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S3 If Trideseta godma ulaienja Izlazt svukog utorka i petka JedmsTvo Godisnja pretplata: га Kanadu 6 dolara, ostah zcmlje 7 dolara ипССџ Adresa: 479 Queen Street West Toronto 2-J- i, Ontario Telefon EM 3-16- 42 VOL. XIII. No. 93 (1187) TORONTO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1961 PRICE 8c PER COPY Gosp. Phillips, zasto branite reakcionarne nevaljalce? Savcz Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana odbija nacclnikov zahtjcv za izvinjcnje prcmijcru Diefcnbakcru i insistira na obuzdavanju clemcnata koji svojim postupcima nanosc sramotu i stetu Kanadi Kad su se koncem novembra na ulicama Toronta po-jav- ili faSlstidki element! sa pozivima za razbijanje Jugo-slavi- je 1 spalill Jugoslavensku zastavu sa petokrakom zvije-zdo- m — simbolom oslobodlladke borbe 1 teznjl naroda Ju-goslavia, Savez Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana se nasao ponu-ka- n da protlv toga ustane 1 da pozove kanadske vlastl da o tome povedu raduna. U lstom smlslu lstupllo Je "Jedln-stvo- ". Kao uvljek u proSlosti, ml smo ustall u obranu na-roda Jugoslavlje, a lsto tako 1 Kanade. Izrazlll smo uvjere-nj- e da do toga ne bl dolazllo kad ne bl bllo takvlh stvarl kao Sto je govor premljera Dlefenbakera na 22. novembra u Torontu. Savez Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana uputio Je premljeru Dlefenbakeru 1 nadelnlku Toronta Phllllpsu plsmo. Ovo Je tekst plsma koje Je upudeno nadelnlku Phllllpsu: To Ills Worship the Mayor, City of Toronto. Sir:— The vandalism and hooliganism of the so-call- ed Ser-bian, Croatian and Macedonian nationalists in Toronto, . during the celebration of the Anniversary of the Yugoslav National Day on November 27-2- 8, is a warning to all Can-adians of the harm which comes from the Prime Minis-ters call for the "liberation" of the peoples of Eastern Eu-rope. In effect, the Prime Minister is giving aid and com-fort to pro-fasci- st elements such as those who attacked the Yugoslav celebration, burning the Yugoslav national flag on Toronto streets. These elements were long ago re-jected and defeated by the Yugoslav people, and they seek now to reestablish their activities in Canada — with the blessing of spokesman of the government. Wc, together with the majority of Canadians of Yugo-slav origin, condemn this violence as un-Canadi- an and call on the Metro government to condemn it officially, and to instruct the authorities to take proper measures to punish those who are responsible for this outrage. Such events as this, unless they arc checked and de-feated and nipped in the bud — can only stimulate fascist violancc In our country. These events arc an insult to the Yugoslav people, to all Canadians and to our fair city. Therefore, we call on your Office to render an official apology to Yugoslavia and to investigate and punish those who arc guilty of this outrage. For the National Executive Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, Joseph Shcryak, President, Vojin Grbld, Secretary. Toronto, Ontario, November 29th, 1961. Na ovo plsmo Savez nlje doblo odgovor nl od premlje-ra Dlefenbakera. U srijedu 13. decembra Savezu Je telefonirano iz na-dclnlk- ove kancelarlje; redeno J e da on zell da odgovori na plsmo, all ga Je zabacio, pa moll da mu se poSalje koplja. To Je udinjeno. U detvrtak uveder torontovske novlne su objavile na-delnik- ov odgovor. '"Nate Won't Apologize to Yugoslavs" (Nathan odbija izvinjenje Jugoslavenlma), kaze Dally Star u naslovu. Telegram veil, lsto u naslovu: "Nate Blasts Slavs For PM Attack" (Nathan osudjuje Slavene zbog napadaja na premljera). Globe and Mail kaze: "Letter From Mayor: Yugoslavs Rebuked For Attack on PM" (Jugoslaveni ugovoreni zbog napadaja na premljera). i U ponedjeljak ujutro stlglo je nadelnikovo plsmo, koje do-slov- no glasl: WF Joseph Sheryak, Esq., President, Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, 479 Queen St. W., Toronto 3. Sir:— I duly received your letter of the 29th ultimo and after giving same careful consideration, I cannot help coming to the conclusion that its main purpose was to castigate the Prime Minister of Canada, The Kt. Hon. John G. Dle-fenbak- er, for the speech he made at the United Nations. As I recollect