1927-09-21-06 |
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Sivä 6^ Keskiviikkona, s^sk. 21 p;nä~Wed., Sept 21 S T Ä t - ilyös: OBEEGIX FIILOJA Puolikuu lajia. S A E A R A A M E J A "The Orsabow" S A H A N K A M P A AN ASETUSPIHTEJÄ Meidän knulaisa No. 111 RUOTSIN R A U T A T A V A R AA kaikenlaisia erikoisuuksia , Parhainta lajia Ruotsin Sahoja saa "Ä/B STRIDSBERG & BIORCK" TrollMteii Rootstn saarin ja vanhin uduun •almistaalilke WEB.SAHOJA — CROSSCUTTI SAHOJA — YHDEN MIEHEN SAHOJA. — ARVOKKAINTA LAJIA. — PARHAIDEN VALMISTETTUJA. — ERIKOISEN OHUT SELKÄ. KAIKEN PITUISIA J A MALLISIA. Voittamattomat eanadalaUilla markkinoilla. /ilkäa ottako mitään monta tekoa. 20 St. Nicholas Street Montreal. P. Q r^g, 109 — 1927 SummPr r » m n for Pion- What did they get in retum for this O U m m e r t.amp l U r l - l U I l g ^ ^ j ^ , ^he usual answer fs that Kielletty HedelVnä, k i r j . Nataly von Eschstrutii, nid. . _ K i r j a Naisille, k i r j . Mrs. E . B. Doffy, nid- .. . eers and Y.C.L. in B.C. jthey saved the world, that they Ifought for democracy. But is all jthis true? NO, IT IS NOT. The A camp was held for the Pion-jreason you are tx)ld these things is eers and Y . C . L . at Gibson's Landinc i^o ^"^^^-^ and to keep you from .under the supervision of the C C C . [tnouing the trulh. The truth is iof Vancouver, ^ i t h the assistance that wars are fought between cap- 'of the Y . C L . Kaulanauha, kirj. H- Courts-Mahler, nid. .20 .60 Kaksi Rakastavaista, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid- 'f? Kansakoulun kartasto; uusi, toim. A . E. Blomqvist j a E. £ Kalia ilin Kommunistinen Manifesti, k i r j . Kari*Taarx, sid. . r^JJx The camp site of this year waS|' :a great improvenient over that of j J ^^ ital'st countries to^ help the native capitalists beat the foreign capital- Kristinuskon Alkuperä, tutkielma k i r j . Karl Kautsky sid. 210 Klondyken Kuningas, seikkailuromaani Alaskastfi, k i r j . Jack Londör i 9<: Kipinälfennättimen toiminta, kuvitettu opas, k i r j . Krigar ja Subkis Kirjanpito-opas, t e h n ^ Juhana Toi\iainen, nid. . ™] Kirjanpito, kauppaopistoja varten, idirj. L Kovero , . . . " 1 ! " - Keittokirja, kirj. Mina WaIL «id.' „... „ . . • " . . ; i jO Kolme Muskettisoturia, jännitysromaani, kirj. Alexander JDum^*" Workers and poor farmers of 3 osaa, nid. the previous, being situated on thejboth countries are forced to shed Kyläraittien'kuningas, sataiuntäiainen k«lomus, rentoa' ^shore of Howe Sound. The quarters their ' blood by the g<>^'eraraents _ gr^ ^ a r l o Hgm^^^^ ; iwere not so cramped as last year wTnch are controHed by the c a p i t a H f ^ ^ J f ^ ^ p - ^ S ^ ^ K y S t ^ Ö d l " : . : : ! ; " ' - - iand the site was closer to the Land- ists. Then along come the schools Ketunpyyntiopas, kirj. Edvard Koponen, nid. Z"""*' ing. that are also controlled by the j Kurlden ^keralla^ A f rikkaan, matkailija- j a lintukertomu^iä/ kirj • • • • 1.75 . b w i n g t o the eamest efforts of bosses J^th a lot of j ^^^^^^^^ O. Curwood, nid IComrades Andre Pegg, Dave Bemie bunk. Many children beheve it t o o . " ^ " ' "'^'^ P ^ " ^ ' ««^«^ ^"rwooa, nm and others, the camp was put in a Are y<>u one of them? KOMMUNISTINEN NUORISOLUHO JA JARJESTDNUORET very good cond itiön. The däy started vith pbysical j drill, foUowed by swimming and j then breakfast. The moming was Jt is-well that you should realize Warningr Back to the School Strugr^le School has again begun. "Vaca-tion" is over. The vorkers' children i^ust again go back to their faetory, the school, and be polsoned v.-ith bosses' dope. Again our teachers will teli us what a worider-ful World we live in. They will say, "What a f me vacation you must have had!" But the children of the vrorkers win answer, "We €r!an*t enjoy our vacation because we had to work." Or else, many of "us will answer, "We had to suf-fer in the hot city, we could not go ta the country." Now that school is once here Tve must again ENTER INTO THE SCHOOL STRUGGLE. We vorkers» children must demand bettcr ~school conditions. No more fire-trap schooi buildings. A seat for every ch'Id. We must demand that hitting OS a puni&hment be abolished. And mcst important ia the demand for the doing away with the teaching of bunk. The children of the work-ing class must not allow the teachers, the tools of the bosses to make the schools "poison factpries" where, the worker8' children will learn to hate their parents, the workers. The Young Comrade Corner points out to the vrorkers' children how much bunk is in such subjects as history, civics, and other things we are taught in school. Comrades, we want to be aWe to help yöu in your everyday struggles in , |he schools against these teachings. IQ order to do this we must know what is going oh in your School. Be-come a reporter for the Young Com-röde Corner and write us about conditions in your school. Let all the worker8' children knöw how rot-tcn. it is in the schools. Let us leam how to fight against these conditions by getting INTO THE' SCHOOL STRUGGLE. Summary. of Receipts and Expences partly occupied vrith an educational jclass, the remainder being spent in jswimming and sports of various kinds. Lunch was served at 12. The time in the aftemoon -«ras oc-of the Party Sammcr Camp Training School held at Sylvao Lake That no death but LIFE Went militantly forth From the embrace of you electric chair |To scatter red roses cupied ha hiking, fishing, boating, |that blossommed into redder flags 8wimming,. and various other sports Symbolic of flames licking up Sylvan Lake, Alta.» Comniunist Summer Aug. lst~21st; Report of Instr^tor Receipts: Edmonton Central Committe C P . of C. ..„..., $145.83 Brule Local of the -U.M.W. of A 51.50 Bellevue Ukraihian Agrit.- Prop. C P . of C 10.00 Thorhild Young Communist League 20,00 Calgary Central Committee C P . of C 30.00 Lethbridge Ukramian Agit.- Prop. C P . of C ...T........ 10.00 Coleman Central Committee C P . of C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K . 25.00 Codner Finnish Agit.-Prop. C P . of C ; 16.00 Thorhild Finnish Agit-Prop. C P . of C. 14.00 Canmore Ukrainian Agit.- Prop. C P . of C 10.00 Radway Centre Young Corn-• munist League ................ 3.00 From Concerts by students including $19.36 from Sylvan Lake Party Unit ..150.86 Tlke thtfee weck*8 activities of the Sylvan Lake School far exceeded a.ny of our anticipations. 