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CTPAHA 4 СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК Уторак, 27 августа Ш6. Објаве SUPPORT THE HEROIC EFFORTS OF YUGOSLAV YOUTH! A LETTER FROM SLAVKO KOMAR, GENERAL SECRETARY PEOPLE'S YOUTH OF YUGOSLAVIA TO THE MEMBERSHIP ВЕЛАНД — БАНКЕТ OF CANADIAN SOUTH-SLAVI- C YOUTH FEDERATION №. Организацијо СКС-- а Вслаида и Порт Колбориа при-рсђу- ју у почаст дслсгата н гостију плснарнс содницо Гл одбора СКС-- а всличанствсии КОНЦЕРАТ-БАНКК- Т у суботу 31 августа, у Украјинском радничком дому на Онтсрио Рд., Кровланд. На банксту ћс со обавити Свсчано отварањо плс-пар- но седницо Гл. одбора СКС-- а. На баиксту ћс говорнтп прстставннк амбасадо Ф. Н. Г. Југославнјс уВашинг-тон- у, као и прстсташшци братских органнзација Хрпата п Словснаца Каиадс. Као гост и. главии гопорши: иа банксту бићо ата-ш- о југословснско амбасадс пукошпп: Шиме Бален. Иочстак банкста тачно у 7 сати увсчс, а после башсста, говора и нсколико лспих тачака концсртног програма којо ће извађатн наша омладина из Всланда и Хамнлтона, Пгранка до касио у ноћ. Мн и овом прилмком братски иозивамо свс Србс, Хрвато, Словсицс и Македонцс, да нас поссте у што всћсм броју. Свн иам добро дошли! Одбор. ПОСЕТ TOPOHTA ВЕЛАНДУ Организација Савсза канадских Срба у Торонту, ио ;ксли својнх чланова п прпјатсл.а, изнајмила јо јсдан аутобус који lie позитп сво one којн :ксло и1ш у Пслаид да присустпују пслнчаиствсном отваран.у плснарнс ссд-ни- цо Гл. одбора Савсза канадских Срба у суботу 31 апгуста. Пус lie со из Торонта крсиутн тачно у 3 сата после подне од просторија на 380 Онтсрно улици, и иопратићо со исто исчс иазад у Торонто. Умољавају со сви заинтсрссонаин да до1;у на одрс-1;с- но мссто најкасиијо до 2.3з носло иодис у суботу 31 августа. Цсна за иодвоз у Псланд н назад јс 2.50 долара ио особи., Извршни одбор СКС-- а, Торонто. ТОРОНТО-ОШ- Ш - ПИКНИК С К, СЛОВЕНАЦА Оргапнзацијо Савсза канадских Слопсиаца Торои-т- а и Ошаво прнрсђују зајсднички иикншс у исдсл.у 1 сснтсмбра. Сви Kojii ;ксло но1ш из Торонта нска до!;у у нсдсљу 1 ecu. тачио у 10 сати про ноднс код максдонско-бугар-ск- о хало, одакло lio бусовн иознти иа пикнпк. Цсна но-рат- но картс за иодвоз јо $1.50 Норсд Слопенаца познвамо и браћу Србо и Хрватс да нас посстс. Одбор. М ОНТРЕАЛ — П ИК НИК Дсмократскс Југослоиснско :ксно нрисајодинсие Bcliy канадских јужних Словсна, прнрсђују 1 ссптсм-бр- а свој ннкнпк на познатом мссту Инло Лс Сал. Ннкник сс одржава у корпст ратно снрочади Југо-славн- јс. Ми дсмократско ;ксно occhasio да трсбамо пора-дит- и н допринстн помоћ за нашу снрочад у иашој старој домовшш. Нознвамо свс нашо досслеиико овога мсста, да до-)- У и доирннесу свој дсо за ову племсннту сврху, а на никнмку ћс бити спсга у изобиљу. За Одбор лссиа. Олга Јоцић. ОДГ0В0Р Ш КЛЕВЕТАЊЕ ПРОТИВ ЈУШОВЕНСКЕ ДИПЛОМАЦИЈЕ (Наставак са стране 2) чскова уста Иавелппеву лп-нј- у п то не смијсте nncuc-11- 0 изиестп прсд јзвност, )ер бн то за вас било поразпо. Али није маие поразно ако браиитс Tpojini пакт, јср ка-к- о аам је свиуа познато да јс ваш "законнти" вођа у за-јсдни- цп са издајицчкпм кпе-зо- м Павлом творац и потаас-ин-к тројног пакта. Како ви-дит- с, ђсла су ђсла. Немогуће јс битн у нсто вријемс ло-и- ов н иоштен човјек. Пнгају што су раднли пар-таза- аа п мајор у међувремс-н- у капнтулаццЈе н устаика. Гадилн су оно што н за ча-та- во г.ријеме старе злочниа-чк- е владавннс — несебични народни посао, којв се састо-ја- о у веуиораом органпзира и.у шнрокнх иародппх маса, да сс јсдаом за сва вренсна отресу замаскнраиих "демо-крат- а" — разних 'закови-твх- " Boba. Тако су у међувре-меа- у кашгтулације н устанка но цпјсиу највећпх ouaciio-ст- п радилн у;курбано на при-нрема- иа за иародаи устанак у ногодиом иоиспту, а тај је погодаи момепат био када се окупагор ухватно у коштац са подједнако јаким аепраја--гелс- м, Љихов рад ие требамо ми вама иного објашпаватп, то сте eii пајболе осјетнла иа властитој грбачи, јер вам се, захваљујуни ниховом раду изиакла власт над пародом за сва врсмсиа. Добро бн за вас бнло да они ансу радплн, али опи иису пазилн што би било за вас добро, иего су раднли оно што је за народ добро. Што би бнло добро вама то не бц иароду, a ar.u је народу то нпје вама. Што се таче мајорц Вуке-лпћ- а, као и осталнх руково-дећн- х луда нове Југославнје, онн су и прсвишс скромиц да бн говорнлн о себн лачио, као што говорц та ваша дс-зертерч- нна, који се хвалц о "комаидн над 40 тпсућа пар-тизан- а." За руководеће Југо-славе- не говоре велнка ДЈМа, која ннкаковс лажц н клевеге е могу сакрити. Тсшко вам је 6orauil и ми вам прпзнајсио. Скниута ваи је демократска копериа са лица н показато je ваше пра-в- о наказно усташко-четнич-к- о лице. Што ћете, тако је, н дал.