1949-02-10-05 |
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Hllianun huhto^ retki epäonmsiid the mart>TS i a the perj^atJim »<rf ^TOKStail^; h^^ 10 p. — TltUlSdfi^y, F ^ I O TfSk Claudiiis n and vas. i n conssquence. ] Hdlen's Mother is jKnitting Socks for Her Dear sjster Margaret and the rea- Hello- Margaret ja kaikki tämän I ^^^s and writers of thls page. ston lukijat j a kirjoittajat. j I havent taxuäi to say but n i wilte Me päätimme eräänä päivänä läh- j anyway. My sister and one of her g^l leä hiihtämään Garsonin "pothoolil- ! friends are playing the gramaphooe. We had a r s d good sno\cstonn today and dflddy is ploTKini; t i » xoads so he mies. Kun me pääsimme smne cä^ bring Öie milk i n the moming laskettelimme mäkeä ja yritimme ! «^thout baving trouble ge 11 i n g k;' ja otimme evästä mukaan. Meitä iäksi poikaa j a yksi seitssmäu bhcä tulta, että voisimme paistaa (••^umia koiria" ja lämmitellä -kun täsiämme paleli. Me ylitimme tehdä Jtulta ja raavimme 3 laatikcllista t u l i - (tiikuja mutta kun puut olivat j ä ä - uoren peitossa eikä m e iM ollut k i r vestä, että olisimme saaneet hakattiksi through. The hills are covered witto sno\v so now we can go skiing and sliding. The skating rink. at school is ali covered vrith snow. Will they sver have a time getting it cleiared tomorroTT, there"^ sa much snow it seons as if there w a a i t a rink thsre |'^iuja niin piti lähteä kotiin syämään at ali. virvckejuomamme olivat' jäässä.] **y näother 4s knitting me a pair Jorona me paistoimme makkaroita of dlamond soeks, she only has the <Po±td:aalMo ItulESsa keittiön hellassa, että saimme rriinerroastia". Äiti kiusasi meitä; foot of one to knit anj-more. TheyYe going t ö be smart though. Thej' are l^ttä -miksi ette ottanut' mukaanne yellow with red and green diamonds. Ws've been having lots of fun at schcol now, W2've been playing "pus-sy- in-the-corner" and "statue". Does anyone kncw of any new games to play? If you do, write about it. ' My ietter isn't very long this time but I will write more next tima. Bye! Helien Rintamäki, Baaver Lake, Ont. Iselkäreppua niinkuin neuvoin". Iso Imies ja unhottaa kirveen! Nyt olen ollut viikon poissa koulusta iun minussa on keltatauti. Voin päästä ensi viikolla kouluun. Nyt p i t ä ä jo lopettaa. WiUiam Luukko, Box 122, Garson Mine, Ont. i Gail has Rttbher Doll Chest X'Ray ^ , Rose Wm Have Dear sister Margaret. I want to thank you for the Clirist-mas present you sent me. I also gct a : _ rubber doll, pencil sharpener, dishes I Dear big sister Margaret, andother things. | It is Monday night and Its time to I went to my girlfr;end's hcuse to i ^^'rite again. I'm, writing i n English play bingo. Did we ever have f un! ! this tima because i f I start writing in I Finnislvright now I wotft be through : until S O late. 111 trj- to vrits Finnish j next time. I Tlie \veathDr wasn't good for skiing 1 today. The skis didn't slide at ali. To- ' morrow my father is going to Toron- | l o. ! I am tising my motiier's Vriting I think I will close no\v. Gail Luoto, 163 Fulton Ave., Toronto. Esko has Another Litter of Pigs Hello Margaret and everj'one €l.s3 How is everybody feeling? Fine, 11 P^*^^- • hope. r m feeling just fine. i ^ Reading a book called "Wings Weil. we got another littsr cf pigs i Victory". ^It is my brother's book but I am reading it. Ls it ever good! Have I ever got a bad cold. I'1I never get rid of it. ^ Next week I am going to get X - rayed for Tuberculosis. They are giv-ing free X-rays so I'm going to find out i f I iiave it or not. Last Sunday Cameron Beavers de-feated Mattavva 6 to 5. Weil good-bye for now! Rose Maki, R.R. 