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l' v ODRZAN VUKOV SABOR U TRSICU VUKOVODELO TRAJNA AKCl TRSIC, 15. septembra. — Danas je u Trsicu, nedaleko od Loznice odrzan 50. Vukov sabor. Najveca svetkovina Podrinja, posvecena velikanu srpske kulture Vuku Stefanovicu Karadzicu, okupila je vise od 20 hiljada po§tova-lac- a Vukovog dela. Medu brojnim go-sti- ma bili su i Dusan Ckrebic, Brani-sla- v Ikonic, Bogdan Trifunovic, Vu-ko- je Bulatovic, Budimir Vukasinovic i drugi. U zelenoj dolini recice Zeravije, zaodenutoj prvim vesnicima jeseni, u divnom suncanom danu, pred pragom Vukove kuce, jubilarni sabor poceo jeprepoznatljivimnajavama — fanfa-re, dizanje Vukove zastave na jarbol, himna o Vuku koju je izveo hor KUD "Branko Cvetkovic" iz Beograda pod upravom Aleksandra Krastavcevica. Prigodnim recima dobrodoslice u ime zitelja Vukovog rodnog kraja dr Petar Bojic, predsednik SkupStine opstine Loznica, pozdravljajuci sve dobitnike Vukove nagrade i Zlatnog slova, nosioce diplome "Vuk Karad-zic", ucesnike 15. medunarodnog skupa slavista, predstavnike dru-Stveno-politic- kih i kulturno-prosvet-ni- h organizacija Federacije i Repu-blik- e, pripadnike JNA, goste sa Lo-znico- m zbratimljenog Ivanjic-Grad- a u SR Hrvatskoj i sve ostale stvaraoce i ucesnike ovogodisnjeg sabora, po-red ostalog, je rekao: — Blizu je dan kada cemo moci kon-statov- ati da u Srbiji nema nepisme-nih- . Time cemo na najbolji nacin do-ceka- ti 200-godisnji- cu Vukovog rode-nj- a 1987godine. Danas na jubilarnom saboru govo-ri- o je Bosko Petrovic, knjizevnik iz Novog Sada, laureat ovogodisnje Sed-mojuls- ke nagrade. Govoreci o Vuku Stefanovicu Ka-radzicu, velikom sinu malog Jadra, Bosko Petrovic je podsetio da Vukovo delo nije dato i gotovo — ono je akcija. Pisi kao sto govoris — samo od sebe trazi da se rekne jos dalje: govori kako vidis, osecas, kako ti je u srcu i dusi. Pa i jos vise, kako ti nalazu pa-m- et i razum. Govori kako jeste i cini to slobodno bez straha. To kaze Vu-kovo pravilo, doista — istakao je Pe-trovic — a to kaze i sam Vuk. Na kraju besede o Vuku i njegovom delu Bosko Petrovic naglasio: — I kada okupljeni ovde secamo se Vuka, danas i sada, u prilikama u ko-jim- a se nalazimo, kad razlike hoce da nas pojedu i ne samo oko jezika, valja da okom ugledamo ovo lice Vukove istine i prizovemo u pamet sta nam ono kazuje. I da ne smetnemo sa uma, nikako, jos ne§to §to je Vuk takode rekao, a to je, na zalost, istina, osobito kada smo u pitanju mi: "Nije lasno ljudima dobro diniti. Medu ljudima svagda je vi§e ludi nego pametni, a zavist i zloba i privatni interes, sila puta i pametna coveka zalude, te go-vori i radi protiv svoga razuma". — Ne dopustimft, prijatelji, svi Za-jedno, da tako i bude — zavrSio je Pe-trovic uz buran aplauzl Sa svecanosti u Trsicu cula se jos pre vise godina misao da Vukov sabor ima smisla samo ako se na njemu i sa njega ljudima otvaraju vidici u kul-tur- u i progres, i ako ga budu pratili razgovori o Vuku, o nama, o naSem vremenu sa obaveznom projekcijom u buducnost. Da se to ostvaruje poka-zal- a je i danasnja svecanost na kojoj je izveden scenski prikaz "Dnevnik 1941" Dragojla Dulica pod nazivom "Kalemar". J. RADISAVLJEVIC D. Pejak "Politika" SOVIET ARTISTS AND ACADEMICS VISIT CANADA A group of 20 Soviets visited Canada though the Society Rodina and were ho-sted in Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver by the Co-ordinati- ng Commit-tee of the Canada-USS- R Association. On Sunday, September 15 at OESE Audi-torium more than 600 people gathered to enjoy a concert which had the audience clapping and asking for encore. Among the huge