е сс нсда. Толнко о томе у кратко, јер ба аааче ја као радаак имао са вама полсмизнрати uajuaae годаау дана у открп-ваа- у ваших лажа п вашс слачаоста са усташама u чет-наца- иа, ала то а аарод уве-лик- о увиђа а велика већаа а заа, да како сте бали зајед-н- о у Југославвја тако сте и сада овђе. Јосвп Мрзлак. JXz We are utilizing our visit to Paris and our presence at the meeting of the Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in order to communicate with you. We have met here with the Canadian delegation and Jes-sie Storrie told us about you and your work. In December of last year she was with us in Yugosla-via, along with Leo Usaty, and she probably spoke to you about her impressions of our country. The meeting of the W. F. D. Y. Council concluded successfully and it will undoubtedly bring about strengthening and broaden ing of the Federation and particu-larly its internal consolidation. We regularly send material to you from Yugoslavia. However, we don't know if you receive it regularly and whether or not you constantly keep abreast with the events in your "old country". Out of the important events which have appeared during the past months the session of the National Assembly has particu-larly important significance and the steps taken against a group of traitors and criminals who were under the leadership of Draza Mihailovich. From January up to the pre-sent time our People's Assembly met there times and enacted a series of laws based upon the con-stitution with which our democ-racy is strengthening itself and which legalize and develop the achievements of our rational lib-eration struggle. The court proce-edings against groups of traitors and the remaining criminals who were led by Draza Jlihailovich lasted a whole month — from the middle of June to the middle of July. The proceedings stimulated great interest not only in our country, but in other countries also. This was demonstrated by the presence of over fifty corres-pondents from almost all parts of the world. Not one foreign cor-respondent — even if there were among them those do not sympa-thize with the new Yugoslavia — could question the correctness and the objectivity of the court proceedure. Draza Mihailovich's behaivor was rotten and miserable. He wanted to save himself and wan-ted to place all the blame for his crimes upon his commanders who supposedly did not want to listen to his commands. Never-theless, being confronted with many withnesses, gome of whom were his own commanders, and hundreds of original documents about his collaboration with the enemy he had to admit his numer-ous crimes. All the other traitors and criminals behaved miserably also. The verdict of the jury greatly enthused all the people of Yugoslavia because with it the traitors and the criminals were Justly punished. There is another matter which greatly interests all our people. This Is the question of Trieste and Julian March. The decision of the Council of Foreign Min-isters in regard to internationali-zation of Trieste and the handing over of Gorice (Gorilla) and other territories which are solidly in-habited by the Slovenian popula-tion to Italy, caused widespread indignation in our whole country. That decision negates the ligiti-ma- te right of our country and does not treat our country as an ally, which has given euch tre-mendous sacrifices for the vic-tory of peace-lovin- g people over fascist aggression. Our people and our government can not agree with ttat kind of a decision which pays no attention to our rights. Through our delegation at the Faris Conference we shall carry on with the battle, confident that freedom-lovin- g people will see the truth and bring about a Just solution. We have spoken to you about the questions which are of first class importance for our people and which without doubt also interest our youth. However, we want to say something to you about the work and the life of our youth. We must, in the first place, refer to two questions: the Third Congress of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia and the construc-tion of the Youth Railway. Our Third Congress was held in Zagreb, from the 11th to the 15th of May. Our youth were pre-paring for it for a long period of time. Without pay our youth vo-luntarily donated 5,697,140 work-ing days to the pre-congre- ss com-petition which exemplifies the detenninaticn and the enthusiasm of our youth in preparing for ths Congress. The number of elected delega-tes from all the People's Repu blics and the Army who were present at the Congress reached 1,535. Marshal Tito was present at the Congress and delivered an ad-dress of greetings in which he gave great recognition to our youth in their work and called upon them to carry on with the reconstruc-tion of our country. More than fifty delegates from fourteen foreign counties also were pre-sent at the Congress. They ex-pressed their impressions about the enthusiasm of our youth. It must particularly be men-tioned that the Congress, besides being a great manifestation, was in the first place an answer of our youth in terms of work and deeds. It will undoubtedly gene-rate unusually important events in the further development and work of our youth organization. Besides a series of practical solutions and resolutions, the Con-gress adopted the constitution and by-la- ws of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia which were previ-ously throughly discussed amon-gst the youth in full detail. The constitution and the by-la- ws will play a big role in the consolida-tion of our organization. At the Congress the name of our organization was changed. The new name — People's Youth of Yugoslavia — is in accord with the present conditions of work and tasks of our youth organiza-tion in our People's Republic The old name — The League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia — cannot embrace all these new tasks and the character of our organization in its present deve-lopment. Now we want to refer to ano-ther important and significant event in the work