1, Mattava, Ont, last Week. There were 13 in this litter but cne died,a week later so now we've got 12. Are they ever cuta! One wouldn't drink the milk the £ow gave SO we gave it milk i n the^ouse. One of them couldn't breathe so ^ had to blow down its ncse, both pigs lived. One of the little ones f eli into the stall where the other sow was. Boy, did that sow chase it, but j n y father re^caed it. The scw mlght have eaten the ittle pig. Tbat3 f.U for now. Oheerid! • Esko Harju, R.R. i , St. Anns, Ont. Ann has been Sledding Dear sister. Margaret and ali ths readers and writers of this page. I think it is time I wrbte again b^?- caase the last time I ^yrote was in the sprihg. There is about f Ive inches of snow on the ground. I have Ijeen sledding. It is very cold out now. We bought a turksy for Christmas. I had a nice holiday. I got lots. of presents and I )iope'you did too. Thank yoii vsry much fcr the nice card and bboks. We did not have any concert at school. tn our school there are 17 children. Cheerio! Ann Kinnunen, Rheault P.Ö.. Ont;. Leo is Making a Bobsled Dear big sister Margaret and every-ons else. I thought I would wrlte a few Iines just for the fun of it. The weather down here is pretty cold these days. The snow has been drifting for a few days and It blocked out neighbour's rcad. It took our nelghbpur, my dad and I. ali day to get the snow out. We used a horse, truck and sometimes we had to shovel. l 'm just starting to make a bobsled. I haven't caught anymore weaseLs in my traps, Weil, 1 guess r d better sign off for now. Cheerio! Leo WayryneD, Quimet, Ont. HaUop siskot Ja veljet! En kommentoi kirjeitänne paljon, e t t ä jäisi mahdollisimman paljon t i laa näiUe palstoUle. sillä olen valikoinut teille pienen Valentine-päivä kertomuksen ja toivon e t t ä sille jivä tarpeeksi tilaa. T^mä kertomus selittää yhdellä tavalla miten Valentine-päivä sai alkunsa, mutta en tiedä jos se on aivan todenmukainen, sillä eri kirjoissa kerrotaan, sen saaneen alkunsa monella eri tavalla. Sen me kyll ä tiedämme, e t t ä Italiassa se alkunsa sai. Kiitos Valentine-korteista, joita lähetitte minulle Veikko, Norma j a Seija. Kirjeitä saapui myös seuraavilta siskoilta ja velJUtä: Sallyltä. PaulUta, PhyllisUU. Ainolta. Lailalta, Gaililta, Roselta, Leolta, Henenilta. Eskolta, Annelta. KertulU, EUenllta, WUUa. miltä ja molemmilta Eveljmetlta. Lopuksi lähetän teiUe kaikiUe tämän Valentine-tervehdyksen-, englanniksi että varmasti ymmärrätte sen. "This Valentine wish is special, You just can bet tiiafs truc, 'Cause it holds a lot of real regard, For each and ali of you!" SisluHioe Margaret. Kerttu -valmistuu kokeisiin Halloo sisko Margaret ja kaikki k i r joittajat ja lukijat. Kuinka kaikki ovat voineet? Meillä on ollut kaikissa nuhaa. Täällä Into-lassa on oUut nyt pakkasta,ja lumipyryjä. Lunta aina Vaifi tulee vaikka minä kuinka toivoisin, että sitä ei enää tulisi. Teknikkakoulussa meidän keteemme alkavat taasen. Kyllä minä en pidä niistä vaikka muuten pidänkin koulusta. Isäkin tuli jo pois kämpällä eikä enää menekään sinne takaisin. Hän tuli kotiiiä jo viikko sitten perjantaina. Intolan koululla oli kolme lasta mennyt tobagganilla päin kuormaau-toa. Heidän piti kaikklsn mennä k l l - nikkaaÄ. Yksi heistä loukkasi jalkansa, eikä h ä n ole voinut olla tällä viikolla ollenkaan koulussa. Se tapahtui jo maanantaina, tammikuun 17 päivänä. Koululla ei »ole tapahtunut mitään erikoista. , No, en minä muista nyt m i t ä ä n erikoista, siis hauskaa talven jatkoa ja terveiset kaikille tuttaville! Gertrude Haatainen, Intola P.O., Ont. T I L A T K A A V A P A U S! Rakas mieheni syntynyt Tampereella marraskuun 