1949-12-08-05 |
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pa^^niar sai monta 5viii> mäpäivälahjaa - Margaret. :2n harjoittaa suomea tällä kerran äiti vähän neuvoo. Minim r-späiväni on tänään. Täytän ;-.ta. Sain monta kaunista kort- :-:u-"3-albumin tatilta, josta k i i - Saiu myös puolisukat ja kaksi , .T.iistek>-naä, joilla nyt ktrjoi- A::i teki minulle syntyniiäpäivä- ;:. on vielä sievät ilmat, limta vähän kuitenkin. Tänä iiii -bingo^^-paartit haalilla ja .unssit jälestäpäin. Minäkin \-; • l " change to English as I don't ;:o'.v to write Finnish verj' well, -'".dfsr brother might come home : c:.;i=trnas from B. C. O-:' Christmas party is going to be n :;'-t -3rd. I haven"t anymore time .;:;,::n so close-for now. Mirry Christmas to ali the readers v.nters of this page and sister Mariaret, tco! Dagrmar Nissilä, Dunblane, Sask. l MATTI K I U R U — WM. SUVANNE iPALLOSALl • 318 Bay SL, Port Arthur, Ontario Mac Dolcetti's POLKUPYÖRIÄ IIUOXEKALUSTOJA J.V S.^HKÖVÄLINEITÄ 38 S. Sourt St. 'Seuraava Odeon teatterista) Puhelin 5-5522 Pori Arthur Ontario Wilbert Writes Us For the First Time I Dear sister Margaret and ail the readers and writers of this page. This is my first letter to this section. I am 11 years old and am in grade 5. I have tvro brothers and their names are Harold and Stanley. Harold's birthday was on Nov. 28th and he was 4 years old. Stanley will be 3 years old in March. I dc everything with my left hand. We have a little bit of snow already. enough to go sliding. We cleaned the ice on Sunday and then we Tveni skating. • \Ve were skating about five hcurs. I was out on Hallowe'en and I sur< got enough candy and fruits. At on-houss I gct 35 cents. My brother; were supposed to ccme with me foi treats but Harold was sick so the cöuldn't come. Some older boys hat been mischievous. They brought othe people's gates someplace else. Christmas will be here soon. W häven't been prkctising for our concer yet. We have exams just- now. : have a Finnish teacher. He teaches frcm grade 5 up. His name is Mr. Willianen. The lady. teacher. Miss Whittaker, teaches from grade I to 4. Melvin Niemi, who writes to this page, is my cousin. He gave me a pumpkin and I made a jack-o-lantern out of it. I had a candle buming i n side it. I had i t outside. Some c h i l d. ren blew out the candle. This is ali I \vill write this time. Be good, boys and girls. So-long! lVilbert Alanen, Nolalu, Ont. Perheen nuoremmille Saatavana pikaista lähetystä varten 9 Interiop Trim 0 Insul-Bric Siding © Plywood ® Maronile 0 Asphalt Shingleb 9 Fibre Glass Insulation MILTON FRANCIS LUMBER CO. LTD Puhelin Dial 5-7394 S3 S. Cunxberland Sl. Pori Arlhur Ontario Ilmi Saw Picture of Evelyn in San. Hello Margaret and ali the other members of this page. We had lots of snow last week but for twa days the weather has been warm. The snow from the roads has almost melted away. We have started to practise for our Christmas concert. I think we are going to have our concert on the 20th or 21st. My father cut Arvo Jr.'s hair. He looks much nicer than before when he had long hair. There was a picture of the sanato-rium and ali the people in there. There was a picture of Evelyn, too. I guess I ' l l close now. Cheerio! Ilmi Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. BABÄIAN RUG COMPANY Expertti mattojen ja Chester-field- kalustojen puhdistajat. Huonekaluja korjataan ja uudelleen päällystetään. PuheUn 5-9742 405 N . Cumberland St. . Port Arthur Ontario HUDOLIN & GAMBLE • SOUTH END SERVICE PUHELIN 5.8742 MEILLÄ PUHUTAAN SUOMEA. Iliisauspaja ja autokorjaamo. Gasoliinia, öljyä ja autojen täydellistä :-:',riajsta. Ensiluokan mekanikot. Hitsauspalvelus kuorma-autojen .-•Jureille ja metsätöiden teettäjille. Työ tehdään pajassamme tai asiak- •-.aan luona. Kaikentyyppisiä terästuotteita, palorappuja ja kasipmta. .^Hl Oliver Road, High St. lähellä , Port Arthur, Ontario Onerva Tells of Her Finland Trip Dear sister Margaret. Mom just reminded me that I had better write to you. sister Margaret. We went for a hoUday to Finland. We left herne on the 21st cf August and came back on the 14th of Nov-ember. Arvo stayed home and looked after our house and kept things m order. I suppose we ifouldnt have 3one if he had not be=n here. It sure was a long trip, over two vesks. It took eight days*to go across he Atlantic. We sailed from New rork to Göteborg. Sweden. •We sail-d on the M . S. Stockholm. It is luite a small ship but a verj' nice )ne. I was Weil going but seasick cn the :rip coming back. Mom and dad were oth fine. I was surprised at dad or he had such an appetite and I •jould hardly eat a thing! I was glad to see my relatives over there. Now I will know who they are when they write. Things are sure different over there. I liked the steambath. We had one every Satur-day night. Everyone speaks Finnish so I was