1963-07-25-03 |
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Sejfmour's Men's and Boys' Wear "MISSÄ VAATTEIDEN TÄYTYY SOPIA" 212 Third Avenue Timmins, Ontario PUHEIN AM 4-7980 Monipuolisuus ja arvot ovat vallalla Seyinour's Men's and Boy's Wearrvaatetushikkeessä. Ainoastaan kansal; llsestl ilmoitettuja vaatetusalan tuotteita myydään, taa-itaksemme asiakkaidemme tyytyväisyyden aina jokaisessa ostossai," Tyytyväisyys taataan tai raha palautetaan mielihyvin. ' • (Täydellisesti ilmastoitu teidän ostomultavuudekseiuie) Onmttelmmne suomalaisen kttlUttumäen sunrjnhlalle! . HARRY'S MIN'S WEAR TIP-TOP TAILOBS'in eduölaja Wm. H. Leishman & So:n ja Towne" Hall vaatteita ARRÖW-PArrOJA Ja SrmSON-HATTUJA — '*HART"-jäll:ineitä 93 Pine St S., Timmins, Ont. Puhelin AM 4-3945 HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA toivotamme kaikille asiakkaillemme ja^^^^^ liiketuttavillemme! THREE STAR HOTEL M A R Y VIITASAARI, omistaja 27 Mable St. South . Timmins^ Ontario . fPUHELIN AM 4-8041 .Siistiä huoneita;'»' — Täydellinen hotellipalvelu AINOA SUbMAMINEN HOTELLI TEMMINSISSÄ - iii:. ONtSllTTELUMME suoimlaistenvuotuiseUe SUURJUHLALLE! WORiD-WIDE TRAVEL SERVICES ' ' - ' PUHELIN AM 4^.2395 163 Third Avenue Timmins, Ontario LENTO- JA MIVAMPPUJA — HUVIMATKOJA Varaamme hotellipaikkanne — Hankimme passinne ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla-aikaa toivomme kaikille asiakkaillemme! TIMMINS HOTEL EMILE STMi^AN Jä H E L E N STEFAN, omistajat 136 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins, Ontario SUOMALAISTEN KESKUUDESSA HYVIN TUNNETTU JA SUOSITTU HOTELLI PuheUn AM 4-8042 Torstaina, heinäk. 25 p. — Thursday, July 25, 1963 Stivu 3 Tarmola Äwaits Suurjuhla Participants ONNnTELUNI SUURJUHLALLE! PASSI WATCH REIPAIR Kokemuksen omaava kellojen korjaja. Työ taalaan. -142 Alganquan Blvd. East Timmins Ontario Toronto.— The countdown is in its final stages here in Toronto for our Annual Suurjuhlat, and ali the months of discussion and planning are beginning to teli as the pieces are ali neatly fitting into place. Tarmola is in splendid cdndition — the grass has been cut down so regularly that it's almost afraid to grow — thanks to söme of our Yritys boys. The hum of the lawn-mover is a constant sound at Tarmola now, and when they ran out of grass to cut on level ground they even went up into the hills to cut it down. Besides the grass being cut, the track is in excellent con-dition. The farmer has been down working it over — thanks to a goodly amount of prodding by Ike — and along with a good deal of elbowgrease it looks terrific. Our athletes. will have a chance to try out their skills on Sunday the 21st when we willbe holding a preview MENESTYSTÄ SUURJUHLALLE toivottaa SUOMI 60ARDING HOUSE MR. J A MRS. HAUTALA 169—5th Ave., Timmins, Ont. Onnittelumme suomalaisten silurjuhlalle! Hauskaa juhla^aikaa kaikille asiakkaillemme! Winsa's Grocery & Confedionery Meillä on Suomen tuotteltit Puhelin AM 4-3173 141 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA TOIVOTAMME KAIKIILEE SUOMAUISIL^^^ Edirstamme GOOD YEAR traktoi^ien renikaitten myyntiä kaupungissa. Kaikenlaisia muita auto-' ja kuorma-autorenkaita varastossamme. Meiltä voitte ostaa uusia HOMELITE-KETJU-SAIHOJA. Myös: korjaaamme kaikenmerkkisiä ketjusahoja. track meet. Lefs show off our ta-lents as spectators and corae out in full force to support them. The carpenters have been taking advantage of their free time by buildlng the "koppi's" and stands to take care of our visitors on the Juhla weekend as far as the staff of life is concerned - r - food and drink. The announcer's stand is ready and waiting for Henry and Laurie too. The dance pavilion is aiso ready for our dancers and sing-ers — and I notice the floor has. been nicely polished and shined. And of course the stcambath — but then it's always in good condition. These are just a few of the pre-parations that are visible in looking around Tarmola. A good deal of the hard work and worry wont be visible until Juhla time, and that is the rounding up of work staff, bil^ lets, transportation, program num-bers, etc. Word from Ty and Paul is that the choir numbers are coming along very