1 p. 1893, kuoU kotonaan 571 Long Lake Rd., Lockerby. Ontario, joulukuun 30 p:nä 1948. ollen kuollessaan 55 v. 1 kk. ja 29 paivan ikäinen. « Lähinnä kaipaamaan jäin minä. hänen vaimons^ kolme siskoa ja kaksi veljeä perheineen Suomessa seka ystäväpiiri ^ässä maassa ja Suomessa. Päivätyösi on päättynyt. ' . . Xuku rauhassa kallis toveri. Syvästi kaivaten, ANNA Veikon koulutiellä paljon lunta Halloo Margaret! Minä kuuntelen joka keskiviikko i l ta "Boston Blackiea" radiossa. Täällä Wanupls3a satoi paljon lunta. Emme äitini kanssa pääse ulos ilman suksia. Me olisimme menneet siskoni syntymäpäiville Levackiln mutta tuli n i i n paljon lunta, että menemme sitten toisten. Me olenune ä i tini kanssa tehneet työtä. Äiti kutoi kauniin laittamaton Ja minä olen tehnyt laskujani. Wanupin koululla oh näytetty elokuvia joka kuukausi tnarraskuusta lähtien. Lunta on paljon tiellä. «Mitenkähän pääsen kouluun? Veljeni Jukka on noennut hevos-ajoon metsäkämpällä. Minä olen o l l u t pahassa yskässä, nyt se jo alkaa parantua. Minun isäni on työs.sä C P - R : n telegraffIkängissÄ Hamiltonissa, Siinä kaikki täUä kertaa ja terveisiä kaikille lasten osaston lukijoille. Veikko Laakso,' Wanup, Orit. faul Doesn't Uke Condc Books Hello everybody. This is the queerest Winter I ever saw. First it was like spring. now its a little blt like Winter and what do you think of this, I saw a crow! I bet the weather-man is mixed up. Since its snowing i n California maybe there will be oranges growing ä t the North Pole soon. • Weil, Valentins's Day is coming. I am going to .send a card to />vci-y friend I know. I have a little brother. he is going to be a year old on Feb. lOth. I like to llst-en tp Boston Blackie on the radio. Children aren't suppossd to llsten to murder storles or read fimny books. 1 don't like them any-way. Cheerio! Paul Luoma, •Wahnapitae, Ont. Sally WoaU Like to Skl in Coming Raqes HeUo sister Mai^ai^t and ali the | "^tTf^l arrested. beaten with clubs, and ftnäl-ly beheaded." Francis spoke wltto great cheerful-ness, Martyrdom held n3 horrors for him. "There used to bs a fine gateway in ancient Rome called after~tUm; but the Old gate öf St. Valentine is ivow tarkistaa kardi-tuomion »' ' • V u>.i III yiiifiiiiiipji I •: ^ • (Lindbeti)' 180 Spruoe Ave., 8o.lHii«i«iiil»»;ODt. mfmbers of this page. Valentine's Day is around the cor-n:- r. We are having a Valentine party at school this Friday and we «licht invite the senior room Iron», the Naim School and the members of tbeir hoe-key team.^ We are going to have a party and tfeen our boys « r e gciag to play against the Nairn hockey'team. The boys down here made a rink on viiicli to play hockey and skflte. ifhe boys carrled about flfty pails of water from the creek and Allen Johnson crove £ome with a truck and Leo Luopa drove some water, too. The ice is quite smooth now but there Ls lots of .snow on the rink. The boys have been clearing it. We are having big ski-races here next Saturday and Sunday. I wish that Helen Rintamäki would ski with me and I wi5h that the othsr girls would ski with Helen and mc. On Sunday a play by the name of "Selän Testamentti" will be showTi here. I will ask a riddle: Llves in «rinter, dies in snnuner and siptvs wiUi its roots up. What am I? Tll teli you the answer in my next letter. It ls getting late now and I have to go to bed. Cheerio!. Sally'Manninen. Beaver Lake. Ont. interrupted St. Peter sud- [denl)', waving his hands about his head, "I wislx you would call off your birds, Francis, they have pullcd put ^ lot of tny whiskcrs! You should train Utem better!' "Oh, I am sorrj-!" Francis rose in Budapest, — Kansanoikeus