lucky to be able to speak and understand the language. It was nice to see mom's and dad's home. There was a nice new chiu-ch and theatre tl;iere. I went to church twice It was lovely inside. They say it is very pretty at night. I also went to the Ehow three times. The Finnish money seemed very strange ä t first, everything seemed so ccstly but whsn I got to know it, it wasn't SD complicated. Nearly everj-one had a bicycle. Very few people had cars or trucks. The men use horses to go to work with. I learned to ride a bike. I never rode a bike before. It took me three days to really learn. I had fun separating milk. Some-times I helped my aunt with the work. She had four children, ali young ones. I taught one lady to speak English I often went to her place and talked with her. I .wasn't used to ali the crying and noise that was made at uncles. We stayed at my uncle's place. I had fun over there though I thought I wouldn't. When we got home I started school again and got caught up with my work. I was glad to manage as Weil as I did but now I shall see how my exams turn Qut. It won't, be so easy. Weil, I ' l l end now for it is getting late. Good-byel Onerva Salomaa, Golden, B. C. Rose Rooting for Chicago Black Hawks Dear big sister Margaret. It is time to write again. How is everybody feeling these cold Winter days? I'm not feeling so well because I have a bad cold. I went; to a show last Tuesday. It was called "I Was a Male War Bride" and it starred Gary Grant and Ann Sheridan. It was the best show I've ever seen. It was really funny! It has been very cold out so I"ve stayed i n the hcuse nearly ali day. The Finnish people had a meeting at our place today so I Ustened to them since I had nothlng else to do. My brother has bsen skating and I have been skiing lately. I've really enjoyed skiing because the weather has been so nice. I went to see my brother who is skidding logs i n the bush. One hill is nearly bare because there are no tree left on it. We had to cut them ali down because cf the power-line that is being put through. I feel sorry for ali those trees that have to be chopped douTi. Do j'ou root for any team in the National Hockey League, sister Mar-giaret? I root for Chicago Black Hawks, my sister Violet for Toronto Maple Leafs, sister May for Boston Bruins and brother Reino for the Montreal Canadiens. I got ä new Winter coat, a new drcss and a pair of stpcking's from Simpsons. My coat was a bit long but my mother shortened it. I Ijust finished playing bingo with my brothers and sisters. I wcn qulte a few games. Good pastime. I think 5'11 close now. I'm sorry I didn't write in Finnish but my Sisters are and they took ali my good news away. Cheerio! Rose Maki, Mattawa, Ont. Rakennustarpeita . . . BC Katlopäreitä No. S-SX—kimppu - - $1.25 EC Fir-vaneria ja "Masonite"-levyjä VALMIITA AKKUNAN JA OVEN KEHYKSIÄ Jouduttaa työssä ja maksussa. Kysykää näitä WANSON LUMBER COMPANY Puhelimet N. 431 — N. 731 Port Arthur Oniario SITÄ MUKAAN KUIN MAASEUTU SÄHKÖISTETÄÄN tarjoutuu maaseutuväestölle tilaisuus käyttä ä aikaa j a vaivaa säästäviä koneita. , ... Keholtamme farmareita kääntymään puoleemme niiden hankinnassa. . ^1 . Meillä on nyt tilaisuus hankkia Teille hyväksi tunnettuja CO-OP PYYKKIKONEITA CO-OFXYPSYKONEITA ja voimme varustaa taloutenne täysin automaattisella / VESIPAINELAITTEILLA Kysvkää hintojamme, joko yleisliikkeenhoitajalta tai sivu-in\- ymälöittemme hoitajilta maaseudulla. , INTERNATIONAL CO-OP STORES LIMITED PAAIJIKE JA SIVDMYYMÄIÄT 176-180 S. Algoma St. Port Arthur. Ont. Marie Hooing for a White Christmas Dear .sister Margaret. . I think it is about time for me to write to your page.' Xmas wlll soon be here. We are practisihg for cur concert at school. I wish we would get some snow soon because it doesn't seem like Xmas without it. There vt-as a Finnish play at Cambie on Nov. 19th. The play was called •'Kaivostyömies". My mom and dad were in it. I took part in the pro-gramme with another girl. She play-ed her guitar and I played my man-dolin and we both sang. After the 'play there was a dance and we danced the rest of the night and had a ver>' good time. I was at the show last night and it showed the openlng of the Sicamous bridge. I saw many people that I know in the picture. I even saw myself. It .sure v.'as fun to watch. Thafs ali for now. Cheerio! Marie Hantula, Solsqua, B. C. Oscar'S First Letter Hello sLster Margaret and "perheen nuoremmille". This is my first letter. I am 7 years old. I am i n grade II. Teacher is helping us with our Christmas programme. "VVe will have our concert cn the 18th. We had oiir first snow on the ICth of November. There is just about an inch of snow cut here. My mummy got a turkey from aunt Martha. She will raise some turkeys next. .sping. I have a brother and a sister. I wHl send my letter with my brothers., I hope you