weU, and Jhe grapevine has i l that Henry's play "The Inspector General" is going to be a real smash. As it was when it was per-formed here in Toronto — and we are very fortunate in having pretty well the original east, with a few exceptions: Believe me this is some< thing really worth seeing. Our athletes have been training very faithfuUy Wednesdays and Suhdays — and by the looks of their condition, I am sure they have been training' in between too. The field and track is constantly busy — it's really a pleasure to go out to Camp and see SO much going on. The Mass Gymn, a subject parti-cularly close to my own heart per-sonally, is coming along very well. The igirls and boys have been re-hearsing separately to :this point, and are now ready to join forces and Iron out the kinks. It is parti cularly heartwarming to see the many "new" gymnasts taking part this year — in some cases for the first time. And doing an excellent job too. Of course there are a num-ber of old-times too, without which a Mass Gymn just wouldn't be com-plete. Marg Hämäläinen writes from Port Arthur that they have been rehearsing twice a week, and will fit in some extra practices — so I would say ali is certainly well there. We hope to have a few boys from P.A. also. From ali reports Judy is doing well in Sudbury with her group — SO we intend to really put on a good show at the Juhlat. The Yritys girls have also been rehearsing some specialty numbers FINAL PRErSUURJUHU COMMITTEE REPORT 372 Algonquin Blvd. West Timmins, Ontario Toronto. — Everything is practi-cally in readiness for the big Suurjuhla week-endwhich will officially get under way with the weIcoming dance at Don Hall Friday night, Aug. 2 and ends when the Liittokokous is adjourned sometimes on Monday. Aug. 5. Sandwichedbetween these dates of course are the main activities of the Suurjuhla which include the FCASF annual track and field championships, the choir concerts and gymnastics displays on Satur-day and Sunday, the three act play "The Inspector Genergl" on Satur-day night at Don Hall and the Sun day night wind-up concert at the Ukrainian Hall. 300 Bathurst St. In addition two other dances will be held besides the welcoming dance. These others are at Tarmola and will be held Saturday night and Sunday mid-night. Final press releases have been sent out These have been sent to the three Toronto daily papers, as well as to member newspapers of the Canadian Language Press Club and to radio and television stations in the Toronto area. Final preparations are being made at Camp Tarmola. These include . placing a welcoming banner overthe gates on top of the hill, the building of kiosks for serving sandwichcs, coffee and soft drinks and final touches to the track; Judging by thCnumber of "pik-kulaulu-, liitto," and variety concerts being held ali over the country in preparation for this big festival we may say that interest is at quite a high pitch and we are ex-pecting a rccord turnout of participants and spectators. The Toronto people have been busy in this respect too. While the organizing committee has been functioning, rehcarsals have been held regularly by the Toronto Finlandia Choir and the male sextet of the Toronto local of the Finnish Organization. The men and women gymnasts and track and field athletes of Yritys A.C., Toronto, will be Weil represented in ali phases of the suurjuhla this year. We might mention in passing that the choir is in excellent form and has many •new members. We have a fairlylarge track and field team in ali age groups and a large contin gent of men and women in the mass gym display^ The Yritys women's gym group are rehearsing several numbers one of which is "Finlandia in Abstract", a modern dance number which will be part of the Sunday night concert. Also the play "The Inspector General" involves more than thirty people, counting all persdnnel. As the Suurjuhla drawsnear,we of the organizing committee can say, as they say in the space age "ali Systems are go." Billeting is being taken care of^at Tarmola and private homes in the city. Transportation to Tarmola from the city is being arranged from Don Hall and also cars and taxis will be