määriisi tiistaina korkeimman oikeuden tar^ kistamaan kardinaali Mindszentyn j Mind.szentyn tapauksessa, nmtt&siiift OtUwa. — Canadan faäUltti» har* kitkee uusia toimenpiteitä ter4l|waU Evelyn has a New Pet, a Persian Cat Evclyn had Tooth t'ulled Dear Margaret and ali the writers of this page. I have not written for ä long time. It has been raining up here these days. This moming when I went to school the roads were so slippery that I just about fell. I had c«s of my teeth pulled out this moming and it did not hurt. My daddy is building a house on Silverthorn Ave. and we are gohig to move soon. I have a little brother and sister and they are both .small. There is no snow In Toronto but It i.s cold and windy. Weil. I guess I will close for .now. Evclyn Luoma, 207 McCaulSt., Toronto. tuomVfin havaittuaan hänen tapauk-ses! rtj!n':-joitäkin lie\'entiiviä seikkoja. Mlndszenty Ja neijä muuta tuomion saanutta va-^faajaa Ilmoittivat, että concsrn. "Come. corn?, little brothers." he vetoavat tuomioiden johdosta. St. Valentine's Day Out By Mabel M. Moran Siitos! . * Sydämelliset kiitokset kaikille, jotka o ^ " e ^ t t a m a s sa Einaria viimeiseen lepoonsa. KUtos Edwm Sukselle puheesto hautaahtoimistossa J^^Untamo: iläkeläUe p u h e ^ ^ J ^ Kiitos kauniista kukkalaitteista ja seppeldstö. Joilla koristitte mieheni leposijan. Kiitos kantajille. . „ K i i t i i s kaikille, jotka niin auliisti annoitte apuanne mmulle tässä raslcaassa surussani. Tässä yhteydessä tahdon lausua^^dämemset kiitoket Einarin entisille työtovereille. Vapaus J^,-,^^:^^' Lockerbyn Naisten Kerholle ja Sudburyn ^J^^^}^^^^' tealle niistä ystävällisyyden osoituksista Joulun edellä. Joilla muistitt-emeitä, Einarin ollessa sairasvuoteella. K i i t t ä en A\SA Ll-NDBOOS Norma saw Travel Films Hello sister J^rgaret and everyone else. I hope you are ali fine, I am. • I guess everj'one is looking forward to Valentine's Day. I have been busy signiAg cards. I was at a Travelogue last night at the hali- A lady was giving a taik on a trip West. She went through the .USA and westera Canada. She show-ed Picture slides on the screen, that she and her friends had taken. There was alsQ a little prpgram given by the C G I T and Explorers. The pictures were really nice. She even had/a few taken of Bissett. She gave the money that was made to the CGIT. They are buying a projector to show slides so we won't have to have one brougbt ih aU the time. The boys' and girk' groups wlll be able to use it. Boy did Seija have to help me with that paragraph! Good-bye for now. Happy Valen-tine's Day to everyone. So-long sister Margaret and everyone else! Norma Järvi, Bissett, Man. Dear big sister Margaret and ali the readers and writers of this page. Weil, I guess its about time I wrote again for I have only written one let- | st. Peter swung open the gates and ter since Christmas. I guess I am | vatched young St. Valentine step off just lazy. j jnto space — it being February 14th My mother has been i n Beardniorc | gnd Vars day off. for a Week, she came home last nighl.; "Don't be late returning to the My teacher and her mother were hera \ teasU" Peter called to th- fast moving while she was gone. I mlssed mother ; shade and chuckled at the brisk ges-very much when .she was away. My ture he recelved in reply from the lad. father came home last night, too. "Nice boy that." he mumbled, turn- Well, ValentinCs Day is quite near.; jng the gr^at key l n « h e Icck.' I have already bought ali of my card>.; - ^ e l l , what are you girls doing Although I think I have to buy 1 morc. i he^e?" he inquired of the three female One Saturday we made three .snow- : saints who were hanging over his men. We dres.sed them into old cloth-: shoulders. es. They are still there. 