his speech, he challenged Mr Khrushchov to give the satellite nations under Soviet domination the right to determine their own form of government by free elections in the same way that Britain has afforded that opportunity to its colonies. He also challenged Mr. Khru-shchov to "practice what he preached" and offerd to make Canadian regions open to the Soviet Union for inspection if the Soviet Union would do the same. May I say that the Prime Minister In that speech ex-pressed the opinion of the %ast body of Canadians except for a few communists and their sympathizers in our midst, and it ill-behoo-ves your organization to berate the Prime Minister of Canada for saying something which was long J overdue, in a speech which will rank as one of the great speeches for freedom for all people everywhere. In a true democracy there is freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and the right to picket if need be as long as there is no breach of the peace, and our police force is quite capable of dealing adequately with any situation that requires attention. There is no good reason why Metro Council should render an official apology to Yugoslavia as requested and I have no intention of asking it do do so. On the contrary, I think that your organization owes a full apology to the Prime Minister of Canada! Yours truly, Nathan PMHips, Mayor. Na ovo plsmo Savez Je odgovorlo slljedede: Sir:— Your reply to the letter of the Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, concerning the recent outrages of a handful of hooligans on Toronto streets, further justifies our con-cern about the aid and comfort given to these elements by the responsible spokesman on all levels of Canadian go vernment. In your reply you evaded the main question: why did 'the Toronto police stand by while the flag of a friendly nation was burned on Toronto streets, amidst a wild orgy? Why haven't charges been laid against those who attacked peaceful citizens and damaged property? lasted, you ven-tured in lecturing the Federation of Yugoslav Canadians on the merits of democracy You made an endevour to justify the Prime Minister's call for the "liberation" of the peoples of Eastern Europe, saying that the "Prime Minister in that speech expressed tfhc opinion of the vast body of Canadians, except for a few communists and their sympatizcrs in our midst". First of all, Mr. Mayor, we do not believe that the "vast body of Canadians" are willing to go to war to "libe-rate" those countries, just because few of the so-call- ed nationalists wish to go back and saddle the people with their type of "democracy" again. This is precisely what is behind all the noise about "Communist tiranny" on their part, except for the cold war play and vote catching game on the part of our politicians. Furthermore, for the Information of the Prime Minis-ter and the Mayor of "All the People", the overwhelming majority of Canadians of Eastern European origin, don't want to "liberate" those countries. They want to live in peace and friendship with their kinfolk, as well as with all the peoples of the world. "Vast body of Canadians", Mr. .Mayor, desire peace; they long for security, jobs and better life. The majority of foreign born Canadians, living in this country for the best part of their lives, have no desire to change governments in other lands. We have no querrel with our kinfolk. We think that they have the right to choose their own destiny and we believe in their ability to do so. We are not possessed with hatred to want to drop nuclear bombs on anybody and to destroy our country in the process. We didn't come here to play cold war game. We have our roots deeply implanted in this country and wc think it is hight lime wc should be listened to. Although we do not go around waving flags on the streets to demonstrate our patriotism, wc gave the best part of our lives for this country; turning the wilderness into a prosperous land; building railroads and opening mines and factories. Yes, and fighting and dicing for this country, while a good nu-mber of those for whose sake our Prime Minister would plunge Canada into an atomic war, dont have the same feeling for this country. Canada to them is only a tempo-rary place, where they took refuge to escape