41 eamest young men and women workers.took part, and the standard of intelli-gence among them ivas certainly hjgh. The spirit of enthusiasm vvas great and the determinatipn to £tudy fntensivcly and get the most possible out of a 3 vreeks course, v/as very marked. Th^ morale of the camp %yas:splcndid, not a single event happened to niar the pleasant atmosphere. On the other hand we \verc all a. happy studious family during the whole period. ' I have made a detailed record of sU students and their nctivities to glvo tlic district an rdea of the type ^he able leadership of comrade cf material we had, also for use g^^ugj, Drumheller, we were able of Party functionaries, so that we gj^ge two splendid concerts, that tvallpaper and maga^irtö Wöfl practl-cally the work of the students them- Bclves who appointed the able edi-torial board bf Comrades Sims, Tuomi and Corbin. - Every comrade \vas gwen a chance to express him-self or herself and ?f many essays have not appeared, it is not because they were not worthy, but that it vvaa physically impossible to put them in the limited Space. I feel the magazine will speak for itself and will give all »comrades who see it an idea of vhat our school wprk and comrades /were really like. Another interesting and valuäble feature of the school was the music-al end that we developed. Under may immediately set to wörk to mobliize the comrades \vho weht not only netted us near 100 dol-lars, but also advertised our school to the school, for Party puvposes.^ii 0^^^ tjjg Sylvan Lake District. Not only did I find the standard a mentally high one, but we had quite It must be obyious to the com- * Total receipts .........$485.19 Expences; Fares for students; teacher, speakers and District Secretary ..,..$150.45 Wages for teacher, time lost by Secretary and errect-ing öf camp Food, hardware and drugs Wire3, telephone, express and cartage Stationary, magazine, re-ports and postage Rent of halls ............ Advertising Miscellaheous- Total expences .......,.$454.19 We vvish to. 4J*aw to the attention of ai! that the Party Units of Calgary, Lethbridge, Canmore, Coleman, all pa''d the färes of their students and that two of the Edmonton students paid their o\vn fares. J . Lakeman, District Secretary. 92.60 92.12 5.56 10.21 55.00 23.10 3.15 a namber of cxceptionally outstand- rades that we cro\ved in an almost ing students, as my comments on the record sheets will shov/ and also the niag-azino. In all 54 classes v/ore held including ali coursos and current events, ctc. .A.bout 30 ox' the 41 students impossible amount of activities within the 3 short weeks. This xvas a l l done \vithout a murmur, indeed, it was all a labor of love; but now, looking back, I feel that for future guidance, thcre should have been feveer lecturos and more time for The Worker By Mildred Medelis ectlvely pirticipatea in the various - cchcol activities. This is a very intensive study, and that a school ,h:gh avcrage. In the current Events Clasr, wh',ch \vas really-,a practical speakers cluss, some 25 st^udents dcllvcrcd good talks and at Icast a do2cn ot these spoke very well indeed. The students dealt with a rar.g.e of subjects of all descrip-tlona, \vhich are rocordcd in dctail in the last page of the magazine. In the \Vorkers Gorrespondence claEses, some 22 students wrote news stories on the board, besides some 15 \vritten ne\vs stories of a s'aiilar kind being turned in to the vrallpapcr, magazine and a few to our Party Press. Around 90 essays on all subjects dealt vrith were vrrit-ten; indeed so prolific vrere the students with instructor found corrcct ali the material handed in, end also found it difficult to cut down the magaz^e to a smaller sizc, owing to the quantity and qua-lity of the vvritings. ~~' . jiTom the ver>' beginning we cade the school self administrative, and to this I attnbute a great deal of th'S description to be effective, should last at least one month. The Students Circle ^has given many valuable suggcstions to District 8, along these Iines and doubtlcss they wril be acted upoh- No report of this kihd would be complete without a word of ap-preciation of our farmer comrades in Sylvan Lake District. It was theJr cohsidcrate kindness, espe-cially in the line of grub, etc, that made things go so merrily; also Sylvan Lake alongside of other dis-tricts can be proud of the bright flock of students it produced. I feel confident that the comrades Tlieir home was cold, Their stomachsempty Waiting, for something to cat, Which to them would be very tempting. . The mothör sat with a worried face. She looked at the children aroand her chair, And the rest of the room wa3 bare. The fatlier Vent looking for a j o i, He wias shivering from the coid, He was very poorly dressed, And hungry, that could be to!d. , who attended school have retiirned their pens that the ^-^^ enthusiasm to carry on the i it a heavy task to j-gal Communist work among the i masses of • workers and farmers in the dJstrict, and the Party if it is now alert will reap. resuits irora our intensive study. In conclusion I wish to thank all the students and comrades who co-operated so splendidly with me in the task of Instructor and made the three weeks at Sylvan Lake stand out as three happy weeks of a miniature but real Communist Comraune. Left Alone of onr tremendous success. The in:tiative of the students was developed as much as possible, many of the Workers Gorrespondence classes vrere lead by the students them-selves, also Comrades Sims and Swartz of : Drumheller gave two lectnres on Trade Union Tactics. I^ectures by students themselves -nrould have been farther developed had there been time enough. The Let's all get to work and become real fighters in the struggle against Capitalism. ' Your for Communism, Beckie Buhay, Instructor. is a very dark night. The earth is wrapped: in gloom. There is not a ray of light For olouds cover the moon. Out side it gently snows, A girl by a bed stands alone. She is thinking and she knows That she has been left alone. Supper at 6 o'clock. The evening was usually spent around the camp fire or in the din-ing tent, with lectures, songs, reci-tations and parlour games. Bed-time at 9.30 and silence at 10 o'clock. Classes in the jnstruction of or-ganizers and classes in ecohomics were held under the capable in- «tructions of Comrade Jim Litrick. A concert, held in the local hali, brought many outsiders, some of whom were so shocked at the propaganda handed out that they left. Comrade^ Lefs go to work and make it a bigger' and better camp next year so thät we cän train and educate ourselves, and at the same time have a good tigje. I am sure that every member of this district will äo his best to make it ä success. M. Golinski. From a hell of hatred Destined some day To engulf all Fullers and Thayers! —Henry G. •Weiss. Eagle Cafe Siistiä huoneita Ja knnnolliBta ruokaa saatavana. 116 E L M ST.