1949-12-01-07 |
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Heipä hei siskot ja veljet! En ehdi tässä samoa teille paljon mitään sUlä tarvitsemme paljon tilaa iirjsillenne. Kiitos runsaasta- kirje-iadcsta! Sinullahan on ollut huono onni. Hella, kun olet niin monta kertaa niinua tavoittanut tulolcsetta. Pidetään sormemme ristissä, e t t ä ensi kerralla kun tulet kaupunkiin tapaisimme toisemme, eikö? Olen hyvilläni, että se peite meni niin hyvään pallekaan, .Urho.. Kiitos laas kun ajattelit ostaa sen arpalipun minulle. Kiitos siitä postikortista, jonka l ä hetit minulle Royal Winter P i i r i s t ä. Esko. E n muista varmaan, jos se mus-teicynasi on Parker eli Waterman's te. koa. Ota sinä Itse s'iltä selvä j a sitten lähetä se yhtiölle jommalla kummalla näillä osoitteilla: Ne voivat sen varmasti korjata. Parker Pen Co., Ltd., 154 Univer- .sity Ave., Toronto 1, Ont. L. E. Waterman Co., L t d . , 600 Dor-chester St W., Montreal, P. Q. Meillä on uusi jäsenkin tervehdittävänä tällä viikolla. Hän bn Robert Saari, Lockerbysta, Ontariosta. H ä nen ystävänsä ^lutsuvat h ä n t ä "Rob-bieisi".^ Tervetuloa joukkoomme! Saimme myös kirjeitä Roselia, Sallyltä, Bernardilta, Evelynilta, Shir-leylta, Hmilta, Elienllta. Elviltä, V i o . laita, HelenUta. PauUlta. Phyllisilta ja kaksi kirjettä Dianalta. Lukekaa mitä heillä on sanomista. Ensi viikolla "tavataan taas! ^ Siskonne; Margaret. Vio/fl Tells of Hunting Trips Hello sister Margaret and everybody else. Weil, I gue£s its about time for me 10 write a few Iines again. I've been so busy doing my school-work tliat I haven't had time to write. Our teacher, Mr. Ccdy, said that we are too far behlnd Jn our subjects SO that means we have to work harder. •We are also taking book-keeping but I can't understand heads or talls of It. The National Pilm Board is still showing us moving pictures i n the basement, though this year we have to write about them. At the beginnlng cf the season there was duck hunting, then moose, and uow everybody seems to be hunting coyotes. At sgme places even up to three and f our hundred people join together and go hunting coyotes. Not very long ago there was a huge K o - diak bear killed at Rocky Mountain House. It weighed sixteen hundred pounds and it's measurement from ear to ear was nineteen inches. These are said to be the largest bears in the World. We're getting our house fixed, slow but sure. Mother painted the kitchen be we still have to paint the living room and bedrooms. We never went picking berries this .••ummer because people said there wasn't any around. Our friends gave me another dog that I named Skippy. My other dog's name is Scottie. I get great pleasure playing with them although Scottie gets most of it by putting the little one down and trampling on top of h:m. I also went out Hallowe'en tricking at Sylvan Lake with my girlfriend. I received about a half a pillow-case full of treats, mostly apples and can-dies. They lasted for over two •weeks. Weil, Christmas is here again soon and the Aveather has been lovely, not even a speck of snow. This will be a l i for now. Cheerio! Viola Mattson, RB. 1, Red Deer, Alta. Esko Writes of Royal Winter Fair Hello Margaret and a l i you readers and writers of this fine page. I hope everybody is feeling alright these fine cQld days i n November. I haven"t received any names for the new store. I guess everybody is just as lazj- as I am o r is that nobody can use $2.50. I left for the F a i r on Monday mor-ning on.the five to seven train. I got on at a place about 4 miles fröm here called Fenwick. It.took about 2'^ honrs to get to Toronto. The Fair was really quite interesting. They had vegetables, hcrses, cows, machinery, new style cars. The most interesting thing there was the Uttle dwarf cows which weren't much higher than 3 feet full-grown. They also had a dwarf donkey there. We went through the buildings and i n one part of the building there was a speedboat called miss Ainerica IV. I t is the world's fastest boat, and travelled about 142.3 miles an hour. Was i t ever a long l>oat! In another part of the building there was a theatre. There were so many things there that it wouId take a book to write about them ali. After neon I went uptown^and boughr fiome fried fjsh for my mother. Did the fish ever smell on the train as I was going home. Everybody on the train wondered what I had i n the box. I told them whät it was and they practically fainted. I don't blame them either because the fish did really smell! My brother came and got me frcm the station. I guess 1*11 start a little business in making belts and selling them. I bslieve itsquite a profitable little business. Ho\v many gh-ls and boys are there in your class. Linda Elgbacka? That peh I got from you last Christmas f eli on the floor Margaret, and one half of the nib broke. Do you kno\v where I could get i t fixed? Are the roäds e ^ r sllppery down here. Hov? are they ufi there, Margaret? On Priday I went to a show i n St. Kitts and saw "Kazan". It was a very good show. Thafs ali for now. Cheerio! Esko Harju, R J l . 