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K ' t ( } 1 f t I I lona bivSi minlstar vladi, danas glavni stranke Izjavila slaie raketa nije onlma koji raj protiv tog oruija. gradu Ontario (na sllci). Ona rekla Sjed. Drzave "ne rakete ve6 Kanada suoilla Sjed. Dr2ava ako odbila probe, rekla ona. Elliot of of The of the of and your the of the and on soil. We this of the arms race. the name of this free zone. st. 1) u rekao je On da u i kada se Nece pa ce i imati Je zbog o razoruzanju. propagande i da dviju i koji da se narod toj To i na prikaziva-nj- a filma Film o rata, rekao je Isto kao Sto previSe vaian ostavi krlza e previSe vaina ostavi — John Kenneth шввоав 22EESS31 У u . i i i f f Л f -- ::! ('"J V 4 ' NASE NOVINE --3 vV't" i.' ,. Vf'-л-и Give Peace a Chance By KOJICH НМНВНМНННИИННННННШНЈЈЈЈЈНРм! Campagnolo, u Trudeauovoj predsjednik Liberalne je da se ne sa probama krstaredih u Kanadi, i da predsjednik Liberalne partije, prikljufiila bi se protest! u To se dogodilo u Brockvllle, Je da isprobavaju nas". bi se sa ekonomskim pritiskom bi je Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau Prime Minister Canada House Commons Ottawa National Executive Committee Association United Ukrainian Canadians unanimously unequivocally protests government's agreement allowing testing Cruise missile other States' military systems Canadian deplore escalation nuclear In humanity, rescind agreement and declare Canada a nuclear weapons P.Krawchuk, president W.Harasym, National Secretary N.E.C.A.U.U.C. (Nastavak sa djece stavljen pitanje", Ignatieff. smatra ce krstarebe rakete pojafcati kanadsko uceSce konti-nentaln- oj obrani vrijeme ofiekiva smanjivanje. probi dugo Sovjeti krstarece rakete. Ignatieff oStro kritizirao Reaga-nov- u administraciju sabotira-nj- a pregovora Washington ugrozava pregovore Sirenjem anti-sovjets- ke stalnim naglaSavanjem postoji konflikt izmedu velesila. Washington takoder ometa kritiku svoje nuklearne politike cenzuriSe materijal bi mogao pridonijeti suprotstavi politici. pokazuje zabrana kanadskog (proizvodnja National Board-- a iz Ottawe) posljedicamanukleamog Ignatieff. je rat da se generalima, ekonomska da se ekonomistima Hi 'praktid-ni- m ljudlma'. Galbraith мшаитава March 2,1983, WANDA United JSKSK3EjH v BivSi kanadski ministar financija Walter Gordon (na slici) je osudio kanadsku vladu zbog potpisivanja ugovora sa Washingtonom o proba-ma krstarecih raketa (Cruise missi-le). Gordon je rekao da ga ameri6ki predsjednik Reagan "straSi". 6n drii da ce Kanada najteze proci ako dode do nuklearnog rata. FEDERACIJA RADA PROVINCIJE ALBERTE PROTIV PROBA Federacija rada (sindikata) provin-cij- e Alberte se izjasnila za obustavu proba krstarecih raketa (Cruise mi-ssile) u Cold Lake, Alberta. Za rezoluciju je glasalo 70 delega-te, protiv 30. Federacija je takoder odlu6ila uCestvovati u kampanji za obustavu proba. In a recent Gallup Poll, conducted for the Toronto Star, for every four in favour of missile tests, five Canadi-ans were opposed to US weapons-testin- g over Canadian territory. In a Meadow Lake (Sask.) plebis-cite held last October, 70 per cent of the voters voted against the first-strik- e cruise missile test. Seventy-fiv- e percent voted for nuclear disar-mament. Toronto Mayor Art Eggleton and City Council declared their city to be a nuclear-weapons-fr- ee zone. On February 12 over 5,000 Torontonians assembled in front of the US Consulate on University Avenue to proclaim their hatred of war and their opposition to the escalating arms-rac- e and the cruise missile test. Canadians are worried about the threat to peace, security and the future of their country. They know that the threat originates in the insane armaments-rac- e that could break out into a nightmare of nuclear war. With its cargo of hidden nuclear death the US cruise missile is a first-strik- e stealth-weapo- n. That is indisputable. Madmen intent to use this ghastly weapon, to cast huma-nity into the dark abyss of unimagi-nable death and destruction. Only the world-wid- e peace movement could stay their hands to prevent the occurance of u nuclear nightmare. The Liberal government in Ottawa signed an "umbrella agreement" with the Reagan administration in Washington on weapons-testin- g over Northern Alberta and North-west Territories. Canadians became