of our youth and this is the construction or the Youth Railway. Our people's youth have undertaken the great task of building a ninety-thre- e kilometer long railway which will run from Brcko to Banovici In eastern Bosnia. This railway will link Belgrade and other northern parts with the rich coal basin in eastern Bosnia. The youth are voluntarily participating in the construction of this railway. The work began on the 1st of May and it will last for six months, even if the engineers estimated two years' work upon It since the terrain is mountainous and since three tunnels have to be dug in Majevica. The youth will work in three separate large groups (each group being composed of a number of brigades — Ed). The first group composed of 15,000 worked from the 1st of May to the 1st of July. The second group of 25,000 young people began to work on the 1st of July and this one will be replaced by the third group. Already thirty kilometers of the railway has been laid nd on the remaining length much work has been done. Also, a tun-nel of over eighty meters in length has been dug. The rigour and ambition with which our young people work has enthused everyone. They constantly com-pete with each other. From many parts of the coun try our youth are gathering and participating in the building of the Youth Railway. The youth from Julian March and Trieste and youth brigades from Czecho-slovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bul-garia, Albania, Hungary, and Greece are taking part In Its con-struction. Probably through the World Federation of Democratic Youth a youth brigade will be organized from western European countries. This is how the build-ing of the Youth Railway deve-loped and how it is forging solid-arity and friendship between young people from various coun-tries! There is no doubt that you want to assist us in the building of the Youth Railway. It would be very helpful if a group of young people from Canada came and took direct part In the work and later they would visit all parts of our country. If this is Impossible then your assistance could consist of various materials, money etc. We feel that something in re-gards to this should be done par-ticularly since it would link us closer together. We would like to inform you that physical culture and sports are constantly developing In our country. In this respect we have achived definite resultr. Our phy-sical-cultural- ists and sportsmen attained good rejults outside of our country also. We, however, have great shortage of sports fa-cilities and other sports material. It would be very helpful If you could render assistance to us in .supplying us with sports facilities ш+—шШшшШМШш?Ш&41{&јшКг VnisisisisHH Ш I sisHI sisisH EZAfcdfrYtCeTt HH&4-isik9isKisiB-C a isVlisisrisisisA MiJW, 1ЛЧ ~ml авВ-Л- £ Zi jlft Vbw siisisilY4iiB3fcsMBisisK- - isisVK K ViV чНК. TJsssisisisisB ввГнЈЧВввнК! ''L % ai a& чмj B m 1 Easeшшшшжшшмшттмгл A legless invalid авк!м in reconstruction of devaluated Yugoslavia by working on "Youth Kail-way- ", Ilrcko-ltanovl- d. Canadian Youth Contributes to Building of Yugoslav Youth Railway The present issue of S. Herald carries a translated publication of a letter written by Slavko Ko-ma- r, General Secretary of ths People's Youth of Yugoslavia, to the membership of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation. That letter merits the considera-tion and study of every single member of our movement We are particularly interested in the contents of the letter since they clearly picture the most im-portant events that have occured in the new People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The membership of the Can-adian South-Slavi- c Youth Fede-ration, along with all the demo-cratic people of the world, haih the punishment of the traitors and the criminals who betrayed the just cause and the principles of the national liberation struggle. Such measures not only streng-then the victory of the people of Yugoslavia. They consolidate the democratic victory of all the peace-lovin- g peoples throughout the world. The punishment of the criminals and the traitors led by Draza Mihailovich was a smash-ing blow to the forces of reaction who are the biggest enemies of young people. Reactionaries wha today are crying for another and a catastrophic world war gravely i endanger the future of youth. I A just solution of Trieste and 'tK Ttittan XfarrK vrMti ffl frton. tioned in Comrade Komar's letter, is the concern of all the democra-tic peoples the world over. All the freedom-lovin- g peoples sup-port the just claim of Yugoslavia for her own territory for which she has shed rivers of blood. The voice of democratic peoples will eventu ally echo throughout the world and a solution based upon justice and self determination of peoples, guaranteed by the Atlantic Char-ter, will be found. Of Interest to us was the suc-cessful conclusion of the Third Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia and especially' the building of the Youth Railway, which Is being constructed volun-tarily by the heroic Yugoslav youth. Since the terrain through which the railway is going to run U mountainous, the engineers have estimated that the building of it will take two years. Knowing that their future is concerned in the building of the railway, the Yu-goslav youth have decided with determination to complete its