the conse-quences for the crimes commlted against their own people, fighting on the side of Canada's enemies during the last war. Canada to them is only a place where to regroup and continue their struggle for power. They are utilizing "true democracy", with your blessing, Mr. Mayor, to spread their poisonous hatred amongst Canadians, playing the cold wac games to their advantage. Yet, those are the people who are being entartained at the Chateau Lauricr Hotel at the expance of the taxpayers. Those are the only people In whose behalf the Mayor of "AH the People" always speaks. Let3 not evade the Issue, Mr. Mayor. We have no cause to apologize. No communist bogey will justify in the eyes of Canadians the harm done by the Prime Ministers speech at the Exhibition Park in Toronto, calling for the "libera-tion" of Eastern European countries which, in reality, means calling for a nuclear war. You, Mr. Mayor, owe an apology to the people of Toronto for trying to justify the deeds of a handful of irresponsible adventurists, who bro-ught shame upon our city. Executive Committee Federation of Yugoslav Canadians. X A S 1 M C1TA0C1 M A 1 Pill J A T E L J I MA X ELI MO VESEO BO StlC I S R E T X Г ХОУГ GO 1)1 NU! Grupa profesora optuzuje premijera da vodi Kanadu u rat Canadian Press javlja da je premijer Diefenbaker primio pismo od 50 profe-sora McGill univerzitcta u Montrealu, u kome se kritl-zir- a vladino stanoviStc u pitanju Berlina, civilne ob-ra- nc 1 nuklcarnog oruija. U pismu se tvrdi da vla-din- a polltika VODI KANA-DU U КЛТ. U pismu se kaie: "Iako ste vile puta izja-vi- li da vi I vlada iclite mir za kanadski narod, mi, nizc potpisani vjerujemo, da va-§- 1 stavovi doprinose izrav-n- o I neizravno stvaranju sl-l- a — druStvcnih, vojuih 1 diplomatskih — koje nas ne vode ka mlru nego ratu." Profesori kaiu da Diefen bakcrova vlada, "slljcdeci drugc", previse naglasava "slobodu" zapaduog Berli-na I "prava" zapadnih dr-za- va u njemu, dime zapos- - Hruscov: Osnovno je pitanje EICIIMANN OSUDJEN NA SMUT Nacistidki masovni ubojica Adolf Eichmann osudjen je na vjesanje. Kazna je potpu no zasluicna. Nedostatak je u tome Sto i dalje ostaju ne-kaznj- cnl mnogl Eichmanovi saudcsnicl, a ncki dapace dr-z- e odgovornc polozaje u Bon-nn- u, kao na prlmjcr sckre-ta- r Adenaucrove vlade GIo-bk- c. BUGARSKA SE PKOTIVI ATOMSKOM NAOKU2ANJU GKCKE I TUKSKE Bugarska je izjavila da us-kladiStav- anjc amcrickog ato-msk- og oruija u Turskoj I Gr-dk- oj "ncposredno zasjeca" u intcrese Bugarskc. Takav razvoj dogadjaja, kaic Bugarska, pojacava za-tegnu- tost u toj oblasti I prcd-stavl- ja ozbiljnu zaprcku ost-va- ri vanju miroljubive koegzl-stenci- je I dobrosusjedskih od-no- sa mcdju balkanskim zem-ljam- a. Interest balkanskih naroda, kaic Bugarska, zahti-jevaj- u da se Balkan prctvori I u zonu bcz rakctnog i atom- - skog naoruianja. Mine-Mi- ll unija vjeruje u pobjedu o Sudbpry VeCina radnlka u rafinerijl International Nickel Co. u Port Colborr.e Je nasjela rea-kcionarn- lm liderima United Steehvorkers unije 1 odglasala za tu unlju. All razllka je samo 115 glasova. Iskrenl Clanovi Mlne-М- Ш unije su 1-zj- avili da de onl odrzati svoju organlzaclju, Jer su uvjerenl da u Port Colborne opet zav-lada- ti poStenl tredunionlzam. Slljedece glasanje Ce blti u Sudbury, gdje ima vlSe od 15.000 radnlka. Predstavnlcl Mine-Mi- ll vjeruju da de pob- - ( Nastavak na str. 2) tavlja "one intcrese Istod-n- e Njemacke", o kojima de se morati povesti racuna u ozbiljnom pregovaranju. "Mi smatramo da poma-njkan- jc iskrenosti u ovoj vnznoj stvarl ne doprinosi medjunarodnom razumje-vanju- ", kaic se u pismu. Montrcalskc profesorc "zbunjuje nejasnoca" vla-di- nc politikc u pitanju nu-klcarnog oruija. Onl vele da proSlrenjc ta-kozva- nog nuklcarnog kluba ncce pojacatl stvar mlra niti cc doprinjeti kanads-ko- j sigurnosti. "Iako ml srdadno odobra-vam- o vladinu odluku da poduprc Svcdski prijedlog u Ujedinjcnim Nacljama da se ispita mogudnost stva-ran- ja nenukiearnog kluba, mi zalimo sto je Kanada, kao 61anica NATO, propus-til- a da se usprotivi nastoja- - "agreslvne radnlckoj ekonomsklh nedovolj-n- o predstavlja problema, megatona, predstavlja premijera amcricke se kaie "umanjuje uvelidava-nje- m system), I vrijednosti nuklcarnog Diefenbaker optuzio za "politidku prl-stranos- t", opovrgnc se I odje-Ijcnj- a, I prcdava-£- 1. su ih u pogrcsnost politike Diefcnbakcrova istupanja rat mir Moskva. — Pozdravljajudl Kongres Svjetske slndikal-n- e federaclje koji se odrzava u Moskvl, predsjednlk vlade HruSCov rekao da pred organlzacl-Jo- m kao najvaznljl zadatak ostvarenje Jedlnstva bl blla nepopravljlva ako bl medju-narod- nl slndlkalnl pokret razlSao 1 ako ne bl suprotstavlo medjunarodnoj reakclji svoj ujedinjenl On se zalozio za iznalazenje zajednlckog Jezika u medjuna-rodnom slndlkalnom pokretu i za prihvatljlve Jedln-stva akclje. Isticudi Ce svi onl vode borbu nacl zaJednlCki HruSCov rekao da upravo borba, a ne smirivanje, predstavlja najvaz-nljl za pobjedu i razvltak medjunarodnog sindlkal-no- g Najvecl dlo svoga i Hruscov je posvetlo pltanjl-m- a rata I mlra. Pitanje borbe za mir 1 spreCavanJe termo-nuklearn- og rata, on Je naz-va- o pltanjem koje stojl Ispred svih drugih. Sovjetskl prem-ijer optuilo zapadne slle za pripreme rata" 1 rekao da narodta odgovor- - nost za sprecavanje ratne o-pas- nosti i oCuvanJa mlra le21 na klasl. Borba za zadovoljenje socijainth zantjeva, prema njegovlm rijeClma, Je povezana s borbom spreCavanJe rata. Prvl korak u torn predstavlja o-bustav- ljanje trke u naoruza-nj- u i ostvarenje opieg l to-taln- og razoruzanja pod stro-go- m medjunarodnom kontro-lo- m. HrusCov Je lzjavio da najveiu opasnost nnlaSgtaovmanuJaev,andjoedzaajudi ko- - zma su provodl polltiku miroljubive koegzistenclje 1 da de dlnltl sve ne do novog ta, a to je neophodno pridi mirnom reguliranju medjuso-bnl- h Sto zahtijeva Sovjetskl premijer Je za tlm da Je obnavljanje nu-klear- nih pokusa od strane So-vjetsk- og Saveza "imalo ogro-mn- o znadenje oduvanje On Je naglaslo da SSSR raspolaze termonukle-arnl- m bombama 50, 100 I vlSe dodajudi da raketno nuklearno oruije So-vjetsk- og i "modnl za obuzdavanje lmperljallzma". rijedi-m- a sovjetskog "visit de uvljek kao Damoklov mad nad glavama imperijalista kada budu rje- - njima vlade da nagovori ostale driave da prihvate nuklearno oruije". U pismu da via-di- n program obra-n- e opasnost nu-klcarnog rata sigurnosti sistema (warning skloniSta od padavina drugih mjera koje bit! od male ako do-d- je do rata". je profesorc all nlje pokuSao da njihovc navo-d- e. Mcdju potpisnicima pis-m- a nalazi dekan vise scfova univerzitetskih profesori Jcdan od njili je izjavlo da vladl-n- e najviSc uvjerila na telcviziji. ili sov-Jets- ke Je se ovom nalazi akclje, Jer greSka, se po centrlma front. forme da koji klasnu uvljek Je klasna njeno uvjet pokreta. govora Je za pravcu dalje ra za mnogo za mlra". Saveza faktor Prema bombe civilne uz-bu- ne ce Jezik, dodje savali da 11 te povesti novl rat". U nastavku govora HruScov je rekao da se samo silom mo- te suprotstavltl imperljallsti-fik- oj pollticl "s pozlcija slle". Ako zapadne slle zele da pro-vo- de polltiku s pozlcija slle, rekao je on, sila !e bltl sup-rotstavlj- ena njlhovoj sill. SSSR !e svoje oruzje uvijek isknristitl nrotJv rpnrilntpHfi , ako povede rat protlv soclja- - llstiCklh zemalja. On je dodao da ovo govori samo zbog toga da bl "tvrde glave shvatlle je jedinl izlaz u tome da se pltanja rjesavaju ne ratom nego mlroljubivim takmlCe-njem- ". Govorcdl zatim o promje-nam- a do kojih je doslo u svi-Jet- u, HruSCov Je naglaslo imperljallzam nlje postao ml- - rnllllhlv npp--n rin Rfl rnHI n t.n. licina oruzja ogmroamsdonavmnSoSSuR- -' me dtaako snaadraaslsenage soclJall da napora. rekao od ove da da da predsta- - I vljaju modnu branu za obuz-davanje agresora i spredava-nj- e rata. "Neklma treba dob-r- o prodistiti mozgove da bl to bolje shvatlll", rekao Je sov-jetskl premijer 1 dodao da "ne vidjetl to znadl omalovaiava-t- l snagu radnidke klase i pre-cjenjlv- atl snagu lmperljallz-ma". Osvrdudl se na pitanje mo-rator- ija nuklearnih pokusa za vrijeme trajanja razgovo-r- a u 2enevl koji Je predloiio Sovjetskl Savez 1 na odluku zapadnih sila da ipak nastave atomske pokuse, HruSdov Je rekao: "Ml lz toga izvladimo odredjene zakljudke. To nas obavezuje da palljivo pratimo zblvanja 1 to nam dajc pravo da nastavimo takodjer poku-se ako bude potrebno, u cllju (Nastavak na str. 3)
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Jedinstvo, December 19, 1961 |