1, St. Anns, Ont. Urho is Brand New Uncle Dear sister Margaret and aU the readers and writers of thisc page. 1 am sorry but you nevtr won the blanket. The number you bad^was number 84 and the winher's nuinber was 196. I hope you w l l l win some o:her time. ITI bet that you'ir agree the blanket went hito a good place. -Mr. Urho Hovi won It and he has live small chUdren. Both other prizes went out of Silver Mountain. My sister K i r s t i has a new baby ^oy again. Little Allan walks alene aiready. 1 think I will close for now. Cheerio! Urho PiMo, SUver Mountain, Ont, Joululahjarahästoon saapui tällä viikoUa $2 lahjoitus Lyydi ja Kalle Nevalalta Hearstista. He Qiyös mainitsivat toivovansa, e t t ä lapset kirjoittaisivat y h ä enenmiän suomenkielisiä kirjeitä. — Monet kiltoi:- Eet; Rahastossamme on nyt $99.89. Ellen Wants Roller Skates for Xmas Öear sister Margaret. - How is everybody feeling?- My chieken-pox is over again but my brolhsr has i t now. I hope I never get it again. . • Christmas is coming soon and boy, will I ever be glad to play i n the snow. My dad made my dog a little dog house. A l l i want for Christmas is roller skates and some other little toys. I like school but I don't like my teacher. I like the children i n my room. We are going to have a concert over here and I think other children will be having Christmas concerts too. I hope so. I have a cat and her name is Tiger. I like my music teacher very much. His name is M r . Rushton. It was raining today and äll the roads were full of water. The last letter I wrote was the long-est I have ever written to the Vapaus. I wiU try to make this longer. I hope Santa Clause will be good to everybody and now I will teli you my age. I am nine years cld and my birthday is on AprU l l t h . There is another girl i n my room whose birth.. day is on same day as mine. She is nine years Old, too. I liye'near my school but some children have to come from far out of town. Lots of kids have been away from school and there were only ten children in grade one. They are bet-ter now though. I like writing, drawing, reading books and palnting. I have to get five teeth pulled out. I was suppKJsed to get them out last year already. Weil, I have to go to school this morning again. I will close for now. Good-bye everybody! Ellen Pietilä, Parksville, B . C. Elvi^s Autögraph Book Almost Full Dear sister Margaret. I guess its about my t um to v r i te to this page. Tve been quits lazy at vPTitlng letters this month. The weather hasn't been very nice here. just snowing or raining a l i the time. We have started practlsing for our Chrisönas concert. I received my cards today that Pm going to sell. J have twenty-six aut(«raphs in the a u t o g r ^ h bo(& you sent me last year for Xmas. There seems to be more letters i n the Vapaiis now thai Xmas is nearing. I wrote to Gladys Wertanen on Sun-day. I have knit a palr of mitts for my dad. one palr for myself and a pair for my brother Eddie and now am knlt-ting myself ankle-socks. I bet Rose has been quite busy these last Tew months. Some people were over here yester_ day to Idll our heifeer and now its hanging i n the tree. I guess m close this time as I have to go to bed. .1'11 try to write in Finnish next time. Cheerio! EM-Lamjii, Finland, Ont. Rose has been Skiing Alreaiy Dear big sister Margaret. Weil, its time to write again. I don't think I ' l l write Finnish this time because I don't think I ' l l have very much to write about. I f I can think of lots to say I might write i n Finnish, too. I went skiing today. I was skiing last Week already but tcday^is really a good day because the snow doesn't .stick to the skls. I went to see the place where my brother is skidding logs. We have to cut down some of cur bush because the Hydro wants it cut down. The Hydro lias made