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I &~Љ,Ј1&2ВВЕШ1аЛ!Њћ1ШЗ1ШШ1штш11'јт1џмшЈц,ш1ттт March 2, 1977 Z3 Desno: Faksimili publiciteta danog tororistlckim akcijama. ЈДцИд&ЗИИВДИИД Kanadska stampa i predstavnici ootarijske vSade © terorlstlcklm sspadsrna Nedavni teroristidki ispadi u Torontu i Hamil-ton- u dobili su velikog publiciteta u kanadskoj stampi; javnost sada bolje zna sta se dogada, mnogi su uznemireni, medu njima i neki predstav-nic- i viasti. Veliki broj listova prenio je izvjeStaj agencije Canadian Press, pozivajuci se na clanak "Nasih novina" od 29. decembra 1976. i izjave urednika Stjepana Miosica stampi i televiziji. List The Fisherman iz Vancouvera (glasilo ri-bar- ske unije) u cijelosti je prenio Slanak "YUGOS-LAV COMMUNITTY MUST BE GIVEN PROTEC-TION AGAINST TERRORISM" zajedno sa slikom srusenog spomenika majoru "William Jonesu. Casopis "Canadian Jewish Outlook" je pre-nio dlanak "TERRORISM REVIVES THE SPECTRE OF FASCISM" "Nase novine" su primile pismo od vise ista-knut- ih lidnosti povodom clanka "YUGOSLAV CO-MMUNITY MUST BE GIVEN PROTECTION AGA-INST TERRORISM"; ontarijski premijer William Davis je stvar referisao provincijalnom ministru (Solicitor General) John P. MacBeth, koji nam se javio opsirnijim pismom u kome, izmedu ostalog, kaze: "I am deeply concerned about the series of criminal acts outlined in the article printed in the December 29, 1976. issue of "NaSe novine". Under the freedom enyojed in our Canadian Society, it is most disturbing to note that certain elements wit-hin the fine and upstanding Yugoslav community have chosen to resort to violence, to further their cause. This type of conduct cannot and will not be tolerated". Following letter was sent to the Hon. S.R. Basford, M-inister of justice by the Yugoslav Pensioners Club of Vancou-ver and the readers of this newspaper In that city: Probe of terrorist activities Ontario demanded by -- paper "I l 1 IIK'IMdV WCTMt Mf'WV р.ц'Г s.is then has own m mi rcjsc in a Ls of 1СГГОПМЛ by (inLinit-bdso- d Croulun ex- - ircimsts ,ind he h.j: called fur in inveaURdtiun of such .idlvi HI'S WHO ARE TERRORISTS? © Firea set in a Yugoslav hall at Hamilton and a Yugo-slav newspaper building at Scarborough, Ont., the earlier destruction of a monu-ment to a Canadian hero of the partisans'] struggle against the Nazis, are uncomfortable reminders of terrorist activities in this country — and the fact that the perpetrators of two bombing attacks on the Russian People's Home In Vancouver, In 1972 and again in 1973, remain at large. This Is the story of the terrorist activities In Ontario as related by the Yugoslav weekly Nase Novine. Croatian extremists (CP) - The editor of a YuRoslav weekly. Dear Sir: Yugoslavs residing In British Columbia are concerned and alarmed over the reported activities of Extremist groups In Hamilton and Toronto and other Canadian cities. before 11 pm on Tuesday, December 22, 1976, the Yugoslav hall on Melvln Ave. in Hamilton, Ontario was destro-yed by fire. We have no doubt the. fire was deliberately set. A few hours later, the building which houses the weekly Yugoslav news-paper, Nase novine, In Scarborough, Ontario, was dellberatly set on fire. Three persons sleeping at the time in the apartment above the premies were lucky to escape with their lives. We have good reason to believe that both crimes were committed by right wing or Serbian terrorists. It is a known fact that terrorist groups opposed to the government In Yugoslavia are active In Canada, representing a not only to Cana-dian Yugoslavs, but to all Canadians. in iokuYIokI'. ThtM-dito- r KINGSTON WHIG STANDARD 2LaSii3Ru9Z£fsSu2 Yugoslav Kingston, Ont. im ш ITHE — 28, 1977 in TORONTO Shortly business Croation danger 1ST. STANDARD St. Catharines, Ont. roatian study urgec CALGARY HERALD Calgary, Alta. ipS?4BBFeiWW!)l! Yugoslav halls targetl of arson, vandalisms FISHERMAN JANUARY Holl burnings prompt country-wid- e protest Newspaper charges increase terrorism] CATHARINES terrorist Protests from democratic organizations across Canada have been sent to Ontario s attorney-Gener- al Rov McMurtry following the terrorist burnings of Yugoslav halls in Hamilton and Toronto. THEPACIFICTRIBUNE Vancouver, B.C. In March of 1975, Hamilton police arrested five people belonging to a Croation extremist group calling Itself the Knights of King Tomislav. They were charged with possession of explosives, tried, found guilty, and sen-tenced to two years in jail. But their sentence was suspended and they were freed to continue their activities. In September of 1975, Canadian Secretary of(State for External Affairs, Allan MacEachern, told the Yugoslav foreign minister that the Federal Government would discourage the activities of the right wing groups in Canada who were opposed to the Belgrade Government. (Canadian Press Report) In view of the recent events in Hamilton and Toronto, and In view of the recent skyjacking of an American passenger plane and the killing of an American police officer by Croation terrorists, the Canadian Government should take all necessary steps against the activities of Croation terrorist groups and individuals operating In Canada. Yours sincerely, Yugoslav readers of Nase Novine, Yugoslav Pensioners Club I Ml
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, April 27, 1977 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1977-03-02 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000009 |