audience I was impressed with seeing so many Yugoslavs who came and had the opportunity to meet and talk with the Soviet performers. Opening the concert with words of gree-ting was Victoria Walengo, chairperson of the Canada-USS- R Coordinating Commit-tee who then introduced Michael Lucas, President of the Canada-USS- R Associa-tion who acted as the interpreter for the concert as it was announced by Vladimir Beljis the Director and Producer of the renown Maly Theatre in Moscow. Capturing the hearts of the audience were singers and musicians from the Rus-sian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Lithaua-nia- n and Armenian Republics of the So-viet Union. Anatolij Frolov, a virtuoso on the Rus-sian bayan (accordion) accompanied most of the performers. Klavdia Radonenko, the People's Artist of the Ukranian Repu-blic and winner of numerous awards cap- tured the hearts with her modern idiom while accompanying himself on the accou-sti- c guitar and piano. From the Russian Academic Choir of Piatnicky Ekaterina Gudkova sang a song that expressed the peace of the countryside and the joy of living. Following her was Nina Kovalova who performed very beautiful Byelorus-sian songs and also songs that reminded the audience of the great suffering that the Soviet people went through during the Second World War. From Armenian Republic Araksija Dav-tja- n sang so powerfully and so much with feeling that although you did not under-stand the Armenian language you had a lump in your throat because you felt the sadness and the melodious current in her performance. The audience went wild with enthusiasm. From Mosconcert a performer who is a Gypsy by birth, Tatiana Filimonova captu-red the audience with her Gypsy songs and dances. Full of fire and emotions she por-trayed the life and wanderings of the Gypsy people. Closing out the concert was Alexander Chepurnoj, Merited Artist of the Ukrai-nian Republic who brought the house to its feet with the rendition of the Second World War Day of Victory song. The au-dience sang and hummed the melody with him because everyone present felt that what the Soviet artists wanted to achieve this evening, they did... the message was loud and clear. No more wars! Let's live in peace. Michael Lucas invited everyone to come down on Monday, September 16 to the Friendship House where there will be a reception for the Soviet guests. At the Wine and Cheese reception the hall was completely filled before the eve-ning started. On the stage the presidium of Soviets and members of the Canada-USS- R Asso-ciation Michael Lucas presented the So-viet guests with honorary membership cards and gifts from the Canada-USS- R As-sociation. They were wished a bon voyage to Edmonton and Vancouver where they will perform and meet with Canadians. Af-ter Vancouver they're going to San Fran-cisco, Oregon, Washington and New York before going back home to the Soviet Union. After the official ceremony was perfor-med everyone gathered downstairs for re-freshments and a very welcome impromtu performance by the artists again, this time in a cabaret style atmosphere. Many nationalities were represented here, including the Editor of Nase novine and his wife who 'enjoyed the evening greatly. We hope that many more visits and per-formances will take place like we've seen in the last two days. It-- is gatherings like these that help promote peace and under-standing between Canada and the Soviet Union. lYlilenko POPOVIC NOVI DIO KARLOVCA 1 Vojnici grade cestu 1 .K..A,.R._-L-_DVAC — NJfilcnliln ctntina vniniln 17 Irarlnvanlrnn narm7nna nnri mlm. .. , _r , .Vlw,,„v vwiiim