Language | hr; sr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1961-12-19 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | JedinD2000091 |
Title | 000399 |
OCR text | S3 If Trideseta godma ulaienja Izlazt svukog utorka i petka JedmsTvo Godisnja pretplata: га Kanadu 6 dolara, ostah zcmlje 7 dolara ипССџ Adresa: 479 Queen Street West Toronto 2-J- i, Ontario Telefon EM 3-16- 42 VOL. XIII. No. 93 (1187) TORONTO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1961 PRICE 8c PER COPY Gosp. Phillips, zasto branite reakcionarne nevaljalce? Savcz Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana odbija nacclnikov zahtjcv za izvinjcnje prcmijcru Diefcnbakcru i insistira na obuzdavanju clemcnata koji svojim postupcima nanosc sramotu i stetu Kanadi Kad su se koncem novembra na ulicama Toronta po-jav- ili faSlstidki element! sa pozivima za razbijanje Jugo-slavi- je 1 spalill Jugoslavensku zastavu sa petokrakom zvije-zdo- m — simbolom oslobodlladke borbe 1 teznjl naroda Ju-goslavia, Savez Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana se nasao ponu-ka- n da protlv toga ustane 1 da pozove kanadske vlastl da o tome povedu raduna. U lstom smlslu lstupllo Je "Jedln-stvo- ". Kao uvljek u proSlosti, ml smo ustall u obranu na-roda Jugoslavlje, a lsto tako 1 Kanade. Izrazlll smo uvjere-nj- e da do toga ne bl dolazllo kad ne bl bllo takvlh stvarl kao Sto je govor premljera Dlefenbakera na 22. novembra u Torontu. Savez Jugoslavenskih Kanadjana uputio Je premljeru Dlefenbakeru 1 nadelnlku Toronta Phllllpsu plsmo. Ovo Je tekst plsma koje Je upudeno nadelnlku Phllllpsu: To Ills Worship the Mayor, City of Toronto. Sir:— The vandalism and hooliganism of the so-call- ed Ser-bian, Croatian and Macedonian nationalists in Toronto, . during the celebration of the Anniversary of the Yugoslav National Day on November 27-2- 8, is a warning to all Can-adians of the harm which comes from the Prime Minis-ters call for the "liberation" of the peoples of Eastern Eu-rope. In effect, the Prime Minister is giving aid and com-fort to pro-fasci- st elements such as those who attacked the Yugoslav celebration, burning the Yugoslav national flag on Toronto streets. These elements were long ago re-jected and defeated by the Yugoslav people, and they seek now to reestablish their activities in Canada — with the blessing of spokesman of the government. Wc, together with the majority of Canadians of Yugo-slav origin, condemn this violence as un-Canadi- an and call on the Metro government to condemn it officially, and to instruct the authorities to take proper measures to punish those who are responsible for this outrage. Such events as this, unless they arc checked and de-feated and nipped in the bud — can only stimulate fascist violancc In our country. These events arc an insult to the Yugoslav people, to all Canadians and to our fair city. Therefore, we call on your Office to render an official apology to Yugoslavia and to investigate and punish those who arc guilty of this outrage. For the National Executive Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, Joseph Shcryak, President, Vojin Grbld, Secretary. Toronto, Ontario, November 29th, 1961. Na ovo plsmo Savez nlje doblo odgovor nl od premlje-ra Dlefenbakera. U srijedu 13. decembra Savezu Je telefonirano iz na-dclnlk- ove kancelarlje; redeno J e da on zell da odgovori na plsmo, all ga Je zabacio, pa moll da mu se poSalje koplja. To Je udinjeno. U detvrtak uveder torontovske novlne su objavile na-delnik- ov odgovor. '"Nate Won't Apologize to Yugoslavs" (Nathan odbija izvinjenje Jugoslavenlma), kaze Dally Star u naslovu. Telegram veil, lsto u naslovu: "Nate Blasts Slavs For PM Attack" (Nathan osudjuje Slavene zbog napadaja na premljera). Globe and Mail kaze: "Letter From Mayor: Yugoslavs Rebuked For Attack on PM" (Jugoslaveni ugovoreni zbog napadaja na premljera). i U ponedjeljak ujutro stlglo je nadelnikovo plsmo, koje do-slov- no glasl: WF Joseph Sheryak, Esq., President, Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, 479 Queen St. W., Toronto 3. Sir:— I duly received your letter of the 29th ultimo and after giving same careful consideration, I cannot help coming to the conclusion that its main purpose was to castigate the Prime Minister of Canada, The Kt. Hon. John