'St. Joan, ready to speak up on ali We got ä new persian cat. Ifs very occasions, aaswered promptly: "We nice but it i!5n't used to staying at our woul4 like U) ask a few questions — Place. I .she" ^pointing to the smallest salnt) I guess I will close for now. Chee-1 "never heard of St. Valentine and ls rio! . Evelyn Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. i curious about him." ! "Humph," St, Peter trled to »ound I harsh, and failedj "saints and sinners, • you Äre ali alike wh'?re a good-Iooking I boy is conc<:r;;od; v.-hat alls you that I you v.s.'^i- hc. rd of S;. Valentine?" i Zh2 ;r.::::.r,v .-;-;ni, d:opping a pret- Monet kauniit kitokset siitä bingo- | ty courts;y, s-id: pelistä, autograph-kirjasta Ja kortis- ^ "jn the convent where I was living Ellenin kiitoskirje Hello sisko Miargaret. ta. Jotka sain jouluksi. Meillä on ollut kylmää täällä ja lunta myös mutta se ei pysy kauan maassa vaan'sulaa pois. Tein lumiukon mutta se stili. Me saimme raporttimme koulusta. Minulla oli kaik-my earthly life, sir, we never spoke of young men." Peter made a noibc remarkably like a snort and changed It into a cough: "Suppase we .?it down and I will try to remember »pmething about the ki "A":ta. Meillä on hyvä opettaja., case.V said he — coHectlng a bunch Meidän luokassamme ori 14 poikaa ja ; of fluffy clouds and sinklng into them 12 tyttöä. Täytyy mermä nukkumaan, västi nyt! Ellen Pietilä, Parksville, B.C. Hy- Phyllis had Measles Dear sister Margaret. Hello a l i the readers and writers of this page. I hope everybody is welL I want to thank sister Margaret for the nice Xmas present.'* It is kind of late to thank you but I had the mea-seis right af ter New year's Day. I was äway from school for tJiree •weeks JLaila Moved to Vai d'Or Dear &Iargaret. TTianks very much for the lo^-ely Xmas present and card. I got 2 sets of dishes and some candy also. My brother*^got an atrplane, some book.^ and a sled. ' We moved from Perron to Montreal last summer and I went to school there untU Xmas. I moved to Vai d'Or, now I am going to school here.: I am in grade 3. Good-bye for now! Laila Lahti. Vai dOr, Que. I like school very much. On Friday we had a new teacher. / I guess this ls ali I shall write now. Good-bye! Pbyllis Plaami. Minnow Lake, Ont — Sodan aikana Hollannin kauppalaivaston tonnimäärä laski puoleen normaalista, mutta vflodct 1»48 loppuun mennessä se limäntyi sodan edelliseen tasoon, eli 3,O00,00Q fon-n i i n . Aino Wants Penpals gratefully. and easing his feet after long hours at the gate. "Please sir, do not let us keep you from your dulies," St, Ursula urged him anxioiLsly. , "Never you mind about my dutles, m attend to them myself." replied ihe belovcd old salnt testlly, as he beckoned to a passlng seraph: "Go •A'atch the gate, son." said he. "and if I am v/anted you say Tm i n con-ference." St, Joan sat down on a Jasper boul-der and the others joined her. "According to his credentials." said Peter thoughtfully, "St. Valentlr»* is a splendid young man, 8howIng throughout hla short life a great devo-lion to the church, That was some-where towards the end of the second centiuy — i n a place called Italy, I think. but I'll make sure about It by asklng St. Francis of Assisi wbo is comIng toward us." JSt Francis haibened hl» st«ps as he. heard hi» name called. The smal- How is the weather over there? I t i;^ cold here. - I wauld like penpals of girls from ' l^t salnt watched h im cagerly, as »he the age of 8 to 12. \ -"-ad heard ali about h im In the con- My dad