^ SUOBURY. ONT. — Phone 711 — Leonard Ericksnn Kun Ruusu Puhkea, romaani, k i r j . L, M . Alcott, sid , ^ Kultamaan Rakkautta, k i r j . Jack London, nid. . In Kaunis Ambrösine, miellyttävä rakkansromani, k i r j . Elinor Glvri nifi" Kuunlaakso, romani, 2 osaa, k i r j . Jack London,- sid ' " -"nn Kuolleiden laivojen saari, salaperäinen romani, k i r j . C. Marriott^'nid 40 i.eonora, hieno romani, k i r j . Arnold Bennett, nid. "40 Laulu Tulipunaisesta Kakasta, (Kuvattu), k i r j . J . Linnankoski, sid 2 75 Laulu tulipunaisesta kakasta; kirj. Johannes Linnankoski, s i d . ' 1*40 Lenin j a Leninismi, kuulaa sarjakirjastoon, k i r j . L Stalin, sid . " '75 Lumikenttien tytär, seikkailurom. Alaskasta, kirj. Jack London, «id 125 Lasten Laulukirja, k i r j . Hilja Liinamaa-Pärssinen, sid. Nuottipainos '35 Luonnontieteiden voittoknlku, Tietoaarre, kirj. Launhardt, sid.... Luokkien sota, kirj. Jack London, nid "\ Lisoletten avioliitto, ylevä rakkausromani, k i r j . H. Courths-Mahier, nidottuna .40 War-.What For This very important question every workers' child will want to know the answer to. They will •want to know why their fathers and brothers are taken away from them, never to return or to come back^ a helpless cripple; without an arm, without a^ leg, or without both. Fo? whom did they sacrifice their arms, their legs and even their l?yes? K A L L E P O U K A L I AN SAUNASSA kylvetään perjant. ja lauantaisin SUDBURY, ONT. Puhelin 457. P. O. Box 1122 Dr. L. A. Johnson Suomalainen Hammaslaabiri ^ ;«2S Queen St., E . , Toronto, Ont Kippendavia Avenuen kulmassa. Sisäänkäytävä 110-> Kippendavi». Puhelin Howard 4788. F. A. RIGARD T ' ^ u - ja VaLhit^iiskauppa. RAUTATAVARAKAUPPA Elm SU Sndbary. Ont. Lyhyt terveysoppi naisille, k i r j . t a i F r . ' H o v i t z -g Liselotten Naiminen, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid '25 Lynne Courtin salaisuus, k i r j . J . S. Fletcher^-nid. 5Q Mitä Olen Sinulle Tehnyt, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, nid. QQ Minkä Jumala on Yhdistänyt, kirj. H. Courts-Mahler, nid, '50 Maija-Rouvan Onni, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid "50 Mina etsin vaimoa, romani, k i r j . Alfredo Panzini, nid. "40 Metzin Tyttö, kertomaromani, kirj. Maurize Barres, nid. '75 Marsin prinsessa, kirj. E. R. Burroughs, nid 1-......'. \^ Maailman Taloudellinen Työväenliike,kirj. H. Losovsky, js Meren urhoja, merimiesromaani, kirj. R. Kipling, sid. 75 Merisusi, seikkailuromaani, kirj. Jack London, »id. 1.50 Maluimanrakenne, käsittelee maailmankaikkeutta, k i r j . E. Becher, nid. _ 1^75 Mansaaren Tyttö, romani, k i r j . Hall Caine, nid 1.00 Maapallon kehityshistoria, tietoaarre, kirj. Victor Madsen, nid...!!!!!! !5o Maailmanliike, tietoaarre, kirj. Albrecht Wirth, eid. 30 Maailman avaruus, tietoaarre, k i r j . T a i J . Schreiner, sid. !!!!!!!" "50 Maa j a Ihminen, tietoaarre, k i r j . Alfred Kirchhoff, sid '50 Maanviljelys Kemia j a Fysiikka, kirj. Arthur Rindell, sid " 1*75 MaafiViljelysoppi, Idrj. Suninen, sid. \,z^ .Merikotka, kerto.mus Saksan kaapparilaivastosta sotaaikana, kirj Felix von Lackner, sid. ;.. 1 2 5 Murrosajan lyanlaja. runokirja, k i r j . Aku Päiviö, sid j 25 Minua sanotaan Puusepäksi, yhteiskunnallinen romani, kirj. Upton Sinclsipj iiid* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••«•,,,««.•,.„,„,,,,.,,,• Meren Urhoja, k i r j . R. Kipling, sid. , ",75 Myladyn poika, kirj. Alexander Dumas, 3 osaa, sid. „.... 2.7S Naamioimiskoulu, hyvä näyttämöille, kirj. Juurioja, nid. „ .73 Nuoren^ Naisen Terveys, lääketieteellinen kirja, k i r j . . Kristine Skjerve, nid. ..,..,4...... l.OO Nainen ja Avioliitto,, hyvä terveysopillinen kirja, kirj. Margaret ^_ Stephens, sido •••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••••••.••••••••.••..„,,.•„,.„,,„„,,„„„,,,,,,,, 1,50 N a p o l e o n i n vallankaappaus, kirj, ^ a r l Marx, nid. ,70 Nuoren Opettajattaren Varaventtiili, erikoisen miellyttävä, kirj. Hilda Valtonen, nid. I.QQ Naisvoimistelu 1, kirj. E l l i Björksten, nid. ...^ , 100 Naisvoimistelu 11, kirj. E l l i Bjöi^sten, nid, 1,85 Pariisin salaisuudet, 2 suurta osaa, k i r j . Eagene Sue, sid. .3.25 Pelastusrengas, rakkausromani, kirj. Leo Leipziger, nid.- .40 Primitiivinen eli perusvoimistelu, kirj. Kaarina Kari, sid. 1.0a Pakkopaita, kuolemattomuntta tutkiva vankilaromaani, kirj. Jack Perheen, Yksityisomaisuuden ja Valtien Alkuperä, k i r j . F. Engels, Avoinna 4 kertaa viikossa: Tiistaina, keskiviikkona, perjantaina Ja lauantaina kello 1 j.p.p. kello I2:ta yöllä* Spruce St. —Puhelin 1107 — Sndbnry, Ont. Lähellä Vapauden konttoria. ,. LABERGE LUMBER COMPANY Täydellinen varasto rakennustarpeita Ruokaa ja Kahvia C A N A D I A N C A FE 210 Minto St., Sudbury, Ont. Lähellä C P . R. asemaa _ Tilaa yövieraille. — Phone 2269 Bcv 1862 JOHN LEHTELÄ VAPAUDEN KIRJAKAUPPA Vapauden kirjakaupasta on saatavana seuraavat kirjat: Assmannin Pojat, k i r j . H^; Courts-Mahler, nid. 50 •'Amerikalaisen Työväenliikkeen vararikko, kirj. Wm. Z. Foster, nid. .55 Apinain kuningas, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. i .75 Aapinen, lasten opettelukirja, sid. .55 .\laskan Tyttö, romani, kirj. Jack London, nid .25 Aurinko, Kuu j a Tähdet Maailmankaikkeuden tarina, kirj. J . A. Cjiberne • 1.25 Attila, hiistoriallinen romaani, kirj. Dahn, sid. .80 .aavoilla Ulapoilla, miellyttävä romaani, kirj. Jack London nid 1.00 Amerikan Suomalaisia, satiirikertomuksia, kirj. K. Rissanen .6C .autokirja, kirj. Yrjö Weilin, sid. 2.00 .ilanteen Sanakirja, suomalais-englantilainen, sid. $5.50 Y. .75 .50 2.65 1.75 2.50 Bakteerit. Tietoaarre, kirj. Osc. Streng, sid. .50 Babbitt, kirj, Sinclair Lewis, nid. 1.50 Cynthia, kirj. Courts-Mahler, nid .40 Children of the Revolution,. kirj. Anna Louise Strong, nid. ....... Englanninkielen Oppikirja, kirj. K. Brekke, sid. Elsinoren Kapina/ k i r j . Jack London, sid. „., Erämaa kutsuu, kJrj. Jack London, sid Elollisten olentojen lisääntyminen, kirj. F, Kolpln Ravnv^ sid. Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja hyvä opettelukirja, kirj. Englantia aloitteleville, kirj. Enckell-Saarinen, sid. Englandilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, toimit. T. Wallenius, sid. Egerin Tähdet, historial. suurromani Unkarista, k i r j . G. Gardönyi, sid. 1.75 Erämaan taistelu, historiallinen romani, kirj. Santeri Ivalo, nid. ....^.25 Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, kirj. S. Nuorteva, sid. 2.00 Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitä, koonnut Jalmari Finne, sid. 1. 