a tower on our hill. They are putting up the towers ali around here. I hope we get electricity soon. Rlght now I've got the radio on and am going to listen to the Proctor and Gamble Hour. My mother and two of my bro-thers went to Copper Cliff on Satur-day morning. They saw the play that was on i n Sudbury at the Finnish Hall. It was "Eilen Syntynyt" or '•Born Yesterday" i n English. They also went visiting around to Levack, Lockerby and to other places also, I guess. Last Week I saw the show "Pather Was a Fullback" starring Fred Mac- Murray, Maureen CHara, Natalie Wood and Betty Ann Ljmn. i t was a good show. I think I ' l l close this letter now because I can't think of anything to say. Good-bye! Rose Maki, R.R. 1, Mattawa, Ont. Evelyn Wm U Home So^n Dear big sister Margaret, and a l l the readers and writers c f this page. How is ths weatber i n Sudbuiy, Margaret? The w«ither here is ckm-dy and kind of cold. Right now the sun is out but I <ion't think itOl stay out for long. We have a bit of snow yet. My stories will be on soon. I listen to a l i the stories that come c n before 1230. I had my x-ray Monday and it was gcod so m be going home this week or at the beginnlng of next week. Boy, am I ever glad! I was kind of slck on Saturday and Sunday. I had tonsilitis. Boy! was my throat sore. They put cur-tains between Shirley and me so that she would not get a sore throat, too. I'm all over it now^ and my throat is fine. I also had my privileges taken away for three days. Did it ever seem funny washing i n bed because I 'm so used to getting up now. / I curled both Shirleys and my hair last nlght. Shirley's stayed in. I thought the bobby pins would slip out during the night because her hair is SQ thin but they didn't. We had our beds changed this morning. Gee, is it ever nice to get into a clean bed after having the same sheets on for a week. I've been down here for three weeks and two days. It doesn't seem that long. I guess I ' l l have to Isave this for awhilc becauss the nurse is i n to do the dusting. Here I am back again trying to dig up something to say. I have not been weighed lately SQ I don"t know if I've gained or not. I guess I ' l l close for now becaase my stories are on. Cheerio! Evelyn K i v i, Sanitorium, Pt. Wiliiam. Diana's Mom is in the Hospital Hello sister Margaret. I guess its about time I wrote to this page again. Tll write two letters this time, one i n English and öne i n Finn. just to make up for lost time. ' We have quite a bit of snow already. Aroimd f our ör five inches. I hope we don't get much more. My sister Violet got a typewriter. She is practising to become a Secretary. We haven't sUrted practising for a Christmas concert yet but we will be scon. M O I * is i n the hospital. She's been thsre three weeks already. She had pneumonia but is way better now. I hope she gets home soon. I guess rd better close and chaiage into cleaner clothing because its Sun_ day. Cheerio! jDiaia HuPTialrko, Silver Mountain, Ont. Hellassa paha yskä Hello everybody. Minä olen Ollut täällä kotona taas sairaana. Olen ollut koulusta pois seitsemän päivää j a sattuu olen vielä huomennakin kotona. Toissa viikolla elin pois 3 päivää j a nyt t ä l l ä viikolla olen ollut pois 4 päivää. Minä kävin lääkärissä ja sain hyviä lääkkeitä mutta ei neicään mitään auttaneet sen t ä h d e n kun menin kouluim ennen, kuin olin hyväksi parantunut. Sinä iltana kun menimme sinne lääkäriin minä meinasin tulla sinua katsomaan ja tuoda edellisen kirjeeni s i nulle mutta kun se oli liika myöhäistä niin me panimme sen postilaatikkoon. Sieltä se sitten oli mennjrt V a pauteen. Minä , olen käynyt sinua tapaamassa ainakin kolme kertaa t ä nä kesänä mutta emme ole vielä nähneet toisiamme. Jos t ä h ä n nyt tulee talvi on se sitten kauhea paikka kun suurin osa Wanupin kaivoista ovat kuivia. Kyllä t ä ä l l ä on t ä n ä ä n kylmä vaikka en ole \'ielä ulkona käynytkään tänään. Tiedän sen kun vähänkin ovea raottaa. M i n im veljeni ei ole vieläkään ollut kotona käymässä vaikka h ä n 2 viikkoa sitten lupasi tulla. Nyt h ä n sanoi, e t t ä tänä lauantaina h ä n tulee varmasti. Siinä on kaikki höpötykset mitä t ä i . nä. kertaa miUstan. Paljon terveisiä kaikille! Heila Hakola, Wanup, Ont. Phyllis' Father Hurt Leg Dear sister Margaret. How are you Knd all the readers and and writers of this page? Fine, I hope. ; I am very sorry that I did not write to you fcr such a long time. My father hurt his leg. Christmas is almost here. I have been skating a lef times already. M y brother said the Ice is about six inches thick. La.st hight my grandma and I came across the l a i e . Then we went to the steambath and had a nice time. Grandma'6 birthday is oa the ist of December, today, She Is 73 years old, I guess I will close for another time. VhyUu Fbami, B . B . 