жч1)л & ItUMWiuwiWH M' ' 'I ' WV IMIVW vodstvorrt starjesine Gojka Raicevica, radi na prometnici i nogostupu kroz nbvi dio Karlovca u duzini 400 metara, te uredenju gradilista za buduci dom DNA. Protekog Ijeta vojnici i gradevinski strojevi iskopali su oko 30.000 prostornih metara zemlje. Tu su zemlju ugradili u ogradene prostore za zelenu povrsinu kraj novih stambenih zgrada, pa ce Karlovac, posto se posije trava imati јоб oko 25.000 cetvornih metara novih travnjaka i cvjetnjaka. Na mjesto izvadene zemlje zbog mocvarnosti tla nasipan je kamen, koji ce posluziti kao drenaza. Na-tom- e mjestu uskoro.ce poceti gradnja Doma DNA, kojeg zajednicki gradi Armija i Skupstina opcine Karlovac. SONG OF THE BEAVER BRIGADE The lyrics of the above song were composed in 1947 by an unidentified member of the Canadian Beaver Bri: gade on the Yugoslav Youth Railway, Samac-Sarajev- o. The railway was constructed by the labour of 180,000 Yugoslav and 37 youth brigades from 21 countries. It opened up the development of large coal deposits and rich mineral re-sources in central Bosnia. To the tune of Chattanooga Choo-Cho- o, the Song of the Beaver Brigade — is again being sung by a group of 54 Canadians, most of whom worked on the Youth Railway. They are now in Yugoslavia to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the railway's construc-tion. Chattanooga Choo-Cho- o was popu-lar long before the information-overloa- d era, in the 1940,s and early 1950,s, before rock-and-ro- ll and the subsequent emegence of super-sta- r counter-cultur- e. The Song of the Beaver Brigade un-folds images of life on the railway of the 72 Canadians demonstrating their solidarity with the people of Yugosl-avia in rebuilding their country. Not a word of this song cries for omission. It enables us to dwell on an event that has becme a part of Canada's history and Labour's tradition, nurturing the dreams and hopes for new initiatives in new directions to promote peace, international friendship and coope-ration. Mirko SIMAC SONG OF THE BEAVER BRIGADE Pardon me boys, is that the Omladinska Pruga? I've done my share, I pushed a wheel-barro- w there. You get up in the morning About a quarter to four, Huke along the railway For an hour or more. Soup and bread for dinner, Nothing makes you thinner, Look at all the macaroni Swimming in her. When you hear the whistle blowing Eight to the bar, Then you know that Zenica Is not very far. Shovel all the coal in, Never mind what's hurtin'. Samac-Sarajev- o, there you are! There's going to be a lot of waiting At the station, Sit on your grips, It's good for your hips. And after a while we're gonna board The Radnik and cross the foam, So Omladinska Pruga Won't you choo-cho- o me home. ARGENTINA-JUGOSLAVIJ- A ALFONSIN PRIMIO JUGOSLA VENSKE ISELJENIKE BUENOS AIRES — Argentinski predsjednik Raul Alfonsin primio je predstavnike Zajednica jugoslaven-ski- h iseljenika u Argentini uo6i svoga odlaska u Jugoslaviju. To je prvi put da jedan argentinski predsjednik prima jugoslavenske iseljenike kojih je u ovoj zemlji oko 200.000. Alfonsin je govorio o doprinosu do-seljeni- ka iz Jugoslavije razvoju ar-gentins- kog druStva koje su oni "obo-gati- li svojim radom". Ljudski mozak postaje sve tezi i tezi. Postmortalna istrazivanja su ustanovila da je prosecna tezina mozga odraslog mu-skar- ca za poslednjih 120 godina porasla sa 1372 grama na danasnjih 1424 grama. I mozgovi u glavicama lepsegpola su otezali — sa nekadasnjih 1242 na danasnjih 1265 grama. U proseku — naravno.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, November 07, 1985 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1985-09-26 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000267 |