25 Huilunsoittajan katu, rakkausromani, kirj. H. de Vere Stacpoole, sid. .75 Halikon Hakoniskat, murrekertomuksia, kirj. Kallio, sid. 1.40 Humoristinen lauluksrja, se viimeinen painos , ; , .45 Hypatia, kirj. Charles Kingsley, * nid .75 Flanderin Leijona, hist. romani muinais Belkiasta, k i r j . H. Con-sci6nc6f md* • ...•«. Ikuinen Salaisuus, k i r j . Jack London, nid. Ihmissydän, kirj. Guy de Maup^ssan, sid Ikuisen päivän m ^ , k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid Imperialismi, agitsattorikursseilla pidetty esitelmä, nid. Ihmisön Herra, tarina ^ n i s t ä . k i r j . Hall Caine, 2 osaa. nid. 1.75 limojen halki, kertomus lennosta pohjoisnavalle, kirj. Amundsen, nid. 1 . 5» Ihmissyöjäin Saarilla, kirj. Jack London, sid ;. I.06 Juustoparooni, kirj. Kalle Rissanen, nid.^ .40 Jumalten ja Ihmisten. Suosikit, suomalaisten tyttöjen seikkailuja sid. 1.00 .25 .50 6.00 .30 .23 .50 1.50 1.25 1.85 .40 .75 .40 1.25 .65 .15 Punainen Vaara, kertomus nykjrisestä Venäjän maasta, nid. , Penikkatauti, kirj. Nikolai Lenin, nid. , Pieni Tietosanakirja, sid. Perustuslain Olemus, kirj. O. Saari Pieni Mehiläiskirja, kirj. Mikko Ilkka Puhetaidon Opas, k i r j . Arthur M . Lewis, sid. Pakolainen, kirj. Lauri Luoto,' sid , Polttomoottorit, kirj. Väinö V.' Airas, sid. • Peloponnesolais Sota, k i r j . Tykydides, Suom. Emil Härdh, nid. ... Rannerengas, kirj. David Potter, nid. ... Rakentaja Solnes, k i r j . Henrik Ibsen 1.25 Rakkaudesta Osatoi^, kirj. H. Courts-Mahler, nid .50 7,000 Halki Afrikan Aavikoiden, k i r j . Otto Zeltins-Goldfels, sid. 1.25 Salaperäinen asiapaperi, kirj, Christian Häugen, nid. .40 Sak^n Kumoustaistelu 1848, kirj. Karl Marx, s i d . " .75 Silkkilaiva, romani, kirj. Elenius, nid. ,75 Sosialistisen Filosofian Juuret, kirj, Frietrich Engels, nid. 40 Sairas Lapsi, lasten terveyslioitokirja, kirj. Ruotsalainen, sid 1.25 Sotamuistelmani, kirj. kenraali Ludendorff, sid. 2.50 Suomen Kielioppi, k i r j . E. N . Setälä, sid, -75 Sata kuusikymmentä ohjetta lasten taudeissa, kirj. T:ri Jules _ ^ Combx, nid. 1.00 Suktfpuplielämän Terveysoppi, kirj. Max von Gruber, nid 75 Suloisen järjettömyyden kaupunki, erittäin hieno rakkausromani, ku-j. E. Temple Thurston, sid 1-50 Silmukorven Nuori Epra, kirj. Kaarle Halme, sid. 1-25 Seurustelun taito, k i r j . . Bagheera, nid. -75 Sireenien Alla, romani, kirj. L. M. Alcott, sid. 1-25 Signe Björseth, kertomus, kirj. Juho Koskimaa, nid. 100 Sibyllan Salaisuudet, korttikonsteja, k i r j . Sven Linde, sid. 75 Salaperäinen Ruumisarkku, k i r j . Stein Riverton. nid. -25 Seikkailijatar, kirj. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nid. 25 Tuhatvuotinen Valtakunta, k i r j . Upton SinQlair, nid. -65 Tarzanin paluu, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -75 Tarzanin pedot, kirj. E, R, Burroiighs, nid, 75 Tarzanin poika, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. • -75 Tarzan ja Oparin aarteet, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -75 Talttumaton Tarzan, kirj. E. R / Burroughs, nid. 75 Tarzan ja valk«inen nainen, k i r j . E. R. -Burroughs, nid. -75 Thuvia, Marsin neito, k i r j . E. R . Burroughs, nid. ••. -65 Tietosanakirja, täydellinen 11 osaa, vaatekansissa J.25 .50 1.50 1.30 .40 .75 1.00 1.00 .60 .85 .... .50 Tulenliekki, seikkailu ja rakkausiromani, k i r j . L. J . Vänce, nid. .... 1.50 (Työväen Olympialaiset, toim. V. Koivula, ym., i;'sid, .................. .... 1.25 jTerveyteen itsesuggestionin avulla, k i r j . Harry Brooks, nid. Tuhat, sanaa Englandia;, mainio oppikirja, nid.........^:..... ......... Tuhlaajapoika, romani, khrj. Hall Caine, sid. Työväen Laulukirja," 9 painos, sid. .•• Tarttuvista sukupuolitaudeista,' k i r j . Ta-i Pirilä, nid. Telinevoimisteltt: I , kuvitettu, kh-j. Väinö Laherma ............ Telinevoimistelu II, kaviietta, k i r j . Väinö Laherma .1.. Tiede jja Vallankumoa^ mainio teos, kirj. Ernest Untermann, Työn Historia, k i r j . Tjamenew, sid. nid. .75 .75 .35 1.00 In the night her mbther died, Leaving her -vvithout home. For she has gone to the other side, Leaving her free to roam. Ia this free land, c "^Vhere they say live the brave, Nobody will give a belping hand Though you cry and vyave. • Jack London, elämänkertamuistelma, kirj. Helmi Krohn, nid. ...r. 75 Kauhea Tarzan, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid, .75 Kaleerivanki No. 117, 3 suurta osaa, kirj. P. Du TeBrafl, sid. 3.75 Kappanki-Eansakoulan laskuoppi ja tuloskirja, sid*.....„ _ 1.00 Kananhoitokirja, k i r j . Mikko Ukka, sid. i^ig Kairosta Niilin latvoille, matkailijakertomus, k i r j . Pekkala, nid. ........ . 90 Kadotidtsen Kansaa, koy^os London Itäpäästä, k i r j . Jack London, sid. 1.00 Kemia, k i f j . Hanna S ö ö m , sid. ..^ , ^. ....... .75 • K u n i n ^ t a r Hanhenjalan Ravintola, k i r j . Anatole Pranze, sid 1.2S Ködfö Lääkärikirja, etevästi toimitettu, sid 6.00 Kans^ÖlialQn )carttaJdt3a,tonn. Jotuni, dd. .....—„ ^...^ .„.. \ ^ Urkkija, kn-j. Upton Sinclair, nid, Uutisasukkaat Kanadassa, k i r j . kapteeni Marryat, sid. Valtio ja Vallankumous, k i r j . N. Lenin, suom., nid. Voimistelun teoria, k i r j . Viktor Heikel, nid. : •• Valaveljet, romani Islannin asuttamisen ajoilta, kirj. G. Gunnar- Vaimo jonkas minulle, annoit, romani elämästä, k i r j . Hall Caine, md. 1.75 Vaaliheimolaiset, valitut teokset, k i r j . J . W. von Goethe, nid.... 1-W Välskärin kertomuksia, kirj.- Sakari Topelius 4''" Värmlannin matka, kertomus Scandinavian salosdpmalaisista, kirj. Ems Lampen, nid. —...ir......—, • Vierasta ja omaa kieltä viertysten, engl.-kielen oppikirja Valkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j , Lauri Luoto, sid. Valkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . Lauri Luoto, nid. gQ Väkevä Billy, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, sid. ••• i'?'; Vanhat Postivaunut, kertomuksia kirjailijaelämästä, k j . Y . Hirn, md. Venäjänkielen Sanasto, k i r j . A . Rantalainen, sid. « • .'-o - Yksin maailmalla, kaunis romani, k i r j . Mabell Barnes Graundy, siö. 1-=^ Y15s Helvetistä, romani, k i r j . Konrad Lehtimäki, sid. - • 'QQ Yleisen Terveysopin Alkeet, kilrj. Täav Laitinen, sid. g- Yleinen johdatus luonnontieteisiin, tietoaarre, Idrj. Th. H . Huxley, sia. ^ Yllätys Tunturiradalla, Salapolisiromaani, M l i . Stein Riverton, nia. • Yön Kuningatar, k i r j . Headon Hin, nid. • • 75 Yhdistysopas naisvoimistelijoille, k i r j . Kaarina'Kari, nid. "•-;;;";"^v;vr4T«JS YlKolevan lisäksi voi Vapauden konttorista tilata ^ATEKittAi FOUNTAIN KYNIÄ, joiden hinnat ovat ?2.75, $4.00, $6.00 .33 ; Uusia kirjoja tulee jatkuvasti Suomesta samoinkuin omiaönNa nuksia. Seuratkaa ilmotuksia Vapaudesta. Tehkää tilaukset osouee Vapauden JKiriakaupfta, Box 69, Sudbury, Ont
