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T H E T R I P T O W A H P O O S K O W 137 Landing, the residence of Bishop Y o u n g ; Lesser Slave Lake, White F i s h Lake, Smoky River, Spirit River, Fort Vermilion, and Fort Chipewyan, i n charge, respectively, of the Reverend Messrs. Holmes, White, Currie, Robinson, Scott, and Warwick. The Roman Catholic Mission, already mentioned, had been established three years before our coming by the Reverend J . B . Giroiix, at Stony Point, near the outlet of the first lake, the other Oblat Missions i n Athabasca— I do not vouch for my accuracy— being Athabasca Landing, Lesser Slave Lake, the residence of Bishop Clut and clergy and of the Sisters of Providence; White F i s h Lake, Smoky River, Dunvegan, and St. John, served, respectively, by Fathers Leferriere, Lesseree, and Letreste; Fort Vermilion by Father Joussard, and Fort Chipewyan by Bishop Grouard and the Grey Nuns. Mr. Weaver, the missionary at Wahpooskow, is an Englishman, his wife being a Canadian from London, Ontario. B y untiring labour he had got his mission into very creditable shape. When it is remembered that everything had to be brought i n by bark canoes or dog- train, and that all lumber had to be cut by hand, it seemed to be a monument of industry. Before qualifying himself for missionary work he had studied farming in Ontario, and the results of his knowledge were manifest i n his poultry, pigs and cows; in his garden, full of all the most useful vegetables, including Indian corn, and his wheat, which was then in stook, perfectly ripe and untouched by frost. This he fed, of course, to his pigs and poultry, as it could not be ground; but it ripened, he told me, as surely as i n Manitoba. Some of the natives roundabout had begun raising stock and doing a little grain growing, and it was pleasant to hear the lowing of cattle and the music of the cow- bells, recalling home and the kindly neighbourhood of husbandry and farm. The settlement was then some twenty years old, and numbered about sixty souls. The total number of Indians and half- breeds i n the locality was unknown, but nearly two hun-
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OCR | T H E T R I P T O W A H P O O S K O W 137 Landing, the residence of Bishop Y o u n g ; Lesser Slave Lake, White F i s h Lake, Smoky River, Spirit River, Fort Vermilion, and Fort Chipewyan, i n charge, respectively, of the Reverend Messrs. Holmes, White, Currie, Robinson, Scott, and Warwick. The Roman Catholic Mission, already mentioned, had been established three years before our coming by the Reverend J . B . Giroiix, at Stony Point, near the outlet of the first lake, the other Oblat Missions i n Athabasca— I do not vouch for my accuracy— being Athabasca Landing, Lesser Slave Lake, the residence of Bishop Clut and clergy and of the Sisters of Providence; White F i s h Lake, Smoky River, Dunvegan, and St. John, served, respectively, by Fathers Leferriere, Lesseree, and Letreste; Fort Vermilion by Father Joussard, and Fort Chipewyan by Bishop Grouard and the Grey Nuns. Mr. Weaver, the missionary at Wahpooskow, is an Englishman, his wife being a Canadian from London, Ontario. B y untiring labour he had got his mission into very creditable shape. When it is remembered that everything had to be brought i n by bark canoes or dog- train, and that all lumber had to be cut by hand, it seemed to be a monument of industry. Before qualifying himself for missionary work he had studied farming in Ontario, and the results of his knowledge were manifest i n his poultry, pigs and cows; in his garden, full of all the most useful vegetables, including Indian corn, and his wheat, which was then in stook, perfectly ripe and untouched by frost. This he fed, of course, to his pigs and poultry, as it could not be ground; but it ripened, he told me, as surely as i n Manitoba. Some of the natives roundabout had begun raising stock and doing a little grain growing, and it was pleasant to hear the lowing of cattle and the music of the cow- bells, recalling home and the kindly neighbourhood of husbandry and farm. The settlement was then some twenty years old, and numbered about sixty souls. The total number of Indians and half- breeds i n the locality was unknown, but nearly two hun- |
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