worried about the terms of this infamous agree-ment. That's why they organized and protested February 12 in the main cities across the country, demanding an end to preprations of US missile tests. The Soviet Union stated before the UN Assembly that it will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. Canadians welcomed that state-ment. So did the people of the United States. In it they both saw great hope for peace. sa univerziteta u Calgary; M. Kauff-ma- n, muzidar; Anton Kuerti, pia-nist; Margaret Lawrence, knjizevnik; Key MacPherson, bivSi predsjednik Komiteta za status iena; Dr. Peter Meincke, predsjednik univerziteta Prince Edward Island; Dr. Michael Oliver, predsjednik Medu narod nog ureda univerziteta i koleda; Dr. James Perkin, predsjed-nik Acadia univerziteta u Novoj Scotiji; Dr. John Polanyi, profesor Torontskog univerziteta; Jean Pot-vi- n, sportski brodkaster, Paul Ro-binson, reditelj i brodkaster; E. Schabas, predsjednik Royal College of Music, Toronto; David Suzuki, паибепјак i brodkaster; Valdy, pisac i pjeva6; Patrick Watson, brodkas-ter; Robert Weyant, dekan univerz-iteta u Calgary; predstavnici radniCkih unija: Val Bjornason, sekretar unije elektridar-ski- h radnika; Gerard Doquier, direk-to- r unije celi6nih radnika; Harry Fling od tredunijskog vijeda u Ottawi; Grace Hartman, predsjednik Unije javnih uposlenika; Nadine Hunt, predsjednik Federacije rada u Saskatchewan u; Frank Kennedy, In a declaration of its commit-ment to peaceful coexistence the Soviet Union invited the goverment of the United States to make a similar pledge. The US government refused. Canadians were disappoin-ted. So were the people of the United States. In the US gover-nment's refusal they both saw a clear threat to peace and an increase in the danger of war. Canadians became increasingly worried. With sincerity and firm conviction they began to do something about the growing danger of nuclear confrontation. They organized peace-grou- ps to voice their love for peace and their intense hatred of war. Canada's war-vetera- ns now express their opposition to the escalating armaments-rac- e in Vete-rans For Multilateral Disarmament. Over 12,000 Canadian writers, ac-tors and artists are members of Arts For Peace. Doctors express their concerns in Physicians For Social Responsibility and Canadian scien-tists through Science For Peace. When Canadians march in protest against missile tests, when they chant their anti-w- ar slogans, the politicians in Ottawa listen. There is no doubt about that. Fellowing the February 12 pro- tests Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau declared in the House of Commons that there is now no firm commit-ment to US weapons tests over Canadian territory. Politicians are always of not being elected in future elections. A weapons-syste- m that threatens to destroy a city in the Soviet Union simultanously threatens to destroy a city in Canada. It also threatens to devastate American cities. The armaments race is an insame policy. Canadians want a return to policies of peaceful competition and cultural exchange, international fr-iendship and trade to provide jobs for our two million unemployed workers. Peace and disamament is the only defence against war. Give Peace A Chance! Mnmjii9xvAr2t!™.i.vfmwi.-im- n i (Nastavak sa str.1) predsjednik tredunijskog vije6a u Vancouveru; Wally Majesky, pred-sjednik trudunijskog vijeda u Toron-t- u; Dick Martin, predsjednik Federa-cije rada u Manitobi;Sean O'Flynn, predsjednik unije javnih uposlenika u Ontariu; Jean-Claud- e Parrot, pred-sjednik unije poStanskih radnika; Bill Paterson, predsjednik tredunij-skog vijeda u Calgary; Clifford Pilkey, predsjednik Federacije rada u Ontariu; Fred Pomeroy, predsjed-nik unije komunikacionih radnika; Neil Reimer, predsjednik unije rad-nika industrije energije i kemikalija; David Werlin, predsjednik Federaci-je rada u Alberti; Bob White, direktor unije automobilskih radnika; Wayne Easter, predsjednik nacionalne unije farmera; David Kirk, predsjednik Kanadske federacije agrikulture; Ed Broadbent, nacionalni voda Nove demokratske partije, Paul Rae, federalni poslanik, liberal; Tony Penikett, glavni predsjednik NDP; David Weatherhead, federalni posla-nik, liberal; - — — - Mike Harcourt, na6elnik Vanco-uver i G. Harris, naCelnik Scarbo-rough.