avail-able to pickup people from the Weston bus loop. We hope that those who are not too famliar with Toronto,'clipped out the.map of the Toronto area which was recently published in this section. Anyone who is stranded can always tele-phone either Don Hall or Camp Tarmola. Don Hall phone: 465-0162. Tarmola 288-1851. This being the final pre-festival report of the organizing committee we take this opportunity of wishing every out of town 'visitor and par-ticipant as well as to all suurjuhla participants generally a very warm weIcome and a happy and fulfilling week.end. For our part we hope that we have not left undone any task which might cause someone undue inconvenience. — E.M. A Great Big Thank You to Atl From Jehu Beaver Lake. — Yes, a big thank you does go to everybody from the whole stäff of Jehu Variety Night for coming out to support us last Sunday. We were surely-pleased to see the hali packed and we just hope we gave you a show that pleascd everyone who was present. If there are any complaints _please let me know by letter or by other means. Before I go any further I persOr rially would Hke to thank a fcw people for their help. Frist to the ladies of Beaver Lake who volun-tarily baked many cakes, cookies etc. for the ravintola and the ladies in the ravintola. Thanks ladies. To Laila Rintamäki and Pirkko Salminen who taught the girls their dances, tor Mr. Lammi and Mrs. Johnson who helped us backtage in preparation of the play, Mr. Kolari for being our able tickct scUer at the (Con't. on page 5) under Dolores' instruction, and one particularly callcd "Finlandia in Abstract" is a real show-stopper. The boys have been considering treating us to some high-bar work,V if some arrongcrents can be made to set up the high-bar out on the field safely and securely. This started out as a short report on our present progress, and has aiready filled up more Iines than was intendcd. Needless to say there are many aspects of our Juhlat preparations I haven't even touchch on Howcever, our regular correspondents have done an excellent job of kceping us all up to date. • Just in closing, may we extend our warmest and most sincerc wel come to "YOU" and "YOURS" to join us in making this the best Juhla evcr!We can't do it without YOU. Do wc have a date, then? August 3rd weckend. See you then! — Elsie J . Onnittelttmme sttomaläisten Vttotttiselle suur juhlalle! R O Y A L Elo- ja valokuvauslconeita, filmejä ja välähdys-valolamppuja Puhelin AM 4-3717 29 Balsam Street South Timmins Ontario HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA TOIVOTAMME KAIKILLE ASIAKKAILLEMME! TIMMINS Bottling Work8 Valtuutettu COCA-COLA-juoman pullottaja Coca-Cola Limitedin kanssa tehdyn sopimuksen mukaan. Myös SPRITE ja FANTA ORANGE juoman puUottajat PUHELIN AM 4-5645 32 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUNI SUURJUHLALLE J. KORRrS BARBER SHOP 152 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario Omittelumme smrjuhlalle! "Sulkeudumme soiomaläisften ' suosioon RUDD&FiniU Sähkötyöurakoit^jat Puhelin AM 4-1515 541; Elm St. South , Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! SAUNDERS DRUG STORE 30 Pine St. S., Timmins, Ont. Dorothy Gray kauneus-hoitoaineiden välittäjäi PUHELIN AM 4-l«35 ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla>aikaa kai-kille! TIMMINS STEAMBATH Puhelin AM 4-0195 . 59 Algonquin Blvd. E. Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUOMALAISTEN VUOTUJSELLE SUURJUHLALLE! PEACOCK GARDEN RESTAURANT KAUPUNGIN PARHAIN RUOKALA Puhelin AM 4-8600 182 Third Ave. ; Timminsi Ontario Onnittelumme suomalaisten SVVRJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla-aiksia suomalaisille ystävillemme! GUENEUE PUNERAL SERVICE L I M I T E D SÄHKÖURUT ' Puhehn 264-3141 188 Algonquin Blvd East Timmins, Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUOMALAISTEN SUURJUH LALLE! MIKE'S FOOD STORE TIMMINS JA NEW LISKEARD ONNITTELUMME-suomalaisten suurjuhlalle! Tehkää ostoksenne pohjoisen suurimmasta Department-kaupasta! TIMMINS — SOUTH PORCUPINE — KAPUSKASING ROUYNT — NORANDA SEE OUR ADVERTISERS FIRST FOR ALL NEEDS