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, September 21, 1927 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1927-09-21 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus270921 |
Title | 1927-09-21-06 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | Sivä 6^ Keskiviikkona, s^sk. 21 p;nä~Wed., Sept 21 S T Ä t - ilyös: OBEEGIX FIILOJA Puolikuu lajia. S A E A R A A M E J A "The Orsabow" S A H A N K A M P A AN ASETUSPIHTEJÄ Meidän knulaisa No. 111 RUOTSIN R A U T A T A V A R AA kaikenlaisia erikoisuuksia , Parhainta lajia Ruotsin Sahoja saa "Ä/B STRIDSBERG & BIORCK" TrollMteii Rootstn saarin ja vanhin uduun •almistaalilke WEB.SAHOJA — CROSSCUTTI SAHOJA — YHDEN MIEHEN SAHOJA. — ARVOKKAINTA LAJIA. — PARHAIDEN VALMISTETTUJA. — ERIKOISEN OHUT SELKÄ. KAIKEN PITUISIA J A MALLISIA. Voittamattomat eanadalaUilla markkinoilla. /ilkäa ottako mitään monta tekoa. 20 St. Nicholas Street Montreal. P. Q r^g, 109 — 1927 SummPr r » m n for Pion- What did they get in retum for this O U m m e r t.amp l U r l - l U I l g ^ ^ j ^ , ^he usual answer fs that Kielletty HedelVnä, k i r j . Nataly von Eschstrutii, nid. . _ K i r j a Naisille, k i r j . Mrs. E . B. Doffy, nid- .. . eers and Y.C.L. in B.C. jthey saved the world, that they Ifought for democracy. But is all jthis true? NO, IT IS NOT. The A camp was held for the Pion-jreason you are tx)ld these things is eers and Y . C . L . at Gibson's Landinc i^o ^"^^^-^ and to keep you from .under the supervision of the C C C . [tnouing the trulh. The truth is iof Vancouver, ^ i t h the assistance that wars are fought between cap- 'of the Y . C L . Kaulanauha, kirj. H- Courts-Mahler, nid. .20 .60 Kaksi Rakastavaista, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid- 'f? Kansakoulun kartasto; uusi, toim. A . E. Blomqvist j a E. £ Kalia ilin Kommunistinen Manifesti, k i r j . Kari*Taarx, sid. . r^JJx The camp site of this year waS|' :a great improvenient over that of j J ^^ ital'st countries to^ help the native capitalists beat the foreign capital- Kristinuskon Alkuperä, tutkielma k i r j . Karl Kautsky sid. 210 Klondyken Kuningas, seikkailuromaani Alaskastfi, k i r j . Jack Londör i 9<: Kipinälfennättimen toiminta, kuvitettu opas, k i r j . Krigar ja Subkis Kirjanpito-opas, t e h n ^ Juhana Toi\iainen, nid. . ™] Kirjanpito, kauppaopistoja varten, idirj. L Kovero , . . . " 1 ! " - Keittokirja, kirj. Mina WaIL «id.' „... „ . . • " . . ; i jO Kolme Muskettisoturia, jännitysromaani, kirj. Alexander JDum^*" Workers and poor farmers of 3 osaa, nid. the previous, being situated on thejboth countries are forced to shed Kyläraittien'kuningas, sataiuntäiainen k«lomus, rentoa' ^shore of Howe Sound. The quarters their ' blood by the g<>^'eraraents _ gr^ ^ a r l o Hgm^^^^ ; iwere not so cramped as last year wTnch are controHed by the c a p i t a H f ^ ^ J f ^ ^ p - ^ S ^ ^ K y S t ^ Ö d l " : . : : ! ; " ' - - iand the site was closer to the Land- ists. Then along come the schools Ketunpyyntiopas, kirj. Edvard Koponen, nid. Z"""*' ing. that are also controlled by the j Kurlden ^keralla^ A f rikkaan, matkailija- j a lintukertomu^iä/ kirj • • • • 1.75 . b w i n g t o the eamest efforts of bosses J^th a lot of j ^^^^^^^^ O. Curwood, nid IComrades Andre Pegg, Dave Bemie bunk. Many children beheve it t o o . " ^ " ' "'^'^ P ^ " ^ ' ««^«^ ^"rwooa, nm and others, the camp was put in a Are y<>u one of them? KOMMUNISTINEN NUORISOLUHO JA JARJESTDNUORET very good cond itiön. The däy started vith pbysical j drill, foUowed by swimming and j then breakfast. The moming was Jt is-well that you should realize Warningr Back to the School Strugr^le School has again begun. "Vaca-tion" is over. The vorkers' children i^ust again go back to their faetory, the school, and be polsoned v.-ith bosses' dope. Again our teachers will teli us what a worider-ful World we live in. They will say, "What a f me vacation you must have had!" But the children of the vrorkers win answer, "We €r!an*t enjoy our vacation because we had to work." Or else, many of "us will answer, "We had to suf-fer in the hot city, we could not go ta the country." Now that school is once here Tve must again ENTER INTO THE SCHOOL STRUGGLE. We vorkers» children must demand bettcr ~school conditions. No more fire-trap schooi buildings. A seat for every ch'Id. We must demand that hitting OS a puni&hment be abolished. And mcst important ia the demand for the doing away with the teaching of bunk. The children of the work-ing class must not allow the teachers, the tools of the bosses to make the schools "poison factpries" where, the worker8' children will learn to hate their parents, the workers. The Young Comrade Corner points out to the vrorkers' children how much bunk is in such subjects as history, civics, and other things we are taught in school. Comrades, we want to be aWe to help yöu in your everyday struggles in , |he schools against these teachings. IQ order to do this we must know what is going oh in your School. Be-come a reporter for the Young Com-röde Corner and write us about conditions in your school. Let all the worker8' children knöw how rot-tcn. it is in the schools. Let us leam how to fight against these conditions by getting INTO THE' SCHOOL STRUGGLE. Summary. of Receipts and Expences partly occupied vrith an educational jclass, the remainder being spent in jswimming and sports of various kinds. Lunch was served at 12. The time in the aftemoon -«ras oc-of the Party Sammcr Camp Training School held at Sylvao Lake That no death but LIFE Went militantly forth From the embrace of you electric chair |To scatter red roses cupied ha hiking, fishing, boating, |that blossommed into redder flags 8wimming,. and various other sports Symbolic of flames licking up Sylvan Lake, Alta.» Comniunist Summer Aug. lst~21st; Report of Instr^tor Receipts: Edmonton Central Committe C P . of C. ..„..., $145.83 Brule Local of the -U.M.W. of A 51.50 Bellevue Ukraihian Agrit.- Prop. C P . of C 10.00 Thorhild Young Communist League 20,00 Calgary Central Committee C P . of C 30.00 Lethbridge Ukramian Agit.- Prop. C P . of C ...T........ 10.00 Coleman Central Committee C P . of C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K . 25.00 Codner Finnish Agit.-Prop. C P . of C ; 16.00 Thorhild Finnish Agit-Prop. C P . of C. 14.00 Canmore Ukrainian Agit.- Prop. C P . of C 10.00 Radway Centre Young Corn-• munist League ................ 3.00 From Concerts by students including $19.36 from Sylvan Lake Party Unit ..150.86 Tlke thtfee weck*8 activities of the Sylvan Lake School far exceeded a.ny of our anticipations. 