1. WhIteCsb, Ont. Ilmi Caught Two Weasels Dear big sister Margaret and a l l the.readers and writers of this page. I thought I would write to this page. I have the dishes washed already. We have been trapping. We got five weasels. My father got one, Shirley got one, Evold got ono and I got two. Xmas will soon be here. Santa Claus will bring presents. I like Xmas because we get gifts. Our schcol had a dance last frlday. We killed our pig last Sunday. Ernest K i v i killed it.. He killed one of their own pigs, too. I guess I'll \\Tite to Evelyn the same time as I write this to you. We have two cats, cne dog and a cow and calf. Shirleys cat Ls bigger than mine. It is brcwn and whlte and mine is black and white. Whsn we went to the traps last Tuesday morning we saw Shirley "s cat caught in one. Evold couldn't take the cat out of the traps. The cat wasn't dead. At night when we looked at the cafs paw it was all swollen. M y father put rubbing alchohol on it. The cat had tWQ tces caught i n the trap. We make our lunch at night because we get up SO late in the morning. We've got one of our traps far i n the bush. We go to see them at night because we haven't got time i n the morning. . Sometimes we go to Wolf in the school bus. I guess I wlll clcse for this time. I have to wipe the dithes, So-long sister Margaret and all the others! Ilmi K i v i, Silver Mountain, Ont. Shirley Looks , Forward to Xmas Dear big sistei: Margaret and aH the readers and writeis of this page. Christmas wUl scon come and San> u Claus w i l l bring us presents. I got a coffee set and candy and mitts last year. I hope I get a doll this year. I was overnlght at Kivi'8. We cou!dn't get very much miUt from our cow. I guess I will dose uow. Cheerio! Shirley Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. Pauli oli kuvassa joulupukin kera Halloo Margaret-sisko j a kalkki t ä män osaston lukijat Ja kirjoittajat. Nyt on t ä ä l l ä k in jo talvi. Lunta on satanut. Minä heittelin lumipalloja ja kyllä se oli hauskaa. Tänään on kylmä päivä. Minä olin tilaamassa lahjan Simpsonin joulupukilta. Olin myös k u vassa pukin kanssa. Me olimme pa- 'pan kanssa katsomassa Eatonin pukin kulkuetta. Kyllä siinä oli paljon näkemistä ja pukki tuli viimeisenä poroväljakolla. Pitää lopettaa kirjeeni. Hyvästi! Paul Hietala. Toronlo, Ont. Sally was Skating Dear sister Margaret and all the readers and writers of this page. There Ls about 4 Inches of snow on the ground here and the lake ls fro-zen. I have lieen skating several times. We have seven cows that we have to milk. I help by milking one, some* times I milk two. We got new desks at our school. They are very nice. I can hardly W3it for them to be put up. Our Christmas exams start on Dee. 1 and we have to study so we wHl know something. Weil, I will close now Margaret. Cheerio! Sally Manninen, Beaver Lake, Ont. Beware0f Thin ke! Hundred of young Ilves ä r e lost a n - nually about this time of year due to the f act that boys and glrls.^ espe» d a i l y boys. are too anxious to get on newly formed ice, not stopping to think i f it is reaUy safe. These prematiu^ deaths^ave caused untold suffering and SMTOW to the parents. brothers and slsters ot the children who have tost theUr youtv Ilves because of thia unoecessary bra. vado. Tlierefore, DO NOT G O ON T H I N ICE! It is easy to understand the temptation created In the nunds of our young foiks who like to t ry their skating abUity c n the smooth surface of new ice, but nevertheless — STOP. L O O K and L I S T E N before stepping on newly formed ice! Torstaina, joiilukuun l p . — Thivsday,0ec. 1, Rumanian, vBnlgarian |a Suomen kaa^a esiilÄ ^Ifodnivassa — 48>8> — UUcoministe-riöstä saattun tiedon mukaan tulee kaumiavaltuuskuntanuae. Joka i\xar\ on «doittanvt. Moskovassa kauppaneuvottelut en$i vuoden Neuvostoliiton kauppasopimuksestamme, samanai- Judsestl käyooifta neuvotteluja myös Romanian Ja Bulgarian kanssa onsi vuoden kauMnvalhdosta. Bulgarian Ja Suomen välinen kauppasopimus menee umpeen vuoden lopussa Ja k y - symyksessli on sopimuksen normaali uusiminen. Romanian