Object Description
Rating | |
Title | Nase Novine, April 27, 1983 |
Language | sr; hr |
Subject | Yugoslavia -- Newspapers; Newspapers -- Yugoslavia; Yugoslavian Canadians Newspapers |
Date | 1983-03-02 |
Type | application/pdf |
Format | text |
Rights | Licenced under section 77(1) of the Copyright Act. For detailed information visit: http://www.connectingcanadians.org/en/content/copyright |
Identifier | nanod2000192 |
Title | 000113 |
OCR text | K ' t ( } 1 f t I I lona bivSi minlstar vladi, danas glavni stranke Izjavila slaie raketa nije onlma koji raj protiv tog oruija. gradu Ontario (na sllci). Ona rekla Sjed. Drzave "ne rakete ve6 Kanada suoilla Sjed. Dr2ava ako odbila probe, rekla ona. Elliot of of The of the of and your the of the and on soil. We this of the arms race. the name of this free zone. st. 1) u rekao je On da u i kada se Nece pa ce i imati Je zbog o razoruzanju. propagande i da dviju i koji da se narod toj To i na prikaziva-nj- a filma Film o rata, rekao je Isto kao Sto previSe vaian ostavi krlza e previSe vaina ostavi — John Kenneth шввоав 22EESS31 У u . i i i f f Л f -- ::! ('"J V 4 ' NASE NOVINE --3 vV't" i.' ,. Vf'-л-и Give Peace a Chance By KOJICH НМНВНМНННИИННННННШНЈЈЈЈЈНРм! Campagnolo, u Trudeauovoj predsjednik Liberalne je da se ne sa probama krstaredih u Kanadi, i da predsjednik Liberalne partije, prikljufiila bi se protest! u To se dogodilo u Brockvllle, Je da isprobavaju nas". bi se sa ekonomskim pritiskom bi je Right Honourable Pierre Trudeau Prime Minister Canada House Commons Ottawa National Executive Committee Association United Ukrainian Canadians unanimously unequivocally protests government's agreement allowing testing Cruise missile other States' military systems Canadian deplore escalation nuclear In humanity, rescind agreement and declare Canada a nuclear weapons P.Krawchuk, president W.Harasym, National Secretary N.E.C.A.U.U.C. (Nastavak sa djece stavljen pitanje", Ignatieff. smatra ce krstarebe rakete pojafcati kanadsko uceSce konti-nentaln- oj obrani vrijeme ofiekiva smanjivanje. probi dugo Sovjeti krstarece rakete. Ignatieff oStro kritizirao Reaga-nov- u administraciju sabotira-nj- a pregovora Washington ugrozava pregovore Sirenjem anti-sovjets- ke stalnim naglaSavanjem postoji konflikt izmedu velesila. Washington takoder ometa kritiku svoje nuklearne politike cenzuriSe materijal bi mogao pridonijeti suprotstavi politici. pokazuje zabrana kanadskog (proizvodnja National Board-- a iz Ottawe) posljedicamanukleamog Ignatieff. je rat da se generalima, ekonomska da se ekonomistima Hi 'praktid-ni- m ljudlma'. Galbraith мшаитава March 2,1983, WANDA United JSKSK3EjH v BivSi kanadski ministar financija Walter Gordon (na slici) je osudio kanadsku vladu zbog potpisivanja ugovora sa Washingtonom o proba-ma krstarecih raketa (Cruise missi-le). Gordon je rekao da ga ameri6ki predsjednik Reagan "straSi". 6n drii da ce Kanada najteze proci ako dode do nuklearnog rata. FEDERACIJA RADA PROVINCIJE ALBERTE PROTIV PROBA Federacija rada (sindikata) provin-cij- e Alberte se izjasnila za obustavu proba krstarecih raketa (Cruise mi-ssile) u Cold Lake, Alberta. Za rezoluciju je glasalo 70 delega-te, protiv 30. Federacija je takoder odlu6ila uCestvovati u kampanji za obustavu proba. In a recent Gallup Poll, conducted for the Toronto Star, for every four in favour of missile tests, five Canadi-ans were opposed to US weapons-testin- g over Canadian territory. In a Meadow Lake (Sask.) plebis-cite held last October, 70 per cent of the voters voted against the first-strik- e cruise missile test. Seventy-fiv- e percent voted for nuclear disar-mament. Toronto Mayor Art Eggleton and City Council declared their city to be a nuclear-weapons-fr- ee zone. On February 12 over 5,000 Torontonians assembled in front of the US Consulate on University Avenue to proclaim their hatred of war and their opposition to the escalating arms-rac- e and the cruise missile test. Canadians are worried about the threat to peace, security and the future of their country. They know that the threat originates in the insane armaments-rac- e that could break out into a nightmare of nuclear war. With its cargo of hidden nuclear death the US cruise missile is a first-strik- e stealth-weapo- n. That is indisputable. Madmen intent to use this ghastly weapon, to cast huma-nity into the dark abyss of unimagi-nable death and destruction. Only the world-wid- e peace movement could stay their hands to prevent the occurance of u nuclear nightmare. The Liberal government in