, ,kun>ly^t ble ^lelä mikään: maininneet,, vai iienc-\ vätkö , ho I^kurinlmen takia nUn ktiululsiai; etttt; heidän' Juhi'8n»-el \ ] mainostusta iarvlöe, • - - , Ue Puskurit olomme )qrll& sitoä \ asemassa, että mcidda Jiihlamme^t^rj - vjtsevat mainosttista. Älitä otikiii ; koetettu pitää huolta,'>Jottc|i? c i :;ltii- " kaan voisi sanoa ettet /ole t i e n n y t , ^ mainostuksen puiitteen' takia/ ' ,hi i ^ ^' Ki-hoitfln kuitenkto. teltan koUjljj^ / /| saapumaan nlto tskurien kuto PiiSkti. V ' % rlcnkln tilaisuuksiin, erikoisesti k u ^ ' . '''S mankto joukkueen JuhlaohJelmatUal- ' . r| suuteen. Iskurien juhla' on,' kuten |: sanottu, maaliskuun''}^ pnä-Ja pusku. ' \r rlcn. Jotka puskeVat perässä^ mäalls^ \ - - kuun 25 pnä, s^pukaalian siis kaik.' . ; f fci Jiihllmaonf ^ '\ , ' \ |i Sekakuoro Kaiku on Järjestänyt' \ i l hauskat tanssit maaliskuun- 17 päin vän lilaksi. Joten on niitä Juhllajjtu- , : >| lossa, eikä ketaenkään tarvitse sanoa, ' ettet o'c minne menlst > 'f'-* ' ^ ^, Mutta entäs ne Puskurien iuntet - raojakkalllaillset! Nehän ovat ^ , ilskuun 24 pnä. Siellä pelataan myösf l\ kin hauskoja 'seurapelejä. Puskurien ' , !(! laattikkopälyäilinen on sitten huh^lf 5v kuun l pnä alkaen kcllö 11 ap. -"' \ \ |^ Odotamme kalkklto nälhto tllal- , ' k suuksiin paljon vieraita niin kaupun^.» gista kuin farmiseudultakto. ~- T A S \ lp m '."•I fmi tMeli TM •Mi m m mi Paini oU vnoflkynimeois »nosiUa nrheöalajl Yrityksen ^senfen keskmideaM^;T; / , : Sitä el kuitenkaan ole liamstettn Canadassa syntyneen polvte lusriDBaaeii^::,^^ \ i Knvasaanune Yrityksen vanlOcaa patolkaartla «loddU iBin,''iortabk'pe!WMi^,Ai^ kynuaenen painijaa Pekka Pirskasen jobdoli» osallÄtnl Wtodsärf^ pK&lp tythin palniiulpaflaihin, r ', . J'Vi,^»,. m J i a i i i M g i i i i i i g ^ ^ g ^^
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, March 15, 1956 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1956-03-15 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Some rights reserved |
Identifier | Vapaus560315 |
Title | 1956-03-15-03 |
OCR text |
Six PJays Enfered
h Yoiifh Drama
Feslival ^
;Easter weekend and the Drama
ftstival of the Finish Organization is
. »pidfy drawing neared. A glance a;t
the calender will iadicate that there
»re/only two weeks left to go In
•«hich to get ali entiies into perfect
„ . 'Sudbury has again been chosen as
the 8ite for thls annoal festival and
of course the weIcome mat will be
out for . performers ^ and spectaton
,Six plays have been entered thls
year j ^ t h . one brand new newcomer
In the gpoup — Cobalt Drama is
.: by. no toeans a new thing. in Cobalt.
' ^ r i many years the finnish popula-
: t i o n i n : Cobalt was eztremely activp
b u t i n more recent yeais as the F i h -
- ulsh population moved away ia search
of jobs, activities. dled down to a
: veiy ,low-ebb.^ are veiy pleased
-to ;hear that the younger, generatlon
in Cobalt has mustered up the i n -
tcrgst andenergy to produce a play
to enter in the festival. It has pro-mlse
of activities again picking up
i n Cobalt.
'Port Arthur is again to be repre-sented
at the festival, and that toö is
a^notable achievement when the long
journey is taken into consideration.
Two y6ars:ago the Port Arthur group
aoiade its debut at the-Toronto' festival
and put on a creditafole perfor-inancä.:
WeIcome back agahi! '
Toronto is agalh entered wlthtwö
plays and we can be asgured that
öie Toronto folk will live up to their
repntation on the stage.
' ;TtoeJh6st town; Sudbury. will be en-teringTtwo
other plays and the em-phasls
has beenpTaced on presenting
plays vithslzablecasts as there are
no |
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