kanssa ei Suomella v i d ä ole oUut varsinaista kaup-pa8qi> tmuBta, Joten nyt aloitettavien neuvattdujen tuloksen solmiUava t u lee olemaan ensimmäinen. Diana lypsää lehmää Hyvä Mai-gsret-sisko. Jos ottaisin kynän ja paperin ja kh*- joittaisin jonkun rivin. Nyt ollaan jouluk. ja joulu on pian ovella. Kyllä tämä vuasi on mennyt äkkiä. Äiti on sairaalassa. Hän on ollut siellä Jo kolme Viikkoa. En tiedä mitä kirjoittaa kun ei I I:ukaan ole auttamassa. Suomenkieli bn niin vaikeaa kirjoittaa. Violetin ja minun täytyy lypsää lehmät nyt kun äiti on pois. Ei se enää ole niin vaikeata. Kylläkai minä lopetan tälle kertaa kun ei meinaa tulla mitään t ä s t ä kirjeestä. Cheerio! Diana Uunnakko, Silver Mountajn, Ont. Bernardin arvoitus Päivää Margaret-sisko. Minä olen melkein unohtanut koko lehden. Taitaa .siis olla aika kirjoittaa taas. N i i n se kesä tuli ja meni ja talvi asettuu maailmaan. Ei ole tullut paljon limta vielä mutta kyllä sitä on aikaa vielä. Jaa, se joulukin on jo nurkan takana j a uusi vuosi hiipii sen perästä. Isä teurasti vasikan viime vilkoUa. Isä teurasti apulaisineen meidän siat myö^. tänään. Kyllä sianliha käy kaupaksi! Nyt minäkin kysyn yhden arvoituk. sen. Bilkä se on, jossa on paljon haavoja mutta ei vnoda verta? Meidän koulumme valmistaa joulu-ohjelman. Minä olen yhdessä kappaleessa Ja piiritanssissa (square dance). Enköhän minä lopeta nyt. Toivon hyviä mäenlaskukeliä kalkille! Bernard Waatalnen. Intola P.O., Ont. — Baijerissa on 10,000 .aviotonta lasta. Näiden lasten äidit ovat saksalaisia mutta isät liittoutuneista maista. Lapsista on 800 värillistä. — Quebec perustettiin helnäk. 3 p. 1608. Helen on ollut hevoskyyiillä Dear sister Margaret and everybody else. Hävettää oikein kun ei ole tullut ennen kirjoitettua mutta eikö s i t ä t a . vata sanoa, e t t ä "parempi myöhään kuin ei milloinkaan". Täällä on kaikki mennyt eteenpäin pikkuhiljaa. Luntakbi on jo maassa aika paljon. On tavallaan hauskaa kun talvi tulee, saa hevoskyytiä, mutta kyllä se sitten on kylmää myös. Olen ollut Jo hevoskyydilläkin pari kertaa. Se uusi haali on Jo aika hyvällä mallilla. Siellä on avajaistanssit Jouluna. On hauskaa, että, haali on n ä in lähellä. Täälläpäin ei ole paljon peuroja t ä nä vuonna. Setä on yrittänyt niitä metsästää mutta ei ole saanut e i l^ cde.s nähnytkään. Kävin Klrkland Lakella Ja olin erään tyttöystäväni luona yötä. Nähi yhden hyvän "kaupoika" kuvan Ja tein yäliän Jouluostoksia. Joulukin cn. Jo kohta. Koettakaa lapset olla kilttiä, e t t ä Joulupukki muistaa teitä. Minä olen kyllä ollut n i i n paha, etten tiedä miten tässä käy. Lopetan nyt ja toivon kaiklile hauskaa talven alkua. ' Helen Auranen, Tarzwell, Ont. Mieskuoroj<än suurkonsertti Helsingissä llelsinkl. (S-S) — Mieskuorojen suurkonsertti on Helsingls.sä Yliopistossa joulukuun 3 pnä. Mainittakoon, e t t ä näille mieskuoropälville on i l moittautunut lähes 40 mieskuorosta y l i 1,000 laulajaa. Nämä kaikki esiintyvät TiJi. yhteisohjelmlstossa. Lisäk- Hi eri kuorot esittävät pari numeroaan. Konsertin Jälkesn on laujaja-il-lanvietto HOK:n Suurravintolassa. Kansainvälinen hor-moonitutkija Helsinkiin Helsinki. — (B-S| — Marraskuun 25 p n ä saapui maahamme Kalifornian ylioplstcn professori, kansainvälisesti tunnettu endokrinologian Ja hormooniopin tutkija, C. H . L i esitel-möldäkseen Suomen Endrokrinologl-yhdistyksen Ja Slsätautilääkäriyhdis-tyksen Järjestämissä tilaisuuksissa. Suomalaisia aseita ulkomaille HetcinkL — (S-ä) — Suomalaisia aseita. Joilla korkean laatunsa vuoksi oli ennen sotia huomattava kysyntä pia»Uo?an markkinoilla, on Jälleen alettu viedä ulkomaille, vaikkakin vielä vähäisessä määrässä. Aseiden vien. ti maastamme on t ä m ä n vuoden l o kakuun lappuun mcimessä kuitenkin noussut Jo IS tonniin vastaten rahal-l l s d t a « n ' d t a a n 17,5 milj. markkaa. Suurin osa toimitetuista aseista on mennyt Neuvostoliittoon, mutta myös Ruotsi, Tanska Ja Norja ovat estäneet Buomalaisia aseita. Neuvostoliiton osuus on'13^ milj. Ja Ruotsin 2,5 milj. mk. EdeUttxaainlttuJen lisäksi on viety pieni e r ä aseita myös Turkkiin. Paitsi aseita on maastammo viety myös kiväärin Ja pistoolin ammuksia 6 triljoonan markan arvosta sekä muita ammuksia Ja hylsyjä 12,6 m i l joonalla markalla. Aseltten osia on viety masistainme kaikkiaan 7,7 tonnia «11 5,9 miljoonan markan arvosta, m i kä määrä on suurimmaksi asaksi myyty Ruotsiin. Vertailun vuoksi mainittakoon, että vuonna .1939 vietiin maastajnme aseita 5,5 miljoonan