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, July 25, 1963 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1963-07-25 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus630725 |
Title | 1963-07-25-03 |
OCR text | Sejfmour's Men's and Boys' Wear "MISSÄ VAATTEIDEN TÄYTYY SOPIA" 212 Third Avenue Timmins, Ontario PUHEIN AM 4-7980 Monipuolisuus ja arvot ovat vallalla Seyinour's Men's and Boy's Wearrvaatetushikkeessä. Ainoastaan kansal; llsestl ilmoitettuja vaatetusalan tuotteita myydään, taa-itaksemme asiakkaidemme tyytyväisyyden aina jokaisessa ostossai," Tyytyväisyys taataan tai raha palautetaan mielihyvin. ' • (Täydellisesti ilmastoitu teidän ostomultavuudekseiuie) Onmttelmmne suomalaisen kttlUttumäen sunrjnhlalle! . HARRY'S MIN'S WEAR TIP-TOP TAILOBS'in eduölaja Wm. H. Leishman & So:n ja Towne" Hall vaatteita ARRÖW-PArrOJA Ja SrmSON-HATTUJA — '*HART"-jäll:ineitä 93 Pine St S., Timmins, Ont. Puhelin AM 4-3945 HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA toivotamme kaikille asiakkaillemme ja^^^^^ liiketuttavillemme! THREE STAR HOTEL M A R Y VIITASAARI, omistaja 27 Mable St. South . Timmins^ Ontario . fPUHELIN AM 4-8041 .Siistiä huoneita;'»' — Täydellinen hotellipalvelu AINOA SUbMAMINEN HOTELLI TEMMINSISSÄ - iii:. ONtSllTTELUMME suoimlaistenvuotuiseUe SUURJUHLALLE! WORiD-WIDE TRAVEL SERVICES ' ' - ' PUHELIN AM 4^.2395 163 Third Avenue Timmins, Ontario LENTO- JA MIVAMPPUJA — HUVIMATKOJA Varaamme hotellipaikkanne — Hankimme passinne ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla-aikaa toivomme kaikille asiakkaillemme! TIMMINS HOTEL EMILE STMi^AN Jä H E L E N STEFAN, omistajat 136 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins, Ontario SUOMALAISTEN KESKUUDESSA HYVIN TUNNETTU JA SUOSITTU HOTELLI PuheUn AM 4-8042 Torstaina, heinäk. 25 p. — Thursday, July 25, 1963 Stivu 3 Tarmola Äwaits Suurjuhla Participants ONNnTELUNI SUURJUHLALLE! PASSI WATCH REIPAIR Kokemuksen omaava kellojen korjaja. Työ taalaan. -142 Alganquan Blvd. East Timmins Ontario Toronto.— The countdown is in its final stages here in Toronto for our Annual Suurjuhlat, and ali the months of discussion and planning are beginning to teli as the pieces are ali neatly fitting into place. Tarmola is in splendid cdndition — the grass has been cut down so regularly that it's almost afraid to grow — thanks to söme of our Yritys boys. The hum of the lawn-mover is a constant sound at Tarmola now, and when they ran out of grass to cut on level ground they even went up into the hills to cut it down. Besides the grass being cut, the track is in excellent con-dition. The farmer has been down working it over — thanks to a goodly amount of prodding by Ike — and along with a good deal of elbowgrease it looks terrific. Our athletes. will have a chance to try out their skills on Sunday the 21st when we willbe holding a preview MENESTYSTÄ SUURJUHLALLE toivottaa SUOMI 60ARDING HOUSE MR. J A MRS. HAUTALA 169—5th Ave., Timmins, Ont. Onnittelumme suomalaisten silurjuhlalle! Hauskaa juhla^aikaa kaikille asiakkaillemme! Winsa's Grocery & Confedionery Meillä on Suomen tuotteltit Puhelin AM 4-3173 141 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA TOIVOTAMME KAIKIILEE SUOMAUISIL^^^ Edirstamme GOOD YEAR traktoi^ien renikaitten myyntiä kaupungissa. Kaikenlaisia muita auto-' ja kuorma-autorenkaita varastossamme. Meiltä voitte ostaa uusia HOMELITE-KETJU-SAIHOJA. Myös: korjaaamme kaikenmerkkisiä ketjusahoja. track meet. Lefs show off our ta-lents as spectators and corae out in full force to support them. The carpenters have been taking advantage of their free time by buildlng the "koppi's" and stands to take care of our visitors on the Juhla weekend as far as the staff of life is concerned - r - food and drink. The announcer's stand is ready and waiting for Henry and Laurie too. The dance pavilion is aiso ready for our dancers and sing-ers — and I notice the floor has. been nicely polished and shined. And of course the stcambath — but then it's always in good condition. These are just a few of the pre-parations that are visible in looking around Tarmola. A good deal of the hard work and worry wont be visible until Juhla time, and that is the rounding up of work staff, bil^ lets, transportation, program num-bers, etc. Word from Ty and Paul is that the choir numbers are coming along very weU, and Jhe grapevine has i l that Henry's play "The Inspector General" is going to be a real smash. As it was when it was per-formed here in Toronto — and we are very fortunate in having pretty well the original east, with a few exceptions: Believe me this is some< thing really worth seeing. Our athletes have been training very faithfuUy Wednesdays and Suhdays — and by the looks of their condition, I am sure they have been training' in between too. The field and track is constantly busy — it's really a pleasure to go out to Camp and see SO much going on. The Mass Gymn, a subject parti-cularly close to my own heart per-sonally, is coming along very well. The igirls and boys have been re-hearsing separately to :this point, and are now ready to join forces and Iron out the kinks. It is parti cularly heartwarming to see the many "new" gymnasts taking part this year — in some cases for the first time. And doing an excellent job too. Of course there are a num-ber of old-times too, without which a Mass Gymn just wouldn't be com-plete. Marg Hämäläinen writes from Port Arthur that they have been rehearsing twice a week, and will fit in some extra practices — so I would say ali is certainly well there. We hope to have a few boys from P.A. also. From ali reports Judy is doing well in Sudbury with her group — SO we intend to really put on a good show at the Juhlat. The Yritys girls have also been rehearsing some specialty numbers FINAL PRErSUURJUHU COMMITTEE REPORT 372 Algonquin Blvd. West Timmins, Ontario Toronto. — Everything is practi-cally in readiness for the big Suurjuhla week-endwhich will officially get under way with the weIcoming dance at Don Hall Friday night, Aug. 2 and ends when the Liittokokous is adjourned sometimes on Monday. Aug. 5. Sandwichedbetween these dates of course are the main activities of the Suurjuhla which include the FCASF annual track and field championships, the choir concerts and gymnastics displays on Satur-day and Sunday, the three act play "The Inspector Genergl" on Satur-day night at Don Hall and the Sun day night wind-up concert at the Ukrainian Hall. 300 Bathurst St. In addition two other dances will be held besides the welcoming dance. These others are at Tarmola and will be held Saturday night and Sunday mid-night. Final press releases have been sent out These have been sent to the three Toronto daily papers, as well as to member newspapers of the Canadian Language Press Club and to radio and television stations in the Toronto area. Final preparations are being made at Camp Tarmola. These include . placing a welcoming banner overthe gates on top of the hill, the building of kiosks for serving sandwichcs, coffee and soft drinks and final touches to the track; Judging by thCnumber of "pik-kulaulu-, liitto," and variety concerts being held ali over the country in preparation for this big festival we may say that interest is at quite a high pitch and we are ex-pecting a rccord turnout of participants and spectators. The Toronto people have been busy in this respect too. While the organizing committee has been functioning, rehcarsals have been held regularly by the Toronto Finlandia Choir and the male sextet of the Toronto local of the Finnish Organization. The men and women gymnasts and track and field athletes of Yritys A.C., Toronto, will be Weil represented in ali phases of the suurjuhla this year. We might mention in passing that the choir is in excellent form and has many •new members. We have a fairlylarge track and field team in ali age groups and a large contin gent of men and women in the mass gym display^ The Yritys women's gym group are rehearsing several numbers one of which is "Finlandia in Abstract", a modern dance number which will be part of the Sunday night concert. Also the play "The Inspector General" involves more than thirty people, counting all persdnnel. As the Suurjuhla drawsnear,we of the organizing committee can say, as they say in the space age "ali Systems are go." Billeting is being taken care of^at Tarmola and private homes in the city. Transportation