will publish my letter. This Is ali for now. Here's wlshlng ycu ali a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year! Oscar Waine, Rich Lake, Alta. Lily Imluaa jatkaa kottlua Hyvää päivää iso sisko Margaret ja kaikki tämän osaston lukijat. Ajattelin taas kirjoittaa jonkun rivin t ä h ä n osastoon. Minä olen ollut pois koulusta kaksi viikkoa kun minussa on ollut n i i n paha yskä. Tänä syksynä onkin paljon ihmisiä yskässä." Täällä on jo n i i n paljon limta, että pian saa mennä laskemaan mäkeä kelkalla. Joulu on nyt n i in lähellä, e t t ä muistakaa siskot ja veljet olla kilttiä, että joulupukki toisi teille paljon lahjoja. Kyllä kai minä menen vielä yhdek. sänteen luokkaan kouluiu Jos läpäisen kansakoulun. ' Minun kovin aineeni koulussa on laskento. Nyt on olut niin kuivaa, e t t ä monien ihmisten kaivoista on loppunut vesi. Kyllä kai lopetan jo. Pai-pal! U l y Ylinen, Wahnapitae, Ont. ^::A/[axgaiziin Shirley was Trapping, To No Avail Dear sister Margaret and ali the readers and Wrlters of this page. How are you feeling? I hope you are flne. The weather has been warm here for two days now. We didn't get any weasels this week. I guess we are poor trappers. I think this Is ali for now. Cheerio! Shirley Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. Heipä hei siskot ja veljet! Ajatelkaa, ei ole enää kuin 17 päivää jouluun. Eikö ala jo olla j ä n n i t. tävää miettiä mitä joulupukki tänä vuonna tuo? Ei kannata olla tottelematon nyt ;se on liian suuri "riski", .sillä .saatte olla varmoja, että joulupukki pitää mustassa kirjassaan huolellista kirjanpitoa kaikista lapsista, ovatko he kilttiä tai el. Joulusta puhuen voin mainita, että Vapauden joulunumeroon on tänä vuonna laadittu kokonainen sivu teitä varten. Siinä on hauskoja joulukertomuksia, runoja ja kuvia, joista varmasti nautitte. Lukekaa Onen-an kirje tarkkaan sillä liän kertoo Suomimatkastaan. Tervetuloa takaisin! Mmä olen saman joukkueen kannattaja kuin Violetkin on, Rose. Olen aina pitänyt enittn Toronto Maple Leafs-joukkuee.sta. Syntymäpäiväni on tammikuun neljäntenä päivänä, George, mutta mistä tiiesit että se on tammikuussa? Meillä on kolme uutta jäsentäkin tervehdittävänä tällä viikolla. He ovat Eleanor Luoma ja Wilbert Alanen, molemmat Nolalusta. Ontariossa, ja Oscar Wai|ic Rich X-akelta, Alb?r-tassa. Tervetuloa perhccsEemme! Tämän viikon kirjesaloon osallistuivat Dagmar, Doris, Shirlcv, ilmi, Lily, Marie, Ann, Leo, Mclvin, Sonja, Violet, Esko ja Rudolph. Pitäkää hauskaa nyt kun on luntakin niin paljon satanut, mutta olkaa varovaisia lasketellessa mäkiä. Älkää lasketelko kaduilla, jassa autot kulkevat. Siis hyvästi nyt! Siskonne Margaret. J. K. — Tilan puutteen takia täytyi j ä t t ä ä o.sa kirjeistä julkaistavaksi lauantain lehdessä, Tilatkaa Variaus^ KANNATTAKAA LIIKKEITÄ JOTKA ILMOITTAVAT VAPAUDKSSA Esko is Having Car Troubles Hello Margaret and ali you readers and writers of this page. How is everybody feeling today? Coldi I hope. I'm just freezing. The weather down here is really cold, put out some. water and it doesn't take very long to freeze. The gasollne used for cars lsn't very good these days. There must be water in it because it freezes. The gasollne In cur car froze In.the gas Iines. It took us half a day to get the Ice melted out of the tubes. The cup on the fuel pump was a complete, so-lld chunk of Ice. We poured hot water into It to melt the ice. We've had two tests already at school, hlstcry and geography. In hlstory I got 80 and In ge<«raphy 77. On Frlday I went to the Hhpw and saw "Hellfire' 'and "Rose of the Y u - kon", two very good pictures. I guess I will send that pen to the Waterman Co. because it is a Water-man pen. Thafs ali for now. Cheerio! Esko Harja, R. B. 1, St. Ann's Ont. GSJ:n M O N T R E A L I N OS. NAISTENKERIION ä i s e t SEKÄ Ohjelma^ ja tanssi-iltama LAUANTAINA JOULUKUUN 10 P:NÄ klo 8 illalla 926 A T W A T E R - H A A L I L LA Joululahjarahastoon saapui tällä viikolla $3 lahjoitus CS-J: n Port Arthurin naisten kerholta. On myös joulukiireessä jäänyt mainitsematta 50 sentin lahjoitus mrs. A, Andersonilta, Pt, Williainista. Kiitoksia! Rahastossamme oa nyt4103.3!>. B. F. GOODRICH patterit pBjiGoodrich Aloittaa nopeammin — Kestää luiuemmin Tehkää aloittaminen varmaksi ja nopeam-maksi — ne antaa enemmän voimaa ja kestää kauemman. Uudet B. F. Goodrich- Patterit antavat lisää elinvoimaa ja ovat luotettavat raslcaammassakin käytössä. ALHAISET MAKSUEHDOT $1.75 käteen ja $1,25 vUkossa B.F.Goddfich 124 Alconqain Blvd. Timinlns, Ontario PUHELIN 2765 Sonja WiU Spend Xmas in Sudbiiry E>ear sister Margaret. How' has everyone been feeling these cold days? I have practically frozen. Weil, Christmas Is just around the comer. It wont be long before you wake up in the moming to open yotir presents. We are going to have a Christcas concert on the 21st. I am in one play. It is called *'Dad's Qulet Bven< ing". I have been skating already. The baby is 1 yr. and 7 months old. She can walk very well. She^can also say a few wQrds llke '^aby" and "ifC^T, car". I often take her out for a'.