is going to h Ä l logs on! vent, and wa.s not suiprlsed to see Monday. ' Wn» mirrounded by a fluttering mass My birthday is on May 23rd, I will i of heavenly blrd5, be 11 years old. My sister's birthday i "Sit down for a momsnt, St. Fran-is oa Sept- Ist. She will be 9 years ci=." inged Peter hospltably. "We are old. Cheerio Blargaret! Aino Hannfnm. Gardiner, Ont. djscussing St. Valentine. Did he not ; come from yotn- coimtryr' ; "Ah yes," answered the otber — "he j came from Rome where he befriended said he to the birds, "wc must bo on our way: you will recall, dear Pot;r. that today the birds bcgln to pair. and. no doubt they wanted som? of your beautiful silvery beard to linc thelr nests; you cannot blame.their cxcel-lent taste, I trust." Peter watched St. Francis as he bowed his farewells wlth ali the grace of his early troiibadouV days. and passed on amid his t\vitterlng and chirping follower6. Francis ls alvays hclpftil." snld the' older man, "he has mentioned a num-ber cf items that had qUite escaped me. Whcn Valentine was awalting his execution h? was denicd ali means of communicäting with his family or his friends and he had little to occupy hLs long, .sad imprlsonmeht .sftve to out small pieces of parchment Into fancy shapes upon whlch he wrote a few mcssages of lovc with the hope thnt the jailor's daughter would smugglc them out after his death. Passlbly the young female was a little enamor-ed of Valentine, slnco she aiTanged to do his bidding. and quite a fcw of the lacy bits of vellum reached thelr d!es-tlnation, each slgncd 'Your Valentine*." . The three saintly maidens .sighed in unison as St. Peter contlnucd. "Maivy years passed, as of course they must. before ons mny bc cano-nized; but at last whcn Valentinc'.s name appcared on the list of Saints, people recalled the story of tho.se mcssages and it bscamc the stylc for young sweetheartfi to use the ajin^ versary of Valentlne"s death to send love messages and sign them 'Valentine." "St. Valentine has taken a number of trips back to the old Earth uinee those days; each year on February 14th he goes on his pilgrimagc and often hc brings back a *ouvenlt. of his v l s l t— the so-callcd 'valcntlnns' of the perlod. . = * | "Please sir, are the Valentines pret-ty?" askcd the smallest saint. "Some äre, and again no," nn.swercd Peter. "The earlicst ones from England werc made cntlrely by hand; ladles used to do a dcal of flower palnting in those timcs. Valenflnc showcd me a Very prctty one dpuo on a sheet of smbosscd paper — it was a nice likencss of j-ose very wen paint-ed and under it a sentimental verse in fine lettering. On another visit — along in the sixteen-Klxtl?.>j —- Vai dls-covered a man named Pf-jiys who k;pt a well-known dlary whicli, beliig a curious youth. Vai glanccd Into nnd' found an^item whlch intertsted him— öomething about Pepy's wlfe receivlng a Valentine from a man named •Wlll Mcrcer' vrhich wa.s wrlt upon n bluo paper in gold letlers; done by liim>'<:lf and very pretty'." St. Peter pausjd for a momeiU to try and untangle his glrdle whlch he had been tying In knots ns ho talkrd. St. Joan took the snarlcd ropo out of his hands and stralghtencd it com-petently. * * «' "Thank you, Joan," said Peter ralh-er dreamlly. "Strange how long a habit lasts! It still conforls me to handle a rope a» I used to in the old days on Galilea with my good fishlng boat runnlng before the bretze!" "When will St. Valentine ccinc back?" interrupted the bmalh.st .salnt shyly. "In good time for his fea.