arvosta silloista r a haa Ja ammuksia kaikkiaan 40,6 m i l joonaan arvosta. Mainittakoon vielä, e t t ä suurin osa viedyistä aseista on metsästysaseita. Urheilutarvikkeita saatavana riittävästi Suomessa HelsbMd. — <S-8) — Viime keväänä kumottiin käytännöllisesti katsoen kaikki urheilualan tarvikkeita koskevat valmistus- ja Jakelumääräyk-set. Tästä onkin ollut seurauksena tarvlketllanteeii Jatkuva parantuminen. Ja voidaankin .iltä nyt p i t ä ä tyy- I E L M S T . E „ S V D B O R Y Torontossa 282 Yongc St. Viistap. Downtown teatteria 1190 St. Cjalr W. Dufferin kohdalla 2868 Dundas W. Keelen kohdalla. dyttävänä urhcllupuvustoa lukuimot* lamatta. Jota vielä tiistaiseksi oa saatu aivan riittämättömästi. Muista tänä syksynä Jälleen kauppaan paf> läävistä artltckelclsta ansaitsevat erikoisesti maininnan luistimet, Jolta nyt^ saadaan Jouluksi 7-8 vuoden tauon Jälkeen. — V. 79 Vesuviuksen purkaus h ä vitti Pompein kaupungin Italiassa Ja noin 2,000 henkilöä sai surmansa. City of Sudbury TARJOUKSIA PUMPPUASEMAN RAKENTAMISELLE Suljettuja selvästi merkattuja tarjouksia, "Tender for Dufferin St. Pumping Station", otetaan vastaan keskipäivään Joulukuim 5 p . 1949, rakentaa maanalainen rautapetonklncn likavesien piunppu-asema Dufferin kadulle. Ulkomitta 10x15 Jalkaa. Piirustukset Ja määrittelyt saatavis.sa allekirjoittaneen konttorista. M. D. STEWART, - Kaupungininsinööri Boberfs First Letter Dear sister Margaret. This is my flrst letter to your colimin. As you know, we have a Finnish school at Työn Puisto. There w'e leam to speak and read Finnish. We alsQ do gym. We practlce every Friday for our Christmas concert. The boys practice at six-thirty and the girls at flve-thlrty.' A few weeks ago we had a Hallo-we'en party. We had candles and apples. WeU, thats a l l for now, Cheerio! TEHKÄÄ NE ILOISIKSI RUOKKIMALLA NIITÄ MUNITUSMÄSKILLÄ Teidän paikaUinen välittäjänne on: ALPHpNSE E. CHAREHE & SONS • JAUHOJA «JYVIÄ «REHUJA TUKUTTAIN JA VÄHITTÄIN 186 Louis St Pitii.3^1 StMQmrr KATSELKAA NÄITÄ RAHAA SÄÄSTÄVIÄ HINTOJA K A N A N P O I K I E N A L O I T T A M I S M i f S KM . . . . . . . . . 1 8 % 4.85 LIUOTTA»näMASKIA 14% AM K A S V A T U S M A B K I » 17% 4.30 M V N I T V S M A S K I A .,17% 4,3S K A N O J E N R A A P P I M I S M A S K I A (4 jyvää, maissi y h t e n ä 3.8S KUUDEN JYVÄN RAAPPIMISM^tBKIA . . . 3.95 M U N A L A A T I K O I T A .250 p. 9^5 SIAN AtiOITTAMISRUOKAA 18% 4JBO S I A N K A S V A T U ^ R U O K A A 16% 3.95 SIAN L O P E T T A M I S R U O K A A 15% 3.65 E I V I A S I A N S E O S 15% 3.90 S I K O J E N M I N E E A A L I A . . . p. .95 P O L T E T T U A RAUTAA «jislpuiklil — 16 oos- %, RAUTATULIHA7POSUOLAA .32 uus. S I A N M A T O L A A K E 25 nns. VASIKANJAUHOJA 25% — 100 p. ffj V A S I K A N A L O I T T A M I S R U O K A A 22% 4.f A I A I T O K A B J A N S E O K S I A 16% M A I D O N T U O T T A J A , 24% » E Y Jt FBESHING-SEOS 13% M A I T O K A R J A N K O N S E N T R O I T U A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32% KAlBJAiS; M I N E R A A L E J A 25 p. R A A K A A » E L L A V A N S I E M E N O U Y A ...galL 2ä! K A L A N M A K S A O U Y A ...gzU. 3.1 H. T . H . K L O B U N I D E S I N F I O I M I S A I N E .S** 1.1 R U O K I N T A K A U R O J A , No. 1 l ä n n e n .100 p. 3.] O N T A R I O N K A U R O J A 100 p. ~ K A U R O J A , silputta ja tai puristcUuja 100 p. K A U R A - J A O H B A S I L F P U A 100 p. OHBASnLPPUA 100 p. R U O K I N T A N I S U A 100 p. I L O K O MAISSIA 100 p . %,rO HALAILTUA MAISSIA 100 p, 3.90 K A N O J E N R O U H E T T A . . , .100 p. O I S T E B I N K U O R I A . - . .100 p. J A U H O J A — I V O R Y arflÄ) .98 p. J A U H O J A - A V A K E B (yleistä) ....98p. J A U B 0 J A - - « I ; A K E B (ykistä) ....>.. .24 p. J A U H O J A — S A X O N (pUnUka) .24 p . J A U H O J A - W a O L e W H E A T .98 p. K A U B A N K Y Y N Y J A 5 p. p n »! KAUBANEYYBINEJA—lilenoja U i karkeita .20 p . 1~45 KEITTiO-iMAISSlJAtmOJA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 p. Ip45 M O O n O B I O L J Y A — M A B V E L U B E . . . . . . . . . . k v . .39 fadt M O O T T O R I Ö L J Y Ä — M O B I L E . . . . . . . . . . . . . .kv. ^ gaJL f mi
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, December 1, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-12-01 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus491201 |
Title | 1949-12-01-07 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text |
Heipä hei siskot ja veljet!