to Tarmola from the city is being arranged from Don Hall and also cars and taxis will be avail-able to pickup people from the Weston bus loop. We hope that those who are not too famliar with Toronto,'clipped out the.map of the Toronto area which was recently published in this section. Anyone who is stranded can always tele-phone either Don Hall or Camp Tarmola. Don Hall phone: 465-0162. Tarmola 288-1851. This being the final pre-festival report of the organizing committee we take this opportunity of wishing every out of town 'visitor and par-ticipant as well as to all suurjuhla participants generally a very warm weIcome and a happy and fulfilling week.end. For our part we hope that we have not left undone any task which might cause someone undue inconvenience. — E.M. A Great Big Thank You to Atl From Jehu Beaver Lake. — Yes, a big thank you does go to everybody from the whole stäff of Jehu Variety Night for coming out to support us last Sunday. We were surely-pleased to see the hali packed and we just hope we gave you a show that pleascd everyone who was present. If there are any complaints _please let me know by letter or by other means. Before I go any further I persOr rially would Hke to thank a fcw people for their help. Frist to the ladies of Beaver Lake who volun-tarily baked many cakes, cookies etc. for the ravintola and the ladies in the ravintola. Thanks ladies. To Laila Rintamäki and Pirkko Salminen who taught the girls their dances, tor Mr. Lammi and Mrs. Johnson who helped us backtage in preparation of the play, Mr. Kolari for being our able tickct scUer at the (Con't. on page 5) under Dolores' instruction, and one particularly callcd "Finlandia in Abstract" is a real show-stopper. The boys have been considering treating us to some high-bar work,V if some arrongcrents can be made to set up the high-bar out on the field safely and securely. This started out as a short report on our present progress, and has aiready filled up more Iines than was intendcd. Needless to say there are many aspects of our Juhlat preparations I haven't even touchch on Howcever, our regular correspondents have done an excellent job of kceping us all up to date. • Just in closing, may we extend our warmest and most sincerc wel come to "YOU" and "YOURS" to join us in making this the best Juhla evcr!We can't do it without YOU. Do wc have a date, then? August 3rd weckend. See you then! — Elsie J . Onnittelttmme sttomaläisten Vttotttiselle suur juhlalle! R O Y A L Elo- ja valokuvauslconeita, filmejä ja välähdys-valolamppuja Puhelin AM 4-3717 29 Balsam Street South Timmins Ontario HAUSKAA JUHLA-AIKAA TOIVOTAMME KAIKILLE ASIAKKAILLEMME! TIMMINS Bottling Work8 Valtuutettu COCA-COLA-juoman pullottaja Coca-Cola Limitedin kanssa tehdyn sopimuksen mukaan. Myös SPRITE ja FANTA ORANGE juoman puUottajat PUHELIN AM 4-5645 32 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUNI SUURJUHLALLE J. KORRrS BARBER SHOP 152 Algonquin Blvd. East Timmins Ontario Omittelumme smrjuhlalle! "Sulkeudumme soiomaläisften ' suosioon RUDD&FiniU Sähkötyöurakoit^jat Puhelin AM 4-1515 541; Elm St. South , Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! SAUNDERS DRUG STORE 30 Pine St. S., Timmins, Ont. Dorothy Gray kauneus-hoitoaineiden välittäjäi PUHELIN AM 4-l«35 ONNITTELUMME SUURJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla>aikaa kai-kille! TIMMINS STEAMBATH Puhelin AM 4-0195 . 59 Algonquin Blvd. E. Timmins Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUOMALAISTEN VUOTUJSELLE SUURJUHLALLE! PEACOCK GARDEN RESTAURANT KAUPUNGIN PARHAIN RUOKALA Puhelin AM 4-8600 182 Third Ave. ; Timminsi Ontario Onnittelumme suomalaisten SVVRJUHLALLE! Hauskaa juhla-aiksia suomalaisille ystävillemme! GUENEUE PUNERAL SERVICE L I M I T E D SÄHKÖURUT ' Puhehn 264-3141 188 Algonquin Blvd East Timmins, Ontario ONNITTELUMME SUOMALAISTEN SUURJUH LALLE! MIKE'S FOOD STORE TIMMINS JA NEW LISKEARD ONNITTELUMME-suomalaisten suurjuhlalle! Tehkää ostoksenne pohjoisen suurimmasta Department-kaupasta! TIMMINS — SOUTH PORCUPINE — KAPUSKASING ROUYNT — NORANDA SEE OUR ADVERTISERS FIRST FOR ALL NEEDS |
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