con-struction within six months! Besides thousands of Yugoslav young people, international youth and material of which you have an abundance in Canada. With comradely greetings. General Secretary, People's Youth of Yugoslavia, Slavko Komar. Paris, France August 12th, 1946. working brigades from seven dif-ferent countries are participat-ing in the building of the railway. The participation of Internatio-nal youth working brigades is cementinfc the friendship and uni-ty of young people which grew out of the white heat of the fla-mes of war. We deeply regret that wo are unable to semi a Can-adian youth working brigade to take direct part in the building of the railway. Our participation would be of tremendous moral significance, but unfortunately circumstances will not permit us to take direct part in the con-struction of the Youth Railway, which will stretch from Brcko to Banovici in eastern Bosnia. This, however, in no way means that we cannot assist the young peo-ple who are already at work on the railway. The National Committee of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fe deration, at its meeting on the 3rd and 4th of August, decided to assist in the launching of a na-tional "Tools For Yugoslavia Campaign" in conjunction with the National Federation of Labor Youth. However, since the rail-way is scheduled to be completed by the 29th of November, the campaign Is being limited to the raising of finances and the pur-chase of comforts for the Yugo-slav youth and the international youth briga'des working on the railway. Our assistance to the Yugoslav youth will consist of comforts such as cigarettes, shav-ing kits, sports facilities, soap, pens etc. The campaign Is being initiated by the National Federation La bor Youth, a militant Canadian anti-fasci- st youth organization, to which the Canadian South-Slav- ic Youth Federation has re-cently affiliated. The campaign will be launched by the 1st of Sep-tember and it will run through to the 31st of October. It will em-brace the Canadian trade union youth, the fraternal organizations and all other friendly groups of young people. This is necessary before the campaign becomes one with a truely national character. It is the greatest undertaking that the Canadian youth have undertaken in support of the he-roic efforts of the Yugoslav youth. Leaflets on the campaign will soon be issued in large quantities for distribution to every one of our branches, to the Canadian trade union locals, fraternal youth groups and other organizations. Besides this, $1 and 50c bonds in booklet form will also be issued to every member of our youth federation and to the membership of other youth organizations for purpose of carrying on a sale of them. Furthermore, petitions will be signed by every contributor, which, after the conclusion of the campaign will be sent to the Сав народ пази и w тешко стечену слободу (Наставак са страае 3) првсистпо у промсту u трго-Biiiii- T, тако да всћ сада врло иало можсш наћн привлтнс трговаис. Задругарство јс по-че- ло да сс развија и у иолл-привред- а. Задругарство и сва иародна приврсда су под коа-троло- м иарода а државс, т. ј. иародпс власта. Нсмој краво да ме разу-мс- ш, па да помнслиш да се то снлои постизава. Шасти строго водс рачупа да сс ае би иојавчла каква шпскула-циј- а а 113рабливаи.с парода, аа да сс иско богати аа ра-ч- уа другога. Дружс Пеко, истнна за во-л- у да та речсм — нмадс a онах којима се паш друштве-ni- l иорсдак не допада. To су опа која су аавакла под сга-рм- и рсжамои да живс од шас-кулацп- јс a с кориштавајупн туђу радну саагу у своју хо-ри- ст, аа ни се то даиас ускра тило по аароду. Ilahe се ас-ш- то а таквах којн су аассли услед застарелог духа прош-лост- а таквам 11скадашннм гу-лакож- аиа па мрмллју. Али та су азоловааа а потауао acMoryhaa да пам va а колн-к- о аашкоде ала сметају, јср анјс лако водатн борбу про-тп- в пашег урсћаја када сав пзјкјд добро пази и чува сво-ј- у скупо нлапсау слободу. Сада јс доста до твога од-гово- ра. Нрамн та а твоја фа-мил- ија другарссц поздрав, жсл.ио очскуЈући да сс ви дпмо а зајсдао разговорнмо. Стево ДрагичешН-- Тарааа — У Кукес, у се-вср- аој Албаааји, стигла јс група од 245 Југословеасках оиладаааца, која he зајсдао са албааскаа охладаициха радата на азградиа пута Ку- - ксс-ПишЕоп- сЈа. (Јхладиаа н rpahaaa Куксса одушсвлао су поздраввлв југословев-ск- у омладинску бригаду. courageous Yugoslav youth. It is neccessary to take imme-diate action in this campaign. We must generate activities in every one of our fifteen organized com-munities as soon as possible. As an Immediate measure cur acti-vities during this campaign, be-sides the sale of bonds, must take their form In the organization of dances, concerts, socials and other affairs through which money could be raised for the purchase of comforts. This will be our con-tribution to the building of the Youth Railway! Hundreds and hundreds of dol-lars, in our organization alone, must be raised in support of the Yugoslav youth! Let us then Immediately initi-ate activites in our respective communities to ensure that the campaign will be overwhelming-ly successful! On behalf of the National Ex-ecutive, Enteric Simac, National Secretary C.S.Y.F. f "МИ J "W f _ №¥ —S4!- - --- — -- - - — -- £ - —
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Serbian Herald, September 06, 1946 |
Language | sr |