En ehdi tässä samoa teille paljon
mitään sUlä tarvitsemme paljon tilaa
iirjsillenne. Kiitos runsaasta- kirje-iadcsta!
Sinullahan on ollut huono onni.
Hella, kun olet niin monta kertaa
niinua tavoittanut tulolcsetta. Pidetään
sormemme ristissä, e t t ä ensi kerralla
kun tulet kaupunkiin tapaisimme
toisemme, eikö?
Olen hyvilläni, että se peite meni
niin hyvään pallekaan, .Urho.. Kiitos
laas kun ajattelit ostaa sen arpalipun
Kiitos siitä postikortista, jonka l ä hetit
minulle Royal Winter P i i r i s t ä.
Esko. E n muista varmaan, jos se mus-teicynasi
on Parker eli Waterman's te.
koa. Ota sinä Itse s'iltä selvä j a sitten
lähetä se yhtiölle jommalla kummalla
näillä osoitteilla: Ne voivat sen
varmasti korjata.
Parker Pen Co., Ltd., 154 Univer-
.sity Ave., Toronto 1, Ont.
L. E. Waterman Co., L t d . , 600 Dor-chester
St W., Montreal, P. Q.
Meillä on uusi jäsenkin tervehdittävänä
tällä viikolla. Hän bn Robert
Saari, Lockerbysta, Ontariosta. H ä nen
ystävänsä ^lutsuvat h ä n t ä "Rob-bieisi".^
Tervetuloa joukkoomme!
Saimme myös kirjeitä Roselia, Sallyltä,
Bernardilta, Evelynilta, Shir-leylta,
Hmilta, Elienllta. Elviltä, V i o .
laita, HelenUta. PauUlta. Phyllisilta
ja kaksi kirjettä Dianalta. Lukekaa
mitä heillä on sanomista.
Ensi viikolla "tavataan taas! ^
Vio/fl Tells of
Hunting Trips
Hello sister Margaret and everybody
Weil, I gue£s its about time for me
10 write a few Iines again.
I've been so busy doing my school-work
tliat I haven't had time to
write. Our teacher, Mr. Ccdy, said
that we are too far behlnd Jn our
subjects SO that means we have to
work harder. •We are also taking
book-keeping but I can't understand
heads or talls of It. The National
Pilm Board is still showing us moving
pictures i n the basement, though this
year we have to write about them.
At the beginnlng cf the season there
was duck hunting, then moose, and
uow everybody seems to be hunting
coyotes. At sgme places even up to
three and f our hundred people join
together and go hunting coyotes. Not
very long ago there was a huge K o -
diak bear killed at Rocky Mountain
House. It weighed sixteen hundred
pounds and it's measurement from
ear to ear was nineteen inches. These
are said to be the largest bears in
the World.
We're getting our house fixed, slow
but sure. Mother painted the kitchen
be we still have to paint the living
room and bedrooms.
We never went picking berries this
.••ummer because people said there
wasn't any around.
Our friends gave me another dog
that I named Skippy. My other dog's
name is Scottie. I get great pleasure
playing with them although Scottie
gets most of it by putting the little
one down and trampling on top of
I also went out Hallowe'en tricking
at Sylvan Lake with my girlfriend.
I received about a half a pillow-case
full of treats, mostly apples and can-dies.
They lasted for over two •weeks.
Weil, Christmas is here again soon
and the Aveather has been lovely, not
even a speck of snow.
This will be a l i for now.
Viola Mattson,
RB. 1, Red Deer, Alta.
Esko Writes of
Royal Winter Fair
Hello Margaret and a l i you readers
and writers of this fine page.
I hope everybody is feeling alright
these fine cQld days i n November.
I haven"t received any names for the
new store. I guess everybody is just
as lazj- as I am o r is that nobody can
use $2.50.
I left for the F a i r on Monday mor-ning
on.the five to seven train. I got
on at a place about 4 miles fröm here
called Fenwick. It.took about 2'^
honrs to get to Toronto. The Fair
was really quite interesting. They had
vegetables, hcrses, cows, machinery,
new style cars. The most interesting
thing there was the Uttle dwarf cows
which weren't much higher than 3
feet full-grown. They also had a dwarf
donkey there. We went through the
buildings and i n one part of the
building there was a speedboat called
miss Ainerica IV. I t is the world's
fastest boat, and travelled about 142.3
miles an hour. Was i t ever a long
l>oat! In another part of the building
there was a theatre. There were
so many things there that it wouId
take a book to write about them ali.
After neon I went uptown^and boughr
fiome fried fjsh for my mother. Did
the fish ever smell on the train as
I was going home. Everybody on
the train wondered what I had i n the
box. I told them whät it was and
they practically fainted. I don't blame
them either because the fish did really
smell! My brother came and got me
frcm the station.
I guess 1*11 start a little business in
making belts and selling them. I
bslieve itsquite a profitable little business.
Ho\v many gh-ls and boys are there
in your class. Linda Elgbacka?
That peh I got from you last Christmas
f eli on the floor Margaret, and
one half of the nib broke. Do you
kno\v where I could get i t fixed?