41 eamest young men and women workers.took part, and the standard of intelli-gence among them ivas certainly hjgh. The spirit of enthusiasm vvas great and the determinatipn to £tudy fntensivcly and get the most possible out of a 3 vreeks course, v/as very marked. Th^ morale of the camp %yas:splcndid, not a single event happened to niar the pleasant atmosphere. On the other hand we \verc all a. happy studious family during the whole period. ' I have made a detailed record of sU students and their nctivities to glvo tlic district an rdea of the type ^he able leadership of comrade cf material we had, also for use g^^ugj, Drumheller, we were able of Party functionaries, so that we gj^ge two splendid concerts, that tvallpaper and maga^irtö Wöfl practl-cally the work of the students them- Bclves who appointed the able edi-torial board bf Comrades Sims, Tuomi and Corbin. - Every comrade \vas gwen a chance to express him-self or herself and ?f many essays have not appeared, it is not because they were not worthy, but that it vvaa physically impossible to put them in the limited Space. I feel the magazine will speak for itself and will give all »comrades who see it an idea of vhat our school wprk and comrades /were really like. Another interesting and valuäble feature of the school was the music-al end that we developed. Under may immediately set to wörk to mobliize the comrades \vho weht not only netted us near 100 dol-lars, but also advertised our school to the school, for Party puvposes.^ii 0^^^ tjjg Sylvan Lake District. Not only did I find the standard a mentally high one, but we had quite It must be obyious to the com- * Total receipts .........$485.19 Expences; Fares for students; teacher, speakers and District Secretary ..,..$150.45 Wages for teacher, time lost by Secretary and errect-ing öf camp Food, hardware and drugs Wire3, telephone, express and cartage Stationary, magazine, re-ports and postage Rent of halls ............ Advertising Miscellaheous- Total expences .......,.$454.19 We vvish to. 4J*aw to the attention of ai! that the Party Units of Calgary, Lethbridge, Canmore, Coleman, all pa''d the färes of their students and that two of the Edmonton students paid their o\vn fares. J . Lakeman, District Secretary. 92.60 92.12 5.56 10.21 55.00 23.10 3.15 a namber of cxceptionally outstand- rades that we cro\ved in an almost ing students, as my comments on the record sheets will shov/ and also the niag-azino. In all 54 classes v/ore held including ali coursos and current events, ctc. .A.bout 30 ox' the 41 students impossible amount of activities within the 3 short weeks. This xvas a l l done \vithout a murmur, indeed, it was all a labor of love; but now, looking back, I feel that for future guidance, thcre should have been feveer lecturos and more time for The Worker By Mildred Medelis ectlvely pirticipatea in the various - cchcol activities. This is a very intensive study, and that a school ,h:gh avcrage. In the current Events Clasr, wh',ch \vas really-,a practical speakers cluss, some 25 st^udents dcllvcrcd good talks and at Icast a do2cn ot these spoke very well indeed. The students dealt with a rar.g.e of subjects of all descrip-tlona, \vhich are rocordcd in dctail in the last page of the magazine. In the \Vorkers Gorrespondence claEses, some 22 students wrote news stories on the board, besides some 15 \vritten ne\vs stories of a s'aiilar kind being turned in to the vrallpapcr, magazine and a few to our Party Press. Around 90 essays on all subjects dealt vrith were vrrit-ten; indeed so prolific vrere the students with instructor found corrcct ali the material handed in, end also found it difficult to cut down the magaz^e to a smaller sizc, owing to the quantity and qua-lity of the vvritings. ~~' . jiTom the ver>' beginning we cade the school self administrative, and to this I attnbute a great deal of th'S description to be effective, should last at least one month. The Students Circle ^has given many valuable suggcstions to District 8, along these Iines and doubtlcss they wril be acted upoh- No report of this kihd would be complete without a word of ap-preciation of our farmer comrades in Sylvan Lake District. It was theJr cohsidcrate kindness, espe-cially in the line of grub, etc, that made things go so merrily; also Sylvan Lake alongside of other dis-tricts can be proud of the bright flock of students it produced. I feel confident that the comrades Tlieir home was cold, Their stomachsempty Waiting, for something to cat, Which to them would be very tempting. . The mothör sat with a worried face. She looked at the children aroand her chair, And the rest of the room wa3 bare. The fatlier Vent looking for a j o i, He wias shivering from the coid, He was very poorly dressed, And hungry, that could be to!d. , who attended school have retiirned their pens that the ^-^^ enthusiasm to carry on the i it a heavy task to j-gal Communist work among the i masses of • workers and farmers in the dJstrict, and the Party if it is now alert will reap. resuits irora our intensive study. In conclusion I wish to thank all the students and comrades who co-operated so splendidly with me in the task of Instructor and made the three weeks at Sylvan Lake stand out as three happy weeks of a miniature but real Communist Comraune. Left Alone of onr tremendous success. The in:tiative of the students was developed as much as possible, many of the Workers Gorrespondence classes vrere lead by the students them-selves, also Comrades Sims and Swartz of : Drumheller gave two lectnres on Trade Union Tactics. I^ectures by students themselves -nrould have been farther developed had there been time enough. The Let's all get to work and become real fighters in the struggle against Capitalism. ' Your for Communism, Beckie Buhay, Instructor. is a very dark night. The earth is wrapped: in gloom. There is not a ray of light For olouds cover the moon. Out side it gently snows, A girl by a bed stands alone. She is thinking and she knows That she has been left alone. Supper at 6 o'clock. The evening was usually spent around the camp fire or in the din-ing tent, with lectures, songs, reci-tations and parlour games. Bed-time at 9.30 and silence at 10 o'clock. Classes in the jnstruction of or-ganizers and classes in ecohomics were held under the capable in- «tructions of Comrade Jim Litrick. A concert, held in the local hali, brought many outsiders, some of whom were so shocked at the propaganda handed out that they left. Comrade^ Lefs go to work and make it a bigger' and better camp next year so thät we cän train and educate ourselves, and at the same time have a good tigje. I am sure that every member of this district will äo his best to make it ä success. M. Golinski. From a hell of hatred Destined some day To engulf all Fullers and Thayers! —Henry G. •Weiss. Eagle Cafe Siistiä huoneita Ja knnnolliBta ruokaa saatavana. 