^alk. I put her onto the toboggan aad. puli her. Does she ever like It! i äm going to spend my Chrlstmj^s holldays in Sudhury vitto my sister on Melvin Ave. so I might come and see sister Margaret, I got a good report this time. 1 got 78 percent. I had ali A's and 1 B. Not bad, eh? I guess I had better close now lor I have to go.tp bed as tomorrow Is a school day (again). Cheeriol Sonja Peltoniemi, Worthington, Ont. Torstaina, joulukuun 8 p. — Thursday, Dee. 8 Si?u Our First Letter From Eleanor Hello big sister Margaret and ali the writers of this page. This is my first letter to this page. I cant write very well so my mother has to help mc, I will be 7 years old on Jan. 28th. I have 2 .sLsters, Helen and Loma. J go to school now. I started school this fall. My father i.s working in the bush camp at Raith. Ont. I like when father comes home for Christmas. Weil, this i,s ali for now. Cheeriol Eleanor Luoma, Nolalu, Ont. Leo Caught Mink's Paw in Trap / Hello sister Margaret. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone i.^ feeling fine and happy. I am sorry for not writing sopner although I have been quitc busy trapping and going to practice for Xmas concert.s every second night. I should liavc \vritlen sooner though. I'll try to writ3 .'ooner next time. We have a new and better teacher this year and have beeir raising funds to purcha.so our Christinas presents. We have dances and "card partles evorj' two week.s. Wc will have one card party ruxl Wcdne.sday. I sold nearly $25 worth of Xmas cards this .seasoii. I ju.st receivcd 'om'^ houiehold article;; this morning to sell. I have been trapping a little bit llii.s year but have iiad toui^h luck. I oniy caught tlirce weas2ls, t'wo squirrels and a mink's paw. The mink got, caught by its front Icg but chewed it off. I v.-ish I cculd capture a mink this ye.ir. We killed thicL' cf our pigs but have two left. r hope we k i l i our calf soon. Meny eiiri.slma;, everyone. Oh, a Happy Now Year al;-,o! Leo Häyrynen, Quimet, Ont. (hallmger SUOJELTUN TARKKUUDEN KELLO Kellot, joihin on mallisirous ja erikoinen tarkkuus yhdistetty. Suunniteltu erikoisesti Birksiä varten Sveitsissä maailman kuulu ETERNA työverstaassa. Voitte ylpeillä omistaessanne . . . Voitte ylpeillä antaessanne Chal-lenger- kellon. A. 10 kt. keltakullalla päällys- 1 tetyt kuoret V, 60.00 , B. 10 kt. keltakullalla päällys- • tctyt kuoret ,55.00 e. 14 kt. keltakultakuoret 80.00 D 10 kt. kellakullalla päällystetyt kuoret ,. 57.50 Kvikisui 17 Uyiiirn Challenger koneisto SAATAVISSA VAHITTAIS-MAKSUEHDOILLA AINO PIRSKANEN ilomielin palvelee Teitä kaupa.-JKamm!:; käylyiirme.- Hän voi esittää teille niitä .satoja lahjaehdotuksia mitä on kaupas-samme. . J E W £ L L e R $) Durham Ja Larch kai. kulmJ» Sudbury KARJAN RUOKAA JA REHUJA KNOFUL-O-PEP kasvatusmä.sUiii 4.60 Ful-O-Pep munifusmäskiä - -4J0 ••••••AM BRING THE GRASS RANGE INDOORSl FUL-O-PiiP munitu.smäski-pclict» . .. FUIi-O-PEP Super CJrccn IVIfcts (Ruohoa pillerin mu«d«ma| . . . . . ., KANOJEN 4-Jyvän raapinUrchua, sisältää maissia QUAKER kanojen raapjintarchua OISTERINK UORIA KIVENAISAINEITA. kaikenkokoista FUL-O-PEP SUPER GREENS PELLETS • Pfovide Year-round Raoge Benefits • Promote faatcbabilit|r • Help prevent diseasc • Save Fced • Save Labour • Control Consumptioa PAIKALLISELTA VÄLITTÄJÄLTÄNNE Pyytäkää meiltä karjanhoito neuvoja s.to .......3.85 3.95 t.75 IM MIINALAATIKOITA 250 kpL 5.45 FUL-O-PEP vasikan jauho ja 5.35 FUL-O-PEP vasikanruoka-pell«-ls • •5.50 QUAKER vaslkanjauhoja • • -4.80 MAITOKARJANSEOKSIA 16 % 3.55 MAITOKARJANSEOKSIA .....?4% 3.95 FUL-O-PEP vahvistusruokaa •3.60 FUL-O-PEP sianaloittamismäfikiä ,4,(50 8IANKABVATUSMASKIA 3*55 SIANLOPETTAMISMASKIA • • -3.05 FUL-O-PEP emäsianruokaa ••••3.90 KAUROJA, No. 1 lännen 3>i0 KAUROJA, OnUrion ..2.90 KAUROJA, silputtuja tai puristettuja .3.30 iCAURA- ja OHEASILPPl A -3.50 OHRASILPPUA 3.85 RUOKINTA NISUA . . . . . ..........3,80 MAISSIA kokonaisina • • • • -3^70 halaistuna. • FUL-O-PEP hevosrehua Ylläolevat 100 p. säkeissä IVORY leipäjauhoja • • • • .98 Ib. QUAKER yleis jauhoja 2* |b. 98 Ib. WHOLE WHEAT-jauhot . . . 98 Ib. SAXON kaakkujauhot .24 Ib. QUAKER kauranryyniä .5 Ib. Hienoja tai karkeita 2» Ib. BUCKEYE maissijauhoja ...24 1b 98 Ib. Hieno» suolaa .IH Vft. lotlsoola» karjalle IM Ib. Suola möhkäleitä 50 Ib. ,90 — Jotia.sisäUävät .....'....^Ml Cobalt ...............5» n». 1.00 ALPHONSE E. CHAREHE & Sons 5.55 • JAX7HOJA 188 LottU St, • JYVIÄ Puh. 3-0531 SttdbofT
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Vapaus, December 8, 1949 |
Language | fi |
Subject | Finnish--Canadians--Newspapers |
Publisher | Vapaus Publishing Co |