Subject | Serbia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Serbia; Serbian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1946-09-06 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | SerbiD4000066 |
Title | 000274 |
OCR text | CTPAHA 4 СРПСКИ ГЛАСНИК Уторак, 27 августа Ш6. Објаве SUPPORT THE HEROIC EFFORTS OF YUGOSLAV YOUTH! A LETTER FROM SLAVKO KOMAR, GENERAL SECRETARY PEOPLE'S YOUTH OF YUGOSLAVIA TO THE MEMBERSHIP ВЕЛАНД — БАНКЕТ OF CANADIAN SOUTH-SLAVI- C YOUTH FEDERATION №. Организацијо СКС-- а Вслаида и Порт Колбориа при-рсђу- ју у почаст дслсгата н гостију плснарнс содницо Гл одбора СКС-- а всличанствсии КОНЦЕРАТ-БАНКК- Т у суботу 31 августа, у Украјинском радничком дому на Онтсрио Рд., Кровланд. На банксту ћс со обавити Свсчано отварањо плс-пар- но седницо Гл. одбора СКС-- а. На баиксту ћс говорнтп прстставннк амбасадо Ф. Н. Г. Југославнјс уВашинг-тон- у, као и прстсташшци братских органнзација Хрпата п Словснаца Каиадс. Као гост и. главии гопорши: иа банксту бићо ата-ш- о југословснско амбасадс пукошпп: Шиме Бален. Иочстак банкста тачно у 7 сати увсчс, а после башсста, говора и нсколико лспих тачака концсртног програма којо ће извађатн наша омладина из Всланда и Хамнлтона, Пгранка до касио у ноћ. Мн и овом прилмком братски иозивамо свс Србс, Хрвато, Словсицс и Македонцс, да нас поссте у што всћсм броју. Свн иам добро дошли! Одбор. ПОСЕТ TOPOHTA ВЕЛАНДУ Организација Савсза канадских Срба у Торонту, ио ;ксли својнх чланова п прпјатсл.а, изнајмила јо јсдан аутобус који lie позитп сво one којн :ксло и1ш у Пслаид да присустпују пслнчаиствсном отваран.у плснарнс ссд-ни- цо Гл. одбора Савсза канадских Срба у суботу 31 апгуста. Пус lie со из Торонта крсиутн тачно у 3 сата после подне од просторија на 380 Онтсрно улици, и иопратићо со исто исчс иазад у Торонто. Умољавају со сви заинтсрссонаин да до1;у на одрс-1;с- но мссто најкасиијо до 2.3з носло иодис у суботу 31 августа. Цсна за иодвоз у Псланд н назад јс 2.50 долара ио особи., Извршни одбор СКС-- а, Торонто. ТОРОНТО-ОШ- Ш - ПИКНИК С К, СЛОВЕНАЦА Оргапнзацијо Савсза канадских Слопсиаца Торои-т- а и Ошаво прнрсђују зајсднички иикншс у исдсл.у 1 сснтсмбра. Сви Kojii ;ксло но1ш из Торонта нска до!;у у нсдсљу 1 ecu. тачио у 10 сати про ноднс код максдонско-бугар-ск- о хало, одакло lio бусовн иознти иа пикнпк. Цсна но-рат- но картс за иодвоз јо $1.50 Норсд Слопенаца познвамо и браћу Србо и Хрватс да нас посстс. Одбор. М ОНТРЕАЛ — П ИК НИК Дсмократскс Југослоиснско :ксно нрисајодинсие Bcliy канадских јужних Словсна, прнрсђују 1 ссптсм-бр- а свој ннкнпк на познатом мссту Инло Лс Сал. Ннкник сс одржава у корпст ратно снрочади Југо-славн- јс. Ми дсмократско ;ксно occhasio да трсбамо пора-дит- и н допринстн помоћ за нашу снрочад у иашој старој домовшш. Нознвамо свс нашо досслеиико овога мсста, да до-)- У и доирннесу свој дсо за ову племсннту сврху, а на никнмку ћс бити спсга у изобиљу. За Одбор лссиа. Олга Јоцић. ОДГ0В0Р Ш КЛЕВЕТАЊЕ ПРОТИВ ЈУШОВЕНСКЕ ДИПЛОМАЦИЈЕ (Наставак са стране 2) чскова уста Иавелппеву лп-нј- у п то не смијсте nncuc-11- 0 изиестп прсд јзвност, )ер бн то за вас било поразпо. Али није маие поразно ако браиитс Tpojini пакт, јср ка-к- о аам је свиуа познато да јс ваш "законнти" вођа у за-јсдни- цп са издајицчкпм кпе-зо- м Павлом творац и потаас-ин-к тројног пакта. Како ви-дит- с, ђсла су ђсла. Немогуће јс битн у нсто вријемс ло-и- ов н иоштен човјек. Пнгају што су раднли пар-таза- аа п мајор у међувремс-н- у капнтулаццЈе н устаика. Гадилн су оно што н за ча-та- во г.ријеме старе злочниа-чк- е владавннс — несебични народни посао, којв се састо-ја- о у веуиораом органпзира и.у шнрокнх иародппх маса, да сс јсдаом за сва вренсна отресу замаскнраиих "демо-крат- а" — разних 'закови-твх- " Boba. Тако су у међувре-меа- у кашгтулације н устанка но цпјсиу највећпх ouaciio-ст- п радилн у;курбано на при-нрема- иа за иародаи устанак у ногодиом иоиспту, а тај је погодаи момепат био када се окупагор ухватно у коштац са подједнако јаким аепраја--гелс- м, Љихов рад ие требамо ми вама иного објашпаватп, то сте eii пајболе осјетнла иа властитој грбачи, јер вам се, захваљујуни ниховом раду изиакла власт над пародом за сва врсмсиа. Добро бн за вас бнло да они ансу радплн, али опи иису пазилн што би било за вас добро, иего су раднли оно што је за народ добро. Што би бнло добро вама то не бц иароду, a ar.u је народу то нпје вама. Што се таче мајорц Вуке-лпћ- а, као и осталнх руково-дећн- х луда нове Југославнје, онн су и прсвишс скромиц да бн говорнлн о себн лачио, као што говорц та ваша дс-зертерч- нна, који се хвалц о "комаидн над 40 тпсућа пар-тизан- а." За руководеће Југо-славе- не говоре велнка ДЈМа, која ннкаковс лажц н клевеге е могу сакрити. Тсшко вам је 6orauil и ми вам прпзнајсио. Скниута ваи је демократска копериа са лица н показато je ваше пра-в- о наказно усташко-четнич-к- о лице. Што ћете, тако је, н дал.