G. Dle-fenbak- er, for the speech he made at the United Nations. As I recollect his speech, he challenged Mr Khrushchov to give the satellite nations under Soviet domination the right to determine their own form of government by free elections in the same way that Britain has afforded that opportunity to its colonies. He also challenged Mr. Khru-shchov to "practice what he preached" and offerd to make Canadian regions open to the Soviet Union for inspection if the Soviet Union would do the same. May I say that the Prime Minister In that speech ex-pressed the opinion of the %ast body of Canadians except for a few communists and their sympathizers in our midst, and it ill-behoo-ves your organization to berate the Prime Minister of Canada for saying something which was long J overdue, in a speech which will rank as one of the great speeches for freedom for all people everywhere. In a true democracy there is freedom of speech, the right to assemble, and the right to picket if need be as long as there is no breach of the peace, and our police force is quite capable of dealing adequately with any situation that requires attention. There is no good reason why Metro Council should render an official apology to Yugoslavia as requested and I have no intention of asking it do do so. On the contrary, I think that your organization owes a full apology to the Prime Minister of Canada! Yours truly, Nathan PMHips, Mayor. Na ovo plsmo Savez Je odgovorlo slljedede: Sir:— Your reply to the letter of the Federation of Yugoslav Canadians, concerning the recent outrages of a handful of hooligans on Toronto streets, further justifies our con-cern about the aid and comfort given to these elements by the responsible spokesman on all levels of Canadian go vernment. In your reply you evaded the main question: why did 'the Toronto police stand by while the flag of a friendly nation was burned on Toronto streets, amidst a wild orgy? Why haven't charges been laid against those who attacked peaceful citizens and damaged property? lasted, you ven-tured in lecturing the Federation of Yugoslav Canadians on the merits of democracy You made an endevour to justify the Prime Minister's call for the "liberation" of the peoples of Eastern Europe, saying that the "Prime Minister in that speech expressed tfhc opinion of the vast body of Canadians, except for a few communists and their sympatizcrs in our midst". First of all, Mr. Mayor, we do not believe that the "vast body of Canadians" are willing to go to war to "libe-rate" those countries, just because few of the so-call- ed nationalists wish to go back and saddle the people with their type of "democracy" again. This is precisely what is behind all the noise about "Communist tiranny" on their part, except for the cold war play and vote catching game on the part of our politicians. Furthermore, for the Information of the Prime Minis-ter and the Mayor of "All the People", the overwhelming majority of Canadians of Eastern European origin, don't want to "liberate" those countries. They want to live in peace and friendship with their kinfolk, as well as with all the peoples of the world. "Vast body of Canadians", Mr. .Mayor, desire peace; they long for security, jobs and better life. The majority of foreign born Canadians, living in this country for the best part of their lives, have no desire to change governments in other lands. We have no querrel with our kinfolk. We think that they have the right to choose their own destiny and we believe in their ability to do so. We are not possessed with hatred to want to drop nuclear bombs on anybody and to destroy our country in the process. We didn't come here to play cold war game. We have our roots deeply implanted in this country and wc think it is hight lime wc should be listened to. Although we do not go around waving flags on the streets to demonstrate our patriotism, wc gave the best part of our lives for this country; turning the wilderness into a prosperous land; building railroads and opening mines and factories. Yes, and fighting and dicing for this country, while a good nu-mber of those for whose sake our Prime Minister would plunge Canada into an atomic war, dont have the same feeling for this country. Canada to them is only a tempo-rary