Title | 000452 |
OCR text | l' v ODRZAN VUKOV SABOR U TRSICU VUKOVODELO TRAJNA AKCl TRSIC, 15. septembra. — Danas je u Trsicu, nedaleko od Loznice odrzan 50. Vukov sabor. Najveca svetkovina Podrinja, posvecena velikanu srpske kulture Vuku Stefanovicu Karadzicu, okupila je vise od 20 hiljada po§tova-lac- a Vukovog dela. Medu brojnim go-sti- ma bili su i Dusan Ckrebic, Brani-sla- v Ikonic, Bogdan Trifunovic, Vu-ko- je Bulatovic, Budimir Vukasinovic i drugi. U zelenoj dolini recice Zeravije, zaodenutoj prvim vesnicima jeseni, u divnom suncanom danu, pred pragom Vukove kuce, jubilarni sabor poceo jeprepoznatljivimnajavama — fanfa-re, dizanje Vukove zastave na jarbol, himna o Vuku koju je izveo hor KUD "Branko Cvetkovic" iz Beograda pod upravom Aleksandra Krastavcevica. Prigodnim recima dobrodoslice u ime zitelja Vukovog rodnog kraja dr Petar Bojic, predsednik SkupStine opstine Loznica, pozdravljajuci sve dobitnike Vukove nagrade i Zlatnog slova, nosioce diplome "Vuk Karad-zic", ucesnike 15. medunarodnog skupa slavista, predstavnike dru-Stveno-politic- kih i kulturno-prosvet-ni- h organizacija Federacije i Repu-blik- e, pripadnike JNA, goste sa Lo-znico- m zbratimljenog Ivanjic-Grad- a u SR Hrvatskoj i sve ostale stvaraoce i ucesnike ovogodisnjeg sabora, po-red ostalog, je rekao: — Blizu je dan kada cemo moci kon-statov- ati da u Srbiji nema nepisme-nih- . Time cemo na najbolji nacin do-ceka- ti 200-godisnji- cu Vukovog rode-nj- a 1987godine. Danas na jubilarnom saboru govo-ri- o je Bosko Petrovic, knjizevnik iz Novog Sada, laureat ovogodisnje Sed-mojuls- ke nagrade. Govoreci o Vuku Stefanovicu Ka-radzicu, velikom sinu malog Jadra, Bosko Petrovic je podsetio da Vukovo delo nije dato i gotovo — ono je akcija. Pisi kao sto govoris — samo od sebe trazi da se rekne jos dalje: govori kako vidis, osecas, kako ti je u srcu i dusi. Pa i jos vise, kako ti nalazu pa-m- et i razum. Govori kako jeste i cini to slobodno bez straha. To kaze Vu-kovo pravilo, doista — istakao je Pe-trovic — a to kaze i sam Vuk. Na kraju besede o Vuku i njegovom delu Bosko Petrovic naglasio: — I kada okupljeni ovde secamo se Vuka, danas i sada, u prilikama u ko-jim- a se nalazimo, kad razlike hoce da nas pojedu i ne samo oko jezika, valja da okom ugledamo ovo lice Vukove istine i prizovemo u pamet sta nam ono kazuje. I da ne smetnemo sa uma, nikako, jos ne§to §to je Vuk takode rekao, a to je, na zalost, istina, osobito kada smo u pitanju mi: "Nije lasno ljudima dobro diniti. Medu ljudima svagda je vi§e ludi nego pametni, a zavist i zloba i privatni interes, sila puta i pametna coveka zalude, te go-vori i radi protiv svoga razuma". — Ne dopustimft, prijatelji, svi Za-jedno, da tako i bude — zavrSio je Pe-trovic uz buran aplauzl Sa svecanosti u Trsicu cula se jos pre vise godina misao da Vukov sabor ima smisla samo ako se na njemu i sa njega ljudima otvaraju vidici u kul-tur- u i progres, i ako ga budu pratili razgovori o Vuku, o nama, o naSem vremenu sa obaveznom projekcijom u buducnost. Da se to ostvaruje poka-zal- a je i danasnja svecanost na kojoj je izveden scenski prikaz "Dnevnik 1941" Dragojla Dulica pod nazivom "Kalemar". J. RADISAVLJEVIC D. Pejak "Politika" SOVIET ARTISTS AND ACADEMICS VISIT CANADA A group of 20 Soviets visited Canada though the Society Rodina and were ho-sted in Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver by the Co-ordinati- ng Commit-tee of the Canada-USS- R Association. On Sunday, September 15 at OESE Audi-torium more than 600 people gathered to enjoy a concert