Title | 000123 |
OCR text | I &~Љ,Ј1&2ВВЕШ1аЛ!Њћ1ШЗ1ШШ1штш11'јт1џмшЈц,ш1ттт March 2, 1977 Z3 Desno: Faksimili publiciteta danog tororistlckim akcijama. ЈДцИд&ЗИИВДИИД Kanadska stampa i predstavnici ootarijske vSade © terorlstlcklm sspadsrna Nedavni teroristidki ispadi u Torontu i Hamil-ton- u dobili su velikog publiciteta u kanadskoj stampi; javnost sada bolje zna sta se dogada, mnogi su uznemireni, medu njima i neki predstav-nic- i viasti. Veliki broj listova prenio je izvjeStaj agencije Canadian Press, pozivajuci se na clanak "Nasih novina" od 29. decembra 1976. i izjave urednika Stjepana Miosica stampi i televiziji. List The Fisherman iz Vancouvera (glasilo ri-bar- ske unije) u cijelosti je prenio Slanak "YUGOS-LAV COMMUNITTY MUST BE GIVEN PROTEC-TION AGAINST TERRORISM" zajedno sa slikom srusenog spomenika majoru "William Jonesu. Casopis "Canadian Jewish Outlook" je pre-nio dlanak "TERRORISM REVIVES THE SPECTRE OF FASCISM" "Nase novine" su primile pismo od vise ista-knut- ih lidnosti povodom clanka "YUGOSLAV CO-MMUNITY MUST BE GIVEN PROTECTION AGA-INST TERRORISM"; ontarijski premijer William Davis je stvar referisao provincijalnom ministru (Solicitor General) John P. MacBeth, koji nam se javio opsirnijim pismom u kome, izmedu ostalog, kaze: "I am deeply concerned about the series of criminal acts outlined in the article printed in the December 29, 1976. issue of "NaSe novine". Under the freedom enyojed in our Canadian Society, it is most disturbing to note that certain elements wit-hin the fine and upstanding Yugoslav community have chosen to resort to violence, to further their cause. This type of conduct cannot and will not be tolerated". Following letter was sent to the Hon. S.R. Basford, M-inister of justice by the Yugoslav Pensioners Club of Vancou-ver and the readers of this newspaper In that city: Probe of terrorist activities Ontario demanded by -- paper "I l 1 IIK'IMdV WCTMt Mf'WV р.ц'Г s.is then has own m mi rcjsc in a Ls of 1СГГОПМЛ by (inLinit-bdso- d Croulun ex- - ircimsts ,ind he h.j: called fur in inveaURdtiun of such .idlvi HI'S WHO ARE TERRORISTS? © Firea set in a Yugoslav hall at Hamilton and a Yugo-slav newspaper building at Scarborough, Ont., the earlier destruction of a monu-ment to a Canadian hero of the partisans'] struggle against the Nazis, are uncomfortable reminders of terrorist activities in this country — and the fact that the perpetrators of two bombing attacks on the Russian People's Home In Vancouver, In 1972 and again in 1973, remain at large. This Is the story of the terrorist activities In Ontario as related by the Yugoslav weekly Nase Novine. Croatian extremists (CP) - The editor of a YuRoslav weekly. Dear Sir: Yugoslavs residing In British Columbia are concerned and alarmed over the reported activities of Extremist groups In Hamilton and Toronto and other Canadian cities. before 11 pm on Tuesday, December 22, 1976, the Yugoslav hall on Melvln Ave. in Hamilton, Ontario was destro-yed by fire. We have no doubt the. fire was deliberately set. A few hours later, the building which houses the weekly Yugoslav news-paper, Nase novine, In Scarborough, Ontario, was dellberatly set on fire. Three persons sleeping at the time in the apartment above the premies were lucky to escape with their lives. We have good reason to believe that both crimes were committed by right wing or Serbian terrorists. It is a known fact that terrorist groups opposed to the government In Yugoslavia are active In Canada, representing a not only to Cana-dian Yugoslavs, but to all Canadians. in iokuYIokI'. ThtM-dito- r KINGSTON WHIG STANDARD 2LaSii3Ru9Z£fsSu2 Yugoslav Kingston, Ont. im ш ITHE — 28, 1977 in TORONTO Shortly business Croation danger 1ST. STANDARD St. Catharines, Ont. roatian study urgec CALGARY HERALD Calgary, Alta. ipS?4BBFeiWW!)l! Yugoslav halls targetl of arson, vandalisms FISHERMAN JANUARY Holl burnings prompt country-wid- e protest Newspaper charges increase terrorism] CATHARINES terrorist Protests from democratic organizations across Canada have been sent to Ontario s attorney-Gener- al Rov McMurtry following the terrorist burnings of Yugoslav halls in Hamilton and Toronto. THEPACIFICTRIBUNE Vancouver, B.C. In March of 1975, Hamilton police arrested five people belonging to a Croation extremist group calling Itself the Knights of King Tomislav. They were charged with possession of explosives, tried, found guilty, and sen-tenced to two years in jail. But their sentence was suspended and they were freed to continue their activities. In September of 1975, Canadian Secretary of(State for External Affairs, Allan MacEachern, told the Yugoslav foreign minister that the Federal Government would discourage the activities of the right wing groups in Canada who were opposed to the Belgrade Government. (Canadian Press Report) In view of the recent events in Hamilton and Toronto, and In view of the recent skyjacking of an American passenger plane and the killing of an American police officer by Croation terrorists, the Canadian Government should take all necessary steps against the activities of Croation terrorist groups and individuals operating In Canada. Yours sincerely, Yugoslav readers of Nase Novine, Yugoslav Pensioners Club I Ml |
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