place, where they took refuge to escape the conse-quences for the crimes commlted against their own people, fighting on the side of Canada's enemies during the last war. Canada to them is only a place where to regroup and continue their struggle for power. They are utilizing "true democracy", with your blessing, Mr. Mayor, to spread their poisonous hatred amongst Canadians, playing the cold wac games to their advantage. Yet, those are the people who are being entartained at the Chateau Lauricr Hotel at the expance of the taxpayers. Those are the only people In whose behalf the Mayor of "AH the People" always speaks. Let3 not evade the Issue, Mr. Mayor. We have no cause to apologize. No communist bogey will justify in the eyes of Canadians the harm done by the Prime Ministers speech at the Exhibition Park in Toronto, calling for the "libera-tion" of Eastern European countries which, in reality, means calling for a nuclear war. You, Mr. Mayor, owe an apology to the people of Toronto for trying to justify the deeds of a handful of irresponsible adventurists, who bro-ught shame upon our city. Executive Committee Federation of Yugoslav Canadians. X A S 1 M C1TA0C1 M A 1 Pill J A T E L J I MA X ELI MO VESEO BO StlC I S R E T X Г ХОУГ GO 1)1 NU! Grupa profesora optuzuje premijera da vodi Kanadu u rat Canadian Press javlja da je premijer Diefenbaker primio pismo od 50 profe-sora McGill univerzitcta u Montrealu, u kome se kritl-zir- a vladino stanoviStc u pitanju Berlina, civilne ob-ra- nc 1 nuklcarnog oruija. U pismu se tvrdi da vla-din- a polltika VODI KANA-DU U КЛТ. U pismu se kaie: "Iako ste vile puta izja-vi- li da vi I vlada iclite mir za kanadski narod, mi, nizc potpisani vjerujemo, da va-§- 1 stavovi doprinose izrav-n- o I neizravno stvaranju sl-l- a — druStvcnih, vojuih 1 diplomatskih — koje nas ne vode ka mlru nego ratu." Profesori kaiu da Diefen bakcrova vlada, "slljcdeci drugc", previse naglasava "slobodu" zapaduog Berli-na I "prava" zapadnih dr-za- va u njemu, dime zapos- - Hruscov: Osnovno je pitanje EICIIMANN OSUDJEN NA SMUT Nacistidki masovni ubojica Adolf Eichmann osudjen je na vjesanje. Kazna je potpu no zasluicna. Nedostatak je u tome Sto i dalje ostaju ne-kaznj- cnl mnogl Eichmanovi saudcsnicl, a ncki dapace dr-z- e odgovornc polozaje u Bon-nn- u, kao na prlmjcr sckre-ta- r Adenaucrove vlade GIo-bk- c. BUGARSKA SE PKOTIVI ATOMSKOM NAOKU2ANJU GKCKE I TUKSKE Bugarska je izjavila da us-kladiStav- anjc amcrickog ato-msk- og oruija u Turskoj I Gr-dk- oj "ncposredno zasjeca" u intcrese Bugarskc. Takav razvoj dogadjaja, kaic Bugarska, pojacava za-tegnu- tost u toj oblasti I prcd-stavl- ja ozbiljnu zaprcku ost-va- ri vanju miroljubive koegzl-stenci- je I dobrosusjedskih od-no- sa mcdju balkanskim zem-ljam- a. Interest balkanskih naroda, kaic Bugarska, zahti-jevaj- u da se Balkan prctvori I u zonu bcz rakctnog i atom- - skog naoruianja. Mine-Mi- ll unija vjeruje u pobjedu o Sudbpry VeCina radnlka u rafinerijl International Nickel Co. u Port Colborr.e Je nasjela rea-kcionarn- lm liderima United Steehvorkers unije 1 odglasala za tu unlju. All razllka je samo 115 glasova. Iskrenl Clanovi Mlne-М- Ш unije su 1-zj- avili da de onl odrzati svoju organlzaclju, Jer su uvjerenl da u Port Colborne opet zav-lada- ti poStenl tredunionlzam. Slljedece glasanje Ce blti u Sudbury, gdje ima vlSe od 15.000 radnlka. Predstavnlcl Mine-Mi- ll vjeruju da de pob- - ( Nastavak na str. 2) tavlja "one intcrese Istod-n- e Njemacke", o kojima de se morati povesti racuna u ozbiljnom pregovaranju. "Mi smatramo da poma-njkan- jc iskrenosti u ovoj vnznoj stvarl ne doprinosi medjunarodnom razumje-vanju- ", kaic se u pismu. Montrcalskc profesorc "zbunjuje nejasnoca" vla-di- nc politikc u pitanju nu-klcarnog oruija. Onl vele da proSlrenjc ta-kozva- nog nuklcarnog kluba ncce pojacatl stvar mlra niti cc doprinjeti kanads-ko- j sigurnosti. "Iako ml srdadno odobra-vam- o vladinu odluku da poduprc Svcdski prijedlog u Ujedinjcnim Nacljama da se ispita mogudnost stva-ran- ja nenukiearnog kluba, mi zalimo sto je Kanada, kao 61anica NATO, propus-til- a da se usprotivi nastoja- - "agreslvne radnlckoj ekonomsklh nedovolj-n- o predstavlja problema, megatona, predstavlja premijera amcricke se kaie "umanjuje uvelidava-nje- m system), I