Are the roäds e ^ r sllppery down
here. Hov? are they ufi there, Margaret?
On Priday I went to a show i n St.
Kitts and saw "Kazan". It was a
very good show. Thafs ali for now.
Esko Harju,
R J l . 1, St. Anns, Ont.
Urho is Brand New Uncle
Dear sister Margaret and aU the
readers and writers of thisc page.
1 am sorry but you nevtr won the
blanket. The number you bad^was
number 84 and the winher's nuinber
was 196. I hope you w l l l win some
o:her time. ITI bet that you'ir agree
the blanket went hito a good place.
-Mr. Urho Hovi won It and he has
live small chUdren. Both other
prizes went out of Silver Mountain.
My sister K i r s t i has a new baby
^oy again. Little Allan walks alene
1 think I will close for now. Cheerio!
Urho PiMo,
SUver Mountain, Ont,
saapui tällä viikoUa $2 lahjoitus Lyydi
ja Kalle Nevalalta Hearstista. He
Qiyös mainitsivat toivovansa, e t t ä lapset
kirjoittaisivat y h ä enenmiän suomenkielisiä
kirjeitä. — Monet kiltoi:-
Rahastossamme on nyt $99.89.
Ellen Wants Roller
Skates for Xmas
Öear sister Margaret. -
How is everybody feeling?- My
chieken-pox is over again but my
brolhsr has i t now. I hope I never get
it again. . •
Christmas is coming soon and boy,
will I ever be glad to play i n the
My dad made my dog a little dog
A l l i want for Christmas is roller
skates and some other little toys.
I like school but I don't like my
teacher. I like the children i n my
room. We are going to have a concert
over here and I think other children
will be having Christmas concerts too.
I hope so.
I have a cat and her name is Tiger.
I like my music teacher very much.
His name is M r . Rushton.
It was raining today and äll the
roads were full of water.
The last letter I wrote was the long-est
I have ever written to the Vapaus.
I wiU try to make this longer.
I hope Santa Clause will be good to
everybody and now I will teli you my
age. I am nine years cld and my
birthday is on AprU l l t h . There is
another girl i n my room whose birth..
day is on same day as mine. She is
nine years Old, too.
I liye'near my school but some
children have to come from far out
of town. Lots of kids have been away
from school and there were only ten
children in grade one. They are bet-ter
now though.
I like writing, drawing, reading
books and palnting.
I have to get five teeth pulled out.
I was suppKJsed to get them out last
year already.
Weil, I have to go to school this
morning again. I will close for now.
Good-bye everybody!
Ellen Pietilä,
Parksville, B . C.
Elvi^s Autögraph
Book Almost Full
Dear sister Margaret.
I guess its about my t um to v r i te
to this page. Tve been quits lazy at
vPTitlng letters this month.
The weather hasn't been very nice
here. just snowing or raining a l i the
We have started practlsing for our
Chrisönas concert. I received my
cards today that Pm going to sell.
J have twenty-six aut(«raphs in
the a u t o g r ^ h bo(& you sent me last
year for Xmas. There seems to be
more letters i n the Vapaiis now thai
Xmas is nearing.
I wrote to Gladys Wertanen on Sun-day.
I have knit a palr of mitts for my
dad. one palr for myself and a pair for
my brother Eddie and now am knlt-ting
myself ankle-socks.
I bet Rose has been quite busy
these last Tew months.
Some people were over here yester_
day to Idll our heifeer and now its
hanging i n the tree.
I guess m close this time as I have
to go to bed. .1'11 try to write in
Finnish next time. Cheerio!
Finland, Ont.
Rose has been
Skiing Alreaiy
Dear big sister Margaret.
Weil, its time to write again. I don't
think I ' l l write Finnish this time
because I don't think I ' l l have very
much to write about. I f I can think of
lots to say I might write i n Finnish,
I went skiing today. I was skiing
last Week already but tcday^is really
a good day because the snow doesn't
.stick to the skls. I went to see the
place where my brother is skidding
logs. We have to cut down some of
cur bush because the Hydro wants it
cut down. The Hydro lias made a
tower on our hill. They are putting
up the towers ali around here. I hope
we get electricity soon.
Rlght now I've got the radio on and
am going to listen to the Proctor and
Gamble Hour.
My mother and two of my bro-thers
went to Copper Cliff on Satur-day
morning. They saw the play that
was on i n Sudbury at the Finnish
Hall. It was "Eilen Syntynyt" or
'•Born Yesterday" i n English. They
also went visiting around to Levack,
Lockerby and to other places also, I
Last Week I saw the show "Pather
Was a Fullback" starring Fred Mac-
Murray, Maureen CHara, Natalie
Wood and Betty Ann Ljmn. i t was a
good show.
I think I ' l l close this letter now
because I can't think of anything
to say. Good-bye!
Rose Maki,
R.R. 1, Mattawa, Ont.
Evelyn Wm U
Home So^n
Dear big sister Margaret, and a l l the
readers and writers c f this page.
How is ths weatber i n Sudbuiy,
Margaret? The w«ither here is ckm-dy
and kind of cold. Right now the
sun is out but I |
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