Ottawa signed an "umbrella agreement" with the Reagan administration in Washington on weapons-testin- g over Northern Alberta and North-west Territories. Canadians became worried about the terms of this infamous agree-ment. That's why they organized and protested February 12 in the main cities across the country, demanding an end to preprations of US missile tests. The Soviet Union stated before the UN Assembly that it will never be the first to use nuclear weapons. Canadians welcomed that state-ment. So did the people of the United States. In it they both saw great hope for peace. sa univerziteta u Calgary; M. Kauff-ma- n, muzidar; Anton Kuerti, pia-nist; Margaret Lawrence, knjizevnik; Key MacPherson, bivSi predsjednik Komiteta za status iena; Dr. Peter Meincke, predsjednik univerziteta Prince Edward Island; Dr. Michael Oliver, predsjednik Medu narod nog ureda univerziteta i koleda; Dr. James Perkin, predsjed-nik Acadia univerziteta u Novoj Scotiji; Dr. John Polanyi, profesor Torontskog univerziteta; Jean Pot-vi- n, sportski brodkaster, Paul Ro-binson, reditelj i brodkaster; E. Schabas, predsjednik Royal College of Music, Toronto; David Suzuki, паибепјак i brodkaster; Valdy, pisac i pjeva6; Patrick Watson, brodkas-ter; Robert Weyant, dekan univerz-iteta u Calgary; predstavnici radniCkih unija: Val Bjornason, sekretar unije elektridar-ski- h radnika; Gerard Doquier, direk-to- r unije celi6nih radnika; Harry Fling od tredunijskog vijeda u Ottawi; Grace Hartman, predsjednik Unije javnih uposlenika; Nadine Hunt, predsjednik Federacije rada u Saskatchewan u; Frank Kennedy, In a declaration of its commit-ment to peaceful coexistence the Soviet Union invited the goverment of the United States to make a similar pledge. The US government refused. Canadians were disappoin-ted. So were the people of the United States. In the US gover-nment's refusal they both saw a clear threat to peace and an increase in the danger of war. Canadians became increasingly worried. With sincerity and firm conviction they began to do something about the growing danger of nuclear confrontation. They organized peace-grou- ps to voice their love for peace and their intense hatred of war. Canada's war-vetera- ns now express their opposition to the escalating armaments-rac- e in Vete-rans For Multilateral Disarmament. Over 12,000 Canadian writers, ac-tors and artists are members of Arts For Peace. Doctors express their concerns in Physicians For Social Responsibility and Canadian scien-tists through Science For Peace. When Canadians march in protest against missile tests, when they chant their anti-w- ar slogans, the politicians in Ottawa listen. There is no doubt about that. Fellowing the February 12 pro- tests Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau declared in the House of Commons that there is now no firm commit-ment to US weapons tests over Canadian territory. Politicians are always of not being elected in future elections. A weapons-syste- m that threatens to destroy a city in the Soviet Union simultanously threatens to destroy a city in Canada. It also threatens to devastate American cities. The armaments race is an insame policy. Canadians want a return to policies of peaceful competition and cultural exchange, international fr-iendship and trade to provide jobs for our two million unemployed workers. Peace and disamament is the only defence against war. Give Peace A Chance! Mnmjii9xvAr2t!™.i.vfmwi.-im- n i (Nastavak sa str.1) predsjednik tredunijskog vije6a u Vancouveru; Wally Majesky, pred-sjednik trudunijskog vijeda u Toron-t- u; Dick Martin, predsjednik Federa-cije rada u Manitobi;Sean O'Flynn, predsjednik unije javnih uposlenika u Ontariu; Jean-Claud- e Parrot, pred-sjednik unije poStanskih radnika; Bill Paterson, predsjednik tredunij-skog vijeda u Calgary; Clifford Pilkey, predsjednik Federacije rada u Ontariu; Fred Pomeroy, predsjed-nik unije komunikacionih radnika; Neil Reimer, predsjednik unije rad-nika industrije energije i kemikalija; David Werlin, predsjednik Federaci-je rada u Alberti; Bob White, direktor unije automobilskih radnika; Wayne Easter, predsjednik nacionalne unije farmera; David Kirk, predsjednik Kanadske federacije agrikulture; Ed Broadbent, nacionalni voda Nove demokratske partije, Paul Rae, federalni poslanik, liberal; Tony Penikett, glavni predsjednik NDP; David Weatherhead, federalni posla-nik, liberal; - — — - Mike Harcourt, na6elnik Vanco-uver i G. Harris, naCelnik Scarbo-rough. |
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