116 E L M ST.^ SUOBURY. ONT. — Phone 711 — Leonard Ericksnn Kun Ruusu Puhkea, romaani, k i r j . L, M . Alcott, sid , ^ Kultamaan Rakkautta, k i r j . Jack London, nid. . In Kaunis Ambrösine, miellyttävä rakkansromani, k i r j . Elinor Glvri nifi" Kuunlaakso, romani, 2 osaa, k i r j . Jack London,- sid ' " -"nn Kuolleiden laivojen saari, salaperäinen romani, k i r j . C. Marriott^'nid 40 i.eonora, hieno romani, k i r j . Arnold Bennett, nid. "40 Laulu Tulipunaisesta Kakasta, (Kuvattu), k i r j . J . Linnankoski, sid 2 75 Laulu tulipunaisesta kakasta; kirj. Johannes Linnankoski, s i d . ' 1*40 Lenin j a Leninismi, kuulaa sarjakirjastoon, k i r j . L Stalin, sid . " '75 Lumikenttien tytär, seikkailurom. Alaskasta, kirj. Jack London, «id 125 Lasten Laulukirja, k i r j . Hilja Liinamaa-Pärssinen, sid. Nuottipainos '35 Luonnontieteiden voittoknlku, Tietoaarre, kirj. Launhardt, sid.... Luokkien sota, kirj. Jack London, nid "\ Lisoletten avioliitto, ylevä rakkausromani, k i r j . H. Courths-Mahier, nidottuna .40 War-.What For This very important question every workers' child will want to know the answer to. They will •want to know why their fathers and brothers are taken away from them, never to return or to come back^ a helpless cripple; without an arm, without a^ leg, or without both. Fo? whom did they sacrifice their arms, their legs and even their l?yes? K A L L E P O U K A L I AN SAUNASSA kylvetään perjant. ja lauantaisin SUDBURY, ONT. Puhelin 457. P. O. Box 1122 Dr. L. A. Johnson Suomalainen Hammaslaabiri ^ ;«2S Queen St., E . , Toronto, Ont Kippendavia Avenuen kulmassa. Sisäänkäytävä 110-> Kippendavi». Puhelin Howard 4788. F. A. RIGARD T ' ^ u - ja VaLhit^iiskauppa. RAUTATAVARAKAUPPA Elm SU Sndbary. Ont. Lyhyt terveysoppi naisille, k i r j . t a i F r . ' H o v i t z -g Liselotten Naiminen, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid '25 Lynne Courtin salaisuus, k i r j . J . S. Fletcher^-nid. 5Q Mitä Olen Sinulle Tehnyt, k i r j . H . Courts-Mahler, nid. QQ Minkä Jumala on Yhdistänyt, kirj. H. Courts-Mahler, nid, '50 Maija-Rouvan Onni, k i r j . H. Courts-Mahler, nid "50 Mina etsin vaimoa, romani, k i r j . Alfredo Panzini, nid. "40 Metzin Tyttö, kertomaromani, kirj. Maurize Barres, nid. '75 Marsin prinsessa, kirj. E. R. Burroughs, nid 1-......'. \^ Maailman Taloudellinen Työväenliike,kirj. H. Losovsky, js Meren urhoja, merimiesromaani, kirj. R. Kipling, sid. 75 Merisusi, seikkailuromaani, kirj. Jack London, »id. 1.50 Maluimanrakenne, käsittelee maailmankaikkeutta, k i r j . E. Becher, nid. _ 1^75 Mansaaren Tyttö, romani, k i r j . Hall Caine, nid 1.00 Maapallon kehityshistoria, tietoaarre, kirj. Victor Madsen, nid...!!!!!! !5o Maailmanliike, tietoaarre, kirj. Albrecht Wirth, eid. 30 Maailman avaruus, tietoaarre, k i r j . T a i J . Schreiner, sid. !!!!!!!" "50 Maa j a Ihminen, tietoaarre, k i r j . Alfred Kirchhoff, sid '50 Maanviljelys Kemia j a Fysiikka, kirj. Arthur Rindell, sid " 1*75 MaafiViljelysoppi, Idrj. Suninen, sid. \,z^ .Merikotka, kerto.mus Saksan kaapparilaivastosta sotaaikana, kirj Felix von Lackner, sid. ;.. 1 2 5 Murrosajan lyanlaja. runokirja, k i r j . Aku Päiviö, sid j 25 Minua sanotaan Puusepäksi, yhteiskunnallinen romani, kirj. Upton Sinclsipj iiid* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••••«•,,,««.•,.„,„,,,,.,,,• Meren Urhoja, k i r j . R. Kipling, sid. , ",75 Myladyn poika, kirj. Alexander Dumas, 3 osaa, sid. „.... 2.7S Naamioimiskoulu, hyvä näyttämöille, kirj. Juurioja, nid. „ .73 Nuoren^ Naisen Terveys, lääketieteellinen kirja, k i r j . . Kristine Skjerve, nid. ..,..,4...... l.OO Nainen ja Avioliitto,, hyvä terveysopillinen kirja, kirj. Margaret ^_ Stephens, sido •••••••••••••••••••••••-••••••••••••••.••••••••.••..„,,.•„,.„,,„„,,„„„,,,,,,,, 1,50 N a p o l e o n i n vallankaappaus, kirj, ^ a r l Marx, nid. ,70 Nuoren Opettajattaren Varaventtiili, erikoisen miellyttävä, kirj. Hilda Valtonen, nid. I.QQ Naisvoimistelu 1, kirj. E l l i Björksten, nid. ...^ , 100 Naisvoimistelu 11, kirj. E l l i Bjöi^sten, nid, 1,85 Pariisin salaisuudet, 2 suurta osaa, k i r j . Eagene Sue, sid. .3.25 Pelastusrengas, rakkausromani, kirj. Leo Leipziger, nid.- .40 Primitiivinen eli perusvoimistelu, kirj. Kaarina Kari, sid. 1.0a Pakkopaita, kuolemattomuntta tutkiva vankilaromaani, kirj. Jack Perheen, Yksityisomaisuuden ja Valtien Alkuperä, k i r j . F. Engels, Avoinna 4 kertaa viikossa: Tiistaina, keskiviikkona, perjantaina Ja lauantaina kello 1 j.p.p. kello I2:ta yöllä* Spruce St. —Puhelin 1107 — Sndbnry, Ont. Lähellä Vapauden konttoria. ,. LABERGE LUMBER COMPANY Täydellinen varasto rakennustarpeita Ruokaa ja Kahvia C A N A D I A N C A FE 210 Minto St., Sudbury, Ont. Lähellä C P . R. asemaa _ Tilaa yövieraille. — Phone 2269 Bcv 1862 JOHN LEHTELÄ VAPAUDEN KIRJAKAUPPA Vapauden kirjakaupasta on saatavana seuraavat kirjat: Assmannin Pojat, k i r j . H^; Courts-Mahler, nid. 50 •'Amerikalaisen Työväenliikkeen vararikko, kirj. Wm. Z. Foster, nid. .55 Apinain kuningas, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. i .75 Aapinen, lasten opettelukirja, sid. .55 .\laskan Tyttö, romani, kirj. Jack London, nid .25 Aurinko, Kuu j a Tähdet Maailmankaikkeuden tarina, kirj. J . A. Cjiberne • 1.25 Attila, hiistoriallinen romaani, kirj. Dahn, sid. .80 .aavoilla Ulapoilla, miellyttävä romaani, kirj. Jack London nid 1.00 Amerikan Suomalaisia, satiirikertomuksia, kirj. K. Rissanen .6C .autokirja, kirj. Yrjö Weilin, sid. 2.00 .ilanteen Sanakirja, suomalais-englantilainen, sid. $5.50 Y. .75 .50 2.65 1.75 2.50 Bakteerit. Tietoaarre, kirj. Osc. Streng, sid. .50 Babbitt, kirj, Sinclair Lewis, nid. 1.50 Cynthia, kirj. Courts-Mahler, nid .40 Children of the Revolution,. kirj. Anna Louise Strong, nid. ....... Englanninkielen Oppikirja, kirj. K. Brekke, sid. Elsinoren Kapina/ k i r j . Jack London, sid. „., Erämaa kutsuu, kJrj. Jack London, sid Elollisten olentojen lisääntyminen, kirj. F, Kolpln Ravnv^ sid. Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja hyvä opettelukirja, kirj. Englantia aloitteleville, kirj. Enckell-Saarinen, sid. Englandilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, toimit. T. Wallenius, sid. Egerin Tähdet, historial. suurromani Unkarista, k i r j . G. Gardönyi, sid. 1.75 Erämaan taistelu, historiallinen romani, kirj. Santeri Ivalo, nid. ....^.25 Englantilais-Suomalainen Sanakirja, kirj. S. Nuorteva, sid. 2.00 Historiallisia rakkauskirjeitä, koonnut Jalmari Finne, sid. 1. 