-it," Peter told her, "We höld fcafit days for a certain few of the saints who enjoy them; most of us are not intcrestcd, but Valentine likes them—if he is not too upset over mortals' doing« down below." | "You cannot help beIng upset when i you see how foolLsh mortal» are whc-n you visit the earth!" St. Joan J^poke \ forcefully. "1 once came acros.s a ; statue of myself down there and it ; looked like a thin child rlding o n ^ toy ; horse! Surely ali the World l:nowf$ I wa8 of peasant blood and strongly* muscled." j St. Ursula was about to voice her j viev/s. when again the /smalle-st Balnt i epoke: ! "Please sir. what could upeet St.! Valentine?" j "The comics," «napped St. Peter | violently. "If Vai finds another coralc | he is apt to forget he i» ä saint, I remember the flr«t and Only time he brpught one in here to 8how me» He was pale wlth anger. 'Hov darc they use my name to cuch M this!' hc cricd, and was so upset that I called -to one of tho»e Imps of Batan wbo always hang around the gate and gave the tbing to him. telllng h im U) tiand it to his master, and tbe last I 6aw of lilm, the little devll was laughing uproar-jously — it was just his style!" • The maidens shuddered. "A thing that pleased St. Valentine greatly," continued Peter, "was when that part of the Earth called America began to take note of his f east day. It seetas that a Miss Howland — coU^e Oikeus mainiisi kardinaUlin tapauksessa lieventävinä seikkoina searaavat-asiat: Hän tunnusti Ja pahoUtell tekojaan: h ä i ^ o n elänyt erillkän maailniUn asioista ja Yhdysvaltain täkäläinen mlnLsteri Seldcn Chapin saattoi hänet toivomaan, että Yhdysvalbit aloittaa sodan.. Joka auttaa biintä saavuttamaan tarkoituksensa. on hyvin vähän tolyeHa »Utä;' e t tl nUstä toimenpiteistä ion mitiUUrhftt^: tjii. ' • ' Konservatiivien johtaja he-i rätti tämäti kysymyksen alMutoneessa. H ä r / m a i n i t s i siitä, kun ulkoministeri Pearson .sanoi Unkarip, hallituksen "antaneen haasteen uakonvapai^äeUe'';^ asettaessaan kardinaali Mindszentyn .syytteeseen. Drcw tiedusteli mlnkil»^ lu.siin toimenpiteisiin hallitus on ryh* tyiiyt Canadan "protestin edttlleen ajamiseksi", Pii^mini3tcrl St. Laurent sauoL «ttft ennenkuin mitään uusista tolMenpi-^ tiin kaMInaalin korkea asema kirkon johtajana, ja se että hän korkeasti oppineena miehenä on loh-nyt suuria rikoksia. Raskauttavina seikkoina mainit- t ^^^^^ ijmoitetaan, on halUtuksen ehkä h-^uvoteltavn niiden toistemi^Uo-, jr-n kanssa, jotkn BlleklrJoitUvat Vn-karin rauhansopimuksen, "koska meistä tuntuu .siltä, etta yhtclsellft toimenpiteenä on luultavaati enenMu^n I vaikutusta kuin yhden aUekirjQitta^: ! Jan eHlHsellu tolmenpitcrtlä".. pääministeri ennusti kuitenkin, 4'- tel sellaisesU tolmenplteeattt. voida odottaa mltttiin suuria tuloksia, «Iciin. Neuvpslollltto ja Puola ovat Unkarin rauhansopimuksen* nllekirjolttajleh Joukossa". ;.... Lontoo. — Roomalaiskatolisen k i r kon johtajat ja kylmiin sodan politll-kot yli maailman pltUviit yhii kovaa nielua Unkarin roomalalskalollfen kirkon piiämlehen tuomion johdosta j a vaativat kostotoimenpitdtä Uulia-r ln kansandemokratiaa vastaan. Britannian ulkoministeriö harkitsee nyt vakavasti roinkiilaisliu U)lnicnp{- telslln olLsi ryhdyltiivii kardinaalin tuomion johdosta ja Britannian tory- Jen taholta vaaditaan kauppaneuvottelujen lopcttomlhta Unkarin kanssa. girl at Mt. Holyoko 'Invcnted' the finst Valentine in AniLTica i n 184!). I l wji:; aimosi u copy of tlic lac;-papcT'«ort from England, bul «hc ovl'clnattd Ihc; idea of huvins a nndy-mudo vcr:>o printed on it, Sinw Mi^s HowlanU had a biothcr who W(i.s u "ivavcllliiu fcolesman," he worked up to much popularity Ipr thi.s Valentine thut b:-. fore long hi.s sLster became the owii«'r of a Valentine faclory thai