which had the audience clapping and asking for encore. Among the huge audience I was impressed with seeing so many Yugoslavs who came and had the opportunity to meet and talk with the Soviet performers. Opening the concert with words of gree-ting was Victoria Walengo, chairperson of the Canada-USS- R Coordinating Commit-tee who then introduced Michael Lucas, President of the Canada-USS- R Associa-tion who acted as the interpreter for the concert as it was announced by Vladimir Beljis the Director and Producer of the renown Maly Theatre in Moscow. Capturing the hearts of the audience were singers and musicians from the Rus-sian, Ukrainian, Byelorussian, Lithaua-nia- n and Armenian Republics of the So-viet Union. Anatolij Frolov, a virtuoso on the Rus-sian bayan (accordion) accompanied most of the performers. Klavdia Radonenko, the People's Artist of the Ukranian Repu-blic and winner of numerous awards cap- tured the hearts with her modern idiom while accompanying himself on the accou-sti- c guitar and piano. From the Russian Academic Choir of Piatnicky Ekaterina Gudkova sang a song that expressed the peace of the countryside and the joy of living. Following her was Nina Kovalova who performed very beautiful Byelorus-sian songs and also songs that reminded the audience of the great suffering that the Soviet people went through during the Second World War. From Armenian Republic Araksija Dav-tja- n sang so powerfully and so much with feeling that although you did not under-stand the Armenian language you had a lump in your throat because you felt the sadness and the melodious current in her performance. The audience went wild with enthusiasm. From Mosconcert a performer who is a Gypsy by birth, Tatiana Filimonova captu-red the audience with her Gypsy songs and dances. Full of fire and emotions she por-trayed the life and wanderings of the Gypsy people. Closing out the concert was Alexander Chepurnoj, Merited Artist of the Ukrai-nian Republic who brought the house to its feet with the rendition of the Second World War Day of Victory song. The au-dience sang and hummed the melody with him because everyone present felt that what the Soviet artists wanted to achieve this evening, they did... the message was loud and clear. No more wars! Let's live in peace. Michael Lucas invited everyone to come down on Monday, September 16 to the Friendship House where there will be a reception for the Soviet guests. At the Wine and Cheese reception the hall was completely filled before the eve-ning started. On the stage the presidium of Soviets and members of the Canada-USS- R Asso-ciation Michael Lucas presented the So-viet guests with honorary membership cards and gifts from the Canada-USS- R As-sociation. They were wished a bon voyage to Edmonton and Vancouver where they will perform and meet with Canadians. Af-ter Vancouver they're going to San Fran-cisco, Oregon, Washington and New York before going back home to the Soviet Union. After the official ceremony was perfor-med everyone gathered downstairs for re-freshments and a very welcome impromtu performance by the artists again, this time in a cabaret style atmosphere. Many nationalities were represented here, including the Editor of Nase novine and his wife who 'enjoyed the evening greatly. We hope that many more visits and per-formances will take place like we've seen in the last two days. It-- is gatherings like these that help promote peace and under-standing between Canada and the Soviet Union. lYlilenko POPOVIC NOVI DIO KARLOVCA 1 Vojnici grade cestu 1 .K..A,.R._-L-_DVAC — NJfilcnliln ctntina vniniln 17 Irarlnvanlrnn