Date | 1949-12-08 |
Type | text |
Format | application/pdf |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | Vapaus491208 |
Title | 1949-12-08-05 |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
OCR text | pa^^niar sai monta 5viii> mäpäivälahjaa - Margaret. :2n harjoittaa suomea tällä kerran äiti vähän neuvoo. Minim r-späiväni on tänään. Täytän ;-.ta. Sain monta kaunista kort- :-:u-"3-albumin tatilta, josta k i i - Saiu myös puolisukat ja kaksi , .T.iistek>-naä, joilla nyt ktrjoi- A::i teki minulle syntyniiäpäivä- ;:. on vielä sievät ilmat, limta vähän kuitenkin. Tänä iiii -bingo^^-paartit haalilla ja .unssit jälestäpäin. Minäkin \-; • l " change to English as I don't ;:o'.v to write Finnish verj' well, -'".dfsr brother might come home : c:.;i=trnas from B. C. O-:' Christmas party is going to be n :;'-t -3rd. I haven"t anymore time .;:;,::n so close-for now. Mirry Christmas to ali the readers v.nters of this page and sister Mariaret, tco! Dagrmar Nissilä, Dunblane, Sask. l MATTI K I U R U — WM. SUVANNE iPALLOSALl • 318 Bay SL, Port Arthur, Ontario Mac Dolcetti's POLKUPYÖRIÄ IIUOXEKALUSTOJA J.V S.^HKÖVÄLINEITÄ 38 S. Sourt St. 'Seuraava Odeon teatterista) Puhelin 5-5522 Pori Arthur Ontario Wilbert Writes Us For the First Time I Dear sister Margaret and ail the readers and writers of this page. This is my first letter to this section. I am 11 years old and am in grade 5. I have tvro brothers and their names are Harold and Stanley. Harold's birthday was on Nov. 28th and he was 4 years old. Stanley will be 3 years old in March. I dc everything with my left hand. We have a little bit of snow already. enough to go sliding. We cleaned the ice on Sunday and then we Tveni skating. • \Ve were skating about five hcurs. I was out on Hallowe'en and I sur< got enough candy and fruits. At on-houss I gct 35 cents. My brother; were supposed to ccme with me foi treats but Harold was sick so the cöuldn't come. Some older boys hat been mischievous. They brought othe people's gates someplace else. Christmas will be here soon. W häven't been prkctising for our concer yet. We have exams just- now. : have a Finnish teacher. He teaches frcm grade 5 up. His name is Mr. Willianen. The lady. teacher. Miss Whittaker, teaches from grade I to 4. Melvin Niemi, who writes to this page, is my cousin. He gave me a pumpkin and I made a jack-o-lantern out of it. I had a candle buming i n side it. I had i t outside. Some c h i l d. ren blew out the candle. This is ali I \vill write this time. Be good, boys and girls. So-long! lVilbert Alanen, Nolalu, Ont. Perheen nuoremmille Saatavana pikaista lähetystä varten 9 Interiop Trim 0 Insul-Bric Siding © Plywood ® Maronile 0 Asphalt Shingleb 9 Fibre Glass Insulation MILTON FRANCIS LUMBER CO. LTD Puhelin Dial 5-7394 S3 S. Cunxberland Sl. Pori Arlhur Ontario Ilmi Saw Picture of Evelyn in San. Hello Margaret and ali the other members of this page. We had lots of snow last week but for twa days the weather has been warm. The snow from the roads has almost melted away. We have started to practise for our Christmas concert. I think we are going to have our concert on the 20th or 21st. My father cut Arvo Jr.'s hair. He looks much nicer than before when he had long hair. There was a picture of the sanato-rium and ali the people in there. There was a picture of Evelyn, too. I guess I ' l l close now. Cheerio! Ilmi Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. BABÄIAN RUG COMPANY Expertti mattojen ja Chester-field- kalustojen puhdistajat. Huonekaluja korjataan ja uudelleen päällystetään. PuheUn 5-9742 405 N . Cumberland St. . Port Arthur Ontario HUDOLIN & GAMBLE • SOUTH END SERVICE PUHELIN 5.8742 MEILLÄ PUHUTAAN SUOMEA. Iliisauspaja ja autokorjaamo. Gasoliinia, öljyä ja autojen täydellistä :-:',riajsta. Ensiluokan mekanikot. Hitsauspalvelus kuorma-autojen .-•Jureille ja metsätöiden teettäjille. Työ tehdään pajassamme tai asiak- •-.aan luona. Kaikentyyppisiä terästuotteita, palorappuja ja kasipmta. .^Hl Oliver Road, High St. lähellä , Port Arthur, Ontario Onerva Tells of Her Finland Trip Dear sister Margaret. Mom just reminded me that I had better write to you. sister Margaret. We went for a hoUday to Finland. We left herne on the 21st cf August and came back on the 14th of Nov-ember. Arvo stayed home and looked after our house and kept things m order. I suppose we ifouldnt have 3one if he had not be=n here. It sure was a long trip, over two vesks. It took eight days*to go across he Atlantic. We sailed from New rork to Göteborg. Sweden. •We sail-d on the M . S. Stockholm. It is luite a small ship but a verj' nice )ne. I was Weil going but seasick cn the :rip coming back. Mom and dad were oth fine. I was surprised at dad or he had such an appetite and I •jould hardly eat a thing! I was glad to see my relatives over there. Now I will know who they