е сс нсда. Толнко о томе у кратко, јер ба аааче ја као радаак имао са вама полсмизнрати uajuaae годаау дана у открп-ваа- у ваших лажа п вашс слачаоста са усташама u чет-наца- иа, ала то а аарод уве-лик- о увиђа а велика већаа а заа, да како сте бали зајед-н- о у Југославвја тако сте и сада овђе. Јосвп Мрзлак. JXz We are utilizing our visit to Paris and our presence at the meeting of the Council of the World Federation of Democratic Youth in order to communicate with you. We have met here with the Canadian delegation and Jes-sie Storrie told us about you and your work. In December of last year she was with us in Yugosla-via, along with Leo Usaty, and she probably spoke to you about her impressions of our country. The meeting of the W. F. D. Y. Council concluded successfully and it will undoubtedly bring about strengthening and broaden ing of the Federation and particu-larly its internal consolidation. We regularly send material to you from Yugoslavia. However, we don't know if you receive it regularly and whether or not you constantly keep abreast with the events in your "old country". Out of the important events which have appeared during the past months the session of the National Assembly has particu-larly important significance and the steps taken against a group of traitors and criminals who were under the leadership of Draza Mihailovich. From January up to the pre-sent time our People's Assembly met there times and enacted a series of laws based upon the con-stitution with which our democ-racy is strengthening itself and which legalize and develop the achievements of our rational lib-eration struggle. The court proce-edings against groups of traitors and the remaining criminals who were led by Draza Jlihailovich lasted a whole month — from the middle of June to the middle of July. The proceedings stimulated great interest not only in our country, but in other countries also. This was demonstrated by the presence of over fifty corres-pondents from almost all parts of the world. Not one foreign cor-respondent — even if there were among them those do not sympa-thize with the new Yugoslavia — could question the correctness and the objectivity of the court proceedure. Draza Mihailovich's behaivor was rotten and miserable. He wanted to save himself and wan-ted to place all the blame for his crimes upon his commanders who supposedly did not want to listen to his commands. Never-theless, being confronted with many withnesses, gome of whom were his own commanders, and hundreds of original documents about his collaboration with the enemy he had to admit his numer-ous crimes. All the other traitors and criminals behaved miserably also. The verdict of the jury greatly enthused all the people of Yugoslavia because with it the traitors and the criminals were Justly punished. There is another matter which greatly interests all our people. This Is the question of Trieste and Julian March. The decision of the Council of Foreign Min-isters in regard to internationali-zation of Trieste and the handing over of Gorice (Gorilla) and other territories which are solidly in-habited by the Slovenian popula-tion to Italy, caused widespread indignation in our whole country. That decision negates the ligiti-ma- te right of our country and does not treat our country as an ally, which has given euch tre-mendous sacrifices for the vic-tory of peace-lovin- g people over fascist aggression. Our people and our government can not agree with ttat kind of a decision which pays no attention to our rights. Through our delegation at the Faris Conference we shall carry on with the battle, confident that freedom-lovin- g people will see the truth and bring about a Just solution. We have spoken to you about the questions which are of first class importance for our people and which without doubt also interest our youth. However, we want to say something to you about the work and the life of our youth. We must, in the first place, refer to two questions: the Third Congress of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia and the construc-tion of the Youth Railway. Our Third Congress was held in Zagreb, from the 11th to the 15th of May. Our youth were pre-paring for it for a long period of time. Without pay our youth vo-luntarily donated 5,697,140 work-ing days to the pre-congre- ss com-petition which exemplifies the detenninaticn and the enthusiasm of our youth in preparing for ths Congress. The number of elected delega-tes from all the People's Repu blics and the Army who were present at the Congress reached 1,535. Marshal Tito was present at the Congress and delivered an ad-dress of greetings in which he gave great recognition to our youth in their work and called upon them to carry on with the reconstruc-tion of our country. More than fifty delegates from fourteen foreign counties also were pre-sent at the Congress. They ex-pressed their impressions about the enthusiasm of our youth. It must particularly be men-tioned that the Congress, besides being a great manifestation, was in the first place an answer of our youth in terms of work and deeds. It will undoubtedly gene-rate unusually important events in the further development and work of our youth organization. Besides a series of practical solutions and resolutions, the Con-gress adopted the constitution and by-la- ws of the Feople's Youth of Yugoslavia which were previ-ously throughly discussed amon-gst the youth in full detail. The constitution and the by-la- ws will play a big role in the consolida-tion of our organization. At the Congress the name of our organization was changed. The new name — People's Youth of Yugoslavia — is in accord with the present conditions of work and tasks of our youth organiza-tion in our People's Republic The old name — The League of Anti-Fasci- st Youth of Yugoslavia — cannot embrace all these new tasks and the character of our organization