brought in hundred lhou.';and dollars a yiar. And that. my good cUHdnrn, is the wuy they do things on tlio ennii." St. Peter may liav<> expectcd i\w ihrec maldcnK to <;xp;os,s iistonlshment over his financial .siairmcnt but lh<>y only looked vaguc, and lie f;iwh«l a.'i he contlnusd: Ju.st then a gay whjytle .soundcd at the gate. , "The boy has rcturn^d," ho shouled, springing to his fcft. There was no n-cied to qucatipn .Iho succefis öf St, Valentine'» "tjay off,": fts his face was wrcalhod in smikK nor was Uicre a qufstlon of the pr<,'ttlhe.s.s of the .'-ouvonlr I K - c.inled, wUh il.s dainty lac<; and gay flowers and crlm- .son h3arts ffjiltted on golden arrows, i "This!" Kald Valentin;; holdinjj it aloft, "is whnt the World ralls .SWELL!" f SI. Peter .snillod an hc .saw the .•hial-le. st salnt rfach out her hand. P)'of. G. Komppa kuoUut Helsinki. — <S-8> — T^k. 20 pBi kuoli HelslngLB.sil Sucmen tieteen maailmankuulu rdu.staja, täyslnpalvellut kciniiui profes,sori, Turun ylioplaton ent. kansleri Gustav Komppa, Hiin oli syntynyt Vilpurl«a lia67aju-< rln polkuna, kävi siellä koulunsa, an-^ tttutucn cn.siksi apteekkialalle, aitrtyli pian konriuli Wolff in j a kauppanetl-vos Hackmannin ^avustatnatio' poly-tokniillSKin opistoon HeLsinkiin,mlflsft valmistui kcmlsti-lnslnöörikBl v 1890. Sitil tehden hän Jatkoi opintoJBan ja pyrki eteenpäin tis^essä, kohoten sekä toimiascmissa että maineessa: Kun vierailette Torontossa, niin asukaa REX Hotellissa Television Joka Ilta. • PUHELIN Tn. 155« 3 st. Patrick St. Toronto, Oili. ^•S A ff O K AA S E^KV Kt L t A" THE VICTORY M K I P A . N KlirKOtS^LAJUIEL , • HAUTAUSSEPPjaLEITÄ., • IIÄÄKUKKAVIHKOJA . • KUKKAKOI^IStEITA JÄ K U K A N T A I » « A , .V A. MERKEÄ. ••: Puhelimet: Ab: 161S < .<3unnunt. j a Juhlapäivlnft^AD.IflB 570 Queen St. W„ Toronto, Ont/ (ti^ciis ttiiijuMi sr.) \ , i r r i i i i I tl DR. E. C. A H O - Hammasläälmi HUONE 640 PHYSICIANS' & SURÖEON.3 BVXLJytlSlär^' m Dloor Street West PuheUn Klogsdale 8237 Toronto, Ontariot • Suomalainen vaatteiden puhdistmlllkc •«••: v BOND CLEANERS, DYERS AND TAaÖBS Paiie & Mortimer Ave. - Puhelin GE. 2940 - Toronto, Ont Miesten Ja xiuintcn hatut, puvut Ja leningit pubdistetaah parh4alta kuivapuhdi.slus-mencteimUlIä, , Turkikusct puhdistetaan Toronton parhaan turklslilkkeenimhdis-tuslaltolisella. 1^ Teemme kaikkia vaatteiden korjausajaan kuuluvia töitä.' Kotoa haetaan. — ' Nbpea palvelus. HELEN JA EINO; TARVAINEN ERIKOISHOIDOT selkävikojen poistamiseksi, SelkäKtolsta Johtuu muit.a tiiuteja, Ja nämä vutvat v p l ^ a n pysy^äisesti ainoastaan selkärangan korjauksella, "lainan lisäksi käytUt) multa luontaisia lioltomenetelmlä. — Omaan parhaat edeQytjrkMt tällaiselle työlle, opintojeni, sekä monivuotisen kokemukseni perus- " E R I C W. S J Ö M AN 27 AVENUE ROAI), SUITE 40, TORONTO PUHELIN RANDOLPH e7M Haluatteko 08'T" • I ^ k.1 Antakaa melct&ii taa tai myydä TALON? auttaa T#iift CHÄMBERS & MEREDITH LIMITED Toronto Real Estate Boardin jäseh. 24 King St, V/e.st A. H. Kivinen TORONTO, ONTARIO PLaza 3921 MO 5464 Sf' - P . F . F . Princess Fashion Furs Myydään nyt $89.00 Hienojen turkkien ^suunnittelijat ja. tekijä f, TYÖ TAATAAN J A »MAKSUEHDOT ! > JÄRJESTETÄÄN. ; 750 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont,' 506 Queen; S t Wjt. T<»-onto, C M ^
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, February 10, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-02-10 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus490210 |
Title | 1949-02-10-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
Hllianun huhto^
retki epäonmsiid
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