are when they write. Things are sure different over there. I liked the steambath. We had one every Satur-day night. Everyone speaks Finnish so I was lucky to be able to speak and understand the language. It was nice to see mom's and dad's home. There was a nice new chiu-ch and theatre tl;iere. I went to church twice It was lovely inside. They say it is very pretty at night. I also went to the Ehow three times. The Finnish money seemed very strange ä t first, everything seemed so ccstly but whsn I got to know it, it wasn't SD complicated. Nearly everj-one had a bicycle. Very few people had cars or trucks. The men use horses to go to work with. I learned to ride a bike. I never rode a bike before. It took me three days to really learn. I had fun separating milk. Some-times I helped my aunt with the work. She had four children, ali young ones. I taught one lady to speak English I often went to her place and talked with her. I .wasn't used to ali the crying and noise that was made at uncles. We stayed at my uncle's place. I had fun over there though I thought I wouldn't. When we got home I started school again and got caught up with my work. I was glad to manage as Weil as I did but now I shall see how my exams turn Qut. It won't, be so easy. Weil, I ' l l end now for it is getting late. Good-byel Onerva Salomaa, Golden, B. C. Rose Rooting for Chicago Black Hawks Dear big sister Margaret. It is time to write again. How is everybody feeling these cold Winter days? I'm not feeling so well because I have a bad cold. I went; to a show last Tuesday. It was called "I Was a Male War Bride" and it starred Gary Grant and Ann Sheridan. It was the best show I've ever seen. It was really funny! It has been very cold out so I"ve stayed i n the hcuse nearly ali day. The Finnish people had a meeting at our place today so I Ustened to them since I had nothlng else to do. My brother has bsen skating and I have been skiing lately. I've really enjoyed skiing because the weather has been so nice. I went to see my brother who is skidding logs i n the bush. One hill is nearly bare because there are no tree left on it. We had to cut them ali down because cf the power-line that is being put through. I feel sorry for ali those trees that have to be chopped douTi. Do j'ou root for any team in the National Hockey League, sister Mar-giaret? I root for Chicago Black Hawks, my sister Violet for Toronto Maple Leafs, sister May for Boston Bruins and brother Reino for the Montreal Canadiens. I got ä new Winter coat, a new drcss and a pair of stpcking's from Simpsons. My coat was a bit long but my mother shortened it. I Ijust finished playing bingo with my brothers and sisters. I wcn qulte a few games. Good pastime. I think 5'11 close now. I'm sorry I didn't write in Finnish but my Sisters are and they took ali my good news away. Cheerio! Rose Maki, Mattawa, Ont. Rakennustarpeita . . . BC Katlopäreitä No. S-SX—kimppu - - $1.25 EC Fir-vaneria ja "Masonite"-levyjä VALMIITA AKKUNAN JA OVEN KEHYKSIÄ Jouduttaa työssä ja maksussa. Kysykää näitä WANSON LUMBER COMPANY Puhelimet N. 431 — N. 731 Port Arthur Oniario SITÄ MUKAAN KUIN MAASEUTU SÄHKÖISTETÄÄN tarjoutuu maaseutuväestölle tilaisuus käyttä ä aikaa j a vaivaa säästäviä koneita. , ... Keholtamme farmareita kääntymään puoleemme niiden hankinnassa. . ^1 . Meillä on nyt tilaisuus hankkia Teille hyväksi tunnettuja CO-OP PYYKKIKONEITA CO-OFXYPSYKONEITA ja voimme varustaa taloutenne täysin automaattisella / VESIPAINELAITTEILLA Kysvkää hintojamme, joko yleisliikkeenhoitajalta tai sivu-in\- ymälöittemme hoitajilta maaseudulla. , INTERNATIONAL CO-OP STORES LIMITED PAAIJIKE JA SIVDMYYMÄIÄT 176-180 S. Algoma St. Port Arthur. Ont. Marie Hooing for a White Christmas Dear .sister Margaret. . I think it is about time for me to write to your page.' Xmas wlll soon be here. We are practisihg for cur concert at school. I wish we would get some snow soon because it doesn't seem like Xmas without it. There vt-as a Finnish play at Cambie on Nov. 19th. The play was called •'Kaivostyömies". My mom and dad were in it. I took part in the pro-gramme with another girl. She play-ed her guitar and I played my man-dolin and we both sang. After the 'play there was a dance and we danced the rest of the night and had a ver>' good time. I was at the show last night and it showed the openlng of the Sicamous bridge. I saw many people that I know in the picture. I even saw myself. It .sure v.'as fun to watch. Thafs ali for now. Cheerio! Marie Hantula, Solsqua, B. C. Oscar'S First Letter Hello sLster Margaret and "perheen nuoremmille". This is my first letter. I am 7 years old. I am i n grade II. Teacher is helping us with our Christmas programme. "VVe will have our concert cn the 18th. We had oiir first snow on the ICth of November. There is just about an inch of snow cut here. My mummy