in its present deve-lopment. Now we want to refer to ano-ther important and significant event in the work of our youth and this is the construction or the Youth Railway. Our people's youth have undertaken the great task of building a ninety-thre- e kilometer long railway which will run from Brcko to Banovici In eastern Bosnia. This railway will link Belgrade and other northern parts with the rich coal basin in eastern Bosnia. The youth are voluntarily participating in the construction of this railway. The work began on the 1st of May and it will last for six months, even if the engineers estimated two years' work upon It since the terrain is mountainous and since three tunnels have to be dug in Majevica. The youth will work in three separate large groups (each group being composed of a number of brigades — Ed). The first group composed of 15,000 worked from the 1st of May to the 1st of July. The second group of 25,000 young people began to work on the 1st of July and this one will be replaced by the third group. Already thirty kilometers of the railway has been laid nd on the remaining length much work has been done. Also, a tun-nel of over eighty meters in length has been dug. The rigour and ambition with which our young people work has enthused everyone. They constantly com-pete with each other. From many parts of the coun try our youth are gathering and participating in the building of the Youth Railway. The youth from Julian March and Trieste and youth brigades from Czecho-slovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bul-garia, Albania, Hungary, and Greece are taking part In Its con-struction. Probably through the World Federation of Democratic Youth a youth brigade will be organized from western European countries. This is how the build-ing of the Youth Railway deve-loped and how it is forging solid-arity and friendship between young people from various coun-tries! There is no doubt that you want to assist us in the building of the Youth Railway. It would be very helpful if a group of young people from Canada came and took direct part In the work and later they would visit all parts of our country. If this is Impossible then your assistance could consist of various materials, money etc. We feel that something in re-gards to this should be done par-ticularly since it would link us closer together. We would like to inform you that physical culture and sports are constantly developing In our country. In this respect we have achived definite resultr. Our phy-sical-cultural- ists and sportsmen attained good rejults outside of our country also. We, however, have great shortage of sports fa-cilities and other sports material. It would be very helpful If you could render assistance to us in .supplying us with sports facilities ш+—шШшшШМШш?Ш&41{&јшКг VnisisisisHH Ш I sisHI sisisH EZAfcdfrYtCeTt HH&4-isik9isKisiB-C a isVlisisrisisisA MiJW, 1ЛЧ ~ml авВ-Л- £ Zi jlft Vbw siisisilY4iiB3fcsMBisisK- - isisVK K ViV чНК. TJsssisisisisB ввГнЈЧВввнК! ''L % ai a& чмj B m 1 Easeшшшшжшшмшттмгл A legless invalid авк!м in reconstruction of devaluated Yugoslavia by working on "Youth Kail-way- ", Ilrcko-ltanovl- d. Canadian Youth Contributes to Building of Yugoslav Youth Railway The present issue of S. Herald carries a translated publication of a letter written by Slavko Ko-ma- r, General Secretary of ths People's Youth of Yugoslavia, to the membership of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Federation. That letter merits the considera-tion and study of every single member of our movement We are particularly interested in the contents of the letter since they clearly picture the most im-portant events that have occured in the new People's Republic of Yugoslavia. The membership of the Can-adian South-Slavi- c Youth Fede-ration, along with all the demo-cratic people of the world, haih the punishment of the traitors and the criminals who betrayed the just cause and the principles of the national liberation struggle. Such measures not only streng-then the victory of the people of Yugoslavia. They consolidate the democratic victory of all the peace-lovin- g peoples throughout the world. The punishment of the criminals and the traitors led by Draza Mihailovich was a smash-ing blow to the forces of reaction who are the biggest enemies of young people. Reactionaries wha today are crying for another and a catastrophic world war gravely i endanger the future of youth. I A just solution of Trieste and 'tK Ttittan XfarrK vrMti ffl frton. tioned in Comrade Komar's letter, is the concern of all the democra-tic peoples the world over. All the freedom-lovin- g peoples sup-port the just claim of Yugoslavia for her own territory for which she has shed rivers of blood. The voice of democratic peoples will eventu ally echo throughout the world and a solution based upon justice and self determination of peoples, guaranteed by the Atlantic Char-ter, will be found. Of Interest to us was the suc-cessful conclusion of the Third Congress of the People's Youth of Yugoslavia and especially' the building of the Youth Railway, which Is being constructed volun-tarily by the heroic Yugoslav youth. Since the terrain through which the railway is going to run U mountainous, the engineers have estimated that the building of it will take two years. Knowing that their future is concerned in the building of the