narm7nna nnri mlm. .. , _r , .Vlw,,„v vwiiim жч1)л & ItUMWiuwiWH M' ' 'I ' WV IMIVW vodstvorrt starjesine Gojka Raicevica, radi na prometnici i nogostupu kroz nbvi dio Karlovca u duzini 400 metara, te uredenju gradilista za buduci dom DNA. Protekog Ijeta vojnici i gradevinski strojevi iskopali su oko 30.000 prostornih metara zemlje. Tu su zemlju ugradili u ogradene prostore za zelenu povrsinu kraj novih stambenih zgrada, pa ce Karlovac, posto se posije trava imati јоб oko 25.000 cetvornih metara novih travnjaka i cvjetnjaka. Na mjesto izvadene zemlje zbog mocvarnosti tla nasipan je kamen, koji ce posluziti kao drenaza. Na-tom- e mjestu uskoro.ce poceti gradnja Doma DNA, kojeg zajednicki gradi Armija i Skupstina opcine Karlovac. SONG OF THE BEAVER BRIGADE The lyrics of the above song were composed in 1947 by an unidentified member of the Canadian Beaver Bri: gade on the Yugoslav Youth Railway, Samac-Sarajev- o. The railway was constructed by the labour of 180,000 Yugoslav and 37 youth brigades from 21 countries. It opened up the development of large coal deposits and rich mineral re-sources in central Bosnia. To the tune of Chattanooga Choo-Cho- o, the Song of the Beaver Brigade — is again being sung by a group of 54 Canadians, most of whom worked on the Youth Railway. They are now in Yugoslavia to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the railway's construc-tion. Chattanooga Choo-Cho- o was popu-lar long before the information-overloa- d era, in the 1940,s and early 1950,s, before rock-and-ro- ll and the subsequent emegence of super-sta- r counter-cultur- e. The Song of the Beaver Brigade un-folds images of life on the railway of the 72 Canadians demonstrating their solidarity with the people of Yugosl-avia in rebuilding their country. Not a word of this song cries for omission. It enables us to dwell on an event that has becme a part of Canada's history and Labour's tradition, nurturing the dreams and hopes for new initiatives in new directions to promote peace, international friendship and coope-ration. Mirko SIMAC SONG OF THE BEAVER BRIGADE Pardon me boys, is that the Omladinska Pruga? I've done my share, I pushed a wheel-barro- w there. You get up in the morning About a quarter to four, Huke along the railway For an hour or more. Soup and bread for dinner, Nothing makes you thinner, Look at all the macaroni Swimming in her. When you hear the whistle blowing Eight to the bar, Then you know that Zenica Is not very far. Shovel all the coal in, Never mind what's hurtin'. Samac-Sarajev- o, there you are! There's going to be a lot of waiting At the station, Sit on your grips, It's good for your hips. And after a while we're gonna board The Radnik and cross the foam, So Omladinska Pruga Won't you choo-cho- o me home. ARGENTINA-JUGOSLAVIJ- A ALFONSIN PRIMIO JUGOSLA VENSKE ISELJENIKE BUENOS AIRES — Argentinski predsjednik Raul Alfonsin primio je predstavnike Zajednica jugoslaven-ski- h iseljenika u Argentini uo6i svoga odlaska u Jugoslaviju. To je prvi put da jedan argentinski predsjednik prima jugoslavenske iseljenike kojih je u ovoj zemlji oko 200.000. Alfonsin je govorio o doprinosu do-seljeni- ka iz Jugoslavije razvoju ar-gentins- kog druStva koje su oni "obo-gati- li svojim radom". Ljudski mozak postaje sve tezi i tezi. Postmortalna istrazivanja su ustanovila da je prosecna tezina mozga odraslog mu-skar- ca za poslednjih 120 godina porasla sa 1372 grama na danasnjih 1424 grama. I mozgovi u glavicama lepsegpola su otezali — sa nekadasnjih 1242 na danasnjih 1265 grama. U proseku — naravno. |
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