25 Huilunsoittajan katu, rakkausromani, kirj. H. de Vere Stacpoole, sid. .75 Halikon Hakoniskat, murrekertomuksia, kirj. Kallio, sid. 1.40 Humoristinen lauluksrja, se viimeinen painos , ; , .45 Hypatia, kirj. Charles Kingsley, * nid .75 Flanderin Leijona, hist. romani muinais Belkiasta, k i r j . H. Con-sci6nc6f md* • ...•«. Ikuinen Salaisuus, k i r j . Jack London, nid. Ihmissydän, kirj. Guy de Maup^ssan, sid Ikuisen päivän m ^ , k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid Imperialismi, agitsattorikursseilla pidetty esitelmä, nid. Ihmisön Herra, tarina ^ n i s t ä . k i r j . Hall Caine, 2 osaa. nid. 1.75 limojen halki, kertomus lennosta pohjoisnavalle, kirj. Amundsen, nid. 1 . 5» Ihmissyöjäin Saarilla, kirj. Jack London, sid ;. I.06 Juustoparooni, kirj. Kalle Rissanen, nid.^ .40 Jumalten ja Ihmisten. Suosikit, suomalaisten tyttöjen seikkailuja sid. 1.00 .25 .50 6.00 .30 .23 .50 1.50 1.25 1.85 .40 .75 .40 1.25 .65 .15 Punainen Vaara, kertomus nykjrisestä Venäjän maasta, nid. , Penikkatauti, kirj. Nikolai Lenin, nid. , Pieni Tietosanakirja, sid. Perustuslain Olemus, kirj. O. Saari Pieni Mehiläiskirja, kirj. Mikko Ilkka Puhetaidon Opas, k i r j . Arthur M . Lewis, sid. Pakolainen, kirj. Lauri Luoto,' sid , Polttomoottorit, kirj. Väinö V.' Airas, sid. • Peloponnesolais Sota, k i r j . Tykydides, Suom. Emil Härdh, nid. ... Rannerengas, kirj. David Potter, nid. ... Rakentaja Solnes, k i r j . Henrik Ibsen 1.25 Rakkaudesta Osatoi^, kirj. H. Courts-Mahler, nid .50 7,000 Halki Afrikan Aavikoiden, k i r j . Otto Zeltins-Goldfels, sid. 1.25 Salaperäinen asiapaperi, kirj, Christian Häugen, nid. .40 Sak^n Kumoustaistelu 1848, kirj. Karl Marx, s i d . " .75 Silkkilaiva, romani, kirj. Elenius, nid. ,75 Sosialistisen Filosofian Juuret, kirj, Frietrich Engels, nid. 40 Sairas Lapsi, lasten terveyslioitokirja, kirj. Ruotsalainen, sid 1.25 Sotamuistelmani, kirj. kenraali Ludendorff, sid. 2.50 Suomen Kielioppi, k i r j . E. N . Setälä, sid, -75 Sata kuusikymmentä ohjetta lasten taudeissa, kirj. T:ri Jules _ ^ Combx, nid. 1.00 Suktfpuplielämän Terveysoppi, kirj. Max von Gruber, nid 75 Suloisen järjettömyyden kaupunki, erittäin hieno rakkausromani, ku-j. E. Temple Thurston, sid 1-50 Silmukorven Nuori Epra, kirj. Kaarle Halme, sid. 1-25 Seurustelun taito, k i r j . . Bagheera, nid. -75 Sireenien Alla, romani, kirj. L. M. Alcott, sid. 1-25 Signe Björseth, kertomus, kirj. Juho Koskimaa, nid. 100 Sibyllan Salaisuudet, korttikonsteja, k i r j . Sven Linde, sid. 75 Salaperäinen Ruumisarkku, k i r j . Stein Riverton. nid. -25 Seikkailijatar, kirj. E. Phillips Oppenheim, nid. 25 Tuhatvuotinen Valtakunta, k i r j . Upton SinQlair, nid. -65 Tarzanin paluu, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -75 Tarzanin pedot, kirj. E, R, Burroiighs, nid, 75 Tarzanin poika, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. • -75 Tarzan ja Oparin aarteet, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, nid. -75 Talttumaton Tarzan, kirj. E. R / Burroughs, nid. 75 Tarzan ja valk«inen nainen, k i r j . E. R. -Burroughs, nid. -75 Thuvia, Marsin neito, k i r j . E. R . Burroughs, nid. ••. -65 Tietosanakirja, täydellinen 11 osaa, vaatekansissa J.25 .50 1.50 1.30 .40 .75 1.00 1.00 .60 .85 .... .50 Tulenliekki, seikkailu ja rakkausiromani, k i r j . L. J . Vänce, nid. .... 1.50 (Työväen Olympialaiset, toim. V. Koivula, ym., i;'sid, .................. .... 1.25 jTerveyteen itsesuggestionin avulla, k i r j . Harry Brooks, nid. Tuhat, sanaa Englandia;, mainio oppikirja, nid.........^:..... ......... Tuhlaajapoika, romani, khrj. Hall Caine, sid. Työväen Laulukirja," 9 painos, sid. .•• Tarttuvista sukupuolitaudeista,' k i r j . Ta-i Pirilä, nid. Telinevoimisteltt: I , kuvitettu, kh-j. Väinö Laherma ............ Telinevoimistelu II, kaviietta, k i r j . Väinö Laherma .1.. Tiede jja Vallankumoa^ mainio teos, kirj. Ernest Untermann, Työn Historia, k i r j . Tjamenew, sid. nid. .75 .75 .35 1.00 In the night her mbther died, Leaving her -vvithout home. For she has gone to the other side, Leaving her free to roam. Ia this free land, c "^Vhere they say live the brave, Nobody will give a belping hand Though you cry and vyave. • Jack London, elämänkertamuistelma, kirj. Helmi Krohn, nid. ...r. 75 Kauhea Tarzan, k i r j . E . R. Burroughs, nid, .75 Kaleerivanki No. 117, 3 suurta osaa, kirj. P. Du TeBrafl, sid. 3.75 Kappanki-Eansakoulan laskuoppi ja tuloskirja, sid*.....„ _ 1.00 Kananhoitokirja, k i r j . Mikko Ukka, sid. i^ig Kairosta Niilin latvoille, matkailijakertomus, k i r j . Pekkala, nid. ........ . 90 Kadotidtsen Kansaa, koy^os London Itäpäästä, k i r j . Jack London, sid. 1.00 Kemia, k i f j . Hanna S ö ö m , sid. ..^ , ^. ....... .75 • K u n i n ^ t a r Hanhenjalan Ravintola, k i r j . Anatole Pranze, sid 1.2S Ködfö Lääkärikirja, etevästi toimitettu, sid 6.00 Kans^ÖlialQn )carttaJdt3a,tonn. Jotuni, dd. .....—„ ^...^ .„.. \ ^ Urkkija, kn-j. Upton Sinclair, nid, Uutisasukkaat Kanadassa, k i r j . kapteeni Marryat, sid. Valtio ja Vallankumous, k i r j . N. Lenin, suom., nid. Voimistelun teoria, k i r j . Viktor Heikel, nid. : •• Valaveljet, romani Islannin asuttamisen ajoilta, kirj. G. Gunnar- Vaimo jonkas minulle, annoit, romani elämästä, k i r j . Hall Caine, md. 1.75 Vaaliheimolaiset, valitut teokset, k i r j . J . W. von Goethe, nid.... 1-W Välskärin kertomuksia, kirj.- Sakari Topelius 4''" Värmlannin matka, kertomus Scandinavian salosdpmalaisista, kirj. Ems Lampen, nid. —...ir......—, • Vierasta ja omaa kieltä viertysten, engl.-kielen oppikirja Valkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j , Lauri Luoto, sid. Valkosen Leijonan Metsästäjät, k i r j . Lauri Luoto, nid. gQ Väkevä Billy, k i r j . E. R. Burroughs, sid. ••• i'?'; Vanhat Postivaunut, kertomuksia kirjailijaelämästä, k j . Y . Hirn, md. Venäjänkielen Sanasto, k i r j . A . Rantalainen, sid. « • .'-o - Yksin maailmalla, kaunis romani, k i r j . Mabell Barnes Graundy, siö. 1-=^ Y15s Helvetistä, romani, k i r j . Konrad Lehtimäki, sid. - • 'QQ Yleisen Terveysopin Alkeet, kilrj. Täav Laitinen, sid. g- Yleinen johdatus luonnontieteisiin, tietoaarre, Idrj. Th. H . Huxley, sia. ^ Yllätys Tunturiradalla, Salapolisiromaani, M l i . Stein Riverton, nia. • Yön Kuningatar, k i r j . Headon Hin, nid. • • 75 Yhdistysopas naisvoimistelijoille, k i r j . Kaarina'Kari, nid. "•-;;;";"^v;vr4T«JS YlKolevan lisäksi voi Vapauden konttorista tilata ^ATEKittAi FOUNTAIN KYNIÄ, joiden hinnat ovat ?2.75, $4.00, $6.00 .33 ; Uusia kirjoja tulee jatkuvasti Suomesta samoinkuin omiaönNa nuksia. Seuratkaa ilmotuksia Vapaudesta. Tehkää tilaukset osouee Vapauden JKiriakaupfta, Box 69, Sudbury, Ont |
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