railway, the Yu-goslav youth have decided with determination to complete its con-struction within six months! Besides thousands of Yugoslav young people, international youth and material of which you have an abundance in Canada. With comradely greetings. General Secretary, People's Youth of Yugoslavia, Slavko Komar. Paris, France August 12th, 1946. working brigades from seven dif-ferent countries are participat-ing in the building of the railway. The participation of Internatio-nal youth working brigades is cementinfc the friendship and uni-ty of young people which grew out of the white heat of the fla-mes of war. We deeply regret that wo are unable to semi a Can-adian youth working brigade to take direct part in the building of the railway. Our participation would be of tremendous moral significance, but unfortunately circumstances will not permit us to take direct part in the con-struction of the Youth Railway, which will stretch from Brcko to Banovici in eastern Bosnia. This, however, in no way means that we cannot assist the young peo-ple who are already at work on the railway. The National Committee of the Canadian South-Slavi- c Youth Fe deration, at its meeting on the 3rd and 4th of August, decided to assist in the launching of a na-tional "Tools For Yugoslavia Campaign" in conjunction with the National Federation of Labor Youth. However, since the rail-way is scheduled to be completed by the 29th of November, the campaign Is being limited to the raising of finances and the pur-chase of comforts for the Yugo-slav youth and the international youth briga'des working on the railway. Our assistance to the Yugoslav youth will consist of comforts such as cigarettes, shav-ing kits, sports facilities, soap, pens etc. The campaign Is being initiated by the National Federation La bor Youth, a militant Canadian anti-fasci- st youth organization, to which the Canadian South-Slav- ic Youth Federation has re-cently affiliated. The campaign will be launched by the 1st of Sep-tember and it will run through to the 31st of October. It will em-brace the Canadian trade union youth, the fraternal organizations and all other friendly groups of young people. This is necessary before the campaign becomes one with a truely national character. It is the greatest undertaking that the Canadian youth have undertaken in support of the he-roic efforts of the Yugoslav youth. Leaflets on the campaign will soon be issued in large quantities for distribution to every one of our branches, to the Canadian trade union locals, fraternal youth groups and other organizations. Besides this, $1 and 50c bonds in booklet form will also be issued to every member of our youth federation and to the membership of other youth organizations for purpose of carrying on a sale of them. Furthermore, petitions will be signed by every contributor, which, after the conclusion of the campaign will be sent to the Сав народ пази и w тешко стечену слободу (Наставак са страае 3) првсистпо у промсту u трго-Biiiii- T, тако да всћ сада врло иало можсш наћн привлтнс трговаис. Задругарство јс по-че- ло да сс развија и у иолл-привред- а. Задругарство и сва иародна приврсда су под коа-троло- м иарода а државс, т. ј. иародпс власта. Нсмој краво да ме разу-мс- ш, па да помнслиш да се то снлои постизава. Шасти строго водс рачупа да сс ае би иојавчла каква шпскула-циј- а а 113рабливаи.с парода, аа да сс иско богати аа ра-ч- уа другога. Дружс Пеко, истнна за во-л- у да та речсм — нмадс a онах којима се паш друштве-ni- l иорсдак не допада. To су опа која су аавакла под сга-рм- и рсжамои да живс од шас-кулацп- јс a с кориштавајупн туђу радну саагу у своју хо-ри- ст, аа ни се то даиас ускра тило по аароду. Ilahe се ас-ш- то а таквах којн су аассли услед застарелог духа прош-лост- а таквам 11скадашннм гу-лакож- аиа па мрмллју. Али та су азоловааа а потауао acMoryhaa да пам va а колн-к- о аашкоде ала сметају, јср анјс лако водатн борбу про-тп- в пашег урсћаја када сав пзјкјд добро пази и чува сво-ј- у скупо нлапсау слободу. Сада јс доста до твога од-гово- ра. Нрамн та а твоја фа-мил- ија другарссц поздрав, жсл.ио очскуЈући да сс ви дпмо а зајсдао разговорнмо. Стево ДрагичешН-- Тарааа — У Кукес, у се-вср- аој Албаааји, стигла јс група од 245 Југословеасках оиладаааца, која he зајсдао са албааскаа охладаициха радата на азградиа пута Ку- - ксс-ПишЕоп- сЈа. (Јхладиаа н rpahaaa Куксса одушсвлао су поздраввлв југословев-ск- у омладинску бригаду. courageous Yugoslav youth. It is neccessary to take imme-diate action in this campaign. We must generate activities in every one of our fifteen organized com-munities as soon as possible. As an Immediate measure cur acti-vities during this campaign, be-sides the sale of bonds, must take their form In the organization of dances, concerts, socials and other affairs through which money could be raised for the purchase of comforts. This will be our con-tribution to the building of the Youth Railway! Hundreds and hundreds of dol-lars, in our organization alone, must be raised in support of the Yugoslav youth! Let us then Immediately initi-ate activites in our respective communities to ensure that the campaign will be overwhelming-ly successful! On behalf of the National Ex-ecutive, Enteric Simac, National Secretary C.S.Y.F. f "МИ J "W f _ №¥ —S4!- - --- — -- - - — -- £ - — |
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