got a turkey from aunt Martha. She will raise some turkeys next. .sping. I have a brother and a sister. I wHl send my letter with my brothers., I hope you will publish my letter. This Is ali for now. Here's wlshlng ycu ali a very merry Christmas and a very happy New Year! Oscar Waine, Rich Lake, Alta. Lily Imluaa jatkaa kottlua Hyvää päivää iso sisko Margaret ja kaikki tämän osaston lukijat. Ajattelin taas kirjoittaa jonkun rivin t ä h ä n osastoon. Minä olen ollut pois koulusta kaksi viikkoa kun minussa on ollut n i i n paha yskä. Tänä syksynä onkin paljon ihmisiä yskässä." Täällä on jo n i i n paljon limta, että pian saa mennä laskemaan mäkeä kelkalla. Joulu on nyt n i in lähellä, e t t ä muistakaa siskot ja veljet olla kilttiä, että joulupukki toisi teille paljon lahjoja. Kyllä kai minä menen vielä yhdek. sänteen luokkaan kouluiu Jos läpäisen kansakoulun. ' Minun kovin aineeni koulussa on laskento. Nyt on olut niin kuivaa, e t t ä monien ihmisten kaivoista on loppunut vesi. Kyllä kai lopetan jo. Pai-pal! U l y Ylinen, Wahnapitae, Ont. ^::A/[axgaiziin Shirley was Trapping, To No Avail Dear sister Margaret and ali the readers and Wrlters of this page. How are you feeling? I hope you are flne. The weather has been warm here for two days now. We didn't get any weasels this week. I guess we are poor trappers. I think this Is ali for now. Cheerio! Shirley Kivi, Silver Mountain, Ont. Heipä hei siskot ja veljet! Ajatelkaa, ei ole enää kuin 17 päivää jouluun. Eikö ala jo olla j ä n n i t. tävää miettiä mitä joulupukki tänä vuonna tuo? Ei kannata olla tottelematon nyt ;se on liian suuri "riski", .sillä .saatte olla varmoja, että joulupukki pitää mustassa kirjassaan huolellista kirjanpitoa kaikista lapsista, ovatko he kilttiä tai el. Joulusta puhuen voin mainita, että Vapauden joulunumeroon on tänä vuonna laadittu kokonainen sivu teitä varten. Siinä on hauskoja joulukertomuksia, runoja ja kuvia, joista varmasti nautitte. Lukekaa Onen-an kirje tarkkaan sillä liän kertoo Suomimatkastaan. Tervetuloa takaisin! Mmä olen saman joukkueen kannattaja kuin Violetkin on, Rose. Olen aina pitänyt enittn Toronto Maple Leafs-joukkuee.sta. Syntymäpäiväni on tammikuun neljäntenä päivänä, George, mutta mistä tiiesit että se on tammikuussa? Meillä on kolme uutta jäsentäkin tervehdittävänä tällä viikolla. He ovat Eleanor Luoma ja Wilbert Alanen, molemmat Nolalusta. Ontariossa, ja Oscar Wai|ic Rich X-akelta, Alb?r-tassa. Tervetuloa perhccsEemme! Tämän viikon kirjesaloon osallistuivat Dagmar, Doris, Shirlcv, ilmi, Lily, Marie, Ann, Leo, Mclvin, Sonja, Violet, Esko ja Rudolph. Pitäkää hauskaa nyt kun on luntakin niin paljon satanut, mutta olkaa varovaisia lasketellessa mäkiä. Älkää lasketelko kaduilla, jassa autot kulkevat. Siis hyvästi nyt! Siskonne Margaret. J. K. — Tilan puutteen takia täytyi j ä t t ä ä o.sa kirjeistä julkaistavaksi lauantain lehdessä, Tilatkaa Variaus^ KANNATTAKAA LIIKKEITÄ JOTKA ILMOITTAVAT VAPAUDKSSA Esko is Having Car Troubles Hello Margaret and ali you readers and writers of this page. How is everybody feeling today? Coldi I hope. I'm just freezing. The weather down here is really cold, put out some. water and it doesn't take very long to freeze. The gasollne used for cars lsn't very good these days. There must be water in it because it freezes. The gasollne In cur car froze In.the gas Iines. It took us half a day to get the Ice melted out of the tubes. The cup on the fuel pump was a complete, so-lld chunk of Ice. We poured hot water into It to melt the ice. We've had two tests already at school, hlstcry and geography. In hlstory I got 80 and In ge<«raphy 77. On Frlday I went to the Hhpw and saw "Hellfire' 'and "Rose of the Y u - kon", two very good pictures. I guess I will send that pen to the Waterman Co. because it is a Water-man pen. Thafs ali for now. Cheerio! Esko Harja, R. B. 1, St. Ann's Ont. GSJ:n M O N T R E A L I N OS. NAISTENKERIION ä i s e t SEKÄ Ohjelma^ ja tanssi-iltama LAUANTAINA JOULUKUUN 10 P:NÄ klo 8 illalla 926 A T W A T E R - H A A L I L LA Joululahjarahastoon saapui tällä viikolla $3 lahjoitus CS-J: n Port Arthurin naisten kerholta. On myös joulukiireessä jäänyt mainitsematta 50 sentin lahjoitus mrs. A, Andersonilta, Pt, Williainista. Kiitoksia! Rahastossamme oa nyt4103.3!>. B. F. GOODRICH patterit pBjiGoodrich Aloittaa nopeammin — Kestää luiuemmin Tehkää aloittaminen varmaksi ja nopeam-maksi — ne antaa enemmän voimaa ja kestää kauemman. Uudet B. F. Goodrich- Patterit antavat lisää elinvoimaa ja ovat luotettavat raslcaammassakin käytössä. ALHAISET MAKSUEHDOT $1.75 käteen ja $1,25 vUkossa B.F.Goddfich 124 Alconqain Blvd. Timinlns, Ontario PUHELIN 2765 Sonja WiU Spend Xmas in Sudbiiry E>ear sister Margaret. How' has everyone been feeling these cold days? I have practically frozen. Weil, Christmas Is just around the comer. It wont be long before you wake up in the moming to open yotir presents. We are going to have a Christcas concert on the 21st. I am in one play. It is called *'Dad's Qulet Bven< ing". I have been skating already. The baby is 1 yr. and 7 months old. She can walk very well. She^can also say a few wQrds llke '^aby" and "ifC^T, car". I often take her out for a'.