vrijednosti nuklcarnog Diefenbaker optuzio za "politidku prl-stranos- t", opovrgnc se I odje-Ijcnj- a, I prcdava-£- 1. su ih u pogrcsnost politike Diefcnbakcrova istupanja rat mir Moskva. — Pozdravljajudl Kongres Svjetske slndikal-n- e federaclje koji se odrzava u Moskvl, predsjednlk vlade HruSCov rekao da pred organlzacl-Jo- m kao najvaznljl zadatak ostvarenje Jedlnstva bl blla nepopravljlva ako bl medju-narod- nl slndlkalnl pokret razlSao 1 ako ne bl suprotstavlo medjunarodnoj reakclji svoj ujedinjenl On se zalozio za iznalazenje zajednlckog Jezika u medjuna-rodnom slndlkalnom pokretu i za prihvatljlve Jedln-stva akclje. Isticudi Ce svi onl vode borbu nacl zaJednlCki HruSCov rekao da upravo borba, a ne smirivanje, predstavlja najvaz-nljl za pobjedu i razvltak medjunarodnog sindlkal-no- g Najvecl dlo svoga i Hruscov je posvetlo pltanjl-m- a rata I mlra. Pitanje borbe za mir 1 spreCavanJe termo-nuklearn- og rata, on Je naz-va- o pltanjem koje stojl Ispred svih drugih. Sovjetskl prem-ijer optuilo zapadne slle za pripreme rata" 1 rekao da narodta odgovor- - nost za sprecavanje ratne o-pas- nosti i oCuvanJa mlra le21 na klasl. Borba za zadovoljenje socijainth zantjeva, prema njegovlm rijeClma, Je povezana s borbom spreCavanJe rata. Prvl korak u torn predstavlja o-bustav- ljanje trke u naoruza-nj- u i ostvarenje opieg l to-taln- og razoruzanja pod stro-go- m medjunarodnom kontro-lo- m. HrusCov Je lzjavio da najveiu opasnost nnlaSgtaovmanuJaev,andjoedzaajudi ko- - zma su provodl polltiku miroljubive koegzistenclje 1 da de dlnltl sve ne do novog ta, a to je neophodno pridi mirnom reguliranju medjuso-bnl- h Sto zahtijeva Sovjetskl premijer Je za tlm da Je obnavljanje nu-klear- nih pokusa od strane So-vjetsk- og Saveza "imalo ogro-mn- o znadenje oduvanje On Je naglaslo da SSSR raspolaze termonukle-arnl- m bombama 50, 100 I vlSe dodajudi da raketno nuklearno oruije So-vjetsk- og i "modnl za obuzdavanje lmperljallzma". rijedi-m- a sovjetskog "visit de uvljek kao Damoklov mad nad glavama imperijalista kada budu rje- - njima vlade da nagovori ostale driave da prihvate nuklearno oruije". U pismu da via-di- n program obra-n- e opasnost nu-klcarnog rata sigurnosti sistema (warning skloniSta od padavina drugih mjera koje bit! od male ako do-d- je do rata". je profesorc all nlje pokuSao da njihovc navo-d- e. Mcdju potpisnicima pis-m- a nalazi dekan vise scfova univerzitetskih profesori Jcdan od njili je izjavlo da vladl-n- e najviSc uvjerila na telcviziji. ili sov-Jets- ke Je se ovom nalazi akclje, Jer greSka, se po centrlma front. forme da koji klasnu uvljek Je klasna njeno uvjet pokreta. govora Je za pravcu dalje ra za mnogo za mlra". Saveza faktor Prema bombe civilne uz-bu- ne ce Jezik, dodje savali da 11 te povesti novl rat". U nastavku govora HruScov je rekao da se samo silom mo- te suprotstavltl imperljallsti-fik- oj pollticl "s pozlcija slle". Ako zapadne slle zele da pro-vo- de polltiku s pozlcija slle, rekao je on, sila !e bltl sup-rotstavlj- ena njlhovoj sill. SSSR !e svoje oruzje uvijek isknristitl nrotJv rpnrilntpHfi , ako povede rat protlv soclja- - llstiCklh zemalja. On je dodao da ovo govori samo zbog toga da bl "tvrde glave shvatlle je jedinl izlaz u tome da se pltanja rjesavaju ne ratom nego mlroljubivim takmlCe-njem- ". Govorcdl zatim o promje-nam- a do kojih je doslo u svi-Jet- u, HruSCov Je naglaslo imperljallzam nlje postao ml- - rnllllhlv npp--n rin Rfl rnHI n t.n. licina oruzja ogmroamsdonavmnSoSSuR- -' me dtaako snaadraaslsenage soclJall da napora. rekao od ove da da da predsta- - I vljaju modnu branu za obuz-davanje agresora i spredava-nj- e rata. "Neklma treba dob-r- o prodistiti mozgove da bl to bolje shvatlll", rekao Je sov-jetskl premijer 1 dodao da "ne vidjetl to znadl omalovaiava-t- l snagu radnidke klase i pre-cjenjlv- atl snagu lmperljallz-ma". Osvrdudl se na pitanje mo-rator- ija nuklearnih pokusa za vrijeme trajanja razgovo-r- a u 2enevl koji Je predloiio Sovjetskl Savez 1 na odluku zapadnih sila da ipak nastave atomske pokuse, HruSdov Je rekao: "Ml lz toga izvladimo odredjene zakljudke. To nas obavezuje da palljivo pratimo zblvanja 1 to nam dajc pravo da nastavimo takodjer poku-se ako bude potrebno, u cllju (Nastavak na str. 3) |
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