^alk. I put her onto the toboggan aad. puli her. Does she ever like It! i äm going to spend my Chrlstmj^s holldays in Sudhury vitto my sister on Melvin Ave. so I might come and see sister Margaret, I got a good report this time. 1 got 78 percent. I had ali A's and 1 B. Not bad, eh? I guess I had better close now lor I have to go.tp bed as tomorrow Is a school day (again). Cheeriol Sonja Peltoniemi, Worthington, Ont. Torstaina, joulukuun 8 p. — Thursday, Dee. 8 Si?u Our First Letter From Eleanor Hello big sister Margaret and ali the writers of this page. This is my first letter to this page. I cant write very well so my mother has to help mc, I will be 7 years old on Jan. 28th. I have 2 .sLsters, Helen and Loma. J go to school now. I started school this fall. My father i.s working in the bush camp at Raith. Ont. I like when father comes home for Christmas. Weil, this i,s ali for now. Cheeriol Eleanor Luoma, Nolalu, Ont. Leo Caught Mink's Paw in Trap / Hello sister Margaret. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone i.^ feeling fine and happy. I am sorry for not writing sopner although I have been quitc busy trapping and going to practice for Xmas concert.s every second night. I should liavc \vritlen sooner though. I'll try to writ3 .'ooner next time. We have a new and better teacher this year and have beeir raising funds to purcha.so our Christinas presents. We have dances and "card partles evorj' two week.s. Wc will have one card party ruxl Wcdne.sday. I sold nearly $25 worth of Xmas cards this .seasoii. I ju.st receivcd 'om'^ houiehold article;; this morning to sell. I have been trapping a little bit llii.s year but have iiad toui^h luck. I oniy caught tlirce weas2ls, t'wo squirrels and a mink's paw. The mink got, caught by its front Icg but chewed it off. I v.-ish I cculd capture a mink this ye.ir. We killed thicL' cf our pigs but have two left. r hope we k i l i our calf soon. Meny eiiri.slma;, everyone. Oh, a Happy Now Year al;-,o! Leo Häyrynen, Quimet, Ont. (hallmger SUOJELTUN TARKKUUDEN KELLO Kellot, joihin on mallisirous ja erikoinen tarkkuus yhdistetty. Suunniteltu erikoisesti Birksiä varten Sveitsissä maailman kuulu ETERNA työverstaassa. Voitte ylpeillä omistaessanne . . . Voitte ylpeillä antaessanne Chal-lenger- kellon. A. 10 kt. keltakullalla päällys- 1 tetyt kuoret V, 60.00 , B. 10 kt. keltakullalla päällys- • tctyt kuoret ,55.00 e. 14 kt. keltakultakuoret 80.00 D 10 kt. kellakullalla päällystetyt kuoret ,. 57.50 Kvikisui 17 Uyiiirn Challenger koneisto SAATAVISSA VAHITTAIS-MAKSUEHDOILLA AINO PIRSKANEN ilomielin palvelee Teitä kaupa.-JKamm!:; käylyiirme.- Hän voi esittää teille niitä .satoja lahjaehdotuksia mitä on kaupas-samme. . J E W £ L L e R $) Durham Ja Larch kai. kulmJ» Sudbury KARJAN RUOKAA JA REHUJA KNOFUL-O-PEP kasvatusmä.sUiii 4.60 Ful-O-Pep munifusmäskiä - -4J0 ••••••AM BRING THE GRASS RANGE INDOORSl FUL-O-PiiP munitu.smäski-pclict» . .. FUIi-O-PEP Super CJrccn IVIfcts (Ruohoa pillerin mu«d«ma| . . . . . ., KANOJEN 4-Jyvän raapinUrchua, sisältää maissia QUAKER kanojen raapjintarchua OISTERINK UORIA KIVENAISAINEITA. kaikenkokoista FUL-O-PEP SUPER GREENS PELLETS • Pfovide Year-round Raoge Benefits • Promote faatcbabilit|r • Help prevent diseasc • Save Fced • Save Labour • Control Consumptioa PAIKALLISELTA VÄLITTÄJÄLTÄNNE Pyytäkää meiltä karjanhoito neuvoja s.to .......3.85 3.95 t.75 IM MIINALAATIKOITA 250 kpL 5.45 FUL-O-PEP vasikan jauho ja 5.35 FUL-O-PEP vasikanruoka-pell«-ls • •5.50 QUAKER vaslkanjauhoja • • -4.80 MAITOKARJANSEOKSIA 16 % 3.55 MAITOKARJANSEOKSIA .....?4% 3.95 FUL-O-PEP vahvistusruokaa •3.60 FUL-O-PEP sianaloittamismäfikiä ,4,(50 8IANKABVATUSMASKIA 3*55 SIANLOPETTAMISMASKIA • • -3.05 FUL-O-PEP emäsianruokaa ••••3.90 KAUROJA, No. 1 lännen 3>i0 KAUROJA, OnUrion ..2.90 KAUROJA, silputtuja tai puristettuja .3.30 iCAURA- ja OHEASILPPl A -3.50 OHRASILPPUA 3.85 RUOKINTA NISUA . . . . . ..........3,80 MAISSIA kokonaisina • • • • -3^70 halaistuna. • FUL-O-PEP hevosrehua Ylläolevat 100 p. säkeissä IVORY leipäjauhoja • • • • .98 Ib. QUAKER yleis jauhoja 2* |b. 98 Ib. WHOLE WHEAT-jauhot . . . 98 Ib. SAXON kaakkujauhot .24 Ib. QUAKER kauranryyniä .5 Ib. Hienoja tai karkeita 2» Ib. BUCKEYE maissijauhoja ...24 1b 98 Ib. Hieno» suolaa .IH Vft. lotlsoola» karjalle IM Ib. Suola möhkäleitä 50 Ib. ,90 — Jotia.sisäUävät .....'....^Ml Cobalt ...............5» n». 1.00 ALPHONSE E. CHAREHE & Sons 5.55 • JAX7HOJA 188 LottU St, • JYVIÄ Puh. 3-0531 SttdbofT |
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